61 research outputs found

    La Corte Penal Internacional inaugura un nuevo tipo de relaciones en la comunidad de naciones

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    The States accepted the Rome Statute clearly expressed their decision to fight against the impunity of the crimes againts humanity (genocide, war crimes, crime of lese-humanity and aggression); The creation of the international Criminal Court (the highest judicial organization in charge of punishing Humanitarian Law and Human Rights violations) means the result of the joint work of community nations and reflects their assent in regards that its action and coverage will guarantee human rights full protection, starting from the nucleus of the minimal common law, to world peace preservation, judging and punishing all Kinds of crimes against humanitarian law. The characteristics of the International Criminal Court (integrity, autonomy and independence) show its political intention, that justice application will not be like in the past, where tribunal´s conformation and their codes, represented specific interests of international hegemonies, predetermined power relations and individualist negotiations that represented perverse immunities; which resulted in the most atrocious picture of impunity ever seen


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    Las graves violaciones al derecho internacional humanitario ocurridas durante la segunda guerra mun- dial, motivaron a una parte importante de la sociedad internacional a crear la Comisión de Derechos Humanos  como órgano subsidiario del Ecosoc, en el seno de las Naciones Unidas.    A pesar de los importantes logros que alcanzó esta Comisión en el ejercicio de la función promotora y de protección de los derechos humanos, su fuerte politización, los nuevos retos en la materia y la necesidad de fortalecer institucionalmente el tema, hicieron que ésta Comisión fuera reemplazada a través de la Resolución 60/251 de 2006 de la Asamblea General de la ONU por un Consejo de Derechos Humanos, órgano más represen- tativo, permanente, imparcial , y con mayores responsabilidades en el proceso de atención, evaluación y cumplimiento de las obligaciones en derechos humanos por parte de los Estados miembros.   Para el caso colombiano, la extinta Comisión de Derechos Humanos hacía un seguimiento permanente del conflic- to armado, tarea que será ahora asumida por el nuevo Consejo de Derechos Humanos a quien le corresponderá particularmente hacer el seguimiento a las recomendaciones hechas por la antigua Comisión.   Un elemento innovador que introduce la resolución en comento, es la aplicación del mecanismo de examen periódico universal con el que se pretende evaluar a todos los países miembros sin excepción en el cumplimiento de sus compromisos con los derechos humanos. Sin embargo, y aunque este órgano sin duda se visualiza como una institución más sólida y eficaz, sigue requiriendo para alcanzar sus objetivos y más allá de meros intereses políticos, del compromiso y la buena voluntad de los Estados miembros del Consejo, los gobiernos y demás participantes

    Margarita de Sossa, Sixteenth-Century Puebla de los Ángeles, New Spain (Mexico)

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    Margarita de Sossa’s freedom journey was defiant and entrepreneurial. In her early twenties, still enslaved in Portugal, she took possession of her body; after refusing to endure her owner’s sexual demands, he sold her, and she was transported to Mexico. There, she purchased her freedom with money earned as a healer and then conducted an enviable business as an innkeeper. Sossa’s biography provides striking insights into how she conceptualized freedom in terms that included – but was not limited to – legal manumission. Her transatlantic biography offers a rare insight into the life of a free black woman (and former slave) in late sixteenth-century Puebla, who sought to establish various degrees of freedom for herself. Whether she was refusing to acquiesce to an abusive owner, embracing entrepreneurship, marrying, purchasing her own slave property, or later using the courts to petition for divorce. Sossa continued to advocate on her own behalf. Her biography shows that obtaining legal manumission was not always equivalent to independence and autonomy, particularly if married to an abusive husband, or if financial successes inspired the envy of neighbors

    Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

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    From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity increased, in most regions, with significant variation in the magnitude of these changes across regions. We investigated how much change in mean body mass index (BMI) explains changes in the prevalence of underweight, obesity, and severe obesity in different regions using data from 2896 population-based studies with 187 million participants. Changes in the prevalence of underweight and total obesity, and to a lesser extent severe obesity, are largely driven by shifts in the distribution of BMI, with smaller contributions from changes in the shape of the distribution. In East and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the underweight tail of the BMI distribution was left behind as the distribution shifted. There is a need for policies that address all forms of malnutrition by making healthy foods accessible and affordable, while restricting unhealthy foods through fiscal and regulatory restrictions

