1 research outputs found
Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- [Bouchardat]
- Abraham
- Ackerknecht
- Ackerknecht
- Ackerknecht
- Adams
- Adetumbi
- Ahora
- Ahrendt
- Aikman
- Aimer’s Manuscript Formula Book
- Ainslie
- Al-Shehbaz
- Al-Shehbaz
- Albert-Puleo
- Albert-Puleo
- Alcorn
- Alexander
- Alikaridis
- Allan
- Allen
- Allen
- Allport
- Altschule
- American Herbal Pharmacology Delegation
- Amherst
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrew
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Angier
- Anonymous
- Anton
- Aoyagi
- Appelt
- Appleby
- Appleby
- Arber
- Arber
- Arber
- Aronson
- Arseculeratne
- Asprey
- Atkinson
- Atlee
- Aurand
- Avery
- Awang
- Awang
- Bacon
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baillon
- Baker
- Balachandra
- Balandrin
- Balbaa
- Baldwin
- Baldwin
- Ball
- Balon
- Banchini
- Banerjee
- Banister
- Bankova
- Banks
- Banthorpe
- Barbee
- Barber
- Barker
- Barkley
- Barna
- Barnes
- Baronov
- Barratt
- Bartholow
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Barton
- Barton
- Bartram
- Bastedo
- Bastien
- Battley
- Batts
- Batty
- Beach
- Beard
- Becci
- Becker
- Beckett
- Beckett
- Beckett
- Bedows
- Beecher
- Belkin
- Belkin
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benet
- Benezra
- Bennion
- Bennister
- Benoit
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Berardi
- Bergen
- Bergen
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkman
- Berman
- Bernton
- Bernáth
- Berry
- Bethea
- Betts
- Bianchini
- Bickers
- Biddle
- Bigelow
- Bigelow
- Bigelow
- Binding
- Bingham
- Bingham
- Bird
- Birk
- Bishop
- Bisset
- Bisset
- Bjeldanes
- Black
- Blackwood
- Blake
- Blankaart
- Blankaart
- Blanton
- Blatherwick
- Blatherwick
- Block
- Blomquist
- Blunt
- Boatright
- Bodel
- Bodenmann
- Boerhaave
- Bogojevski
- Bohlmann
- Bohlmann
- Bohm
- Boivin
- Boland
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolyard
- Bonham
- Bonner
- Bordia
- Bordley
- Borins
- Bose
- Bouchard
- Bouchelle
- Bowman
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Brain
- Braman
- Bramwell
- Branch
- BraĂĽtigam
- Brekhman
- Brekhman
- Brekhman
- Brekhman
- Brekhman
- Brendle
- Brickell
- Brieger
- Brieger
- Brieskorn
- Briggs
- Brito
- Britten
- Brizicky
- Brooks
- Brothen
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- Browne
- Browne
- Browner
- Brummitt
- Brune
- Buchan
- Buchman
- Buck
- Buck
- Buell
- Bulbaa
- Bull
- Bullein
- Burch
- Burgon
- Burk
- Burns
- Burton
- Burton
- Butler
- Butler
- Bye
- Byrd
- Byrd
- Calderwood
- Calixto
- Came
- Camp
- Canner
- Capron
- Carlson
- Carpenter
- Carpenter
- Carpenter
- Carroll
- Carson
- Carson
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Cartwright
- Carver
- Cassileth
- Casterline
- Catesby
- Cato
- Cato
- Cavallito
- Cavers
- Ceres
- Cerna
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chandel
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chang
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chappelle
- Chaudhury
- Chen
- Cheng
- Chichiricco
- Child
- Child
- Chirife
- Chirife
- Chlabicz
- Chowan College Creative Writing Group
- Christison
- Christopher
- Cima
- Claeys
- Clapp
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarkson
- Claus
- Claypole
- Clayton
- Cleland
- Clowes
- Clune
- Clute
- Clute
- Clute
- Clute
- Cobb
- Cody
- Cohen
- Colbatch
- Colden
- Colden
- Collier
- Comfort
- Condit
- Condit
