276 research outputs found

    El mercado laboral para el profesional de la información: un acercamiento a partir de la voz de sus actores en Cuba

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    Objective.It was characterized, from the perspective of employees and employers, the market labor for the information professional in Cuba. Design/Methodology/Approach.This research was of a descriptive type, based on a mix design. A survey was applied to Information Sciences postgraduates from University of Havana, graduated over 2011-2016 period. There were interviewed directors of the organizations that are involved Results/Discussion.There were revealed the levels of satisfaction of information professionals regarding their profession and performing spheres, professional competencies they have acquired and developed during the timeframe analyzed, their roles and functions, their postgraduate studies, their motivations towards migration to other sectors, such as their overall life projects. Conclusions.Most representative results were shown from the opinions of information professionals and employers from the Cuban labor market. These results will contribute to define new strategies in order to potentiate the performance of these professionals within the current Cuban labor market. Originality/Value.This research is the first experience in which the market labor of Cuban postgraduates of Information Sciences is studied. within the current market labor for these professionals

    La influencia de los paradigmas mentales en la gerencia moderna. Un estudio de caso

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    Se realizó un bosquejo teórico sobre los cambios, los paradigmas mentales, la capacitación como recurso para enfrentar la incidencia de los mismos en la cultura organizacional. También se trata lo referente a su inserción en las nuevas tendencias de la gerencia moderna. Se presentan algunos resultados de un estudio que demuestra cómo funcionan los esquemas mentales en profesionales de la información a través de indicadores de una de las herramientas gerenciales que se utilizan en la actualidad: la gestión de la calidad total

    Situación del comercio electrónico. Un caso en el sector turístico hotelero cubano

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    Se caracteriza al comercio electrónico y se describen algunos factores que influyen directamente en su desarrollo. Se realiza una evaluación de sitios web cubanos, con el objetivo de determinar sirealizan o nocomercio electrónico, utilizando para ello una metodología específica. Obtenidos los resultados de la evaluación por medio de la metodología, se ubican en un modelo de evaluación

    Saberes de los profesionales de la información para las demandas del mercado laboral

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    Continuous changes in Information Science (IS) and a labor market with an increasing use of technological knowledge and skills mean that college IS graduates should continuously explore the demands of their labor market. This paper aims to examine the opinion of employers in Monterrey, Mexico, about the type of knowledge that such labor market demands and the professional practice of graduates of bachelor’s programs in IS. This exploratory, descriptive study used opinion polls and interviews to investigate their ideas regarding IS graduates’ recruitment, application of competences, performance, and essential knowledge and topics. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics functions and the method of structural analysis supported by MicMac software. The results are in agreement with those of previous studies in that IS graduates should become generators of solutions in their organizations and apply digital technologies intensively. It is concluded that capabilities for professional development, creativity, and pro-activity are the essential characteristics that employers demand in information professionals.Los continuos cambios en la ciencia de la información, y la creciente tendencia del mercado laboral en el uso de conocimientos y habilidades tecnológicas, suponen una exploración constante de las demandas del mercado laboral para los egresados en esta disciplina. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo examinar la opinión de empleadores de la ciudad de Nuevo León, México, acerca de cuáles son los saberes que demanda el mercado laboral y la práctica profesional de los egresados de licenciaturas en ciencias de la información. La investigación se enmarcó en un tipo de estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, con el uso de la técnica de encuesta y entrevista, donde se abordó el reclutamiento de personal, la aplicación de competencias, el desempeño, los saberes esenciales y las temáticas. Los datos se analizaron mediante funciones de estadística descriptiva y el método de análisis estructural con apoyo del software MicMac. Los resultados concordaron con otros estudios precedentes, enfatizando en la necesidad de que el egresado en ciencia de la información se convierta en un generador de soluciones en su organización, aplicando, de manera intensiva, las tecnologías digitales. Se concluye que las capacidades para la actualización, creatividad y proactividad profesional, es lo que los empleadores demandan como la característica esencial con las que debe contar un profesional de la información

    El mercado laboral para el profesional de la información: un acercamiento a partir de la voz de sus actores en Cuba

