6,126 research outputs found

    An ecological framework for the development of a national MPA network

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    Isolated marine protected areas (MPAs) may not be enough to sustain viable populations of marine species, particularly the many small coastal MPAs which resulted due to social, economic and political constraints. Properly designed MPA networks can circumvent such limitations due to their potential synergistic positive effects, but this crucial step is frequently obstructed by lack of baseline ecological information. In this paper, we use systematic conservation planning on European Nature Information System coastal habitat information available for Portugal to demonstrate how an ecologically coherent nation-wide MPA network can be designed. We used the software Marxan to obtain near optimal solutions for each of three pre-determined conservation targets (10%, 30% and 50% protection) while maintaining the cost of including conservation units as low as possible. Marxan solutions were subsequently optimized with MinPatch by keeping each MPA above a minimum size that reflects the existing information on habitat use by some key marine fishes. Results show that 10% protection for all habitats would only require a relativelly small increase in the number (from 6 to 10) and area (from 479 km(2) to 509 km(2)) of already existing MPAs in mainland Portugal whereas substantial increases would be required to achieve the 50% target. This rather simple approach offers the added benefit of allowing design improvement as more relevant ecological information becomes available, including deeper habitat mapping across the whole continental shelf, allowing a coherent, adaptive and inclusive optimal MPA network to be designed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multimodal neuromonitoring in children with severe traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a main cause of child morbidity and mortality worldwide. Survivors with severe neurological impairment represent an important burden to families and society. Modern neurocritical care management focuses on minimizing secondary brain injury and the use of management strategies based on multimodal brain monitoring has a potential to improve patient outcome. Cerebral autoregulation is an important mechanism allowing cerebral blood flow to stay constant despite fluctuations of cerebral perfusion pressure. It has been shown to be impaired in children with TBI and loss of autoregulation is associated with a poor outcome. There are several techniques that allow continuous calculation of autoregulation indices (and its surrogate - cerebrovascular reactivity) using intracranial pressure, blood flow velocity or cerebral oxygenation and its correlation to arterial blood pressure or cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). The aim of this thesis was to study the accuracy of different methods of neuromonitoring, ranging from non-invasive and invasive acquisition of signals involved in cerebral haemodynamics to the study of cerebral autoregulation in children with TBI. The secondary objective was to study the association of autoregulation impairment with clinical outcome. In the introduction, traumatic brain injury in children and the theoretical principles of neuromonitoring are presented in detail with focus on the parameters used in the studies performed throughout the thesis. The cerebral autoregulation principles are also reviewed. The main body of the thesis is divided in four sections: In the first section, I review the role of neurovascular sonography in paediatric traumatic brain injury. Namely, the role of TCD in estimating intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure; evaluating cerebral autoregulation and continuous monitoring; detecting regional variations on cerebral haemodynamics and in the diagnosis of brain death. In the second section, I document through several clinical cases the usefulness of TCD for bedside decisions in the paediatric emergency department and in the paediatric intensive care unit. Five patients with different types of acute brain injury are presented. TCD was useful in the identification of intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury, hydrocephalus and central nervous system infection; identification of decreased cerebral perfusion pressure in hypovolemic shock and the diagnosis of impending cerebral circulatory arrest in a child with meningococcal septicaemia. I discuss the importance of TCD in each scenario through a revision of relevant literature and with my own experience. In the third section, I assess TCD as a non-invasive method to estimate cerebral perfusion pressure in children with severe traumatic brain injury. In order to accomplish this objective the feasibility of a novel non-invasive method of cerebral perfusion pressure estimation (nCPP) using a TCD-spectral accounting method in children with severe TBI was tested. There was a good correlation between invasive cerebral perfusion pressure and nCPP and nCPP monitoring with TCD appears to be a feasible method for cerebral perfusion pressure assessment in paediatric TBI. The novel spectral nCPP tested in this study has a decent correlation with invasive CPP and can predict low CPP with excellent accuracy at the 70-mmHg threshold. In the fourth and final section of this thesis, I present the results of a prospective cohort study performed throughout the four years of the thesis development. All children admitted to our paediatric intensive care unit with severe TBI were included to study three different methods of monitoring autoregulation: pressure-reactivity index (PRx), transcranial Doppler derived mean flow velocity index (Mx) and near-infrared spectroscopy derived cerebral oximetry index (COx). This is the first study to compare these three different methods of monitoring cerebral autoregulation in a group of children. PRx seems to be the most robust index to access cerebrovascular reactivity in children with TBI. It allows calculation of optimal CPP for the individual patient and has promising prognostic value. The main conclusions of this thesis are: • Transcranial Doppler is a useful technique to assist the clinical decisions at the bedside in children with acute brain injury; • Multimodal neuromonitoring is feasible in paediatric patients with TBI; • PRx seems to be the most sensitive index for cerebral autoregulation monitoring in children and has prognostic value; • Non-invasive continuous neuromonitoring is promising but it is still not accurate enough to replace invasive monitoring

