774 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Electrophilic alpha-Amidoalkylation, VII1): Generation, Crystal Structure, and Trapping Reactions of a Chiral 6,7-Dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline Derived N-Acyliminium Ion

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    The camphanic acid amide 4 has efficiently been oxidized with triphenylcarbenium tetrafluoroborate (3) to yield the chiral N-acyliminium ion 1. Trapping reactions of 1 with the silyl nucleophiles 7a-c and 10a-f proceeded with stereoselective bond formation, affording the diastereomers (R)-8/(S)-9a-c and (R)-11/(S)-12a-f, respectively, with diastereoselectivities of up to 93.9/6.1. The amido ketones (R)-8/(S)-9a-c were employed in the synthesis of the secondary amines (R)-16a-c, (S)-16a and for the preparation of (-)-homolaudanosine (R)-18. By X-ray crystallography the conformation of 1 in the crystal lattice was established and the preferred conformation of 1 in solution was elucidated by NOE experiments. Finally, the addition reaction of 7a to the iminium ion 21 derived from menthyl carbamate 20 was investigated, which reaction, however, proceeded only with insignificant asymmetric induction

    Alto al SIMCE : the campaign against standardized testing in Chile

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    This article describes the Alto al SIMCE (Stop SIMCE) campaign which aims to end the national standardized tests in Chile. In the context of the mobilizations for education in Chile, this campaign was successful in publicly and massively questioning the most used evaluative instrument in one of the most neoliberal educational systems in the world. The strategy of this action group was characterized by a strong criticism of the negative consequences of the test. It also intensively used digital social networks to break the information siege in the country. Our analysis states that Alto al SIMCE took advantage of contingency and generated alliances with the student movement in order to achieve government and media recognition. In this sense, the campaign made visible the strength of the resistance against the current educational system in the country, where new social media played a fundamental role, re-framing the discussion about the quality of education. However, the lack of human and economic resources prevented the development of Alto al SIMCE into a more active media campaign, capable of ending the SIMCE test.peer-reviewe

    The intersex movement: Empowering through new technologies

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    The aim of this article is to explore the different demands and priorities of the intersex community as displayed in various Internet sites. It focuses on common and divergent viewpoints and strategies associated with the social, medical and legal regulations affecting intersex persons. It also demonstrates how online-based policy-making can lead to real actions and change, by allowing to provide information and support for intersex people, their families and supporters. This is oriented to reduce, if not eliminate, the shame and secrecy surrounding the topic, as well as inform and educate physicians and professionals specialized in intersex issues.Fil: Brossi, Lionel. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Landa, Maria Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Ortíz de Zarate, Amalia. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chil

    Legitimación del statu quo a través de los mensajes presidenciales en Chile: Un análisis crítico del discurso

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    This article aims to analyze one of the most relevant political communication tools in Chile: the public account presidential speeches. Through a qualitative analysis, within the methodological framework of the critical discourse analysis (CDA), this article considers the theoretical-political aspects from linguistic, political, sociological, mental and contextual perspectives which are present in the presidential messages of the administrations of Sebastián Piñera (2010-2013) and Michelle Bachelet (2014-2017). The analysis shows that the functional aspect of these discourses, combined with elements of rituality and solemnity, manifests the Executive Branch's intention to reaffirm their legitimacy through rhetorical components that appear to question the foundations of the status quo, but which, in concrete terms, perpetuate the traditional nature of the country's political, social and economic system.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar una de las herramientas de comunicación política más relevantes en Chile: los mensajes presidenciales de cuenta pública. Se realiza un ejercicio analítico cualitativo, enmarcado en la metodología del análisis crítico del discurso (ACD), en el que se consideran aspectos teórico-políticos desde perspectivas lingüísticas, politológicas, sociológicas, mentales y contextuales presentes en los mensajes presidenciales de las administraciones de Sebastián Piñera (2010-2013) y Michelle Bachelet (2014-2017). Del análisis se desprende que el aspecto funcional de estos los discursos, conjugado con elementos de ritualidad y solemnidad, manifiesta la intención del Poder Ejecutivo de reafirmar su legitimidad mediante componentes retóricos que aparentan cuestionar los cimientos del statu quo, pero que, en términos concretos, perpetúan la naturaleza tradicional del sistema político, social y económico del país

    Interpretation of the Arnošt Lustig's novel Dita Saxová focusing on the characters analysis

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    Katedra české literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Heat stress during the pre-slaughter on broiler chicken

