8 research outputs found

    Hormonal parameters and embryological outcomes of in vitro fertilisation/intra cytoplasmic sperm injection cycles in women using dydrogesterone for the prevention of premature luteinizing hormone surge during ovarian stimulation

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    Aim. To evaluate the hormonal parameters and embryological outcomes of an ovarian stimulation protocol using dydrogesterone to prevent the premature LH surge in IVF/ICSI programmes. Materials and methods. A prospective study randomised, including 79 women with normal ovarian reserve undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI with recombinant FSH (rFSH) from Day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle. To prevent the premature LH surge, participants in Group 1 (n=38) received oral dydrogesterone 20 mg/day from the start of ovarian stimulation until the day of ovulation trigger administration. Participants in Group 2 (n=41) received a GnRH antagonist. We evaluated the starting and total dose of gonadotropins, duration of stimulation, serum levels of LH, oestradiol and progesterone on Day 1 and 6 of stimulation and the day of trigger administration, number of retrieved and mature oocytes, fertilization rate, and the number of blastocysts and cryopreserved embryos. Results. There were no significant differences in most hormonal parameters, characteristics of the ovarian stimulation and embryological outcomes between the two groups. Serum levels of progesterone in the dydrogesterone arm were higher than in the GnRH antagonist arm (2.3 nmol/l [2.03.4] vs 1.5 [1.02.4] nmol/l; p=0.026), but without any impact on the embryological outcomes. Conclusion. Prevention of premature LH surge in ovarian stimulation cycles using oral dydrogesterone may represent a convenient alternative to the conventional use of GnRH antagonists, reducing the number of required injections and potentially increasing the convenience in patients who are not planning a fresh embryo transfer

    Negative effect of antiretroviral therapy on spermogram values in HIV-positive men

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    The study objective is to analyze spermogram values in HIV-positive men receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART).Materials and methods. The prospective case-controlled study included 115 men: the main group consisted of 51 patients with HIV, control group consisted of 64 patients with negative serological test for HIV and normal spermogram values. In total, 97 and 111 sperm samples were analyzed. HIV status was evaluated based on disease stage and phase, viral load, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ lymphocyte counts and ART duration.Results. History of HIV varied between 2 and 9 years (median 5 years). All patients were receiving ART. Median duration of drug administration was 1.5years. In 48.4 % of HIV-positive patients, normozoospermia was observed. In the structure of pathological zoospermia, teratozoospermia was the most prevalent (40 %), and the percentage of pathological forms of spermatozoa in HIV-positive men was significantly higher than in HIV-negative men (97 (96—98) and 96 (95—96) %, р = 0.0001, respectively). Ejaculate volume (2.7 (2.0—3.4) and 3.1 (2.3—4.0) ml, р = 0.003), total count (89.1 (47.3—153.0) and 198.8 (138.5—272.8) million, р = 0.0001), concentration (36 (21—52) and 63.5 (46—91) million/ml, р = 0.0001), percentage of progressive motile (40 (31—53) and 55 (48.7—62.2) %, р = 0.0001) and viable sperm (78 (71.5—81.0) and 84 (82—87) %, р = 0.0001) were significantly lower, and the number of immotile forms (50 (39—55.5) and 38 (31.7—42.2) %, р = 0.0001) significantly higher in HIV-positive patients than in men without HIV. Negative correlations between the number of abnormal spermatozoa and CD4+ lymphocyte count (r = —0.362, р = 0.026), disease duration and sperm concentration (r = —0.242, р = 0.020), percentage of progressive motile sperm (grade B) and disease duration (r = —0.241, р = 0.024) were established. ART duration negatively correlated with the percentage of progressive motile sperm (grade B) (r = —0.224, р = 0.036). Percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA was significantly higher in HIV-positive patients compared to HIV-negative men (15.8 (12.4—23.0) and 9.95 (7.3— 12.4) %, р = 0.001, respectively).Conclusion. In HIV-positive patients receiving ART, sperm DNA fragmentation and the number of pathological forms are increased. Percentage of abnormal forms is higher for lower CD4+ lymphocyte counts. Sperm concentration decreases, and percentage of immobile forms increases with duration of HIV infection. ART negatively affects sperm motility


