189 research outputs found

    The Wesleyan view of the Scriptures in the light of contemporary emphases

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    A Method Of Evaluating The Counseling And Advising Program Of A Small University, And A Comparative Analysis Of Students\u27 Perceptions Of And Expressed Needs For Counseling And Advising

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    It was the purpose of this research project to develop a method which could be used by college and university personnel to obtain students\u27 perceptions of and convictions concerning advising programs on their campuses. Included in the procedure was a demonstration of how it can be determined where the greatest needs are and whether or not there are any significant differences in the perceptions of, or expressed needs for, counseling and advising by different categories of students within the school. For this demonstration, seven different categories of students to be tested were chosen from the student: population and hypotheses about these groups were constructed. An important basic assumption for this study is that most small colleges and universities have counseling and advising programs that are enough alike to readily adapt the method used in this study for their use. Because it was developed for and tested on a campus of less than 5,000 students, it is not claimed that this procedure is useable on campuses of larger enrollment. First, a questionnaire was constructed and administered and tested, and the results were analyzed and reported to the University; after a lapse of two years the questionnaire was revised and re-tested, The main body of this study is an interpretation and a comparative analysis of the results of the two questionnaires. The analysis consists primarily of a comparison of the various groups of students over the two year period. The chi square test of statistical significance was used to determine differences and likenesses. The findings of the study are briefly as follows: With respect to the two-fold purpose of this project as stated above, claims can be made that the project has been successful. Administrators should be able to determine by using the data where the strengths and weaknesses of their programs are. With respect to the hypotheses, despite evidence in the literature to lead the researcher to expect something else, not one hypothesis was wholly supported by, the data. Brieffly stated, the findings of the hypothese are as follows: (1.) Men do not indicate less need for counseling and advising than do women, (2) Professional school students do not indicate any less need for counseling and advising than do liberal arts school students, ( 3) Upper classmen do not indicate any less need for counseling and advising than do lower classmen, (4) Upper G.P.A. students do not indicate any less need for counseling and advising than do lower G .P .A. students, (5) Students living on campus do not indicate any less need for counseling and advising than do students living off campus, (6) Students who come from academically-oriented families do not indicate less need for counseling and advising than do students from non-academically oriented families, and (7) Students who have had what they considered to be helpful high school counseling do not indicate more need for counseling and advising than do students who have not had good counseling

    Production functions and methods of specifying optimum fertilizer use under various uncertainty conditions for hay

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    Farmers who use fertilizer on a crop are concerned with at least two uncertainty problems relating to the amount of fertilizer that maximizes profits. Both of these problems arise, in part, from weather, a common underlying cause. First, crop yield is uncertain. Thus, a quantity of fertilizer applied, with the decision made before planting, may not be optimum for the yield actually obtained. Second, at the time of planting, future crop use or price may also be indefinite. The value of hay, for example, may differ according to the method of utilization. Hence, a particular amount of fertilizer applied in the spring may not provide the optimum value product at the end of the season. This study is concerned with the estimation of production functions and the analysis of uncertainty problems as they relate to fertilization of alfalfa with P2O5 and K20. The basic data are taken from an experiment in which three hay cuttings were obtained during the 1952 growing season on Weller silt loam in Van Buren County, Iowa

    Boundary Shear Acceleration in the Jet of MKN501

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    The high resolution image of the jet of the BL Lac object MKN501 in radio, show a limb-brightened feature. An explanation of this feature as an outcome of differential Doppler boosting of jet spine and jet boundary due to transverse velocity structure of the jet requires large viewing angle. However this inference contradicts with the constraints derived from the high energy Îł\gamma-ray studies unless the jets bends over a large angle immediately after the Îł\gamma-ray zone (close to the central engine). In this letter we propose an alternate explanation to the limb-brightened feature of MKN501 by considering the diffusion of electrons accelerated at the boundary shear layer into the jet medium and this consideration does not require large viewing angle. Also the observed difference in the spectral index at the jet boundary and jet spine can be understood within the frame work of shear acceleration.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multifunctional T-cell Analyses to Study Response and Progression in Adoptive Cell Transfer Immunotherapy

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    Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) of genetically engineered T cells expressing cancer-specific T-cell receptors (TCR) is a promising cancer treatment. Here, we investigate the in vivo functional activity and dynamics of the transferred cells by analyzing samples from 3 representative patients with melanoma enrolled in a clinical trial of ACT with TCR transgenic T cells targeted against the melanosomal antigen MART-1. The analyses included evaluating 19 secreted proteins from individual cells from phenotypically defined T-cell subpopulations, as well as the enumeration of T cells with TCR antigen specificity for 36 melanoma antigens. These analyses revealed the coordinated functional dynamics of the adoptively transferred, as well as endogenous, T cells, and the importance of highly functional T cells in dominating the antitumor immune response. This study highlights the need to develop approaches to maintaining antitumor T-cell functionality with the aim of increasing the long-term efficacy of TCR-engineered ACT immunotherapy. Significance: A longitudinal functional study of adoptively transferred TCR–engineered lymphocytes yielded revealing snapshots for understanding the changes of antitumor responses over time in ACT immunotherapy of patients with advanced melanoma

    Scattering of long wavelengths into thin silicon photovoltaic films by plasmonic silver nanoparticles

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    Nanoparticles and nanostructures with plasmonic resonances are currently being employed to enhance the efficiency of solar cells. Ag stripe arrays have been shown theoretically to enhance the short-circuit current of thin silicon layers. Monolayers of Ag nanoparticles with diameter d < 300 nm have shown strong plasmonic resonances when coated in thin polymer layers with thicknesses < d. We study experimentally the diffuse vs. specular scattering from monolayer arrays of Ag nanoparticles (spheres and prisms with diameters in the range 50 – 300 nm) coated onto the front side of thin (100 nm < t < 500 nm) silicon films deposited on glass and flexible polymer substrates, the latter originating in a roll-to-roll manufacturing process. Ag nanoparticles are held in place and aggregation is prevented with a polymer overcoat. We observe interesting wavelength shifts between maxima in specular and diffuse scattering that depend on particle size and shape, indicating that the nanoparticles substantially modify the scattering into the thin silicon film.United States. Air Force (United States. Army. Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center Contract FA8721-05-C-0002)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (Contract W911NF-07-D0004

    Writing in Britain and Ireland, c. 400 to c. 800

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