8,044 research outputs found

    Pilot-booster control valve

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    Two-stage, pressure-sensing control valve is designed for servocontrol of 10-inch main tank valve regulating pressure of liquid oxygen in tank and serving to vent tank during filling. Valve uses a negative-rate Belleville spring to cancel positive spring rates of bellows and coil springs

    Leads integral with the internal interconnection that penetrate the molded wall of a package

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    Multiplicity of external ribbon leads makes possible connections to a sealed or encapsulated microassembly. The leads are integral with the internal connections on a single part that can be fabricated economically by fine-detail electroplating

    Think Before You Ink

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    The prevalence of tattoos has increased over the past several decades. The societal shift of how tattoos are perceived has contributed to tattoo popularity and why artistry is desired. However, tattooing is not without risks. The potential health risks, psychological motivation, and perceived benefits of tattoos are topics to be considered before getting a tattoo. This article explores the risks, benefits, and reasoning behind tattoos in modern society

    Taxonomy, systematics and ecology of the phylum Tardigrada

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    This thesis is based on published papers, however there have been issues encountered with copyright permissions, therefore a fuller version may be submitted in the future.I conducted a series of research programmes on various aspects of Tardigrada biology. The published results of which are hereby presented as part fulfilment of my submission for a PhD by publications at Plymouth University. In this thesis my research publications are grouped into four chapters: Ecology & Faunistics, Alpha Taxonomy, Freshwater Fauna – a taxonomic challenge, and Superfamilies. In the first, I highlight my early papers which dealt with the faunistic surveys as I trained in systematics and taxonomy of the phylum. Amongst the key findings reported were the protozoan symphoriant, Pyxidium tardigradum van der Land, 1966, Marley and Wright (1994); a new addition to the reported fauna of the United Kingdom, Greaves & Marley(1996); and my first work on international samples from Arctic Canada, Sutcliffe et al.(2000). In the second chapter, Alpha Taxonomy, I have included five papers. The first, Marley and Wright (1996), illustrates my work with one of the Royal Museums of Scotland’s collections, where I updated the diagnoses of their specimens and described a new addition to the Icelandic fauna. The second paper, Russell, Marley & Hockings (2001), demonstrates how I was searching for new research methods to apply to tardigrades. It was because of similar exploration, with methods of SEM preparation, that I was invited to join the Australian-Anglo team working on sediment core samples from Antarctic freshwater lakes, Gibson et al. 2009. The remaining two papers in the chapter describe species new to science, Echiniscus ollantaytamboensis Nickel, Miller and Marley, 2001, and my first sole authored paper describing a species new to science, Platicrista ramsayi Marley, 2006. The third chapter, Freshwater Fauna – a taxonomic challenge, deals with a programme of research based initially on my findings at the Royal Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh. This then required subsequent visits the USA and Italy to work on the taxonomic issues with original authors on their more recently described genera. I prepared the original Case for the ICZN, but this was then held by the commission for several years pending their amendments to the Code. I then rewrote the Case into the final paper, Marley, Bertolani & Nelson (2008). The final chapter consists of two papers in which I worked on combining my expertise on the morphological characters of the buccal apparatus and claws, and combining this with new molecular dataset derived from sequencing individual specimens. My colleagues on these papers were Dr S.J. McInnes and Mr C.J. Sands, both from the British Antarctic Survey. Overall I am including 14 published papers and 5 published conference abstracts and three online articles. The following taxa were erected during this work: Pseudobiotus kathmanae, Echiniscus ollantaytamboensis, Platicrista ramsayi, Ramazzottidae, Isohypsibiidae, Macrobiotoidea, Eohypsibioidea, Hypsibioidea, and Isohypsibioidea. Plus the following taxa were re-described, Pseudobiotus, Thulinius, Thulinius augusti, Thulinius ruffoi, and Thulinius stephanae

    The Frobenius functor and injective modules

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    We investigate commutative Noetherian rings of prime characteristic such that the Frobenius functor applied to any injective module is again injective. We characterize the class of one-dimensional local rings with this property and show that it includes all one-dimensional F-pure rings.Comment: 15 page

    Marine Le Pen’s result in last Sunday’s French elections confounded the experts but does not signal the rise of the far right in Europe

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    Pollsters often get election results wrong, and this week’s French elections were no exception, with Front National candidate Marine Le Pen gaining more votes than was widely expected. As part of our continuing series on the French elections, Marley Morris reflects on the result, finding that while we should be careful to not exaggerate the success of Le Pen, the result puts her and not left-winger Mélenchon in the spotlight

    A Hungarian Rhapsody

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    The Auslander-Bridger formula and the Gorenstein property for coherent rings

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    The concept of Gorenstein dimension, defined by Auslander and Bridger for finitely generated modules over a Noetherian ring, is studied in the context of finitely presented modules over a coherent ring. A generalization of the Auslander-Bridger formula is established and is used as a cornerstone in the development of a theory of coherent Gorenstein rings.Comment: 28 page
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