103 research outputs found

    Business Cycle Dynamics: An empirical analysis of macro, firm-level and regional data

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    In this dissertation I address business cycle analysis on the macro, the firm-level, and the regional dimension. In Chapter I, following the traditional macroeconomic (i.e. aggregated) view, I focus on composite leading indicators for the Austrian economy which help in catching turning points as early as possible and in forecasting economic activity more accurately. In Chapter II, I utilise individual firm-specific data for Austrian manufacturing firms, which allow studying the (macroeconomic) consistency of business tendency survey responses and taking firm-level heterogeneity explicitly into account. Firm-level, industry- and region-specific structural characteristics permit controlling for additional microeconomic heterogeneity. Finally, in Chapter III, I examine the evolution of business cycle synchronisation and specialisation patterns between EU regions (at the NUTS-3 level), and I analyse the effect of two distinct EU-enlargement steps (i.e. Eastern enlargement in 2004 and Northern enlargement in 1995) on these measures

    Italo Calvinos "Cosmicomiche" in zwei deutschen Übersetzungen

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Italo Calvinos Cosmicomiche und ihren beiden deutschen Übersetzungen, Kosmokomische Geschichten von Heinz Riedt und Cosmicomics von Burkhart Kroeber. Vor der Analyse dieser Texte werden die einzelnen Sammlungen der Cosmicomiche charakterisiert, die Rezeption Calvinos in Italien sowie im deutschsprachigen Raum untersucht und unterschiedliche theoretische Zugänge im Hinblick auf die folgende Übersetzungskritik besprochen. Die methodische Vorgehensweise orientiert sich am Modell zur Übersetzungkritik von Katharina Reiß und der Äquivalenztypologie von Werner Koller. Bereits durch die Analyse der Paratexte werden Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten und die Vielfalt an Interpretationsmöglichkeiten von einzelnen Wendungen spürbar. In der Gegenüberstellung von Zieltexten und Ausgangstext ist vor allem das von den Übersetzern gewählte Sprachregister auffällig: In den Cosmicomics von Burkhart Kroeber wird die humoristische Seite einzelner Erzählungen durch umgangssprachliche Wendungen und die Hinzufügung von Partikeln an mehreren Stellen verstärkt. Im Gegensatz dazu verwendet Riedt in seiner Übersetzung ein sehr gehobenes Sprachregister, das zum Teil antiquiert wirkt. Die ironisierende Sprache der Cosmicomiche, die großteils auf einem standardsprachlichen und zeitgemäßen Register anzusiedeln ist, wird somit nicht immer äquivalent wiedergegeben. Der reduzierte Stil, der die Cosmicomiche kennzeichnet, wird von den Übersetzern mehrmals aufgebrochen, wodurch die ästhetische Wirkung des Ausgangstextes deutlich verändert wird. Es ist hierzu jedoch anzumerken, dass der häufige Gebrauch von Gerundiv- und Parizipialkonstruktionen, der den konzisen Stil des Originals auf syntaktischer Ebene unterstreicht, im Deutschen kein eindeutiges Äquivalent besitzt und daher eine andere Übersetzungslösung gewählt werden muss. Sprachspiele und onomatopeische Elemente des Ausgangstextes, die oft eine unüberbrückbare sprachliche Barriere darstellen, werden in beiden deutschen Fassungen adäquat rekonstruiert. Unterschiedliche Präferenzen hinsichtlich einbürgernder und verfremdender Übersetzungsstrategien sind nur sehr eingeschränkt festzustellen

    Die Surimonos des Kunstmuseums von Tscheljabinsk und ihre Verbindungen zu asiatischen Sammlungen der Eremitage in St. Petersburg und des Puschkin-Museums in Moskau

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die ausführliche Bearbeitung der Surimono Sammlung aus dem Kunstmuseum in Tscheljabinsk. In der Arbeit beabsichtige ich, die Blockdrucke aus Tscheljabinsk genau zu beschreiben, die Provenienz der Surimonos festzustellen, die Texte und Beschriftungen auf den Blättern zu entziffern und zu entschlüsseln und Fragen nach dem jeweiligen Künstler, Dichter und dem Entstehungsjahr zu beantworten. Weiters möchte ich die Drucke interpretieren, sie auf Echtheit untersuchen, ähnliche Surimonos in russischen wie auch in internationalen Ukiyo-e Sammlungen finden und diese mit den Tscheljabinsker Blättern vergleichen. Schlussendlich werde ich versuchen, die Sammlung zu bewerten

