90 research outputs found

    Analyse, modélisation et simulation de l'apparition de contraintes en fusion laser métallique

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    The Selective Laser Melting process, belonging to Additive processes , have the ability to create structures with complex geometries , with the possibility of including cavities, such as cooling channels providing optimum temperature control. This process enables the manufacture of three-dimensional parts from metal powders by melting the material , layer by layer, in agreement with the CAD model. In the process , high temperatures and thermal gradients cycles occur in the part during the process. These temperature gradients induce heterogeneous plastic strain and residual stresses. These residual stresses may affect the quality of the part obtained, for example the fatigue life. This work aims to propose a numerical model , based on the finite element method to study the appearance of residual stresses during laser melting process of metallic powders . The ABAQUSÂź Multiphysics software was used to perform the thermal and mechanical analyzes. The movement of the laser beam and the resolution of the thermal problem can predict the evolution of the temperature in the part and support. The "birth and death elements" technique was used to simulate the melting and solidification of the material during the process. Dependent mechanical properties of the temperature of the maraging steel used in this case were obtained using experimental testing and characterization and were established in the model. The calculations are decoupled : initially thermal calculation is performed and the results are used to perform mechanical calculations and finally predict the residual stress fields. In this work, a novel method based on the technique of measuring residual stresses by removing layers was developed to measure these stresses directly in the process. The results provide information on the level and distribution of stresses in the created part and support. Two parameters were tested to study their influence on the level of residual stress : time to spread the powder between two successive layers and layer height. The model is used to analyze the effects of process parameters related to the distribution of residual stresses in the manufactured parts. The results show that the variation of the thickness of the support does not affect the distribution of stresses in the part created. Preheating the substrate to a temperature of 800 °C reduces the residual stresses. The study of some laser strategies shows their influence on the distribution of plastic strain thus the height of the layers of powder or in the form of support (base, columns).Les procĂ©dĂ©s additifs, auxquels appartient la fusion laser de poudres mĂ©talliques, ont la capacitĂ© de crĂ©er des structures Ă  gĂ©omĂ©tries complexes, avec la possibilitĂ© d'intĂ©grer des formes creuses, par exemple des canaux de refroidissement assurant un contrĂŽle thermique optimum. Ce procĂ©dĂ© permet de fabriquer des piĂšces rĂ©elles Ă  partir de poudres mĂ©talliques, par fusion du matĂ©riau, couche par couche, en accord avec le modĂšle CAO. Au cours du procĂ©dĂ©, de nombreux cycles thermiques et d'importants gradients thermiques se produisent dans la piĂšce au cours de sa fabrication. Ces gradients de tempĂ©rature induisent des dĂ©formations plastiques hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes et de ce fait des contraintes rĂ©siduelles. Ces contraintes peuvent nuire Ă  la qualitĂ© de la piĂšce obtenue, par exemple sa rĂ©sistance mĂ©canique. Ces travaux ont pour objectifs de proposer un modĂšle numĂ©rique, s’appuyant sur la mĂ©thode des Ă©lĂ©ments finis afin d'Ă©tudier l'apparition des contraintes rĂ©siduelles lors du procĂ©dĂ© de fusion laser de poudres mĂ©talliques. Le logiciel multiphysique ABAQUSÂź a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour effectuer les analyses thermiques et mĂ©caniques. La technique « d'ajout et de suppression des Ă©lĂ©ments » a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e afin de simuler la fusion et la solidification de la matiĂšre au cours du procĂ©dĂ©. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques dĂ©pendantes de la tempĂ©rature de l'acier maraging, utilisĂ© dans notre cas, ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues Ă  l’aide d’essais expĂ©rimentaux de caractĂ©risations et intĂ©grĂ©es dans le modĂšle. Les calculs sont rĂ©alisĂ©s de maniĂšre dĂ©couplĂ©e, dans un premier temps le calcul thermique est effectuĂ©, puis les rĂ©sultats sont utilisĂ©s pour rĂ©aliser le calcul mĂ©canique et finalement prĂ©dire les champs de contraintes. Dans le cadre de ce travail, une mĂ©thode originale s'appuyant sur la technique de mesure des contraintes rĂ©siduelles par enlĂšvement de couches successives a Ă©tĂ© mise au point pour mesurer ces contraintes en direct au cours du procĂ©dĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats renseignent sur le niveau et la distribution des contraintes dans la piĂšce crĂ©Ă©e et le support. Deux paramĂštres ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s afin d'Ă©tudier leur influence sur le niveau des contraintes rĂ©siduelles : le temps d’étalement de la poudre entre deux couches successives et la hauteur des couches. Le modĂšle numĂ©rique paramĂ©trable permet d'analyser les effets de paramĂštres liĂ©s au procĂ©dĂ© sur la rĂ©partition des contraintes rĂ©siduelles dans les piĂšces fabriquĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la variation de l'Ă©paisseur du support n'affecte pas la rĂ©partition des contraintes dans la piĂšce crĂ©Ă©e. Le prĂ©chauffage du support Ă  une tempĂ©rature de 800°C rĂ©duit les contraintes rĂ©siduelles L'Ă©tude de quelques trajectoires laser montre leurs influences sur la rĂ©partition des dĂ©formations plastiques cumulĂ©es ainsi que la hauteur des couches de poudres ou de la forme du support (embase, colonnes)

