831 research outputs found

    The Armed Forces Covenant in action?: Part 4: Education of service personnel fifth report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence

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    Enabling power: Education Act 1996, s. 537A (4) (5) (6). Issued: 29.05.2013. Made: 20.05.2013. Laid: 29.05.2013. Coming into force: 28.06.2013. Effect: S.I. 2009/1563 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E. General

    The Armed Forces Covenant in action?: Part 3: Education the children of service personnel fourth report of session 2013-14 report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence

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    Enabling power: Education Act 1996, s. 537A (4) (5) (6). Issued: 29.05.2013. Made: 20.05.2013. Laid: 29.05.2013. Coming into force: 28.06.2013. Effect: S.I. 2009/1563 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E. General

    The phrase troig mná trogain in exhortative speech

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    The phrase troig mná trogain appears in a number of Irish narrative texts from the medieval and Early Modern periods. It is clearly a reference to an undesirable experience. In light of this, there has been a tendency to interpret the phrase as meaning 'the pangs of a woman in childbirth'. Such an understanding does not seem justified, however, by the established semantic ranges of the words listed in DIL as trog, trogan or trogain. The purpose of this article is to reinstate Kuno Meyer’s century-old suggestion that the last element of this phrase is trogan 'raven' and to refine and build upon this, arguing that ben trogain is a kenning for the Morrígain in her bird-aspect and asking whether the first element of the phrase under discussion might be the word for 'foot'. Following this line of thought, it seems possible that the phrase in question is an allusion to that defining moment in medieval Irish literature when the Morrígain alights upon the dying Cú Chulainn, setting foot upon his spilt intestines

    Caught In A Trap: Monte Carlo Methods For A Travelling-Wave Zeeman Decelerator

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    Our group has previously designed and constructed a modular travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator, incorporating a pulsed-valve supersonic expansion source with dielectric barrier discharge. The decelerator comprises a set of custom-made flattened helical coils driven by a bespoke programmable power electronics control system. The decelerator produces very strong longitudinal magnetic forces that generate an effectively three-dimensional moving trapping potential, compared to a `conventional' Zeeman decelerator. An additional transverse focussing field was originally added by a wire quadrupole circuit, with a possible replacement being constructed from permanent magnets. The decelerator is intended as a loading stage for a novel hybrid magnetic trap / magneto-optical trap, designed for the sympathetic cooling of atomic or molecular species for which conventional laser cooling is not an option. This thesis describes some proposed adjustments and enhancements to the experimental apparatus. A suite of software tools has been developed in order to simulate the various components of the experiment. By its nature the travelling-wave decelerator produces a complex signal at a detector and Monte Carlo analysis has been necessary to understand it. For each part of our simulation process the theoretical underpinning and physical implementation is detailed. Models for fitting and characterising supersonic beam data are developed and demonstrated, and applied to the generation of simulated expansions. Key to the operation of the dynamical simulations is a novel interpolation library which is used to solve particle motion in time-dependent magnetic fields. Computer codes for calculating Stern-Gerlach type forces in different species are described. The phase-space acceptance of the decelerator and proposed trap are estimated. Metastable argon has been guided and decelerated for the purposes of characterising the decelerator; data is presented and analysed, showing a demonstrable reduction by ≈\approx 6~\% of the kinetic energy of a portion of the beam. Predictions show that this could be increased to ~ 14% for the decelerator in its current state, and up to ~ 30% should be achievable for the case of argon with a proposed extension of the deceleration stage. Further predictions are made regarding the deceleration of other species of scientific interest, including a dual-species beam of hydrogen and lithium. Some preliminary results regarding the suggested hybrid trap design are given

    Listener Evaluation of Common Drum Recording and Mixing Techniques

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    This thesis explored whether listeners could perceive the differences between samples recorded and mixed according to methods reported by the so-called popular audio press and samples that did not utilize those methods. The three recording methods were: aligning multiple tracks to achieve a coherent phase relationship, microphone selection, and the style of recording. The three mixing methods were: inverting the bottom snare drum microphone to match the top snare drum microphone, having a pre-delay time on a reverb that matched the tempo of the sample, and routing the room microphones to the drummer’s perspective. ABX listening tests, preference surveys, and subjective ratings were used to determine the efficacy of the methods. Testing revolved around a null hypothesis that assumed listeners could not perceive differences between, would not have a preference for, and would not grant higher ratings to samples mixed according to popularized methods. Results provided mixed evidence on all these accounts. The ability to perceive changes like pre-delay timing, polarity and time alignment of multiple tracks are harder than the more obvious spatial and timbral changes of routing the room microphones and using microphones commonly used for drum recording