    Business Cycle Dynamics: An empirical analysis of macro, firm-level and regional data

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    In this dissertation I address business cycle analysis on the macro, the firm-level, and the regional dimension. In Chapter I, following the traditional macroeconomic (i.e. aggregated) view, I focus on composite leading indicators for the Austrian economy which help in catching turning points as early as possible and in forecasting economic activity more accurately. In Chapter II, I utilise individual firm-specific data for Austrian manufacturing firms, which allow studying the (macroeconomic) consistency of business tendency survey responses and taking firm-level heterogeneity explicitly into account. Firm-level, industry- and region-specific structural characteristics permit controlling for additional microeconomic heterogeneity. Finally, in Chapter III, I examine the evolution of business cycle synchronisation and specialisation patterns between EU regions (at the NUTS-3 level), and I analyse the effect of two distinct EU-enlargement steps (i.e. Eastern enlargement in 2004 and Northern enlargement in 1995) on these measures

    Calculation of Delay Times for Workflows with Fixed-Date Constraints

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    Abstract Workflow participants are faced with the problem to select one out many work items in their worklist. The decision to execute one specific work item implicitly postpones the execution of all other items. This may lead to disproportionately increased execution durations of the associated workflows, especially if fixed-date constraints are defined on succeeding tasks. In this paper we show how to utilize a workflows control structure augmented with information about timing behavior to calculate what delay to expect when the execution of a work item is postponed to certain dates. This information can be used to assist the participant in order to increase the workflow throughput and avoid time-related escalations

    Magnetic and Luminescence Properties of 8-Coordinated Pyridyl Adducts of Samarium(III) Complexes Containing 4,4,4-Trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,3-butanedionate

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    A novel series of polypyridyl adducts, [Sm(ntfa)3(NN)] (2-4), with ntfa = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,3-butanedionate, NN = 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy), 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine (4,4′-Me2bipy), and 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine (5,5′-Me2bipy) were synthesized from the precursor complex [Sm(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1) and the corresponding pyridyl ligands. Single X-ray crystallography showed that the complexes displayed 8-coordinated geometry. The solid pyridyl adducts 2-4 exhibited emission of luminescence in the NIR and visible regions with close quantum yields (QY = 0.20-0.25%). The magnetic data of 1-4 showed larger values than those expected for magnetically noncoupled Sm(III) complexes in the 6H5/2 ground state, with no saturation on the applied high magnetic field static at a temperature of 2 K

    Structural Characterization, Magnetic and Luminescent Properties of Praseodymium(III)‐4,4,4‐Trifluoro‐1‐(2‐Naphthyl)Butane‐1,3‐Dionato(1‐)Complexes

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    Four new Pr(III) mononuclear complexes of formula [Pr(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1), [Pr(ntfa)3(bipy)2] (2), [Pr(ntfa)3(4,4′-Mt2bipy)] (3) and [Pr(ntfa)3(5,5′-Me2bipy)] (4), where ntfa = 4,4,4-trifuoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)butane-1,3-dionato(1-), 5,5′-Me2bipy = 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-dipyridine, 4,4′-Mt2bipy = 4,4′-dimethoxy-2,2′-dipyridine, have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The complexes display the coordination numbers 8 for 1, 3 and 4, and 10 for 2. Magnetic measurements of complexes 1-4 were consistent with a magnetically uncoupled Pr3+ ion in the 3H4 ground state. The solid state luminescence studies showed that the ancillary chelating bipyridyl ligands in the 2-4 complexes greatly enhance the luminescence emission in the visible and NIR regions through efficient energy transfer from the ligands to the central Pr3+ ion; behaving as "antenna" ligands

    Magnetic and Luminescence Properties of 8-Coordinate Holmium(III) Complexes Containing 4,4,4-Trifluoro-1-Phenyl and 1-(Naphthalen-2-yl)-1,3-Butanedionates.

