2,063 research outputs found

    A new method for producing optical mirrors

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    Pure silicon improves optical mirrors for use in telescopes and high resolution optical systems. Pure silicon is used in both mirror and substrate in environments where large thermal changes occur. It has applicability in astronomical devices

    Coatings from copolymers of tetraphenoxysilane and p,p(1)-biphenol

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    Resultant resin from copolymers is highly crosslinked and completely aromatic. Procedure develops polyaryoxysilane structure in situ after the substrate has first been coated with a prepolymer. Resins are useful as protective coatings for metals, ceramics, glass, and other materials that accommodate relatively high curing temperatures

    Airborne Fraunhofer Line Discriminator

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    Airborne Fraunhofer Line Discriminator enables prospecting for fluorescent materials, hydrography with fluorescent dyes, and plant studies based on fluorescence of chlorophyll. Optical unit design is the coincidence of Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum occurring at the characteristic wavelengths of some fluorescent materials

    Fraunhofer line discriminator Final report

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    Airborne Fraunhofer line discriminato

    Exclusivity or Exclusion? A Case Study of Sustainability in Glenmore Park

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    The Emergence, Persistence, and Success of the Cuban Social Movement Las Damas de Blanco

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    In a three-day period, March 18-20, 2003, referred to as The Black Spring, the Cuban government arrested and imprisoned 75 journalists, human rights activists, and pro-democracy advocates. In response, the wives, mothers, and daughters of these political prisoners formed the non-violent protest organization, Las Damas de Blanco (The Ladies in White), calling for an improvement in prison conditions and the release of their relatives. In March 2011, after eight years of Las Damas’ activism, the final prisoners were released. The women’s organization, now named the Laura Pollán Damas de Blanco Movimiento, continues its human rights activism despite continued repression. Combining elements of structural, cultural, and nonviolent action theoretical approaches, I analyzed 12 oral histories of organization members to examine the factors associated with the organization’s emergence and development. I argue that a pervasive ethos of care within Las Damas provides a foundation for the organization’s endurance and success. This study is important because a better understanding of the Laura Pollán Damas de Blanco Movimiento may further the advancement of other activist organizations

    New Species And A Review Of The Deep-Sea Fish Genus Asquamiceps (Salmoniformes, Alepocephalidae)

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    A new species of Asqllamiceps with a striking cobalt blue head is described from specimens collected at bathypelagic (ca. 2,000 m) depths in the Atlantic Ocean. The new species is compared to the five nominal species in the genus and a key to Asqllamiceps is presented. One nominal species. A. indagatio, is treated as a junior synonym of A. velaris. The anatomy of A. caerlilells suggests a relatively primitive grade within the family. The caudal skeleton, with two to four ural centra, four uroneurals, and the distal edge of the lower hypurals ahead of the distal edge of the upper hypura]s, is one of the most primitive known in the family. Most derived characters found, such as no mesocoracoid, two epurals and no pelvic splint, are reductional. Suspected relationships of Asqllamicep~\u27 are with Einara, COllocara. Leptoderma, and AlIlostomomorpha

    Crushing Debt or Savvy Strategy? Financial Literacy and Student Perceptions of their Student Loan Debt

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    Almost three quarters of American college students use loans to fund their college education, although according to public discourse student debt is a critical problem. Grounded in social reproduction theory and consumer socialization theory this study examines the influence of financial literacy on students’ college financing decisions, perceptions of student loan debt, and education-related behavior. A sample of 429 undergraduate students selected using systematic cluster sampling from a large public university in the southeast completed a survey containing closed and open ended questions. Participants reported moderate levels of financial literacy (72.3%) and student loan awareness (62.7%). Only 20% of students in this sample used estimated college expenses to determine how much to borrow. Students with higher levels of financial literacy were more likely to view their student loan debt positively as a financial strategy, were less concerned about their ability to repay their loans, and made better financing and education-related decisions compared to students with lower levels of financial literacy. Students with lower levels of financial literacy were more likely to make counterproductive decisions. Student loans are an increasingly necessary strategy for educational attainment; their effective utilization requires a level of financial literacy which most students do not possess

    L’amour bienveillant et la capacité dans un cours de mathématiques

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    I imagine mathematics to be a place of loving kindness and capability. Loving kindness is a way of being together, one that affords and sustains capability; and making the (math) classroom a place of loving kindness consists in taking an active interest in one other. Nussbaum (2011) characterizes capability as an answer to the following question: “What is each person able to do and to be?” (p. 18). Drawing on Nussbaum’s (2011) capabilities approach as a broad, normative framework for characterizing individual well-being in the context of teaching and learning, I inquire into my experience teaching a mathematics class in which we cooperatively built 14-foot Prospector canoes. I explore the potential for a hermeneutic pedagogy as a means to both interpret and cultivate capability, and to identify three specific, significant capabilities that emerged in our work together—autonomy, affiliation and hermeneutic imagination—as valuable in and of themselves, yet also essential to cultivating and securing additional capabilities, and to furnishing a space for loving kindness in the mathematics classroom.Je vois dans les mathématiques une occasion de manifestation d’amour bienveillant et decapacité. L’amour bienveillant est une mode d’etre ensemble qui provoque et soutient la capacité; et rendant la salle de classe une espace de capacité veut dire prendre un interêt actif envers l’un et l’autre. Nussbaum (2011) décrit la capacité comme la réponse à la question suivante : “Qu’est-ce qui caractérise ce que chaque personne est capable de faire et d’être?” S’appuyant sur l’approche des compétences de Nussbaum (2011) comme un large cadre conceptuel normatif qui caractérise le bien-être de l’individu dans le contexte didactique, je porte un regard rétrospectif sur mes expériences à enseigner les mathématiques au cours desquelles nous avons construit ensemble des canots de prospection mesurant de quatorze pieds. J’explore le potentiel d’une pédagogie herméneutique comme moyen d’interpréter et cultiver la capacité et d’identifier trois capacités significatives dans nos travaux collectifs—autonomie, affiliation et l’imagination herméneutique—comme étant fort précieux, autant précieuses en soi qu’essentielles à cultiver et à sécuriser des capacités additionnelles, et aussi pour nourir un espace pour l’amour bienveillant dans la salle de classe
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