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    The goal of the study was to evaluate the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the semen characteristics in HIV-infected men.Materials and methods. A prospective case-control study enrolled 66 HIV-infected male patients who presented for fertility assessment. Group 1 included 51 male patients treated with ART; Group 2 included 15 males who were not receiving ART. 97 and 25 semen samples were analyzed, respectively. HIV status was assessed based on the data regarding the stage and phase of the disease, viral load, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ counts and the ART duration.Study results. At enrollment in the study, the duration of HIV infection in Group 1 was longer than that in Group 2 (the difference being statistically significant): 5 years (2–9 years) versus 2,5 years (0,4–4,5), respectively (р=0,0004). Median duration of treatment in Group 1 was 1,5 years. The most common type of abnormal semen morphology in ART-treated patients was teratozoospermia (40%), and the percentage of abnormally shaped spermatozoa in this group was higher compared to Group 2 (the difference being statistically significant): 97 (96–98) versus 96 (94,5–96,5); р=0,006). Group 1 demonstrated a negative relationship between the count of abnormally shaped spermatozoa and CD4+ cell count (r=–0,362; р=0,026), disease duration (r=0,173; р=0,173) and sperm count (r=–0,242; р=0,020), progressively motile (category B) sperm count (r=–0,241; р=0,024). The ART duration showed an inverse correlation with the progressively motile sperm count (category B) (r=–0,224; р=0,036). Group 2 demonstrated a statistically significant positive relationship between the CD4+ cell count, the semen volume (r=0,778; p=0,014), and the count of progressively motile (category B) spermatozoa (r=0,667; р=0,05). We also revealed a statistically significant inverse relationship between the viral load and the semen volume (r=–0,669; р=0,035). Sperm DNA fragmentation was found to be higher in HIV-infected patients treated with ART compared to HIV-infected men not receiving ART (15,8% (12,4–23,0) and 14% (10,9–20,5); р=0,533), respectively. Thus, HIV-infected patients treated with ART demonstrated abnormal sperm morphology (increased abnormal sperm count), decreased sperm motility and increased sperm DNA fragmentation level. The percentage of abnormally shaped sperm was higher in patients with lower CD4+ cell counts. In patients with a long history of HIV infection, the sperm count decreases and the count of immotile spermatozoa increases. HIV-infected individuals who are not receiving ART and have high viral loads show decreased semen volume. This value increases upon an increase in the CD4+ cell count.Цель: оценить влияние антиретровирусной терапии на  показатели спермограммы у  мужчин, инфицированных ВИЧ.Материалы и методы. Проведено проспективное исследование случай-контроль у 66 мужчин с ВИЧ-инфекцией, которые обратились для оценки фертильности. 1 группу исследования составил 51 мужчина, все из них принимающие АРВТ; 2 группу — 15 мужчин, не получавших АРВТ. Проведена оценка 97 и 25 образцов спермы соответственно. Статус пациентов по ВИЧ-инфекции оценивали на основании данных о стадии и фазе заболевания, об уровне вирусной нагрузки, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ лимфоцитов и длительности АРВТ.Результаты исследования. В 1 группе «стаж» ВИЧ-инфекции на момент включения в исследование был статистически значимо выше, чем во 2 группе — 5 лет (2–9) и 2,5 года (0,4–4,5) соответственно, (р=0,0004). Медиана продолжительности приема препаратов в 1 группе составила 1,5 года. В группе пациентов, принимающих АРВТ, в структуре патозооспермии преобладала тератозооспермия (40%), доля патологических форм сперматозоидов в данной группе была статистически значимо выше по сравнению со 2 группой: 97 (96–98) и 96 (94,5–96,5), р=0,006). В 1 группе пациентов установлена отрицательная взаимосвязь числа аномальных сперматозоидов и уровня CD4+ лимфоцитов (r=–0,362; р=0,026), длительности заболевания с концентрацией сперматозоидов (r=–0,242; р=0,020) и числом прогрессивно-подвижных форм категории В (r=–0,241; р=0,024). Длительность АРВТ отрицательно коррелировала с числом прогрессивно-подвижных сперматозоидов категории В (r=–0,224; р=0,036). Во 2 группе пациентов была выявлена статистически значимая положительная взаимосвязь между уровнем СD4+ лимфоцитов, объемом эякулята (r=0,778; p=0,014) и количеством прогрессивно-подвижных сперматозоидов категории В (r=0,667; р=0,05). Также была обнаружена статистически значимая отрицательная взаимосвязь уровня вирусной нагрузки и объема эякулята (r=–0,669; р=0,035). При оценке процента фрагментации ДНК сперматозоидов было выявлено, что данный показатель был выше у ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов, принимающих АРВТ по сравнению с ВИЧ-положительными мужчинами, не использовавшими терапию (15,8% (12,4–23) и 14% (10,9–20,5); р=0,533) соответственно. Таким образом, у ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов, принимающих АРВТ, наблюдается патозооспермия, а именно увеличивается число патологических форм сперматозоидов, снижается их подвижность и повышается фрагментация ДНК сперматозоидов. Доля аномальных форм сперматозоидов выше при низких показателях СD4+ лимфоцитов. Концентрация сперматозоидов снижается, а количество их неподвижных форм увеличивается при длительном «стаже» ВИЧ-инфекции. У ВИЧ-положительных пациентов, не использующих АРВТ, при высоких уровнях вирусной нагрузки снижается объем эякулята, и этот же параметр возрастает при увеличении уровня CD4+ лимфоцитов.</p


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