- Contreras
- Conway
- Cooke
- Coon
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Copeman
- Cordell
- Core
- Corlett
- Cornut
- Correll
- Corsi
- Corsi
- Cosminsky
- Cosminsky
- Coulter
- Court
- Cowen
- Cowen
- Cowen
- Cowle
- Cowle
- Coxe
- Coxe
- Coy
- Craker
- Creamer
- Creasey
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crellin
- Crisp
- Cronquist
- Croom
- Croom
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Cullen
- Culliton
- Culpeper
- Culvenor
- Culvenor
- Cummings
- Cunningham
- Curtin
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cutler
- Cutler
- Czajka
- Daems
- Dagnall
- Daly
- Darling
- Darrow
- Davenport
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawkins
- Dawson
- de BaĂŻracli Levy
- de BaĂŻracli Levy
- de Laszlo
- de Smet
- Decker
- Deinzer
- Delaveau
- Denison
- Densmore
- der Marderosian
- der Marderosian
- der Marderosian
- der Nat
- Dewey
- Dews
- DiCarlo
- Diehl
- Disler
- Dixon
- Doane
- Dobell
- Dodds
- Doering
- Don
- Donnelly
- Doskotch
- Doskotch
- Dossie
- Dowling
- Downey
- Dragendorff
- Duckett
- Duisberg
- Duke
- Duke
- Dukes
- Dukes
- Duncan
- Dunglison
- Dunglison
- Dunglison
- Duquénois
- Durant
- Dymock
- D’Arcy
- Eberle
- Edwardson
- El Zawahry
- El-Naggar
- Ellingwood
- Ellingwood
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Elsohly
- Elsohly
- Elsohly
- Elvin-Lewis
- Elyot
- Emboden
- Endecott
- Enomoto
- Erichsen-Brown
- Erickson
- Ernst
- Estes
- Estes
- Etheridge
- Etkin
- Etkin
- Evans
- Evans
- Ewell
- Fairbairn
- Fairbanks
- Fantus
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farnsworth
- Farquharson
- Favretti
- Feinbrun
- Feiz
- Fell
- Fell
- Felter
- Felter
- Felter
- Felts
- Fenneman
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Fernald
- Ficarra
- Fielder
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fitzgerald
- Fleisher
- Floyer
- FlĂĽck
- FlĂĽck
- FlĂĽck
- FlĂĽckiger
- Foester
- Forbes
- Forbes
- Ford
- Ford-Lloyd
- Forrest
- Forster
- Foster
- Foster
- Foster
- Foster
- Fothergill
- Fothergill
- Foushee
- Fraken
- Franz
- Frate
- French
- French
- Friedenwald
- Friedman
- Friedrich
- Friedrich
- Frohne
- Frost
- Frost
- Fulder
- Fuller
- Fuller
- Fulling
- Furlow
- Furuya
- Furuya
- Gaertner
- Gamier
- Gantt
- Gardiner
- Garlan
- Garland
- Gathercoal
- Gathercoal
- Gattinger
- Genazzini
- Gendron
- Gentry
- Gentry
- Gerard
- Gessler
- Gheerbraut
- Gibson
- Gijbels
- Gill
- Gilmore
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Ginsburg
- Gisvold
- Githens
- Gjerstad
- Glass
- Gleason
- Gledhill
- Glymour
- Godding
- Goggelmann
- Gojmerac
- Gold
- Goldblith
- Goldfrank
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Gonzalez
- Goodenough
- Goodwin
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Goth
- Gottlieb
- Gould
- Gowdey
- Graham
- Graham
- Granstein
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Green
- Greenbaum
- Greenblatt
- Greene
- Greenish
- Greuter
- Grew
- Grieve
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griggs
- Grigson
- Grimé
- Grindlay
- Groenewegen
- Groenewegen
- Gronovius
- Grott
- Gruber
- Gruckow
- Guerra
- Guin
- Gunn
- Gunn
- Gunther
- Gupton
- Gábor
- Haber
- Hadfield
- Hadley
- Hakim
- Hale
- Hale
- Hall
- Hall
- Haller
- Haller
- Halstead
- Hamel
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hamuro
- Hanbury
- Hand
- Hand
- Hand
- Hand
- Hand
- Handa
- Hanson
- Hara
- Harborne
- Hardin