    Estimation methods for computing a branch’s total value added from incomplete annual accounting data. National Bank of Belgium, Working Paper No. 371

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    Timely monitoring of the economic performance of a particular sector is generally hindered by the fact that not all companies have deposited their annual accounts by the time that an evaluation is made. In view of this, we develop several imputation strategies that each enable predicting a company’s value added based on available information from past and current years for those companies where the value added was not timely reported. For each proposed strategy we discuss the assumptions which must be fulfilled for unbiased estimation and calculate the estimation uncertainty. In particular, the proposed imputation procedures all rely on an assumption of missing at random, namely that the values added in companies that did not yet deposit their annual accounts are similar (in some way) to those in companies with the same characteristics (e.g. the same historical data) that did deposit their accounts by the evaluation date. We show how to retrospectively assess the validity of this assumption, and how to adjust the imputation procedure in case the assumption fails. The importance of the availability of the uncertainty margins should not be underestimated because they will result in faster and higher quality publications. Finally we retrospectively apply each strategy to data from the Belgian Port sector and compare their performance at several evaluation dates. All the proposed methods show good results on these data. The method using (ordinary least squares) regression is preferred because it is very flexible in the use of auxiliary variables, requires weaker assumptions, has smaller estimation uncertainty and is easily automatable

    New complete genome sequences of human rhinoviruses shed light on their phylogeny and genomic features

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human rhinoviruses (HRV), the most frequent cause of respiratory infections, include 99 different serotypes segregating into two species, A and B. Rhinoviruses share extensive genomic sequence similarity with enteroviruses and both are part of the picornavirus family. Nevertheless they differ significantly at the phenotypic level. The lack of HRV full-length genome sequences and the absence of analysis comparing picornaviruses at the whole genome level limit our knowledge of the genomic features supporting these differences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report complete genome sequences of 12 HRV-A and HRV-B serotypes, more than doubling the current number of available HRV sequences. The whole-genome maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis suggests that HRV-B and human enteroviruses (HEV) diverged from the last common ancestor after their separation from HRV-A. On the other hand, compared to HEV, HRV-B are more related to HRV-A in the capsid and 3B-C regions. We also identified the presence of a 2C <it>cis</it>-acting replication element (<it>cre</it>) in HRV-B that is not present in HRV-A, and that had been previously characterized only in HEV. In contrast to HEV viruses, HRV-A and HRV-B share also markedly lower GC content along the whole genome length.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings provide basis to speculate about both the biological similarities and the differences (e.g. tissue tropism, temperature adaptation or acid lability) of these three groups of viruses.</p

    Rhinovirus Genome Variation during Chronic Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

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    Routine screening of lung transplant recipients and hospital patients for respiratory virus infections allowed to identify human rhinovirus (HRV) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, including immunocompromised hosts chronically infected with the same strain over weeks or months. Phylogenetic analysis of 144 HRV-positive samples showed no apparent correlation between a given viral genotype or species and their ability to invade the lower respiratory tract or lead to protracted infection. By contrast, protracted infections were found almost exclusively in immunocompromised patients, thus suggesting that host factors rather than the virus genotype modulate disease outcome, in particular the immune response. Complete genome sequencing of five chronic cases to study rhinovirus genome adaptation showed that the calculated mutation frequency was in the range observed during acute human infections. Analysis of mutation hot spot regions between specimens collected at different times or in different body sites revealed that non-synonymous changes were mostly concentrated in the viral capsid genes VP1, VP2 and VP3, independent of the HRV type. In an immunosuppressed lung transplant recipient infected with the same HRV strain for more than two years, both classical and ultra-deep sequencing of samples collected at different time points in the upper and lower respiratory tracts showed that these virus populations were phylogenetically indistinguishable over the course of infection, except for the last month. Specific signatures were found in the last two lower respiratory tract populations, including changes in the 5â€ČUTR polypyrimidine tract and the VP2 immunogenic site 2. These results highlight for the first time the ability of a given rhinovirus to evolve in the course of a natural infection in immunocompromised patients and complement data obtained from previous experimental inoculation studies in immunocompetent volunteers

