University of Malta

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    20862 research outputs found

    Bound to lose? The usage of smallness in the strategic narratives of smaller states during armed conflict

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    This paper examines how smaller states use their smallness in their strategic narratives during armed conflicts fought with a bigger power. The analysis mainly focuses on two questions: whether these jurisdictions project themselves as small states on the international level, and whether they offer an interpretation of the conflict in which size difference is identified as a major factor. Comparing the speeches delivered in the United Nations by Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion (1990-1991), Armenia during the second Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (2020-2021), and Ukraine after the Russian attack (2022-2023), the research concludes that smaller countries can use their smallness with three specific objectives – gathering support, gaining sympathy, and deflecting responsibility – although the strategy is not automatic. While the representatives of Kuwait and Ukraine referred to their small size often, the diplomats of Armenia avoided such narratives. The variation between the three cases suggests that instead of absolute or relative size, the size difference between the belligerents, the selected target audience, and the timing of the conflicts have a stronger explanatory value.peer-reviewe

    Developing a spatial LiDAR bathymetric dataset for marine research (DaSLiM)

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    The Study focuses on the updating and change analysis research of the national maritime bathymetric monitoring capacity. It will result in the procurement of a new LiDAR aerial based bathymetric scan, information management systems, environmental baseline surveys, training of staff, and the enhancement of the national monitoring programmes in this theme. The Study directly addresses Malta’s national priorities in the maritime field. The requirement to monitor various aspects of the environment cuts across all areas of national maritime legislation which transposes the EU environmental Acquis. In particular, the Study focuses on implementing monitoring requirements with respect to changes affected by and to the immediate maritime structures. In the long term, the gathered information that will result from this Study will contribute to all Government policies, including policies in the fields of tourism, industry, fisheries, health, civil protection and spatial planning. The overall objective of the Study is to update and develop the national maritime bathymetric monitoring infrastructure and capacity for Malta, with the focus on scanning the bathymetric zones up to the reachability of Bathymetric LiDAR that in 2012 was acquired at 50m depth thus, enhanced depth capture through updated technology would be expected. The purpose of the Study is two-fold: i) To deliver fully operational maritime monitoring programmes in the themes of spatial data capture, information enhancement and change analysis; and ii) To provide a long-term strategic platform for maritime scanning monitoring, comprising strategic direction, technological and human resource base to ensure adherence to the highest standards and best practise in environmental monitoring and reporting.peer-reviewe

    Screw extrusion additive manufacturing of thermoplastic polyolefin elastomer

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    This study determined the requisite process parameters for good-quality screw extrusion additive manufacturing (AM) of thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) using fused granulate fabrication (FGF). TPO is a non-hygroscopic, cheaper, and less dense alternative to the well-established thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). TPO was found to extrude correctly at 170 °C, on a glass build plate at 80 °C with Magigoo PP adhesive. A water uptake test on TPO reported a mass gain plateau of 0.25%, which is significantly lower than that of TPU, which suggests that TPO may not require drying before 3D printing. Tensile testing on FGF TPO specimens achieved similar stress at yield as well as stress and strain at break as indicated by the data sheet for the XY and YZ orientations. The Z direction is significantly weaker than the X and Y orientations, reaching only 30% of the stress at break. TPO achieved the best average stress at yield of 6.36 MPa using the 0.4 mm nozzle with XY printing orientation and stress and strain at break of 13.8 MPa and 1300% at YZ orientation and 1 mm nozzle. The setup achieved relatively high-quality prints of complex geometries, including the popular torture-test Benchy and a child-sized orthotic insole.peer-reviewe

    Analyzing the correlation between central bank interest rates and inflation on the example of Poland within the European Union

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    PURPOSE: The main aim of this study was to determine the relationship between inflation and interest rates of the Central Bank in Poland with the background of European integration and the COVID-19 pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The Central Bank of Poland (CBP) was the main source of data for the analysis (1998-2023). We used different methods which helped to analyze the changes in inflation and interest rates in Poland, for example Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF test), Autoregressive Moving Average model (ARIMA model) and the regression analysis using the Classical Method of Least Square.FINDINGS: The study demonstrated that inflation will decrease steadily in Poland due to relatively high interest rates. The Central Bank of Poland and government agencies should implement cohesive policies to reduce inflation. The Central Bank of Poland has increased interest rates to fight inflation, whereas the wide range of social welfare programs introduced by the government has contributed to higher inflation.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results will fill in the gap concerning the financial policy of Central Bank.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The new information about impact of interest rate on inflation and a ARiMA model was presented.The results presented in this paper were obtained as part of a comprehensive study financed by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Agrotechnology and Agribusiness (Grant. No 30.610.012–110).peer-reviewe

    The digital operational resilience act : challenges and some reflections on the adequacy of Europe’s architecture for financial supervision