- Hardin
- Hardin
- Harding
- Hare
- Hare
- Hariot
- Harkiss
- Harlow
- Harney
- Harper
- Harper
- Harper
- Harrington
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harsteen
- Hartwell
- Hartwell
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Haslam
- Haslam
- Hassanil
- Hatcher
- Hatfield
- Haughton
- Havsteen
- Hawes
- Hawkes
- Hawkes
- Hayes
- Haywood
- Hazelhoff
- Hazum
- Heald
- Hecht
- Hecht
- Hedrick
- Hegi
- Heilbrun
- Heinerman
- Heiser
- Heiser
- Heiser
- Helfand
- Helfand
- Hemmerly
- Hemmerly
- Hendriks
- Hendry
- Henkel
- Henkel
- Henkel
- Henkel
- Henkel
- Henman
- Henry
- Hepting
- Heptinstall
- Heptinstall
- Hernández
- Herz
- Heywood
- Heywood
- Heywood
- Hickok
- Hiesey
- Hikino
- Hikino
- Hikino
- Hikino
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hills
- Hines
- Hirono
- Hirono
- Hirono
- Hirschhorn
- Hobbs
- Hoch
- Hoch
- Hocking
- Hocking
- Hodson
- Hoffman
- Hoffman
- Hogan
- Hollick
- Holmstedt
- Holopainen
- Hon
- Hooker
- Hooper
- Hooper
- Hopkins
- Hori
- Hornischfeger
- Horrobin
- Horrobin
- Hort
- Hostettmann
- Houghton
- Howard
- Howard
- Howe
- Howes
- Hu
- Huang
- Hubbard
- Hubble
- Hudson
- Hufford
- Hussein
- Hutchens
- Huxley
- Huxtable
- Huxtable
- Hyams
- Hyatt
- Hyatt
- Hyatt
- Hyde
- Ingram
- Inoue
- Invoices for Drugs
- Irwin
- Isaac
- Isaac
- Isely
- Ives
- Ivie
- Iyengar
- Izaddoost
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jain
- Jain
- Jakovlev
- James
- James
- Janick
- Janick
- Janku
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Jansson
- Jarboe
- Jarboe
- Jarry
- Jartoux
- Jarvis
- Jayasinghe
- Jeffers
- Jellison
- Jick
- Jochle
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Joret
- Josefsson
- Josselyn
- Joy
- Juel
- Justice
- Kadans
- Kahn
- Kalm
- Kang
- Kanner
- Kapadia
- Kapadia
- Karawya
- Karknig
- Kartesz
- Keeler
- Keith
- Keller
- Keller
- Kelley
- Kellogg
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemsey
- Kennedy
- Kerminov
- Kew
- Kew
- Khory
- Kimata
- Kimball
- Kimura
- King
- King
- King
- King
- Kinghorn
- Kingsbury
- Kirkland
- Kiso
- Kliks
- Kloos
- Kloos
- Kloss
- Knott
- Kohle
- Kong
- Kong
- Konturek
- Kopp
- Koppany
- Korban
- Kosak
- Kost
- Kramer
- Krane
- Kreitmair
- Krochmal
- Krochmal
- Krochmal
- Krochmal
- Kronenfeld
- Kuijt
- Kuijt
- Kumana
- Kunkel
- Kupchan
- Kupchan
- Kuroda
- Kuroda
- Kyi
- Labadie
- Labadie
- LaBarre
- Lacy
- Laguna
- Laidley
- Lampe
- Langenhan
- Larkin
- Lassak
- Lasswell
- Lau
- Laughammer
- Law
- Lawrie
- Lawson
- Le Strange
- Leathwood
- Lebdox-Koso
- Lecoq
- Lee
- Leighton
- Lemli
- Leonard
- Leonard
- Leung
- Leunhoff
- Leveille
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leyel
- Li
- Liener
- Lilly
- Linder
- Lindley
- Lindqvist
- Linnaeus
- Linnaeus
- Lipp
- Lipsitz
- Lipton
- List
- Little
- Little
- Litzinger
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Locock
- Locock
- Long
- Long
- Ludlow
- Lutomski
- Lynas
- Lysons
- Löve
- Löve
- Mabry
- Macalister
- Macalpine
- MacDougal
- Macht
- Macintosh
- MacKinney
- Maclean
- Macleod
- Magendie
- Mahato
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maisch
- Maisch
- Malinow
- Malinow
- Malone
- Mann
- Mann
- Manske
- Marini-Bettolo
- Marker
- Markle
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin
- Martinez
- Marx
- Masefield
- Massey
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathieu
- Matsuda
- Matthew
- Mattocks
- Mattson
- Maughan
