2,192 research outputs found

    Research Directions, Challenges and Issues in Opinion Mining

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    Rapid growth of Internet and availability of user reviews on the web for any product has provided a need for an effective system to analyze the web reviews. Such reviews are useful to some extent, promising both the customers and product manufacturers. For any popular product, the number of reviews can be in hundreds or even thousands. This creates difficulty for a customer to analyze them and make important decisions on whether to purchase the product or to not. Mining such product reviews or opinions is termed as opinion mining which is broadly classified into two main categories namely facts and opinions. Though there are several approaches for opinion mining, there remains a challenge to decide on the recommendation provided by the system. In this paper, we analyze the basics of opinion mining, challenges, pros & cons of past opinion mining systems and provide some directions for the future research work, focusing on the challenges and issues

    Induction of alternative pathway respiration by nitrate in Chlamydomonas

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    Abstract Besides the ubiquitous cytochrome pathway of mitochondrial respiration, the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii possesses an alternative pathway of respiration, which is comprised of a single protein, alternative oxidase (AOX). AOX is induced when C. reinhardtii cells are shifted from a growth medium containing ammonium as the nitrogen source to one with nitrate. The primary aim of this thesis was to understand the metabolic connections between nitrate assimilation and the induction of the alternative pathway. That these two metabolic processes are closely linked is supported by the fact that a gene encoding AOX (AOX1) is clustered with the genes required for nitrate assimilation (NAR genes). To investigate if the clustering of AOX1 with NAR genes occurs in other green algae, publicly available genome databases were searched. It was found that while the clustering of NAR genes is widespread in many lineages of green algae, the presence of AOX1 within a NAR cluster is a characteristic of only a single group of green algae, the chlorophytes. Interestingly, it was found that lineages that lack NAR gene clustering seem to have a preference for importing amino acids instead of nitrate as their dominant source of nitrogen. The role of AOX in nitrate assimilation was investigated by constitutively blocking AOX1 expression. AOX knockdown cells displayed a slightly decreased rate of growth and distinctly different photosynthetic electron transport characteristics. Whole-cell metabolite analysis showed that the lack of AOX in the mitochondrion in knockdown cells suppressed the stimulatory effect of nitrate on oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (oxPPP) activity within the chloroplast. Interestingly, this regulation also occurred in the opposite direction. In wild-type cells, the biochemical inhibition of oxPPP by glycerol in the chloroplast decreased the accumulation of AOX in the mitochondrion. Overall, the data suggests that the induction of AOX by nitrate relieves respiratory electron transport from adenylate control. During nitrate assimilation increased demand by the chloroplast for ATP would decrease the transfer of ADP and Pi to the mitochondria restricting the rate of the cytochrome pathway. Up regulation of the alternative pathway would allow for continued upstream respiratory carbon flow under limiting adenylate conditions. Keywords Alternative oxidase, nitrate, Chlamydomonas, respiration, oxidative pentose phosphate pathwa

    The Influence Of Emotional Social Competency And Self-Efficacy Towards Student Leadership Practice Among Pismp Trainee Teachers

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    Kecerdasan sosial dan emosi, efikasi kendiri dan amalan kepimpinan adalah aspek penting dalam membentuk bakal guru yang holistik. Sehubungan dengan itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh kecerdasan sosial emosi dan efikasi kendiri terhadap amalan kepimpinan dalam kalangan guru pelatih PISMP di Institut Pendidikan Guru di Malaysia Emotional and social intelligence, self-efficacy and leadership practice are important aspects in moulding future teachers holistically. In relation to that, the purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of emotional social intelligence and self-efficacy towards leadership practices among PISMP trainee teachers of Institute of Teacher Education in Malaysi

    Research Notes: Inheritance of photoperiod insensitivity to flowering in Glycine max

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    At the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) one of the objectives of our soybean program is to identify photoperiod insensitivity (PI) in the germplasm and to develop high-yielding, widely-adapted types using PI. Photoperiod insensitivity has been reported in soybean by Yoshida (1952), Pohjakallio and Antila (1957), Criswell and Hume (1972), and Shanmugasundaram et al. (1974). However, due to unavailability of a suitable practical technique to screen the F2 and backcross individuals , the inheritance of PI could not be studied accurately

    Research Notes : Underground pods in Glycine falcata Benth

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    The genus Glycine L. has been divided into three sub-genera, namely Glycine L., Bracteata Verde ., and Soja (Moench) F. J. Herm. (Hymowitz, 1970). G.falcata of 1864 was the last of the true Glycine species to be described by Bentham (Hermann, 1962). G. falcata is one of the six species belonging to the sub-genus Glycine L. G.falcata appears to be restricted to Australia (Newell and Hymowitz, 1978)

    Transients in Single-Phase Induction Motors: A Study of the Transient Torque Characteristics of an Unloaded Single-Phase Capacitor-Start Induction Motor

