524 research outputs found

    New distribution channels in service firms: marketing and organizational consequences.

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    This paper aims at showing marketing and organizational impacts of the diversification of distribution channels, i.e. interfaces between distributor and consumer, on the service encounter between customers and a service firm in retail banking. Interactions between branches, the outgoing call-centre and the incoming call-centre are scrutinized. Our study highlights four main results : (a) New distribution channels use is linked to customer profile, and lack of customer capacity to participate is a major restraint to customer willingness to participate. (b) New distribution channels favour potential customer opportunism for a limited number of customers. Two forms of opportunism are shown: active and premeditated opportunism versus the incoming call-centre, “spontaneous” or “incident” opportunism when called by the outgoing call-centre. (c) To limit potential opportunism, the bank insists on formal coordination mechanisms: process standardization, qualification standardization, direct supervision. (d) the customer acts as a “perception filter” between the different channels employees. The customer’s actions modify - positively or more generally negatively - the internal perception of branch sales people about their colleagues working in the call centre.opportunism; retail banking sector; distribution channels; multichannel distribution; intra-organizational coordination;

    Jeu de substitutions ou instrument pour apprendre : le maĂźtre de papier en sciences Ă  l’école

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    En France, la production de manuels scolaires en sciences pour l’école Ă©lĂ©mentaire n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© aussi importante, alors que l’épistĂ©mologie sous-jacente des programmes ne privilĂ©gie a priori pas cet outil. En convoquant les concepts d’instrument et de mĂ©diation, nous prĂ©senterons le manuel comme un maĂźtre de papier et son utilisation comme susceptible de gĂ©nĂ©rer un double conflit de mĂ©diation, l’un affectant l’apprentissage, l’autre les relations existant entre ce maĂźtre de papier et l’enseignant. Nous examinerons comment ces manuels permettent de nĂ©gocier le conflit interne de mĂ©diation potentiel, et les relations qu’entretiennent les maĂźtres en chair et en os avec ce maĂźtre de papier.In France, the production of science textbooks for the elementary school has never been more important, while the underlying epistemology of the programs does not a priori favour this tool. By examining the concepts of instrument and mediation, we will present the textbook as a ‘master of print/paper’ and its use as being able to generate a double conflict of mediation, one affecting learning, the other one the relations existing between this ‘master of print/paper’ and the teacher. We will examine how these textbooks negotiate the potential internal conflict of mediation, and the relationships the teachers, in their essence, have with this ‘master of print/paper’.En Francia, la producciĂłn de libros de texto de ciencias en la escuela primaria nunca ha sido tan importante, mientras que la epistemologĂ­a subyacente a los programas a priori no privilegia esta herramienta. Recordando los conceptos de herramienta y de mediaciĂłn, presentaremos el libro de texto como un “maestro de papel” y su utilizaciĂłn como capaz de generar un doble conflicto de mediaciĂłn, uno que afecta el aprendizaje y el otro las relaciones que existen entre este “maestro de papel” y el docente. Examinaremos cĂłmo estos libros de texto negocian el potencial conflicto interno de mediaciĂłn y las relaciones que mantienen los “maestros en carne y hueso” con este “maestro de papel”

    Conventions de qualification et technologies de l'information : une analyse appliquĂ©e Ă  la relation prestataires logistiques – clients.

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    L’évolution des Technologies de l’Information et des Communications (TIC) et leur intĂ©gration dans les services rendus par les prestataires de services logistiques (PSL) ont entraĂźnĂ© une rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts, et encouragĂ© une meilleure communication entre les PSL et leurs clients au sein d’une Supply Chain. Ces TIC ont eu aussi des implications importantes au niveau de la qualitĂ© de service attendue et fournie sur le marchĂ©. C’est ce que nous montrons ici en mobilisant le concept de convention de qualification, tel qu’il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©fini par Gomez (1994). Nous soutenons dans cet article la thĂšse selon laquelle cette convention de qualification se voit profondĂ©ment transformĂ©e par le recours croissant aux TIC dans la relation PSL / client, ce qui a des effets sur le degrĂ© de complexitĂ© et de cohĂ©rence de cette convention. Ces effets sont en fait rĂ©vĂ©lateurs de l’existence d’un paradoxe dans la gestion de cette relation, qui est marquĂ©e d’un cĂŽtĂ© par le besoin du recours Ă  des mĂ©canismes formels relativement rigides qui vont encadrer la relation, et d’un autre cĂŽtĂ© par une impĂ©rieuse nĂ©cessitĂ© de souplesse, de flexibilitĂ© pour assurer la meilleure adĂ©quation possible entre l’offre du prestataire et les besoins du client.The evolution of information and communications technologies (ICT) and their integration within logistical provider services have brought costs cuts and led to a better communication between these providers and theirs customers within a supply chain. ICTs have also had great consequences on the level of quality both offered and expected on a market. We show that using the qualification convention concept (Gomez, 1994). This convention, we argue, has been profoundly changed since ICTs are more and more used in a logistical service provider / customer relationship. Both complexity and consistency of this convention have evolved, revealing the following paradox in this relationship: on the one hand, relatively formal and rigid coordination mechanisms (such as a contract) are needed to control the relationship, but on the other hand, it needs to be flexible so that supply qualitatively matches demand.TIC; Supply Chain; coordination inter organisationnelle; Convention de qualification; Technologies de l’information et des communications.;