- Mauries
- Max
- McCallion
- McCamm
- McCauley
- McClure
- McDonald
- McDonald
- McElvain
- McGavach
- McGregor
- McIntyre
- McLaughlin
- McLean
- McNair
- McNaughton
- McNeill
- McPherson
- Mease
- Medon
- Meigs
- Meijer
- Meikle
- Melderis
- Mellinger
- Mellinger
- Meltzer
- Merrill
- Merrill
- Mertens
- Mervin
- Metcalf
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyrich
- Middleton
- Middleton
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Milligan
- Mills
- Mills
- Millspaugh
- Mintz
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitcher
- Mix
- Moen
- Moerman
- Moerman
- Moerman
- Moerman
- Moerman
- Mohabbat
- Mohr
- Mohs
- Monardes
- Montagna
- Montgomery
- Mooney
- Mooney
- Moore
- Morelli
- Morley
- Morris
- Morson
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Morton
- Moskalenke
- Mossa
- Mossell
- Mota
- Motherby
- Mowrey
- Mowrey
- Moyna
- Muenscher
- Muir
- Muller
- Murray
- Murray
- Murray
- Mushet
- Nagy
- Nakajima
- Namba
- Napheys
- Napier
- Nees von Esenbeck
- Neiderhofer
- Neuberger
- Neumann
- Ng
- Nichikawa
- Nickell
- Nicollier
- Niemann
- Nieuwhof
- Nikol’skaya
- Nisbet
- Noble
- Noguchi
- Nolen
- Norris
- Nottingham
- Nutritive Value of American Foods in Common Units
- Nuttall
- Nutton
- Nyborn
- Oelrichs
- Ohmoto
- Okuyama
- Okwuasaba
- Okwuasaba
- Oliver-Bever
- Oliver-Bever
- Opdyke
- Opdyke
- Oriowa
- Ortiz de Montellano
- Osborne
- Osgood
- Osol
- O’Connor
- O’Keeffe
- Packer
- Page
- Page
- Paine
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Parantainen
- Parente
- Paris
- Parish
- Parke-Davis and Company
- Parke-Davis and Company
- Parkinson
- Parks
- Parr
- Parramore
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Pashby
- Pei-Gen
- Peigen
- Pelletier
- Pennington
- Penso
- Penso
- Perceval
- Pereira
- Perry
- Perry
- Persons
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Petkov
- Petkov
- Petkov
- Petrovskii
- Phelon
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Phillipson
- Pickersgill
- Pierce
- Pierce
- Pilcher
- Pilcher
- Pilcher
- Piotrowski
- Pitarevic
- Plowden
- Poethke
- Polk
- Pomet
- Porcher
- Porcher
- Porcher
- Porteous
- Postell
- Potter
- Potter
- Potterton
- Poulopoulos
- Poulton
- Power
- Poynter
- Prakash
- Price
- Prime
- Prior
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Proctor
- Proksa
- Pruthi
- Puckett
- Purseglove
- Pursh
- Pye
- Quadry
- Quincy
- Radford
- Radics
- Rafinesque
- Rahman
- Raichelson
- Rainsford
- Ramaswamy
- Ranney
- Rao
- Rao
- Rao
- Ray
- Rea
- Read
- Reader’s Digest
- Rehder
- Rehder
- Reilley
- Remington
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Rhamé
- Rhoads
- Rhode
- Richards
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Rickett
- Riddell
- Riddle
- Riddle
- Rietbrock
- Rigg
- Ring
- Ringer
- Rippere
- Rippere
- Rishel
- Risse
- Risse
- Risse
- Risse
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Robson
- Robson
- Roca-Garcia
- Rodale
- Rodgers
- Rodriguez
- Roe
- Roe
- Roe
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Roitman
- Rolleston
- Rook
- Rosatti
- Rose
- Rosengarten
- Roshevits
- Ross
- Roth
- Rouleau
- Rowe
- Rowley
- Royle
- Rozin
- Ruffin
- Ruggy
- Rusby
- Rusby
- Rusby
- Rusby
- Rush
- Russell
- Rydberg
- Rydberg
- Rydén
- Rydén
- Rydén
- Rydén
- Röder
- Röder
- RĂĽdiger
- Saegert
- Saha
- Sajous
- Sakethhoo
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Salmon
- Sasek
- Sauer
- Sauer
