9 research outputs found

    Influence of the posture's change on respiratory function in spinal cord injury patients.

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    Autor: Bc. Pavlikhina Ekaterina Název: Vliv změny postury na respirační funkce u pacientů s postižením míchy Cíl: Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je analyzovat změny dechových funkcí v závislosti na změnách postury u pacientů s postižením míchy. Dalším cílem je porovnání dechových funkcí u zdravých osob a u pacientů s míšní lézí. V neposlední řádě je cílem zjistit, zda se u pacientů s lézí míchy vyskytuje restrikční typ ventilační porucha. Práce by měla také vést k lepšímu pochopení vzniku respiračních komplikací po poranění míchy a napomoct při volbě optimální polohy při provedení funkčního vyšetření plic a při respirační fyzioterapii. Metody: V teoretické části je prozkoumána již existující literatura o problematice respiračních komplikací a jejich závislost na postuře. Do praktické částí bylo zahrnuto 26 probandů - 16 osob s postižením míchy a 10 zdravých osob. Osoby s postižením míchy byli rozděleni na skupinu tetraplegiků a paraplegiků. Funkční vyšetření plic bylo provedeno pomocí spirometrického přístroje ve třech polohách - vleže, vsedě a ve stoje. Hodnotila se vitální kapacita plic (VC), usilovná vitální kapacita plic (FVC) a vteřinová vitální kapacita (FEV1). Všechna data byla zpracována v Microsoft Excel a statistická významnost byla zjištěna v počítačovém programu "R" pomoci dvouvýběrového...Author: Bc. Pavlikhina Ekaterina Title: Influence of the posture's change on respiratory function in spinal cord injury patients. Objectives: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze change in respiratory function on change of posture in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). Another objective is to compare the respiratory functions in a health subjects and in a SCI patients. Last but not least is an effort to find out whether SCI patients have a pattern of restrictive pulmonary dysfunction. The findings can help understanding development of respiratory complications after spinal cord injury. It may help in choosing optimal position during respiratory examination and respiratory rehabilitation. Methods: In theoretical part, there were explored the available knowledges about respiratory complications and their effects on posture. In practical part, there were 26 subjects - 16 patients with SCI and 10 healthy subjects. Subjects with SCI were divided into two groups - one with paraplegia and other one with quadriplegia. Measurements were performed with spirometer on each subject during supine, sitting and standing postures. There were collected vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1) data from all subjects. All data were processed in...Anatomie a biomechanikaFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    The influence of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait-pattern of patients with brain damage brain damage

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    Author: Ekaterina Pavlikhina Supervisor: Mgr. Silvie Táborská Title of bachelors thesis: The influence of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait-pattern of patients with brain damage Abstract: The Bachelor's thesis is focused on influences of musical therapy method RAS (Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation) upon the quality of patient's walking with the brain injury. The thesis summarizes and compares theoretical knowledges of music therapy in patients with pathological gait-pattern due to brain damage. Theoretical part of the Bachelor's thesis is intended to focus on the brain injury both caused by a trauma and an infarct. In the following part are described the physiologic and pathological mechanisms of walking. The final chapter of the theoretical part introduces the exact principles of musical therapy, it's variants and technics that can be used in the treatment of patients. In this chapter I have also referred on the studies that correlate the topic. The practical part contains two casuistries of the patients with the brain injury, where is described kinesiology and the therapeutic exercises in the way of the program. In order to esteem the progress of applicated therapy I used the special "walking tests". Key words: brain damage, music therapy, pathological gait-pattern, Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation, RA

    Evidence for the presence of dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase and its inhibitors in inflammatory synovial fluids.

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    Evidence is reported for the presence of dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase (peptidyldipeptide hydrolase, EC and of inhibitor(s) of this enzyme in synovial fluids from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and gout


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    An endogenous ACE activator has been revealed. Neutrophil-enriched human leucocyte preparations released in isotonic media a relatively thermostable factor, capable of increasing the angiotensin-converting enzyme activity 1,6 - 2,0-fold. Activator would not pass through a 30 kDa cutoff membrane. Data on the presence of the activator in vivo were obtained in studies of protein-free serum fractions of patients with a hereditary CI-esterase inhibitor deficiency. It was suggested that the neutrophil-released ACE activator could have a role in the modulation of the inflammatory response


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