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    Improvement of construction waste management by waste reduction in the design phase using BIM system

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    تعد صناعة تشييد الأبنية من أهم المساهمين في إنتاج النفايات على مستوى العالم؛ لذلك ركزت جهود الباحثين على خفض مخلفات التشييد، ويُعدّ التصميم مرحلة حاسمة في تشكّل هذه المخلفات من خلال تحديد مقاسات العناصر وابعادها ونوعية مواد الإنشاء وما سيترتب على ذلك من تشكّل لبعض البقايا من المواد أو الموارد. وقد يؤدي غياب التخطيط المُسبق لاستخدامها بفعالية إلى تحول قسم كبير منها إلى مخلفات بينما يمكن أن تشكل مورداً يضاف إلى موارد المشروع. حددت الدراسات التي أجريت على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية العديد من الاستراتيجيات والطرق التي يمكن استخدامها خلال مرحلة التصميم لتقليل النفايات، ستراجع هذه الورقة بعض الأوراق المنشورة بين عامي 2017 و2023 والتي بحثت في دور مرحلة التصميم في تقليل نفايات البناء. الهدف من هذا البحث هو إنجاز دراسة مرجعية لطرائق خفض مخلفات التشييد باستخدام تقنيات نمذجة معلومات البناء BIM) ) وتطوير تقنية ضمن هذه البيئة لخفض مخلفات السيراميك وبلاط الارضيات في الأبنية السكنية حيث تُظهر التقنية المطوّرة إمكانية خفض مخلفات اكساء الارضيات الى أكثر من 86 % في الحمامات وحوالي 98 % قي الغرف وذلك باستخدام البرمجة البصرية التي يوفرها Dynamo. ويساعد هذا النموذج على تطوير مفهوم التنفيذ الموجّه للعمال في تنفيذ الأنشطة بالاعتماد على نتائج المخلفات التي ستظهر في كل جزء من البناء وذلك في مرحلة التصميم مما يوفر من الكلفة ويعطي تصوّر واضح لإدارة المشروع للاحتياجات بأقل مايمكن من الهدر.The building construction industry is one of the most important contributors to waste production globally; Therefore, researchers' efforts focused on reducing construction waste, and design is a crucial stage in the formation of waste by determining the sizes and dimensions of the elements, the quality of construction materials, and the resulting formation of some leftover materials or resources. The absence of prior planning for its effective use may lead to a large portion of it becoming waste, while it could constitute a resource added to the project’s resources. Studies conducted over the past few years have identified many strategies and methods that can be used during the design phase to reduce waste. This paper will review some papers published between 2017 and 2023 that investigated the role of the design phase in reducing construction waste. The aim of this research is to complete a reference study of methods of reducing construction waste using Building Information Modeling (BIM) techniques and to develop a technology within this environment to reduce ceramic and floor tile waste in residential buildings, as the developed technology shows the possibility of reducing floor covering waste to more than 86% in bathrooms and about 98% of rooms, using the visual programming provided by Dynamo. This model helps to develop the concept of implementation directed to workers in carrying out activities based on the results of waste that will appear in every part of the building during the design stage, which saves costs and gives a clear vision for project management of needs with the least possible waste


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    In the context of growing global concern for environmental conservation and sustainable urban development, the adoption of Green Building (GB) practices is emerging as a pivotal solution. Built environment in Qatar is highly reliant on energy from nonrenewable sources, hence, necessitating sustainable development in all areas of this sector, especially buildings. With a specific focus on Qatar, this study aims to investigate the intricate web of drivers and barriers that affect the development of Green Buildings (GBs). Within this context, 21 barriers and 17 drivers have been recognized through literature review. Using a questionnaire survey, the opinions of experts were used to evaluate the identified factors (that is, drivers and barriers) on a Likert 5-point scale. Relative importance of GB drivers and barriers in the Qatari context is determined as a result of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis. It has been found that the key drivers are developing resilient and climate-responsive buildings in Qatar, improved indoor air quality, and the potential for increased profits. The key barriers are lack of GB demand from the local market, lack of contractor's experience regarding GB technologies, and lack of contractor's understanding regarding GB specifications. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the nature of the GB development in Qatar, enabling decision-makers to ease the process as well as initiate the policy-making necessary for increased uptake of such projects. In theoretical terms, the findings of this study will contribute to the body of knowledge related to GB projects

    Green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles for removal of carbamazepine in water and soil systems

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in pharmaceutical releases (4 %), which created a pressing global need for solutions. In this study, we explored the use of zinc oxide nanoparticles (GS-ZnONPs) derived from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves for separating antiepileptic drug carbamazepine (CBZ) from wastewater. CBZ is a major emerging pollutant in wastewater that can be reused for various purposes, including food production and drinking water. The study found that the GS-ZnONPs were effective in removing CBZ from water, with an adsorption capacity of 27.55 mg g−1 at room temperature. The GS-ZnONPs, under optimal conditions of pH 5.0, 100 mg of adsorbent, and 12 mg L−1 of CBZ at 25 °C ± 2 °C, demonstrated a remarkable removal efficiency, successfully eliminating 92.89 % of CBZ from water. Additionally, the study found that CBZ binds strongly to GS-ZnONPs, making them effective for removing CBZ from soil as well. The results suggest that GS-ZnONPs synthesized from neem leaves could be a low-cost and sustainable solution for removing emerging pollutants from wastewater and soil. Future studies could investigate the adsorption mechanisms, functional groups, respective pH ranges, and reuse of these low-cost adsorbents to further optimize their efficiency in tackling emerging pollutants