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    The thesis describes a study of the transient torque characteristics of an unloaded single-phase, capacitor-start induction motor. A review of published works on the study of transient torques in induction motors is made in Chapter 1. Though there have been attempts to calculate transient torque characteristics of single-phase Induction motors for zero speed and constant speed conditions, there does not appear to have been any attempt at an experimental study of the problem. Experimental investigation avoids the limitations normally involved in theoretical calculations. A systematic experimental investigation necessitates the exercise of control over the point-on-wave of closing the supply to the motor and equipment to detect transient torques, under both free-rotor and blocked-rotor conditions. After an exhaustive survey of possible methods of detecting transient torques under these conditions (Appendix I), it was decided to use a d.c. excited, drag-cup, two-phase induction generator as an accelerometer in the former case and a stator reaction detecting scheme using a precision load cell for the latter case. The calibration of the accelerometer is described In Appendix II and the design of the stator reaction detecting scheme in Appendix III. The attempt to design and develop a p.-on-w. control and the actual one used are described in Chapter 2. The operational details and calibration of the p.-on-w. switch are also described in detail. It was found to be very important to have the accelerometer rigidly coupled to the shaft of the motor. For the stator reaction detecting scheme, it was necessary that the natural frequency of the stator suspension should be at least about 450 c/s. Results obtained simultaneously by the two detecting methods show satisfactory correspondence. Chapter 3 deals with the investigation of transient torques with free rotor. The effect of pointx-on-wave of closing the supply voltage is studied in detail at a reduced terminal voltage of 140V. The results show that the initiation of the transient torques is governed by point-on-wave. The transient torques have a maximum near 0 point-on-wave and are almost completely absent for 90. Speed effects are discussed and It is found that speed plays an Important part in determining the value of maximum peak torque. Speed also introduces dynamic braking torque which affects the mean torque pattern. Free-rotor investigations with different applied voltages are described, and their results discussed. The importance of speed effects is well demonstrated by these results. The duration of the line frequency component of the transient torque is almost entirely governed by speed except for very long run-up times. The appearance of a double line frequency pulsating torque also seems to be speed dependent. With short run-up times, the machine overspeeds before finally attaining its no-load speed. Variation in speed effects with differing acceleration and the effect of saturation on the torque peaks are discussed. Experiments to study the effect of switching on while the motor is running are reported. The results show that the dynamic braking torque assumes greater importance when re-closing is done near no-load speed and 0 point-on-wave. Investigation of the stalled-rotor transients is presented in Chapter 4. This investigation was carried out both by experiment and by computation. The experimental results show that the initiation of transient torques depends on the point-on-wave in much the same way as in the free-rotor case. In the absence of speed effects the magnitude of torque peaks does not show an Increase over the initial value and the transient torques decay with their 'natural' electrical time constants. The principal component has a very long time constant. Transient current equations are derived based on the actual two-axes arrangement of the windings. Experimentally determined machine constants are substituted in these equations and the resulting current expressions are solved for instantaneous values using a digital computer. Instantaneous values of torque are computed from the Instantaneous values of currents. The various components of the transient torque are discussed. Computed transients compare favourably with experimental results. The approach, systems used, and results obtained are discussed in a general fashion. Blocked-rotor results and free-rotor results are compared with a view to determining the degree to which the former results can be applied to the latter condition. It is thought that the very large dynamic braking torque that can be obtained during re-closing while the rotor Is rotating, my be of some practical significance

    Solar Based Z Source Inverter for High Power Application

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    The different converters are developer in recent years for efficient operation of PV based various controllers for ac load application. The Z source inverter is used as both buck and boost operation. But the proposed paper Z source inverter produce more output voltage than input voltage.  In proposed converter produce high power without using the transformer. The space vector modulation is used as to control the speed of an induction motor. The IFOC based SVM produce the pulse and given to the three phase inverter. In induction motor has high power application so the proposed Z source produces high output. The dc link voltage regulation using the filter. The proposed Z source based PV is implemented using MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment

    Fabrication of nanofiber scaffolds by electrospinning and it\u27s potential for tissue engineering

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    Electrospinning is a fabrication process that uses an electric field to control the deposition of polymer fibers on to a target substrate. This electrospinning strategy can be used to fabricate fibrous polymer mats composed of fiber diameters ranging from several microns down to tens of nanometers. This study assesses the potential of electrospinning, as an alternative scaffold fabrication technique for tissue engineering applications. In this study, electrospinning is adapted to produce tissue-engineering scaffolds of two different size ranges composed of non-woven poly-L-lactide (PLLA) nanofibers and as a first study, the potential use of these scaffolds as tissue engineering scaffolds was assessed with the cell proliferation of Mesenchymal stem cells. Electrospun fibers were characterized for fiber diameter, porosity, pore size and its distribution. The electrospun scaffolds achieved a high surface area and porosity. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) were seeded on to electrospun PLLA scaffolds having two different fiber diameters. The cell-polymer constructs were cultured under static culture conditions. Cell proliferation study was performed. The results showed that MSC tend to proliferate well on nanofibers than on microfibers

    Research Notes: Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center

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    In 1971, the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) was created as an international research organization responsible for improving the production and nutritional qua lity of vegetable crops in the humid tropics. The Center is located to the north of Tainan City in southern Taiwan (between 23°07\u2707\u27\u27 and 23°06\u2736 north latitude, and between 120°16\u2745\u27\u27 and 120°17\u2728\u27\u27 east longitude at an elevation of nine meters AMSL). In March 1973, AVRDC selected the soybean as one of the six crops to receive initial emphasis in its research program