    The Classic: The Operative Treatment of Fractures

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    This Classic article is a reprint of the original work by William Arbuthnot Lane, The Operative Treatment of Fractures. An accompanying biographical sketch on William Arbuthnot Lane, M.S., F.R.C.S., is available at DOI 10.1007/s11999-009-0861-3. The Classic Article is ©1909 by Wolters Kluwer Health-Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and is reprinted with permission from Lane WA. The operative treatment of fractures. Ann Surg. 1909;50:1106

    MT-MOT: a Hybrid Magnetic Trap / Magneto-Optical Trap

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    Arrays of cold atoms in magnetic traps have been implemented for use in quantum simulation, metrology, and ultracold chemistry. The scope of all of these fields could be greatly enhanced with cold and ultracold molecules. Cooling and trapping molecules, however, poses unique challenges compared to atoms. Sympathetic cooling, whereby molecules are cooled via collisions with ultracold atoms, will be a key technique for achieving the required densities and temperatures.\\ Towards this end, the Carty group in Durham has constructed a moving-trap Zeeman decelerator (`MTZD'), based on the same operating principles as a conventional Zeeman decelerator but producing a truly dynamic three-dimensional trapping potential. We have begun to characterise the decelerator with metastable argon, showing 3D guiding and deceleration, and intend to move to molecules in the near future.\\ In the longer term the decelerator is intended to load a magnetic trap. Presented here are the findings from preliminary work to design a hybrid magnetic trap with magneto-optical trap capability, or `MT-MOT'. The MT-MOT comprises six toroidal permanent magnets plus switchable electromagnetic coils. We have performed simulations to determine the feasibility of co-loading lithium atoms and calcium hydride molecules. Some consideration of loss mechanisms and likely trap lifetimes are discussed

    A study of the cytoplasmic inclusions during oogenesis, spermatogenesis, maturation, fertilisation and the first cleavage division of the egg of the mouse (Mus musculus)

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    LISTS OF PAPERS EMBODIED IN THIS THESIS:"A Study of the Cytoplasmic Inclusions and Nucleolar Phenomena During the Oogenesis of the Mouse", 'Quart.Journ.Micr. Sci.' , vol.75, 1933."Effect of Ultra- centrifuging the Oocytes of the Mouse", 'Nature' , vol .142 , 1938."A Cytological Study of the Centrifuged Mouse", 'Quart. Journ. Micr. Aci.' , vo1.81,1940."A Study of the Cytoplasmic Inclusions during Maturation, Fertilisation and the First Cleavage Division of the Egg of the Mouse". Accepted for publication in Quart. Journ.Micr.Soi.1940.SUBMITTED AS ADDITIONAL EVIDEIVCE OF RESEARCH: "The Effect of Increased Daily Illumination and of Reversed Day and Night on the Oestrus Cycle of the Mouse (Mus musculus)", 'Proc. Roy. óc. Edin:r, vol.60, 1940

    Implementing a Frequent Neonatal Resuscitation Program Educational Refresher Course to Improve Nursing Knowledge

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    It is estimated that 10% of newborns require assistance breathing at birth (American Heart Association [AHA], 2020). Successful neonatal resuscitation depends on critical actions that occur promptly to increase the chances of survival (AHA, 2020). Researchers have revealed the knowledge and skill retained from the neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) begin declining as early as three months after completing the program (Smith, Gilcreast & Pierce, 2016). The purpose of this evidence-based project was to implement a review of NRP education every three months to improve nurses’ confidence when performing neonatal resuscitation. A validated Self-Efficacy 14-item Scale (SES-14) was used to measure nurses’ confidence specific to NRP skills before and after the educational intervention. The Evidence-based Practice Improvement Model and Lewin’s Change Model provided the framework for the development, planning, and implementation of this project. The aim of this project was 80% of neonatal nurses at Erlanger Children\u27s Hospital who received the educational refresher course on neonatal resuscitation will have improved scores on the post-test by retaining knowledge and gaining confidence in neonatal resuscitation after three months. Eighteen (n =18) individuals participated, with eight (n= 8) completing the Self-Efficacy survey at more than one interval. Data analysis demonstrated test scores increased from the pre-educational survey to the post-educational survey. Nine of the survey questions were found to be statistically significant in increasing confidence scores after education
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