    Efficient middleware for database replication

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaDatabase systems are used to store data on the most varied applications, like Web applications, enterprise applications, scientific research, or even personal applications. Given the large use of database in fundamental systems for the users, it is necessary that database systems are efficient e reliable. Additionally, in order for these systems to serve a large number of users, databases must be scalable, to be able to process large numbers of transactions. To achieve this, it is necessary to resort to data replication. In a replicated system, all nodes contain a copy of the database. Then, to guarantee that replicas converge, write operations must be executed on all replicas. The way updates are propagated leads to two different replication strategies. The first is known as asynchronous or optimistic replication, and the updates are propagated asynchronously after the conclusion of an update transaction. The second is known as synchronous or pessimistic replication, where the updates are broadcasted synchronously during the transaction. In pessimistic replication, contrary to the optimistic replication, the replicas remain consistent. This approach simplifies the programming of the applications, since the replication of the data is transparent to the applications. However, this approach presents scalability issues, caused by the number of exchanged messages during synchronization, which forces a delay to the termination of the transaction. This leads the user to experience a much higher latency in the pessimistic approach. On this work is presented the design and implementation of a database replication system, with snapshot isolation semantics, using a synchronous replication approach. The system is composed by a primary replica and a set of secondary replicas that fully replicate the database- The primary replica executes the read-write transactions, while the remaining replicas execute the read-only transactions. After the conclusion of a read-write transaction on the primary replica the updates are propagated to the remaining replicas. This approach is proper to a model where the fraction of read operations is considerably higher than the write operations, allowing the reads load to be distributed over the multiple replicas. To improve the performance of the system, the clients execute some operations speculatively, in order to avoid waiting during the execution of a database operation. Thus, the client may continue its execution while the operation is executed on the database. If the result replied to the client if found to be incorrect, the transaction will be aborted, ensuring the correctness of the execution of the transactions

    Mergers & acquisitions : acquisition of Boulder Brands by Hain Celestial Group

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    The food industry has been witnessing structural changes in the past decades, with organic and natural food establishing itself as a segment of considerable dimension. Driven by consumers’ change in preferences, including a desire for healthier lifestyles, the organic food sector has been growing at double-digit rates over the past 20 years. Hain Celestial Group and Boulder Brands, the two companies this thesis focuses on, are leaders in the organic food sector, with large portfolios of brands stemming from gluten-free to non-genetic modified food. Following Boulder Brands’ CEO resignation on June 2015, and shortly after, the announcement that the Company’s Board of Directors had hired a financial advisor to explore strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value, this thesis proposes the potential acquisition of Boulder Brands by Hain Celestial Group for 14.63pershareincash.Thisproposalrepresentsapremiumof33.2Thishighlyaccretiveandsynergyrichacquisitionwouldhavethepotentialtocreateauniquenicheplayerintheglutenfreemarket,andcombinethehighlycomplementaryportfoliosoftwoworldwideorganicfoodleaders.Ainduˊstriaalimentartemvindoaassistirmudanc\casestruturaisnasuˊltimasdeˊcadas,comosegmentodealimentosorga^nicosenaturaisganhandodimensa~oconsideraˊvel.Impulsionadopormudanc\casnasprefere^nciasdosconsumidores,incluindoumdesejoporumestilodevidamaissaudaˊvel,osectordealimentosorga^nicostemdemonstradotaxasdecrescimentodedoisdıˊgitosnosuˊltimos20anos.HainCelestialGroupeBoulderBrands,asduasempresasalvodeestudodestatese,sa~olıˊderesnosectordealimentosorga^nicos,comportefoˊliosdeprodutosdesdealimentossemgluˊtenaalimentosna~otransgeˊnicos.Apoˊsademissa~odoCEOdaBoulderBrandsemJunhode2015,e,poucodepois,oanuˊnciodequeoConselhodeAdministrac\ca~odaempresahaviacontratadoumassessorfinanceiroparaexploraralternativasestrateˊgicasafimdeaumentarovalordosaccionistas,estatesepropo~eapotencialaquisic\ca~odaBoulderBrandsporHainCelestialGroup,por14.63 per share in cash. This proposal represents a premium of 33.2% over Boulder Brands’ share price as of 31 December 2015. This highly accretive and synergy rich acquisition would have the potential to create a unique niche player in the gluten-free market, and combine the highly complementary portfolios of two worldwide organic food leaders.A indústria alimentar tem vindo a assistir mudanças estruturais nas últimas décadas, com o segmento de alimentos orgânicos e naturais ganhando dimensão considerável. Impulsionado por mudanças nas preferências dos consumidores, incluindo um desejo por um estilo de vida mais saudável, o sector de alimentos orgânicos tem demonstrado taxas de crescimento de dois dígitos nos últimos 20 anos. Hain Celestial Group e Boulder Brands, as duas empresas alvo de estudo desta tese, são líderes no sector de alimentos orgânicos, com portefólios de produtos desde alimentos sem glúten a alimentos não transgénicos. Após a demissão do CEO da Boulder Brands em Junho de 2015, e, pouco depois, o anúncio de que o Conselho de Administração da empresa havia contratado um assessor financeiro para explorar alternativas estratégicas a fim de aumentar o valor dos accionistas, esta tese propõe a potencial aquisição da Boulder Brands por Hain Celestial Group, por 14.63 por acção em cash. Esta proposta representa um prémio de 33.2% sobre a cotação da Boulder Brands a 31 de Dezembro de 2015. Esta aquisição, substancialmente acretiva e rica em sinergias, teria o potencial de criar um concorrente inigualável no nicho de mercado de alimentos sem glúten, e combinar os portfefólios altamente complementares de dois líderes mundiais de alimentos orgânicos

