118 research outputs found

    Lernwelten als nicht beherrschbare Räume: für eine Erwachsenenbildung der ungesicherten Diesseitigkeit im Konzept des Lebenslangen Lernens

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    Anhand des Filmes "Entre les Murs" von Laurent Cantet werden Bildungsprozesse als integrale Aspekte der subjektiven Weltzugewandtheit des Menschen beschrieben. Für die empirische und praktische Erwachsenenbildung wird daraus abgeleitet, dass sie genaueres und aktuelleres Wissen über die Leistungen der Subjekte generieren muss, in denen diese die an sie herangetragenen sozial präformierten Anforderungen zu ihren eigenen Lernprojekten machen

    Bedeutung und Resonanz

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    Die Christianisierung der pannonischen Provinzen

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    Writing in Britain and Ireland, c. 400 to c. 800

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    High-Dose Chemotherapy Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma—A Systematic Review

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) have a poor prognosis. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate whether high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in patients with metastatic RMS has additional benefit or harm compared to standard chemotherapy. METHODS: Systematic literature searches were performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and The Cochrane Library. All databases were searched from inception to February 2010. PubMed was searched in June 2010 for a last update. In addition to randomized and non-randomized controlled trials, case series and case reports were included to complement results from scant data. The primary outcome was overall survival. A meta-analysis was performed using the hazard ratio as primary effect measure, which was estimated from Cox proportional hazard models or from summary statistics of Kaplan Meier product-limit estimations. RESULTS: A total of 40 studies with 287 transplant patients with metastatic RMS (age range 0 to 32 years) were included in the assessment. We identified 3 non-randomized controlled trials. The 3-year overall survival ranged from 22% to 53% in the transplant groups vs. 18% to 55% in the control groups. Meta-analysis on overall survival in controlled trials showed no difference between treatments. Result of meta-analysis of pooled individual survival data of case series and case reports, and results from uncontrolled studies with aggregate data were in the range of those from controlled data. The risk of bias was high in all studies due to methodological flaws. CONCLUSIONS: HDCT followed by autologous HSCT in patients with RMS remains an experimental treatment. At present, it does not appear justifiable to use this treatment except in appropriately designed controlled trials

    The effects of lifestyle interventions on (long-term) weight management, cardiometabolic risk and depressive symptoms in people with psychotic disorders:A meta-analysis

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    AIMS: The aim of this study was to estimate the effects of lifestyle interventions on bodyweight and other cardiometabolic risk factors in people with psychotic disorders. Additionally, the long-term effects on body weight and the effects on depressive symptoms were examined. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We searched four databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared lifestyle interventions to control conditions in patients with psychotic disorders. Lifestyle interventions were aimed at weight loss or weight gain prevention, and the study outcomes included bodyweight or metabolic parameters. RESULTS: The search resulted in 25 RCTs -only 4 were considered high quality- showing an overall effect of lifestyle interventions on bodyweight (effect size (ES)  =  -0.63, p<0.0001). Lifestyle interventions were effective in both weight loss (ES =  -0.52, p<0.0001) and weight-gain-prevention (ES =  -0.84, p = 0.0002). There were significant long-term effects, two to six months post-intervention, for both weight-gain-prevention interventions (ES =  -0.85, p = 0.0002) and weight loss studies (ES =  -0.46, p = 0.02). Up to ten studies reported on cardiometabolic risk factors and showed that lifestyle interventions led to significant improvements in waist circumference, triglycerides, fasting glucose and insulin. No significant effects were found for blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Four studies reported on depressive symptoms and showed a significant effect (ES =  -0.95, p = 0.05). CONCLUSION: Lifestyle interventions are effective in treating and preventing obesity, and in reducing cardiometabolic risk factors. However, the quality of the studies leaves much to be desired

    Die (eigene) Geschichte als aktiver Lernweg. Über die Möglichkeiten der Biographieforschung in der Erwachsenenbildung

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    In diesem Artikel werden die Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten einer sozialwissenschaftlichen „Bearbeitung“ ethnischer Konflikte im Rahmen eines Biographieforschung-Workshops an der Universität in Prishtina (Kosova) dargestellt. Der Workshop-Zyklus kann zeigen, wie erwachsenenbildnerisches (universitäres) Lernen in einem sozialen und biographischen Sinn bedeutsam wird. Dabei geht es nicht nur um situative Lernakte isolierter Individuen, sondern stets auch um Lernen als (Trans-)Formation von Erfahrungen, Wissen und Handlungsstrukturen im lebensgeschichtlichen und lebensweltlichen Kontext. Lebensgeschichten (aus narrativen Interviews) werden dabei nach den Prinzipien narrationsstruktureller Methoden analysiert und auf die Geschichte der Lernenden bezogen. In der Bearbeitung der auftauchenden Fragestellungen lässt sich jenes sich bedingende Verhältnis von Aneignung und Bildung, von Vergangenheit und Zukunft, von Erbe und eigener Gestaltungskraft anschaulich als Lernfeld ausbreiten. (DIPF/Orig.