1,329 research outputs found

    Study on Marine Sandwave Dynamics

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    Geoid, ellipsoid, land levelling, mean sea level, lowest astronomical tide, are reference levels used by hydrographers. From survey to chart production, hydrography operational techniques, require precise levelling of chart datum with reference to one of these levels. This presupposes in one hand, precise definitions and, in the other, a critical assessment of consistency with general reference level requirements: stability, accessibility, precision.Geoide, elipsoide, nivelaciôn terrestre, nivel medio del mar, menor marea astronômica, son niveles de referenda utilizados por los higrôgrafos. Desde el levantamiento hasta la producciôn de la carta nâutica, las técnicas hidrogrâficas operacionales requieren una précisa definicion del datum de la carta con referenda a uno de estos niveles. Esto presupone por una parte, précisas definiciones y, por la otra, una critica valoraciôn de la consistencia con los requerimientos de niveles de referenda generales: estabilidad, accesibilidad, precision.Géoïde, ellipsoïde, nivellement terrestre, niveau moyen, niveau des plus basses mers, sont autant de références utilisés en hydrographie. Les techniques mises en oeuvre lors des travaux hydrographiques, depuis les levés jusqu’à la confection des cartes marines, nécessitent la cotation du zéro hydrographique par rapport à l’une ou l’autre de ces références. Cela suppose d’une part des définitions précises, d'autre part une évaluation critique des critères de conformité relatifs à toute référence, à savoir: stabilité, accessibilité, précision

    Ingeniería de software: Reflexiones sobre una disciplina en evolución

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    This paper analyzes Software Architecture, defining it and describing the evolution of this field and its role in software engineering. In addition, it covers key concepts of a software archi- tecture course, steps to pursue an architectural thinking, the elements of organizational architecture maturity and emerging trends and issues such as: Architecture evolution, Architecture conformance, Frameworks, platforms, and ecologies, and Self-Adaptive Systems. Further we examine how software engineering has matured over the past two decades (and the role that software architecture has played in this process), the requirements of architectural thinking (at both technical and organizational levels), the importance for an organization to have mature archi- tectural practices and the existence of important new trends that are reshaping the way software architecture is practicedEste artículo analiza la arquitectura del software, definiéndolo y describiendo la evolución de este campo, y su rol en la ingeniería del software. Además, este cubre los conceptos claves de un curso sobre la arquitectura del software, los pasos para conseguir un pensamiento arquitectónico, los elementos de la madurez de la arquitectura estructural, y las tendencias y problemas emergentes como: la evolución de la arquitectura, la conformidad de la misma, los marcos de trabajo, las plataformas, y las ecologías, y los sistemas automáticos. Más allá, examinamos cómo la ingeniería del software ha madurado durante estas últimas dos décadas (y el papel que la arquitectura del software interpretó en este proceso); los requerimientos del pensamiento arquitectónico (a niveles tanto técnicos como organizativos); la importancia que tiene para una organización el hecho de que, las prácticas arquitecturales haya madurado; y la existencia de nuevas tendencias importantes que están modulando la manera en la que se practica la arquitectura del software

    Innovations in Marine Cartography at SHOM

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    Financial problems of department stores

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Boston Universit

    Hyper-parameter Tuning for Adversarially Robust Models

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    This work focuses on the problem of hyper-parameter tuning (HPT) for robust (i.e., adversarially trained) models, with the twofold goal of i) establishing which additional HPs are relevant to tune in adversarial settings, and ii) reducing the cost of HPT for robust models. We pursue the first goal via an extensive experimental study based on 3 recent models widely adopted in the prior literature on adversarial robustness. Our findings show that the complexity of the HPT problem, already notoriously expensive, is exacerbated in adversarial settings due to two main reasons: i) the need of tuning additional HPs which balance standard and adversarial training; ii) the need of tuning the HPs of the standard and adversarial training phases independently. Fortunately, we also identify new opportunities to reduce the cost of HPT for robust models. Specifically, we propose to leverage cheap adversarial training methods to obtain inexpensive, yet highly correlated, estimations of the quality achievable using state-of-the-art methods (PGD). We show that, by exploiting this novel idea in conjunction with a recent multi-fidelity optimizer (taKG), the efficiency of the HPT process can be significantly enhanced
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