    L'impact du client sur la coordination d'un réseau de distribution multicanal : le cas de la banque de détail.

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    La multiplication de nouveaux canaux de distribution, dĂ©finis comme les interfaces entre les clients et l’entreprise, constitue une orientation stratĂ©gique majeure des en treprises de services. La banque de dĂ©tail, en particulier, est fortement concernĂ©e par cette Ă©volution puisque, en sus des agences, points de vente historiques des produits et services bancaires, se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s les centres d’appels, les services sur Internet, tĂ©lĂ©phonie mobile, ou tĂ©lĂ©vision interactive,... En d’autres termes, sont apparus de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s de contacts et de nouveaux interlocuteurs pour les clients, alors que le conseiller commercial de l’agence Ă©tait auparavant seul maĂźtre de la relation, dont la gestion lui incombait totalement. Dans ce cadre, le client participe de plus en plus activement Ă  la crĂ©ation du service qui lui est fourni (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2000). Le corollaire de cette participation est une incertitude croissante que doit gĂ©rer le prestataire de services (Argote, 1982 ; Larsson et Bowen, 1989 ), laquelle est accrue par un comportement potentiellement opportuniste, au sens de Williamson, du client. Cette situation nĂ©cessite l’établissement de mĂ©canismes de coordination entre les personnels en contact avec les clients. Une Ă©tude de cas exploratoire, menĂ©e au sein d’une banque de dĂ©tail française, nous permet de valider deux hypothĂšses. La premiĂšre suppose l’existence d’un lien entre le nombre de canaux de distribut ion et le degrĂ© d’opportunisme potentiel des clients. La seconde porte sur le degrĂ© de formalisation des mĂ©canismes de coordination instaurĂ©s entre les canaux, qui semble d’autant plus fort que la potentialitĂ© d’opportunisme du client est importante. Par ailleurs, a Ă©mergĂ© de cette Ă©tude empirique un rĂ©sultat inattendu, qui laisse envisager que le client joue un rĂŽle de « filtre » entre les canaux de distribution, notamment entre les agences et les centres d’appels. Sur un plan thĂ©orique, cela renforce l’exigence d’un renouvellement de la perspective institutionnaliste, qui exclut le client de sa rĂ©flexion (Joffre & Montmorillon, 2001).Banque de dĂ©tail; Opportunisme; Distribution multicanale; Canal de distribution; Coordination intra-organisationnelle;

    Caractérisation et fonction des microARN plaquettaires chez l'humain : implication dans l'insuffisance rénale chronique et dans l'activation plaquettaire