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    The paper critically analyses the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) within the European Union (EU) with respect to challenges such as supervision and the oversight framework coordination. It delves into the adequacy of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) in ensuring compliance with this regulation, highlighting issues of fragmented supervision at national level and inconsistent approaches. The main argument suggests that while the DORA Regulation is a positive step for harmonising digital operational resilience regulation, it brings about challenges in supervisory convergence and cooperation due to the existing fragmented supervisory architecture. The authors propose potential solutions like a more centralised supervision model to address these challenges. The paper follows a structured format with an overview of the DORA Regulation, discussion on identified challenges, and a concluding section.peer-reviewe

    [Book Review] Handbook on Parliamentary financial oversight : adapting PAC best practices to legislatures in small jurisdictions

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    This book emerged out of a research project jointly undertaken between the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and McGill University, School of Continuing Studies, Montreal, Canada. This research project was announced at the CPA Small Branches Conference in Kampala in September 2019 and 30 small jurisdictions, including more than two dozen small CPA branches, responded to the research questionnaire. The research project was funded by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, with matching funds from partners. The project leader was Rick Stapenhurst, from McGill University. The intention of the handbook is to examine the status of parliamentary financial oversight through Public Accounts Committees (PACs) in small Commonwealth parliaments. That examination includes institutional factors, capacity and motivation, out of which came recommendations to promote enhanced parliamentary financial oversight in small jurisdictions.peer-reviewe

    A validated methodological approach to prove the safety of clinical electromagnetic induction systems in magnetic hyperthermia

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    The present study focuses on the development of a methodology for evaluating the safety of MNH systems, through the numerical prediction of the induced temperature rise in superficial skin layers due to eddy currents heating under an alternating magnetic field (AMF). The methodology is supported and validated through experimental measurements of the AMF’s distribution, as well as temperature data from the torsos of six patients who participated in a clinical trial study. The simulations involved a computational model of the actual coil, a computational model of the cooling system used for the cooling of the patients during treatment, and a detailed human anatomical model from the Virtual Population family. The numerical predictions exhibit strong agreement with the experimental measurements, and the deviations are below the estimated combined uncertainties, confirming the accuracy of computational modeling. This study highlights the crucial role of simulations for translational medicine and paves the way for personalized treatment planning.peer-reviewe

    Israel exhibits a homogenous male-to-female ratio at birth for all races and religions

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    Objective: Male live births occur in excess of female live births and their ratio (M/F) is usually expressed as male divided by total births. The value of M/F varies, declining with stress. Israel has been shown to have a relatively stable M/F. This study was carried out in order to ascertain whether there were any racial or religious differences in M/F in Israel, and to compare with totals for Europe and North America.Methods: Annual data for male and female live births were available from the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics for the period 2002–2011. Excel was used for data entry, overall analysis and charting. For race, data were available as Jews and others, and Arabs. For religion, data were available as Jews and Moslems.Results: There were a total of 1 523 956 live births. Overall M/F was 0.5127 (95% CI: 0.5119, 0.5135). There were no significant differences between the races and no significant trends with time. Male-to-Female Ratio (M/F) is mid-way between that of Europe and North America.Conclusion: The psychological and psychiatric effects of stress in Israel are well documented. However, there was no apparent effect on M/F that is manifested as racial or religious differences in M/F. This could be due to equal levels of stress in all groups or insufficient levels of stress or insufficient births to demonstrate M/F differences.peer-reviewe

    Promoting social and emotional learning in pupils with disability. Special teachers’ perceptions and practices

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    Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are at risk for emotional, behavioural and social difficulties. Social and emotional learning (SEL) may be particularly beneficial to fostering these children’s resilience. Given the importance of teacher’s role in promoting SEL, the present study aimed to explore special teachers’ perceptions of SEL and the practices they use to enhance their pupils’ social and emotional skills. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with 15 Greek primary and secondary education special teachers and were analysed with the use of reflexive thematic analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the special teachers considered the creation of a supportive school environment a key prerequisite to addressing the pupils’ with SEND needs. They perceived SEL as a process aiming to the development of social and emotional skills which contributes to pupils’ emotional development and social inclusion. Although they used a number of practices for this purpose, their efforts were often hindered by the lack of collaboration with general education teachers and their limited knowledge on SEL. The findings are discussed with respect to the need to enhance cooperation between the members of the school community and teachers’ training on SEL.peer-reviewe

    Mental health and wellbeing promotion and support : education leaders’ perceptions and experiences

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    Educator leaders play a vital role in fostering educators’ and students’ mental health and wellbeing. Through qualitative research, this paper provides insights from eight education leaders working in State Schools in Malta on their perceptions of, and experiences in, the promotion and support of mental health and wellbeing among educators and students. The objective of the study is to examine how mental health and wellbeing are being promoted, addressed, and supported in schools. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with education leaders followed by a reflexive thematic analysis. Four themes emerged from the data, namely school philosophy, ethos, and leadership; mental health and wellbeing in schools; loss and grief; and Covid-19 and its impact on mental health and wellbeing in schools The findings suggest the need for more proactive and supportive considerations of mental health and wellbeing in schools in Malta, along with the implementation and evaluation of mental health and wellbeing whole-school projects in schools.peer-reviewe


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