    Genome sequence of the olive tree, Olea europaea

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    The Mediterranean olive tree (Olea europaea subsp. europaea) was one of the first trees to be domesticated and is currently of major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region as the source of olive oil. The molecular bases underlying the phenotypic differences among domesticated cultivars, or between domesticated olive trees and their wild relatives, remain poorly understood. Both wild and cultivated olive trees have 46 chromosomes (2n). A total of 543 Gb of raw DNA sequence from whole genome shotgun sequencing, and a fosmid library containing 155,000 clones from a 1,000+ year-old olive tree (cv. Farga) were generated by Illumina sequencing using different combinations of mate-pair and pair-end libraries. Assembly gave a final genome with a scaffold N50 of 443 kb, and a total length of 1.31 Gb, which represents 95 % of the estimated genome length (1.38 Gb). In addition, the associated fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was partially sequenced. Genome annotation, assisted by RNA sequencing from leaf, root, and fruit tissues at various stages, resulted in 56,349 unique protein coding genes, suggesting recent genomic expansion. Genome completeness, as estimated using the CEGMA pipeline, reached 98.79 %. The assembled draft genome of O. europaea will provide a valuable resource for the study of the evolution and domestication processes of this important tree, and allow determination of the genetic bases of key phenotypic traits. Moreover, it will enhance breeding programs and the formation of new varieties

    Genome sequence of the olive tree, Olea europaea

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    Background: The Mediterranean olive tree (Olea europaea subsp. europaea) was one of the first trees to be domesticated and is currently of major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region as the source of olive oil. The molecular bases underlying the phenotypic differences among domesticated cultivars, or between domesticated olive trees and their wild relatives, remain poorly understood. Both wild and cultivated olive trees have 46 chromosomes (2n). Findings: A total of 543 Gb of raw DNA sequence from whole genome shotgun sequencing, and a fosmid library containing 155,000 clones from a 1,000+ year-old olive tree (cv. Farga) were generated by Illumina sequencing using different combinations of mate-pair and pair-end libraries. Assembly gave a final genome with a scaffold N50 of 443 kb, and a total length of 1.31 Gb, which represents 95 % of the estimated genome length (1.38 Gb). In addition, the associated fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was partially sequenced. Genome annotation, assisted by RNA sequencing from leaf, root, and fruit tissues at various stages, resulted in 56,349 unique protein coding genes, suggesting recent genomic expansion. Genome completeness, as estimated using the CEGMA pipeline, reached 98.79 %. Conclusions: The assembled draft genome of O. europaea will provide a valuable resource for the study of the evolution and domestication processes of this important tree, and allow determination of the genetic bases of key phenotypic traits. Moreover, it will enhance breeding programs and the formation of new varieties

    100 Cartas para Paulo Freire de quienes pretendemos Enseñar

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    Realizar un texto colectivo como “100 Cartas para Paule Freire de quienes pretendemos Enseñar”, es un desafío al reunir el aprehender desde el sentido profesional de la educación y con el espíritu de transformación, desde la educación como un espacio endógeno de revolución y exógeno a las comunidades y sociedades, en busca de un sentido de identidad. Hoy desde una crítica decolonial, antirracista, feminista y ecologica en la construcción de un sentido real que busque enfrentar el sistema hegemónico y destructivo que se ha impuesto con explotación, sangre y libertades de nuestro pueblo

    María Remedios del Valle, Nineteenth-Century Argentina

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    The Argentine government, under the recommendation of various advocacy groups and historians agreed upon November 8 because the day commemorates the death of María Remedios del Valle, an African descendant, otherwise known as the "Capitana" and the "Mother of the Nation", who died on November 8, 1847. First a nurse and later conferred as a captain by General Manuel Belgrano during the wars of independence, the government noted that Remedios del Valle represented thousands of Afro descendants that fought for our country. For her efforts on the battlefield, her fellow soldiers granted her the honor of being known as "the Mother of the Nation". María Remedios de Valle story provides a means to explain the more familial and civic efforts of women. She is remembered as the "Mother of the Nation," and this title reflects the larger role of women and in particular women of African descent in the republic. But irony cannot be underestimated. Remedios del Valle, a black female heroine is the mother of a white nation. How is that possible? To test answers to this question, we propose to delve into the history and the symbolism of María Remedios del Valle.Fil: Guzman, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"; ArgentinaFil: Edwards, Erika Denise. No especifíca