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    A cadeia da carne de frango no Brasil é um importante setor do agronegócio, ocupando a terceira maior produção mundial e o primeiro lugar nas exportações. Para atender a demanda, é fundamental minimizar os problemas de manejo, que causam o aparecimento de problemas fisiológicos. A seleção genética intensiva, que é usada na obtenção de taxas de crescimento mais rápidas para frangos de corte, contribuiu para que as linhagens melhoradas atuais sejam muito susceptíveis ao estresse térmico. Quando a temperatura ambiente se eleva acima da zona de termoneutralidade, a ave é submetida a uma condição de estresse, podendo gerar hipertermia aguda, alcalose respiratória, desequilíbrio eletrolítico, redução no consumo de alimento, menor taxa de crescimento, aumento na mortalidade e/ou até mesmo efeitos negativos na qualidade da carne, pela incidência de carnes pálidas e, em outros casos, escuras, interferindo nas propriedades como rendimento industrial, capacidade de retenção de água, cor e maciez. Os resultados de avaliação dos parâmentros de qualidade observados na literatura evidenciam que o estresse térmico, crônico ou agudo sofrido por frangos de corte geram consequências negativas sobre as propriedades funcionais da carne. São necessários mais estudos sobre essa questão, principalmente em relação ao Brasil, por ser um país tropical, com elevadas temperaturas, especialmente, no verão, para compreender, prevenir e contornar a extensão ou intensidade do estresse, evitando problemas e prejuízos para a cadeia da carne.The chicken meat chain in Brazil is an important sector of agribusiness, accounting for the third largest world's production and first place in exports. To meet this demand, it is essential to minimize management problems, which cause the appearance of physiological problems. The intensive genetic selection used to obtain faster growth rates for broilers contributed for the current improved strains to become very susceptible to heat stress. When the environment temperature rises above the thermoneutrality zone, the bird is submitted to a stress condition, which can generate acute hyperthermia, respiratory alkalosis, electrolyte imbalance, reduction in food consumption, lower growth rate, increased mortality rate and even negative effects on meat quality due to the incidence of pale meat and dark in other cases, interfering in properties such as industrial yield, water holding capacity, color and tenderness. The results of the evaluation of quality parameters observed in literature showed that the heat stress, chronic or acute, suffered by broiler chickens, generates negative consequences on the functional properties of meat. Further studies with this research line should be conducted, mainly in Brazil, for being a tropical country with high temperatures in the summer in order to understand, prevent and overcome the extent or intensity of this stress, avoiding problems and damages to the meat chain

    Postharvest quality of 'Emerald' blueberry cultivated in a subtropical region

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos, na colheita e na pós-colheita, de mirtilos 'Emerald' cultivados em região de clima subtropical, sem frio hibernal, no Brasil. Os frutos foram colhidos no município de Piracicaba, no estado de São Paulo, em dois picos de colheita, em agosto e outubro, e avaliados quanto aos seus atributos qualitativos na colheita e aos seus atributos físicos, químicos e bioquímicos na pós-colheita. Os frutos foram mantidos em condições de temperatura ambiente, a 22°C e 70% de umidade relativa, e analisados no dia da colheita e a cada três dias até o décimo-segundo dia de armazenamento. Os mirtilos colhidos em agosto foram maiores e mais arredondados, e os colhidos em outubro apresentaram coloração azul mais intensa e maiores concentrações de compostos fenólicos, pH e sólidos solúveis, além de maior relação sólidos solúveis totais e acidez titulável. Durante o armazenamento, observou-se aumento no conteúdo de antocianinas, quercetinas e compostos fenólicos totais, bem como na atividade antioxidante, além de redução na acidez e na firmeza dos frutos. Independentemente do mês de colheita, os mirtilos cultivados em região subtropical no Brasil apresentam boa durabilidade pós-colheita por até 12 dias em temperatura ambiente, com níveis satisfatórios de qualidade dos frutos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the qualitative attributes, at harvest and postharvest, of 'Emerald' blueberries grown in a subtropical climate region, without winter chilling, in Brazil. Fruit were harvested in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo, in two harvest peaks, in August and October, and evaluated for their qualitative attributes at harvest and for their physical, chemical, and biochemical attributes at postharvest. The fruit were maintained at ambient conditions, at 22°C and 70% relative humidity, and evaluated on the day of harvest and every three days until the twelfth day of storage. The blueberries harvested in August were larger and rounder, and those harvested in October had a more intense blue coloration and higher concentrations of phenolic compounds, pH, and soluble solids, in addition to a higher total soluble solids and titratable acidity ratio. During storage, an increase was observed in the contents of anthocyanins, quercetins, and total phenolic compounds, as well as in antioxidant activity, besides a decrease in fruit acidity and firmness. Regardless of the harvest month, blueberries grown in a subtropical region of Brazil have a good postharvest shelf life up to 12 days at ambient temperature, with satisfactory fruit quality levels