    How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact consumers' food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices? A multi-country study on the omicron variant

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic is not a foodborne infectious disease, but it has dramatically impacted food safety practices worldwide due to its potential for transmission through contaminated surfaces and food. Accordingly, the Omicron variant seems to have affected food-related activities and behaviours and disturbed food supply networks since its appearance in November 2021. Hence, this paper aims to assess how the Omicron variant impacted food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices amongst adult consumers in five countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Russia. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on an online survey. The questionnaire was developed and revised based on previous research on the impact of previous COVID-19 waves on food-related activities in several countries. The questionnaire was distributed through the SurveyMonkey platform from January 15 to February 25, 2022. It consisted of 29 multiple-choice and one-option questions organised into three sections. A total of 6,483 valid responses were received. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0 was used to analyse the survey results. Findings: According to the survey findings, food safety practices evolved during the Omicron wave in the studied countries. Firstly, less than half of the sample used a face mask whilst purchasing food. Secondly, regarding food safety knowledge, the survey results suggest that there is still a lack of knowledge in the studied countries. Thirdly, the survey indicates a lack of knowledge amongst the respondents regarding food safety attitudes. For instance, more than a third of the sample (34.4%) are unsure whether the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted through food. These results are surprising and alarming, especially considering that our sample has a higher education than the population of the studied countries. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this research is the sample bias. Survey participants were randomly chosen, enrolled voluntarily and not rewarded. As a result, the questionnaire was self-administered and completed exclusively by people motivated by an interest in the topic. Consequently, our survey does not represent the general population of the studied countries. People with a high degree of education and women, for example, were overrepresented in our sample. Originality/value: This study is unique in that it is the first to gather information and analyse people's perceptions of the effects of the Omicron variant on food safety. As a result, the findings of this survey offer a solid basis for future investigations into the impact of the pandemic on food safety in the Balkan region and Russia. This study can help further understand the changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides crucial insights that can be used to guide future decision-making and policy development regarding improving food safety practices. This and other future studies will be a foundation for organisational and government readiness for future shocks, crises and pandemics. The effects of the present Ukrainian conflict on agricultural systems and supply chains throughout the globe (e.g. increased food prices) show that this is timely, urgent and highly required.Scopu

    Development of the Automatic Star-Delta starter

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    This paper studies the star-delta method for starting induction motors with a focus on its connection method and its components to develop this circuit to reduce its cost without affecting its performance and reliability or damaging the components of the induction motor. This paper includes a new connection method to change the induction motor coil connection from star to delta and a different design of a new electrical power auxiliary contact to do it. This paper includes numerical simulations of the new connection method using the "CADE SIMU" program, a different design of electrical power auxiliary contact, and its mechanical simulation using the "SolidWorks" program. This paper includes the new connection with a new component method that was tested in the electrical machines' lab on an induction motor. The results show the success of the new method, with a total cost reduction of about 20% from the traditional automatic star-delta starter and about 60% from the STAR contactor cost, without any bad effect on the induction motor or automatic function of the method

    Ten tips for effective use and quality assurance of multiple-choice questions in knowledge-based assessments.

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    Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are the most popular type of items used in knowledge-based assessments in undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare education. MCQs allow assessment of candidates' knowledge on a broad range of knowledge-based learning outcomes in a single assessment. Single-best-answer (SBA) MCQs are the most versatile and commonly used format. Although writing MCQs may seem straight-forward, producing decent-quality MCQs is challenging and warrants a range of quality checks before an item is deemed suitable for inclusion in an assessment. Like all assessments, MCQ-based examinations must be aligned with the learning outcomes and learning opportunities provided to the students. This paper provides evidence-based guidance on the effective use of MCQs in student assessments, not only to make decisions regarding student progression but also to build an academic environment that promotes assessment as a driver for learning. Practical tips are provided to the readers to produce authentic MCQ items, along with appropriate pre- and post-assessment reviews, the use of standard setting and psychometric evaluation of assessments based on MCQs. Institutions need to develop an academic culture that fosters transparency, openness, equality and inclusivity. In line with contemporary educational principles, teamwork amongst teaching faculty, administrators and students is essential to establish effective learning and assessment practices.Open access funding for this paper provided by the Qatar National library

    Exploring the in vivo anti-cancer potential of Neosetophomone B in leukemic cells using a zebrafish xenograft model

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    Neosetophomone B (NSP–B) is a unique meroterpenoid fungal secondary metabolite that has previously demonstrated promising anti-cancer properties against various cancer cell lines in vitro. However, its in vivo anti-cancer potential remaines unexplored. To fill this gap in our knowledge, we tested NSP-B's in vivo anti-cancer activity using a zebrafish model, an organism that has gained significant traction in biomedical research due to its genetic similarities with humans and its transparent nature, allowing real-time tumor growth observation. For our experiments, we employed the K562-injected zebrafish xenograft model. Upon treating these zebrafish with NSP-B, we observed a marked reduction in the size and number of tumor xenografts. Delving deeper, our analyses indicated that NSP-B curtailed tumor growth and proliferation of leukemic grafted xenograft within the zebrafish. These results show that NSP-B possesses potent in vivo anti-cancer properties, making it a potential novel therapeutic agent for addressing hematological malignancies

    A model of the interrelationship between research ethics and research integrity.