- Savory
- Sawyer
- Scarborough
- Scarborough
- Scarborough
- Scarborough
- Scarpa
- Scarpa
- Schanenberg
- Schedler
- Schery
- Schipochliev
- Schmalle
- Schmid
- Schneider
- Schoental
- Schoepf
- Schulte
- Schultes
- Schultes
- Schwanitz
- Schwartz
- Scoggan
- Scroggs
- Secrest
- Segal
- Segelman
- Sell
- Serfen
- Servis
- Shaffer
- Shanmugasundaram
- Sharma
- Sharp
- Shelford
- Shemluck
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Sherman
- Sherry
- Sherry
- Sheth
- Shetler
- Shibata
- Shibata
- Shillingsburg
- Ship
- Shoemaker
- Shoemaker
- Short
- Shurtleff
- Sibley
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Siegel
- Sievers
- Sigmund
- Simmonds
- Simmons
- Simon
- Simpson
- Singer
- Singer
- Singh
- Small
- Small
- Smart
- Smart
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Snajder
- Snow
- Snow
- Sobota
- Solis-Cohen
- Sollmann
- Somerville
- South
- Southard
- Spalding
- Speck
- Spencer
- Spiegeberg
- Spinelli
- Spjut
- Spoerke
- Spongberg
- Staba
- Stace
- Stace
- Stace
- Stacey
- Stage
- Stahl
- Stalheim
- Stall
- Stanford
- Stanley
- Stannard
- Steam
- Steam
- Stearns
- Steffen
- Steiner
- Stern
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Steyermark
- Stillman
- Stillé
- Stillé
- Stoll
- Stone
- Stone
- Strand
- Strausbaugh
- Stuart
- Stuhr
- Sturtevant
- Styles
- Suffness
- Sullivan
- Swados
- Swain
- Swain
- Swingle
- Sydenham
- Taberner
- Tantaquidgeon
- Tay
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tehon
- Teigen
- Temkin
- Temkin
- Temple
- Tennent
- Tenney
- Thacher
- Thacher
- Thieret
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorndike
- Thornton
- Tiera
- Tin-Wa
- Tisserand
- Tobe
- Torrey
- Tournefort
- Train
- Trease
- Trelease
- Trotter
- Trotter
- Trusler
- Truswell
- Tschirch
- Tsotsoriya
- Tsuda
- Tubaro
- Tucker
- Tucker
- Tuntiwachwuttikul
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tutin
- Twain
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyree
- Tétényi
- Tétényi
- Tétényi
- Tétényi
- Ulubelen
- United States Pharmacopoeial Convention
- Vaillancourt
- Valnet
- van Helmont
- Vander Kloet
- Vander Kloet
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Veninga
- Vennesland
- Verpoort
- Verstille
- Vickers
- Vickery
- Vickery
- Visser
- Vitetta
- Vogel
- Vogel
- Vogel
- Vuilleumier
- Vulto
- Vulto
- Wachtel
- Wacker
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wakeman
- Walker
- Wall
- Waller
- Waller
- Waller
- Waller
- Wallis
- Walshe
- Walters
- Walton
- Ward
- Ware
- Waring
- Waring
- Waring
- Warner
- Warren
- Warren
- Waterman
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Waxdal
- Weibel
- Wells
- Wells
- Wells
- Wells
- Welsh
- Wenzell
- Wesley-Hadzija
- Wheelwright
- Whitaker
- White
- White
- White
- Whitener
- Whitlaw
- Wieand
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wigginton
- Wilcox
- Wilhelm
- Wilkinson
- Willaman
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Willich
- Willis
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winkelman
- Withering
- Wittop Koning
- Witzel
- Wohlfart
- Wolfe
- Wolswinkel
- Wong
- Woo
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodard
- Woodville
- Woodward
- Worthington-Roberts
- Wren
- Wren
- Wyman
- Wynter
- Xiao
- Yamaguchi
- Yamahara
- Yeo
- Yonge
- Young
- Youngken
- Youngken
- Youngken
- Yuncker
- Zdero
- Zennie
- Zollickoffer
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study