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Les plaquettes jouent un rĂŽle central dans le maintien de l’hĂ©mostase et sont impliquĂ©es dans les maladies cardiovasculaires. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments sont anuclĂ©Ă©s, mais contiennent des ARN messagers (ARNm), dont la traduction pourrait ĂȘtre rĂ©gulĂ©e par leurs microARN. Au cours de ce projet, je me suis concentrĂ©e Ă  mieux caractĂ©riser ces microARN, afin de dĂ©terminer leur rĂŽle dans la fonction plaquettaire. L’étude du rĂ©pertoire complet des microARN plaquettaires humains, rĂ©alisĂ©e par sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit, montre un profil caractĂ©risĂ© par la forte expression de microARN impliquĂ©s dans la diffĂ©rentiation cellulaire et la mĂ©gacaryopoĂŻĂšse. La diversitĂ© des microARN plaquettaires est enrichie par l’expression d’isoformes dĂ©calĂ©es en 5’, tel que miR-140-3p, ce qui leur confĂšre la capacitĂ© de rĂ©guler des ARNm diffĂ©rents de l’isoforme principale. Beaucoup de microARN plaquettaires sont modifiĂ©s en 3’, ce qui peut altĂ©rer leur stabilitĂ© et influencer leur fonction. La prĂ©sence de deux nuclĂ©otidyl-transfĂ©rases et l’activitĂ© d’uridylation, observĂ©es dans des extraits protĂ©iques de plaquettes in vitro, dĂ©montrent la capacitĂ© des plaquettes Ă  modifier et Ă  rĂ©guler leurs microARN. Dans un second temps, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© l’implication des microARN dans les dĂ©fauts plaquettaires observĂ©s chez les patients urĂ©miques, dialysĂ©s ou non. Bien que les complexes impliquĂ©s dans la biogenĂšse et la fonction des microARN demeurent fonctionnels, le profil des microARN plaquettaires est altĂ©rĂ© chez les patients urĂ©miques, et semble rĂ©tabli par la dialyse. Deux gĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s comme Ă©tant rĂ©gulĂ©s par des microARN altĂ©rĂ©s chez les patients urĂ©miques, suggĂ©rant que l’altĂ©ration de la rĂ©gulation de certains ARNm par les microARN pourrait contribuer aux dĂ©fauts plaquettaires chez ces patients. Militant en faveur d’un rĂŽle des microARN dans la traduction des ARNm plaquettaire, j’ai mis en Ă©vidence (i) l’association des complexes effecteurs Argonaute 2 (Ago2)‱microARN avec les ARNm, et (ii) la rĂ©gulation de certains ARNm, traduits dans les plaquettes, par des microARN abondamment retrouvĂ©s dans celles-ci. Suite Ă  l’activation des plaquettes, ces derniĂšres sĂ©crĂštent des microARN, essentiellement dans des microparticules, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur desquelles ils sont associĂ©s Ă  Ago2. Globalement, mes rĂ©sultats laissent entrevoir un rĂŽle important pour les microARN plaquettaires dans la rĂ©gulation de leurs ARNm et la communication intercellulaire.Platelets play a central role in hemostasis and are involved in cardiovascular diseases. Devoid of a nucleus, platelets nevertheless contain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and are capable of de novo protein synthesis. MicroRNAs are particularly abundant in platelets, suggesting that they may regulate mRNA translation. In this project, I characterized further the microRNA repertoire and pathway of human platelets in order to gain more insights into their role in platelet function. High-throughput sequencing analysis of human platelet small RNAs revealed an abundant array of microRNAs involved in cell differentiation or megakaryopoiesis. The diversity of platelet microRNAs is expanded by the expression of 5’ shifted isoforms, as observed with miR-140-3p that may regulate mRNAs different than the reference sequence. Most platelet microRNAs are extensively modified at their 3’ extremity, a process that is thought to alter their stability and function. The detection of two nucleotidytranferases, as well as uridylation activity in platelets, demonstrate their ability to modify and regulate their microRNAs. I then studied the implication of microRNAs in the platelet defects observed in uremic patients, undergoing dialysis or not. Although the complexes involved in microRNA biogenesis and function remain functional, the platelet microRNA profile of uremic patients was altered, but seems to be restored by dialysis. The identification of two genes that are regulated by microRNAs altered in uremic patients suggests that an alteration of microRNA-based mRNA regulatory mechanisms may underlie the platelet response to uremia. Consistent with a role for microRNAs in regulating platelet mRNAs, Ago2‱microRNA complexes are associated with platelet mRNAs. In addition, certain mRNAs translated in platelets can be regulated by microRNAs that are particularly abundant in platelets. Following their activation, platelets secrete microRNAs, mainly via microparticles, in which they are found associated with Ago2. Altogether, my results suggest that platelet microRNAs may play an important role in the regulation of platelet mRNAs as well as in intercellular communications

