10,841 research outputs found

    Power Law Tails in the Italian Personal Income Distribution

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    We investigate the shape of the Italian personal income distribution using microdata from the Survey on Household Income and Wealth, made publicly available by the Bank of Italy for the years 1977--2002. We find that the upper tail of the distribution is consistent with a Pareto-power law type distribution, while the rest follows a two-parameter lognormal distribution. The results of our analysis show a shift of the distribution and a change of the indexes specifying it over time. As regards the first issue, we test the hypothesis that the evolution of both gross domestic product and personal income is governed by similar mechanisms, pointing to the existence of correlation between these quantities. The fluctuations of the shape of income distribution are instead quantified by establishing some links with the business cycle phases experienced by the Italian economy over the years covered by our dataset.Comment: Latex2e v1.6; 14 pages with 10 figures; preprint submitted to Physica

    k-Generalized Statistics in Personal Income Distribution

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    Starting from the generalized exponential function exp⁥Îș(x)=(1+Îș2x2+Îșx)1/Îș\exp_{\kappa}(x)=(\sqrt{1+\kappa^{2}x^{2}}+\kappa x)^{1/\kappa}, with exp⁥0(x)=exp⁥(x)\exp_{0}(x)=\exp(x), proposed in Ref. [G. Kaniadakis, Physica A \textbf{296}, 405 (2001)], the survival function P>(x)=exp⁥Îș(−ÎČxα)P_{>}(x)=\exp_{\kappa}(-\beta x^{\alpha}), where x∈R+x\in\mathbf{R}^{+}, α,ÎČ>0\alpha,\beta>0, and Îș∈[0,1)\kappa\in[0,1), is considered in order to analyze the data on personal income distribution for Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The above defined distribution is a continuous one-parameter deformation of the stretched exponential function P>0(x)=exp⁥(−ÎČxα)P_{>}^{0}(x)=\exp(-\beta x^{\alpha})\textemdash to which reduces as Îș\kappa approaches zero\textemdash behaving in very different way in the x→0x\to0 and x→∞x\to\infty regions. Its bulk is very close to the stretched exponential one, whereas its tail decays following the power-law P>(x)∌(2ÎČÎș)−1/Îșx−α/ÎșP_{>}(x)\sim(2\beta\kappa)^{-1/\kappa}x^{-\alpha/\kappa}. This makes the Îș\kappa-generalized function particularly suitable to describe simultaneously the income distribution among both the richest part and the vast majority of the population, generally fitting different curves. An excellent agreement is found between our theoretical model and the observational data on personal income over their entire range.Comment: Latex2e v1.6; 14 pages with 12 figures; for inclusion in the APFA5 Proceeding

    Power Law Tails in the Italian Personal Income Distribution

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    We investigate the shape of the Italian personal income distribution using microdata from the Survey on Household Income and Wealth, made publicly available by the Bank of Italy for the years 1977-2002. We find that the upper tail of the distribution is consistent with a Pareto power-law type distribution, while the rest follows a two-parameter lognormal distribution. The results of our analysis show a shift of the distribution and a change of the indexes specifying it over time. As regards the first issue, we test the hypothesis that the evolution of both gross domestic product and personal income is governed by similar mechanisms, pointing to the existence of correlation between these quantities. The fluctuations of the shape of income distribution are instead quantified by establishing some links with the business cycle phases experienced by the Italian economy over the years covered by our dataset.Personal income; Pareto law; Lognormal distribution; Income growth rate; Business cycle

    The k-generalized distribution: A new descriptive model for the size distribution of incomes

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    This paper proposes the k-generalized distribution as a model for describing the distribution and dispersion of income within a population. Formulas for the shape, moments and standard tools for inequality measurement - such as the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient - are given. A method for parameter estimation is also discussed. The model is shown to fit extremely well the data on personal income distribution in Australia and the United States.Comment: 12 pages with 8 figures; LaTeX; introduction revised, added reference for section 1; accepted for publication in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    A k-generalized statistical mechanics approach to income analysis

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    This paper proposes a statistical mechanics approach to the analysis of income distribution and inequality. A new distribution function, having its roots in the framework of k-generalized statistics, is derived that is particularly suitable to describe the whole spectrum of incomes, from the low-middle income region up to the high-income Pareto power-law regime. Analytical expressions for the shape, moments and some other basic statistical properties are given. Furthermore, several well-known econometric tools for measuring inequality, which all exist in a closed form, are considered. A method for parameter estimation is also discussed. The model is shown to fit remarkably well the data on personal income for the United States, and the analysis of inequality performed in terms of its parameters reveals very powerful.Comment: LaTeX2e; 15 pages with 1 figure; corrected typo

    Sparse learning of stochastic dynamic equations

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    With the rapid increase of available data for complex systems, there is great interest in the extraction of physically relevant information from massive datasets. Recently, a framework called Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy) has been introduced to identify the governing equations of dynamical systems from simulation data. In this study, we extend SINDy to stochastic dynamical systems, which are frequently used to model biophysical processes. We prove the asymptotic correctness of stochastics SINDy in the infinite data limit, both in the original and projected variables. We discuss algorithms to solve the sparse regression problem arising from the practical implementation of SINDy, and show that cross validation is an essential tool to determine the right level of sparsity. We demonstrate the proposed methodology on two test systems, namely, the diffusion in a one-dimensional potential, and the projected dynamics of a two-dimensional diffusion process

    Protein Design is a Key Factor for Subunit-subunit Association

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    Fundamental questions about the role of the quaternary structures are addressed using a statistical mechanics off-lattice model of a dimer protein. The model, in spite of its simplicity, captures key features of the monomer-monomer interactions revealed by atomic force experiments. Force curves during association and dissociation are characterized by sudden jumps followed by smooth behavior and form hysteresis loops. Furthermore, the process is reversible in a finite range of temperature stabilizing the dimer. It is shown that in the interface between the two monomeric subunits the design procedure naturally favors those amino acids whose mutual interaction is stronger. Furthermore it is shown that the width of the hysteresis loop increases as the design procedure improves, i.e. stabilizes more the dimer.Comment: submitted to "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