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    Objective. It was characterized, from the perspective of employees and employers, the market labor for the information professional in Cuba.Design/Methodology/Approach. This research was of a descriptive type, based on a mix design. A survey was applied to Information Sciences postgraduates from University of Havana, graduated over 2011-2016 period. There were interviewed directors of the organizations that are involved within the current market labor for these professionals.Results/Discussion. There were revealed the levels of satisfaction of information professionals regarding their profession and performing spheres, professional competencies they have acquired and developed during the timeframe analyzed, their roles and functions, their postgraduate studies, their motivations towards migration to other sectors, such as their overall life projects. Conclusions. Most representative results were shown from the opinions of information professionals and employers from the Cuban labor market. These results will contribute to define new strategies in order to potentiate the performance of these professionals within the current Cuban labor market. Originality/Value. This research is the first experience in which the market labor of Cuban postgraduates of Information Sciences is studied.Objetivo. Se caracterizó, desde los puntos de vista de empleados y empleadores, el mercado laboral para el profesional de la información en Cuba.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. La investigación fue de alcance descriptivo, basada en un diseño mixto. Se aplicó les una encuesta a los egresados de la carrera de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de la Habana, graduados durante el periodo 2011-2016. Fueron entrevistados los directivos de las organizaciones que constituyeron algunos segmentos del mercado laboral actual de estos profesionales. Resultados/Discusión. Se develaron los niveles de satisfacción de los profesionales de la información con su profesión y esferas de actuación, las competencias profesionales que han adquirido y desarrollado en el periodo analizado, las funciones y roles asumidos, la continuidad de su formación profesional a partir de estudios de postgrados, las causas fundamentales de la migración a otros sectores y su proyecto de vida en general. Se expusieron opiniones referentes a las nociones que tienen los empleadores en torno al profesional de la información, la relevancia y valoración de las funciones y roles que desempeñan, así como su actuación profesional.Conclusiones. Se mostraron los resultados más representativos de la investigación a partir de las opiniones de los profesionales de la informacióny los empleadores del mercado laboral cubano. Estos resultados permitirán trazar nuevas estrategias para potenciar la actividad de estos profesionalesante el mercado laboral actual cubano. Originalidad/Valor. Esta investigación constituye la primera experiencia en la que se estudia el mercado laboral de los egresados de las Cienciasde la Información en Cuba

    Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: A pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Background: Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entire distribution of blood pressure (representing the combined effects of public health interventions and secular trends) and changes in its high-blood-pressure tail (representing successful clinical interventions to control blood pressure in the hypertensive population). Our aim was to quantify the contributions of these two phenomena to the worldwide trends in the prevalence of raised blood pressure. Methods: We pooled 1018 population-based studies with blood pressure measurements on 88.6 million participants from 1985 to 2016. We first calculated mean systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and prevalence of raised blood pressure by sex and 10-year age group from 20-29 years to 70-79 years in each study, taking into account complex survey design and survey sample weights, where relevant. We used a linear mixed effect model to quantify the association between (probittransformed) prevalence of raised blood pressure and age-group- and sex-specific mean blood pressure. We calculated the contributions of change in mean SBP and DBP, and of change in the prevalence-mean association, to the change in prevalence of raised blood pressure. Results: In 2005-16, at the same level of population mean SBP and DBP, men and women in South Asia and in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa would have the highest prevalence of raised blood pressure, and men and women in the highincome Asia Pacific and high-income Western regions would have the lowest. In most region-sex-age groups where the prevalence of raised blood pressure declined, one half or more of the decline was due to the decline in mean blood pressure. Where prevalence of raised blood pressure has increased, the change was entirely driven by increasing mean blood pressure, offset partly by the change in the prevalence-mean association. Conclusions: Change in mean blood pressure is the main driver of the worldwide change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure, but change in the high-blood-pressure tail of the distribution has also contributed to the change in prevalence, especially in older age groups

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries(1,2). However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world(3) and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health(4,5). However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol-which is a marker of cardiovascular riskchanged from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million-4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world.Peer reviewe

    Global variations in diabetes mellitus based on fasting glucose and haemogloblin A1c

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    Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but may identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening had elevated FPG, HbA1c, or both. We developed prediction equations for estimating the probability that a person without previously diagnosed diabetes, and at a specific level of FPG, had elevated HbA1c, and vice versa. The age-standardised proportion of diabetes that was previously undiagnosed, and detected in survey screening, ranged from 30% in the high-income western region to 66% in south Asia. Among those with screen-detected diabetes with either test, the agestandardised proportion who had elevated levels of both FPG and HbA1c was 29-39% across regions; the remainder had discordant elevation of FPG or HbA1c. In most low- and middle-income regions, isolated elevated HbA1c more common than isolated elevated FPG. In these regions, the use of FPG alone may delay diabetes diagnosis and underestimate diabetes prevalence. Our prediction equations help allocate finite resources for measuring HbA1c to reduce the global gap in diabetes diagnosis and surveillance.peer-reviewe

    Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

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    From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity increased, in most regions, with significant variation in the magnitude of these changes across regions. We investigated how much change in mean body mass index (BMI) explains changes in the prevalence of underweight, obesity, and severe obesity in different regions using data from 2896 population-based studies with 187 million participants. Changes in the prevalence of underweight and total obesity, and to a lesser extent severe obesity, are largely driven by shifts in the distribution of BMI, with smaller contributions from changes in the shape of the distribution. In East and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the underweight tail of the BMI distribution was left behind as the distribution shifted. There is a need for policies that address all forms of malnutrition by making healthy foods accessible and affordable, while restricting unhealthy foods through fiscal and regulatory restrictions