    L’écosophie guattarienne. Une pensĂ©e de l’émergence

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    This article examines the importance of the ecosophical point of view developed by the philosopher and psychoanalyst FĂ©lix Guattari in response to the effects induced by certain so-called modern modes of thought. To respond to the crisis of sensibility that he identifies, Guattari calls for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the worlds, human and non-human at the same time, within which we live and on which we depend. Involving the articulation of three ecologies – mental, social and environmental -, ecosophy cuts across and includes the whole of experience. The ecosophical perspective invites us to transform the relationship with the world by paying attention to the dimension of creativity that runs through our experience and structures it. This “ethico-aesthetic” paradigm will be approached by giving importance to the concept of emergence used by this author, which makes possible to understand the need for the multiple, the singular, the difference or the novelty within our models of understanding events.This article examines the importance of the ecosophical point of view developed by the philosopher and psychoanalyst FĂ©lix Guattari in response to the effects induced by certain so-called modern modes of thought. To respond to the crisis of sensibility that he identifies, Guattari calls for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the worlds, human and non-human at the same time, within which we live and on which we depend. Involving the articulation of three ecologies – mental, social and environmental -, ecosophy cuts across and includes the whole of experience. The ecosophical perspective invites us to transform the relationship with the world by paying attention to the dimension of creativity that runs through our experience and structures it. This “ethico-aesthetic” paradigm will be approached by giving importance to the concept of emergence used by this author, which makes possible to understand the need for the multiple, the singular, the difference or the novelty within our models of understanding events.This article examines the importance of the ecosophical point of view developed by the philosopher and psychoanalyst FĂ©lix Guattari in response to the effects induced by certain so-called modern modes of thought. To respond to the crisis of sensibility that he identifies, Guattari calls for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the worlds, human and non-human at the same time, within which we live and on which we depend. Involving the articulation of three ecologies – mental, social and environmental -, ecosophy cuts across and includes the whole of experience. The ecosophical perspective invites us to transform the relationship with the world by paying attention to the dimension of creativity that runs through our experience and structures it. This “ethico-aesthetic” paradigm will be approached by giving importance to the concept of emergence used by this author, which makes possible to understand the need for the multiple, the singular, the difference or the novelty within our models of understanding events

    Le Cannet-des-Maures – Font Murade

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 8135 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2006 - 2007 (SU) Inventeur(s) : Martos FrĂ©dĂ©ric (COL) ; PlĂ© Christian (COL) ImplantĂ©e 300 m au sud du tracĂ© de la RN 7, au lieu-dit Font Murade, une campagne de sondages rĂ©alisĂ©s d’octobre 2006 Ă  janvier 2007 par le service archĂ©ologique dĂ©partemental (conseil gĂ©nĂ©ral du Var) et le centre archĂ©ologique du Var a permis de localiser les vestiges d’une villa gallo-romaine datable du Ier s. au IVe s. apr. J.-C. De part et d’aut..

    Modélisation numérique de structures en pisé : analyses et recommandations

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    International audienceL'utilisation du pisĂ© dans la construction s'avĂšre aujourd'hui intĂ©ressante dans la nĂ©cessaire dĂ©marche de bĂątir durable. Ce matĂ©riau, non transformĂ© industriellement, est porteur d'une Ă©nergie grise proche de zĂ©ro. De plus, les constructions en pisĂ© apportent un bon confort d'habitation grĂące au comportement hygrothermique naturel des murs en terre. Ces remarques participent Ă  un regain d'intĂ©rĂȘt pour ce matĂ©riau comme le montrent les rĂ©centes recherches sur le sujet. Pourtant, des verrous scientifiques persistent dans ce domaine. Peu d'Ă©tudes concernent, en particulier, l'Ă©valuation des performances mĂ©caniques sous sollicitations dynamiques. Cet article prĂ©sente, dans un premier temps, une revue d'Ă©tudes existantes. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, des simulations numĂ©riques ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es Ă  l'aide du code d'Ă©lĂ©ments finis (ASTER). La loi de comportement Drucker-Pager avec Ă©crouissage a Ă©tĂ© retenue pour les simulations. La pertinence de ce modĂšle et les paramĂštres prĂ©pondĂ©rants ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mis en avant par comparaison avec des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales issues de la littĂ©rature

    The repertoire and features of human platelet microRNAs

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    Playing a central role in the maintenance of hemostasis as well as in thrombotic disorders, platelets contain a relatively diverse messenger RNA (mRNA) transcriptome as well as functional mRNA-regulatory microRNAs, suggesting that platelet mRNAs may be regulated by microRNAs. Here, we elucidated the complete repertoire and features of human platelet microRNAs by high-throughput sequencing. More than 492 different mature microRNAs were detected in human platelets, whereas the list of known human microRNAs was expanded further by the discovery of 40 novel microRNA sequences. As in nucleated cells, platelet microRNAs bear signs of post-transcriptional modifications, mainly terminal adenylation and uridylation. In vitro enzymatic assays demonstrated the ability of human platelets to uridylate microRNAs, which correlated with the presence of the uridyltransferase enzyme TUT4. We also detected numerous microRNA isoforms (isomiRs) resulting from imprecise Drosha and/or Dicer processing, in some cases more frequently than the reference microRNA sequence, including 5â€Č shifted isomiRs with redirected mRNA targeting abilities. This study unveils the existence of a relatively diverse and complex microRNA repertoire in human platelets, and represents a mandatory step towards elucidating the intraplatelet and extraplatelet role, function and importance of platelet microRNAs