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the interrelationship between research ethics and research integrity with a focus on the primary forms of research misconduct, including plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification. It also details the main factors for their occurrence, and the possible ways for mitigating their use among scholars. The method employed a detailed examination of the main ethical dilemmas, as delineated in literature, as well as the factors leading to these ethical breaches and the strategies to mitigate them. Further, the teaching experiences of the primary author are reflected in the development of the model. The results of this article are represented in a model illustrating the interrelationship between research ethics and research integrity. Further, a significant aspect of our article is the identification of novel forms of research misconduct concerning the use of irrelevant or forced citations or references. In conclusion, the article highlights the substantial positive effects that adherence to research ethics and integrity have on the academic well-being of scholars

    الأسطرلاب المعقد: اكتشاف عالمة مسلمة غير مجرى الحضارة البشرية

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    قلما نرى في صفحات التراث العلمي أسماء عالمات مسلمات أدين دورهن في استيفاء كفة النساء متقاربة مع ما خلفته أيادي الرجال العباقرة في التراث العلمي. ولكن الحركات العلمية في مراحلها المختلفة قد شهدت أسماء مؤنثة تركت بصماتها الخاصة في مجال الحضارة الإنسانية بإسهامات هامة في ميادين العلوم من الطب والهندسة والفلك والرياضيات. ومن قائمة تلك الأسماء التي لم تنل الحظ الذي يليق بها مريم الأسطرلابية -عالمة الفلك من القرن العاشر والتي عاصرت مجد مدينة حلب التي حكمها القائد والفارس العربي سيف الدولة الحمداني، واخترعت وطوّرت فيها آلة "الإسطرلاب المعقد" التي تُبنى عليها في وقتنا الحالي آلية عمل الـبوصلة والأقمار الصناعية. وهي آلة فلكية قديمة دقيقة تصوَّر عليها حركة النجوم في السماء حول القطب السماوية. كانت العرب تطلق عليها “ذات الصفائح”. وهي نموذج ثنائي البعد للقبة السماوية، يُظهر كيف تبدو السماء في مكان محدد عند وقت محدد، وقد رسمت على وجهه السماء بحيث يسهل إيجاد المواضع السماوية عليه. فقد كانت هذه الآلة تستخدم في تحديد أماكن الأجرام السماوية وتحديد الوقت والاتجاهات وتشبه أجهزة الخرائط الحديثة التي ساعدت البشرية على اكتشاف الأرض ومواقع الكواكب والنجوم وسهلت حركة الطيران والاهتداء في السفر. وقد كانت هذه الآلة تتمتع بعدة فوائد عادت على كافة الناس عموما وعلى المسلمين على وجه الخصوص حيث ساعدتهم في تحديد القبلة ومواقيت الصلاة .وهي التي بدورها تطورت إلى نظام الملاحة العالمي عبر الأقمار الصناعية المعروف حاليا باسم.GPS. وفي سنة 2018م نشرت الكاتبة أحلام بشارات كتابا تحت عنوان "مريم؛ سيدة الأسطرلاب" يعالج حياة هذه العالمة العبقرية التي من حقها أن تعد أعظم علم من أعلام النساء في الفلك والفيزياء والهندسة. فهذا البحث يحاول التلمس بالنقاط التالية: نبذة عن مريم الأسطرلابية التي كافأها التاريخ بالنسيان. ابتكار آلة الأسطرلاب المعقد وتطورها عبر التاريخ أهمية ابتكار الأسطرلاب المعقد في الحضارة الإنسانية

    The unseen battle: A global call to safeguard the mental well-being of Palestinian children

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    The long-standing and complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to the widespread displacement of Palestinians and resulted in ongoing challenges for the Palestinian population (Feliciana, 2011). It has had a lasting impact on the region, affecting the lives and well-being of its inhabitants. The recent intensification of the Palestine conflict has heightened uncertainty and fear, with ongoing violence including air raids and ground incursions taking a heavy toll, particularly on children. The increased risk of displacement, destruction of homes, and loss of family members have deepened the mental health challenges for these young individuals. The prolonged conflict has inflicted substantial trauma on children, the most vulnerable group affected. This letter aims to explore the extensive impact of war on the mental health of Palestinian children. It summarizes the prevalence of mental disorders and highlights the looming risk of a mental health epidemic in this group. The letter also discusses approaches for identifying and managing their psychological needs and highlights the crucial role of the international community in mitigating long-term impacts.Open access funding for this article was kindly provided by Qatar National Library.Scopu


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