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    A new series of mononuclear Ho3+ complexes derived from the β-diketonate anions: 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3-butanedioneate (btfa−) and 4,4,4-trifuoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,3-butanedionate (ntfa−) have been synthesized, [Ho(btfa)3(H2O)2] (1a), [Ho(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1b), (1), [Ho(btfa)3(phen)] (2), [Ho(btfa)3(bipy)] (3), [Ho(btfa)3(di-tbubipy)] (4), [Ho(ntfa)3(Me2bipy)] (5), and [Ho(ntfa)3(bipy)] (6), where phen is 1,10-phenantroline, bipy is 2,2′-bipyridyl, di-tbubipy is 4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridyl, and Me2bipy is 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridyl. These compounds have been characterized by elemental microanalysis and infrared spectroscopy as well as single-crystal X-ray difraction for 2-6. The central Ho3+ ions in these compounds display coordination number 8. The luminescence-emission properties of the pyridyl adducts 2-6 display a strong characteristic band in the visible region at 661 nm and a series of bands in the NIR region (excitation wavelengths (λex) of 367 nm for 2-4 and 380 nm for 5 and 6). The magnetic properties of the complexes revealed magnetically uncoupled Ho3+ compounds with no field-induced, single-molecule magnet (SMMs)

    Insights into the Spin Dynamics of Mononuclear Cerium(III) Single-Molecule Magnets

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    Four novel CeIII mononuclear complexes of formulas [Ce(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1), [Ce(ntfa)3(5,5′-Me2bipy)] (2), [Ce(ntfa)3(terpy)] (3), and [Ce(ntfa)3(bipy)2] (4), where ntfa = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)butane-1,3-dionato, 5,5′-Me2bipy = 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-dipyridyl, terpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine, and bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, have been synthesized and structurally characterized with CeIII displaying coordination numbers of 8, 8, 9, and 10, respectively. Magnetic measurements indicate that all the complexes show a field-induced single-ion magnet behavior under a small applied dc field. The magnetic analysis shows the relevance of the different spin relaxation mechanisms in the magnetic relaxation of the CeIII compounds, with special emphasis on the local-mode process. Multiconfigurational calculations were also performed to get more information on the axiality of the compounds

    Diverse coordination numbers and geometries in pyridyl adducts of lanthanide(III) complexes based on beta-diketonate

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    t: Ten mononuclear rare earth complexes of formula [La(btfa)3 (H2O)2 ] (1), [La(btfa)3 (4,40 - Mt2bipy)] (2), [La(btfa)3 (4,40 -Me2bipy)2 ] (3), [La(btfa)3 (5,50 -Me2bipy)2 ] (4), [La(btfa)3 (terpy)] (5), [La(btfa)3 (phen)(EtOH)] (6), [La(btfa)3 (4,40 -Me2bipy)(EtOH)] (7), [La(btfa)3 (2-benzpy)(MeOH)] (8), [Tb(btfa)3 (4,40 -Me2bipy)] (9) and (Hpy)[Eu(btfa)4 ] (10), where btfa = 4,4,4-trifuoro-1-phenylbutane1,3-dionato anion, 4,40 -Mt2bipy = 4,40 -dimethoxy-2,20 -bipyridine, 4,40 -Me2bipy = 4,40 -dimethyl2,20 -bipyridine, 5,50 -Me2bipy = 5,50 -dimethyl-2,20 -bipyridine, terpy = 2,20 :60 ,20 -terpyridine, phen = 1,10-phenathroline, 2-benzpy = 2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazole, Hpy = pyridiniumH+ cation) have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The complexes display coordination numbers (CN) eight for 1, 2, 9, 10, nine for 5, 6, 7, 8 and ten for 3 and 4. The solid-state luminescence spectra of Tb-9 and Eu-10 complexes showed the same characteristic bands predicted from the Tb(III) and Eu(III) ions. The Overall Quantum Yield measured (φTOT) at the excitation wavelength of 371 nm for both compounds yielded 1.04% for 9 and up to 34.56% for 10 years