    Intradermal influenza vaccination of healthy adults using a new microinjection system: a 3-year randomised controlled safety and immunogenicity trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intradermal vaccination provides direct and potentially more efficient access to the immune system via specialised dendritic cells and draining lymphatic vessels. We investigated the immunogenicity and safety during 3 successive years of different dosages of a trivalent, inactivated, split-virion vaccine against seasonal influenza given intradermally using a microinjection system compared with an intramuscular control vaccine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomised, partially blinded, controlled study, healthy volunteers (1150 aged 18 to 57 years at enrolment) received three annual vaccinations of intradermal or intramuscular vaccine. In Year 1, subjects were randomised to one of three groups: 3 ÎŒg or 6 ÎŒg haemagglutinin/strain/dose of inactivated influenza vaccine intradermally, or a licensed inactivated influenza vaccine intramuscularly containing 15 ÎŒg/strain/dose. In Year 2 subjects were randomised again to one of two groups: 9 ÎŒg/strain/dose intradermally or 15 ÎŒg intramuscularly. In Year 3 subjects were randomised a third time to one of two groups: 9 ÎŒg intradermally or 15 ÎŒg intramuscularly. Randomisation lists in Year 1 were stratified for site. Randomisation lists in Years 2 and 3 were stratified for site and by vaccine received in previous years to ensure the inclusion of a comparable number of subjects in a vaccine group at each centre each year. Immunogenicity was assessed 21 days after each vaccination. Safety was assessed throughout the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Years 2 and 3, 9 ÎŒg intradermal was comparably immunogenic to 15 ÎŒg intramuscular for all strains, and both vaccines met European requirements for annual licensing of influenza vaccines. The 3 ÎŒg and 6 ÎŒg intradermal formulations were less immunogenic than intramuscular 15 ÎŒg. Safety of the intradermal and intramuscular vaccinations was comparable in each year of the study. Injection site erythema and swelling was more common with the intradermal route.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An influenza vaccine with 9 ÎŒg of haemagglutinin/strain given using an intradermal microinjection system showed comparable immunogenic and safety profiles to a licensed intramuscular vaccine, and presents a promising alternative to intramuscular vaccination for influenza for adults younger than 60 years.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00703651.</p

    Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 genetic locus with spontaneous coronary artery dissection

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    Background: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is an increasingly recognized cause of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) afflicting predominantly younger to middle-aged women. Observational studies have reported a high prevalence of extracoronary vascular anomalies, especially fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) and a low prevalence of coincidental cases of atherosclerosis. PHACTR1/EDN1 is a genetic risk locus for several vascular diseases, including FMD and coronary artery disease, with the putative causal noncoding variant at the rs9349379 locus acting as a potential enhancer for the endothelin-1 (EDN1) gene. Objectives: This study sought to test the association between the rs9349379 genotype and SCAD. Methods: Results from case control studies from France, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia were analyzed to test the association with SCAD risk, including age at first event, pregnancy-associated SCAD (P-SCAD), and recurrent SCAD. Results: The previously reported risk allele for FMD (rs9349379-A) was associated with a higher risk of SCAD in all studies. In a meta-analysis of 1,055 SCAD patients and 7,190 controls, the odds ratio (OR) was 1.67 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.50 to 1.86) per copy of rs9349379-A. In a subset of 491 SCAD patients, the OR estimate was found to be higher for the association with SCAD in patients without FMD (OR: 1.89; 95% CI: 1.53 to 2.33) than in SCAD cases with FMD (OR: 1.60; 95% CI: 1.28 to 1.99). There was no effect of genotype on age at first event, P-SCAD, or recurrence. Conclusions: The first genetic risk factor for SCAD was identified in the largest study conducted to date for this condition. This genetic link may contribute to the clinical overlap between SCAD and FMD

    withdrawn 2017 hrs ehra ecas aphrs solaece expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation

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    A Realistic Roadmap to Formation Flying Space Interferometry

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    The ultimate astronomical observatory would be a formation flying space interferometer, combining sensitivity and stability with high angular resolution. The smallSat revolution offers a new and maturing prototyping platform for space interferometry and we put forward a realistic plan for achieving first stellar fringes in space by 2030
