640 research outputs found

    Using Poetry to Teach about Minerals in Earth Science Class

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    This article describes how a high school earth science teacher and a college education professor team-taught a lesson to ninth graders on using poetry to learn about minerals. The professor, a geologist, shared an electronic slide show of poems she had composed about gem minerals that incorporated physical properties, formation, uses, and other information. After instruction, students researched a mineral of choice and wrote poems that contained facts and a personal reaction to the mineral. Some students reported difficulties in finding words to express their ideas in rhyme, but expressed satifaction in the sense of accomplishment in producing a scientific poem. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Mary Janes

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    Effects of Surface Topography on Macrophages and Bacterial Cells

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    An association has been found between the texture of breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, which led to some textured implants to be withdrawn from the market in 2019. There is evidence that these cancers are associated with the harboring of bacteria on the surfaces of the textured implants. It is possible that specific topographic features hinder the removal of attached bacteria by inhibiting macrophage phagocytosis or promoting biofilm formation. Here we examine how bacteria and macrophages interact with recessive surface topographies as analogs to the surfaces seen on textured breast implants. Changes in bacteria morphology were observed among the cells attached in deep recessive features. There was a preference for macrophage overlap with surface topography, particularly for recesses around 5x5 µm in size. These results indicate that certain topography could affect localization of bacteria and macrophages to the recesses of the surface, while other topographies could enhance biofilm formation and filamentation of bacteria in recesses and thus hinder phagocytosis. Quantification of phagocytosis on different topographies showed a decrease in bacteria per macrophage on 5 µm wells compared to flat surfaces. It was also seen that deeper 30 µm topography had less phagocytosis compared to shallower 10 µm deep patterns, and macrophages inside of 30 µm deep wells phagocytosed less bacteria than those outside of the wells. In summary, the findings of this study suggest that certain topographic features can reduce phagocytosis of bacteria and thus contribute to long-term biofilm formation and complications

    IF transparente: fomento à participação ativa da sociedade

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: ComunicaçãoA participação popular, assegurada na Constituição Federal de 1988, começa a ocorrer de fato quando o cidadão tem sua atuação voltada para o interesse da coletividade, sem se deixar abalar por interesses individuais, buscando sempre que sua participação na Administração Pública gerem benefícios à sociedade em que está inserido. Partindo desta premissa, o controle social pressupõe que haja avanços nas sociedades democráticas, colocando mudanças profundas na relação entre o Cidadão e o Estado. Na presente proposta, a intenção é maximizar as ações desenvolvidas nos anos anteriores (introdução do site do campus Ivaiporã à LAI e eventos com temas relacionados à corrupção, ética e controle social), aumentando os mecanismos de busca e de transparência ativa para a comunidade acadêmica e a sociedade, fomentando, desta maneira, sua participação ativa, sempre contando com as atividades realizadas com os servidores colaboradores e bolsistas do projeto. Com estas ações, o projeto visa proporcionar aos alunos, servidores e à comunidade oportunidades de aprenderem sobre a importância do controle social nas instituições públicas, fomentando o papel do cidadão como agente inibidor da corrupçã

    Teaching and Learning Issues in the Disciplines: Leisure Studies

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    This report is submitted to the Higher Education Academy (HEA) on behalf of the Leisure Studies Association (LSA). The LSA aims to foster research in Leisure Studies; to promote interest in Leisure Studies and advance education in this field; to encourage debate through publications, and an international journal Leisure Studies; to stimulate the exchange of ideas on contemporary leisure issues; to disseminate knowledge of Leisure Studies to create the conditions for better-informed decisions by policy makers. The LSA is a member society of the Academy of Social Sciences