    A fine-tuned global distribution dataset of marine forests

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    Species distribution records are a prerequisite to follow climate-induced range shifts across space and time. However, synthesizing information from various sources such as peer-reviewed literature, herbaria, digital repositories and citizen science initiatives is not only costly and time consuming, but also challenging, as data may contain thematic and taxonomic errors and generally lack standardized formats. We address this gap for important marine ecosystem-structuring species of large brown algae and seagrasses. We gathered distribution records from various sources and provide a fine-tuned dataset with ~2.8 million dereplicated records, taxonomically standardized for 682 species, and considering important physiological and biogeographical traits. Specifically, a flagging system was implemented to signal potentially incorrect records reported on land, in regions with limiting light conditions for photosynthesis, and outside the known distribution of species, as inferred from the most recent published literature. We document the procedure and provide a dataset in tabular format based on Darwin Core Standard (DwC), alongside with a set of functions in R language for data management and visualization.FCT: (SFRH/BPD/111003/2015) / (SFRH/BSAB/150485/2019) / (SFRH/BD/144878/2019)(PTDC/MAREST/6053/2014) / MARFOR (BIODIVERSA/004/2015) / UIDB/04326/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of CSR in people’s enhancement with art : a case study of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

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    The present research studies the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a tool to increase people’s enhancement with art through the willingness to go to artistic events which promote specific social causes. Art has proven to be a subject of extremely importance either for communities as for individuals. The relationship between CSR and willingness to attend to events is analyzed in this research having as case study Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG). Different aspects of CSR are investigated, such as CSR awareness, FCG reputation and the importance of art in the background. The CSR implications over willingness to attend to events are not direct, although some effect might be found. It has no direct effect over people’s willingness to attend when the social initiatives are linked to specific events, although, people who are more aware of Gulbenkian social initiatives have better reputation of the foundation, which itself has effect over the willingness to attend. Further the relationship with art during the background is of extremely importance, once it increases the willingness to keep this relationship during adulthood. CSR must be used as a way to promote art events, not directly, but keeping a clear relation between the company and the corporate social initiatives, using it to increase the company’s reputation, and therefore, increase people’s interest in the art and events.A investigação apresentada pretende estudar o efeito da responsabilidade social das empresas (SER) como ferramenta para aumentar o envolvimento dos indivíduos com a arte através do interesse em eventos específicos que promovem causas sociais específicas. A arte tem provado ser um tema de extrema importância, tanto para comunidades como para os indivíduos. A relação entre a RSE e o interesse nos eventos é analisado nesta investigação tendo como caso de estudo a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG), estudando diferentes aspetos de RSE, tal como a consciência de RSE, Reputação da FCG e a importância do contacto com a arte no passado. O efeito da RSE no interesse nos eventos não é direto, apesar de poder ser encontrado algum efeito. A RSE não tem efeito sobre interesse quando promove eventos específicos, ainda assim, as pessoas que estão mais conscientes das iniciativas sociais da Gulbenkian, consideram uma reputação mais alta da empresa, o que por si tem efeito sobre esse mesmo interesse. A relação com a arte no passado é extremamente importante, uma vez que aumenta o interesse em manter a relação durante o período adulto. As iniciativas de RSE deverão ser utilizadas como forma de promover eventos de arte, não diretamente, mas mantendo uma relação clara entre a empresa e essas mesmas iniciativas, utilizando-as como forma de aumentar a reputação, e por consequência, aumentar o interesse das pessoas na arte e nos eventos

