7 research outputs found

    El rizo metódico y el retruécano archivos vacíos, método necesario

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    This methodological proposal of investigation in Fine Arts is divided in two parts. Firstly the self-reflexive phenomenon of Art is exposed. We propose to call “methodical curl” the fact of inclusion in the artistic object of its own criterion of understanding. In correspondence with this self-reflexive way, sets out to relate the four basic conditions of the artistic creation (manufacturing capacity, conceptual asks, interpretation of the rules, decision about space) to other so many concrete investigating formulas. In the second part, a “Theory of play on words (retruécano)” as possible example of an investigation is tried like a special capacity of the art to be transparent the world. There are shown some symptoms of art and thought in twentieth century reviewing the historical capacity of the art to represent. The world sets out as a great subject responsible for the forms of the art. And this entire question is proposed beyond the will of the artist.Esta propuesta metodológica de investigación en Bellas Artes se divide en dos partes. En la Primera se expone el fenómeno autorreflejo del arte, que se propone llamar “Rizo metódico”, o inclu¬sión en el objeto artístico de su propio criterio de comprensión. En correspondencia con este modo autorreflejo, se propone relacionar las cuatro condiciones básicas de la creación artística (capacidad fabril, pregunta conceptual, interpretación de las reglas, decisión espacial) con otras tantas fórmulas investigadoras concretas. En la segunda parte, se ensaya una “Teoría del Retruécano” como ejemplo posible de una investigación sobre la capacidad del arte de transparentar el mundo. Señalando algunos síntomas del arte y el pensamiento del s XX que revisan el programa representacional del arte, se propone el mundo como macrosujeto que nutre y modela las formas del arte más allá de la voluntad del artista

    The methodical curl and the play on words:Empty files, necessary method

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    This methodological proposal of investigation in Fine Arts is divided in two parts. Firstly the self-reflexive phenomenon of Art is exposed. We propose to call “methodical curl” the fact of inclusion in the artistic object of its own criterion of understanding. In correspondence with this self-reflexive way, sets out to relate the four basic conditions of the artistic creation (manufacturing capacity, conceptual asks, interpretation of the rules, decision about space) to other so many concrete investigating formulas. In the second part, a “Theory of play on words (retruécano)” as possible example of an investigation is tried like a special capacity of the art to be transparent the world. There are shown some symptoms of art and thought in twentieth century reviewing the historical capacity of the art to represent. The world sets out as a great subject responsible for the forms of the art. And this entire question is proposed beyond the will of the artist

    Biosensors for Real-Time Monitoring of Radiation-Induced Biologic Effects in Space

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    This work seeks to develop cellular biosensors based on dendritic polymers. Nanoscale polymer structures less than 20 nm in diameter will be used as the basis of the biosensors. The structures will be designed to target into specific cells of an astronaut and be able to monitor health issues such as exposure to radiation. Multiple components can be assembled on the polymers including target directors, analytical devices (such as molecular probes), and reporting agents. The reporting will be accomplished through fluorescence signal monitoring, with the use of multispectral analysis for signal interpretation. These nanosensors could facilitate the success and increase the safety of extended space flight. The design and assembly of these devices has been pioneered at the Center for Biologic Nanotechnology in the University of Michigan. This period, synthesis of the test-bed biosensors continued. Studies were performed on the candidate fluorescent dyes to determine which might be suitable for the biosensor under development. Development continued on producing an artificial capillary bed as a tool for the use in the production of the fluorescence signal monitor. Work was also done on the in vitro multispectral analysis system, which uses the robotic microscope

    Endogenous opiates and behavior: 2013

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