    Accidental Father-to-Son HIV-1 Transmission During the Seroconversion Period

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    A 4-year-old child born to an HIV-1 seronegative mother was diagnosed with HIV-1, the main risk factor being transmission from the child's father who was seroconverting at the time of the child's birth. In the context of a forensic investigation, we aimed to identify the source of infection of the child and date of the transmission event. Samples were collected from the father and child at two time points about 4 years after the child's birth. Partial segments of three HIV-1 genes (gag, pol, and env) were sequenced and maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods were used to determine direction and estimate date of transmission. Neutralizing antibodies were determined using a single cycle assay. Bayesian trees displayed a paraphyletic-monophyletic topology in all three genomic regions, with the father's host label at the root, which is consistent with father-to-son transmission. ML trees found similar topologies in gag and pol and a monophyletic-monophyletic topology in env. Analysis of the time of the most recent common ancestor of each HIV-1 gene population indicated that the child was infected shortly after the father. Consistent with the infection history, both father and son developed broad and potent HIV-specific neutralizing antibody responses. In conclusion, the direction of transmission implicated the father as the source of transmission. Transmission occurred during the seroconversion period when the father was unaware of the infection and was likely accidental. This case shows how genetic, phylogenetic, and serological data can contribute for the forensic investigation of HIV transmission.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluating competitive advantages in Portugal forest cluster: An application of Porter’s diamond model

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    The forest issue in Portugal is very spoken. Unfortunately, not always for good reasons. Portugal is a chronic scenario for enormous wildfires, and the media focus on that year after year during the summer. However, the forest is much more than wildfires for the Portuguese economy. It supports a very important cluster where the exports are 4.094 billion euros, representing 9.0% of all goods exportation in Portugal. The trade balance for the forest cluster is very beneficial for Portugal, with a positive balance of 2.339 billion euros. We used the Porter’s Diamond model as the conceptual framework to evaluate the competitive advantages of the forest cluster. We identified several specific conditions needed to sustain a competitive advantage through that framework. We describe the status for each condition, giving suggestions to unleash the Diamond of competitiveness for those that are a constraint. The results indicate that the Diamond for the forest cluster is far from optimal. We found constraints in all determinants of the Diamond, problems in the factor conditions, in the demand conditions, in the related and supporting industries, and in the firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. Besides, the role of government is negatively influencing the Diamond determinants.A questão florestal em Portugal é muito falada. Infelizmente, nem sempre pelas boas razões. Portugal é o cenário crónico de enormes incêndios florestais, e os meios de comunicação social concentram-se neles ano após ano durante o Verão. No entanto, a floresta é muito mais do que incêndios florestais para a economia portuguesa. Ela suporta um cluster muito importante onde as exportações são de 4,094 mil milhões de euros, representando 9,0% de todas as exportações de bens em Portugal. A balança comercial do cluster florestal é muito benéfica para Portugal, com um saldo positivo de 2,339 mil milhões de euros. Utilizámos o modelo do Diamante de Porter como quadro conceptual para avaliar as vantagens competitivas do cluster florestal. Identificámos várias condições específicas necessárias para sustentar as vantagens competitivas através desse quadro. Descrevemos o estado atual de cada condição, dando sugestões para desacorrentar o Diamante da competitividade para aquelas condições que constituem um constrangimento. Os resultados indicam que o Diamante do cluster florestal português está longe de ser o ideal. Encontrámos limitações em todos os determinantes do Diamante: problemas nas condições dos fatores, nas condições da procura, nas indústrias relacionadas e de apoio, e na estratégia das empresas, estrutura e rivalidade. Além disso, o papel do governo está a influenciar negativamente os determinantes do Diamante

    Can Orthopantomography be used as a tool for screening of carotid atheromatous pathology and thus be used to help reduce the prevalence of ischemic stroke within the population?

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    Objective: To assess the possibility of Dentists being able to screen patients with higher risk of vascular diseases. Materials: Kodak 8000C Orthopantomographer, eco-Doppler Logiq-500 General Electric at the Lisbon Hospital Particular. Methods: Assessment of orthopantomographies made to 142 patients aged 50 or more, as well as the existing risk factors. Conduction of carotid eco-Doppler to patients who appear to have calcified plaques of the atheroma. Results: Strong dependence between dichotomised age and having the pathology (p = 0.02).Smokers are twice more likely to present plaques (OR= 2). Being hypertensive increases in about 1.4 the likelihood of having a stroke (OR= 1.4). Of the 27 individuals who presented calcifications in the Orthopantomography, they were all submitted to an eco-Doppler and 21 had the pathology confirmed. 27 individuals, who did not show any plaques in the Orthopantomography, were randomly selected to be the control group. They were submitted to an eco-Doppler. And 23 confirmed the non-existence of plaques. Conclusions: Orthopantomography used for assessing the oral cavity reveals more information which should be the object of the Dentist's attentio