233 research outputs found

    Network Lift from Dual Alters: Extended Opportunity Structures from a Multilevel and Structural Perspective

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    This article uses multilevel network analysis to identify an extended and latent opportunity structure for actors dually positioned in both intra-organizational and inter-organizational networks. This extended opportunity structure combines actors’ direct ties with indirect ties that they can add to their own network by ‘borrowing’ some of their boss’s two-path contacts. We call ‘dual alters’ contacts that can be reached through this multilevel path with help (or absence of obstruction) from such ‘embedded brokers’. We test the specific effect of this extension on actors’ performance using a data set derived from a multilevel study of the elite of French cancer researchers (1996–2005). We find a significant effect of this extension on members’ performance when dual alters provide complementary resources, thus providing proof of a ‘network lift from dual alters’ presence in the focal actor’s network. Network lift allows sociologists to measure the extent to which performance measured at the individual level depends in a complex way on the multilevel and combined characteristics of the intra- and inter-organizational context in which individuals belong. We believe that this measurement of latent and extended opportunity structures will help meso-level sociologists in their approach to social processes and inequalities in the organizational society

    Soula Audrey, Yount-AndrĂ© Chelsie, Lepillier Olivier, et Bricas Nicolas (dir), Manger en ville. Regards socio-anthropologiques d’Afrique, d’AmĂ©rique latine et d’Asie

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    Cet ouvrage est le fruit des rĂ©flexions menĂ©es lors du colloque « Manger en Ville » tenu en 2017 Ă  Montpellier. Le but de celui-ci Ă©tait d’interroger comment les villes, interfaces de la mondialisation, influencent les habitudes alimentaires des citadin·e·s. DirigĂ© par quatre chercheur·euse·s affilié·e·s Ă  l’UMR MoISA du CIRAD, ce livre est vouĂ© Ă  devenir une rĂ©fĂ©rence sur le thĂšme des aspects socio-culturels de l’alimentation, particuliĂšrement dans les Suds. Les diffĂ©rentes parties s’organis..

    L’Union des BĂ©liers :

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    L’Union des BĂ©liers est une organisation sociale d’intĂ©rĂȘt public crĂ©Ă©e en 2003 dans la province chinoise du Zhejiang. Sa transformation, de structure locale Ă  ONG internationale, nous renseigne sur les modalitĂ©s mises en oeuvre par le Parti communiste chinois (PCC) pour accompagner le dĂ©veloppement d’associations populaires ou minjian, qui paraissent lui ĂȘtre extĂ©rieures mais qu’il parraine pleinement. L’étude de ce genre d’entitĂ©s est complexe car elles semblent agir de maniĂšre bĂ©nĂ©vole et apolitique, tout en Ă©tant totalement intĂ©grĂ©es au dispositif politico-social du Parti-État (Ligue de la jeunesse, volontaires, Front Uni, ministĂšre des Affaires civiles
). La trajectoire de l’Union des BĂ©liers laisse ainsi entrevoir la stratĂ©gie mal connue d’hybridation menĂ©e par le PCC, entre des organisations de masse issues du temps rĂ©volutionnaire et des groupes charitables incarnant la sociĂ©tĂ© chinoise moderne, pour occuper l’espace social afin d’éviter l’émergence d’une sociĂ©tĂ© civile chinoise autonome, en rĂ©publique populaire de Chine (RPC) et en Outre-mer

    Kecukupan Dua Alat Bukti Sebagai Dasar Penetapan Tersangka Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Pada skripsi ini penulis bertujuan untuk memberikan analisis mengenai Kecukupan 2 (Dua) alat bukti sebagai dasar menetapkan seseorang sebagai Tersangka dalam tindak pidana Korupsi. Pemilihan tema tersebut karena di dalam proses pembuktian tindak pidana korupsi, terdapat suatu permasalahan dimana belum adanya suatu aturan yang secara tegas dan jelas terkait penjelasan mengenai parameter alat bukti, agar dapat dikatakan cukup dalam menentukan seseorang sebagai tersangka khusunya dalam tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia, sehingga dalam hal ini menyebabkan banyaknya permohonan pemeriksaan praperadilan yang dimohonkan oleh seseorang yang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka terkait dengan alat bukti yang digunakan sebagai dasar penetapan tersangka, masih belum dapat dianggap sebagai alat bukti yang sah dan memiliki nilai kekuatan pembuktian. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, karya tulis ini mengangkat rumusan masalah : (1) Kapankah 2 (Dua) alat bukti dikatakan cukup dalam menetapkan seseorang sebagai tersangka ? (2) Bagaimana penerapan 2 (Dua) alat bukti yang cukup sebagai dasar penetapan Tersangka tindak pidana korupsi di dalam praktek Peradilan di Indonesia ? Kemudian jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Yuridus Normatif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statue Approach), pendekatan Kasus (Case Approach), dan dan pendekatan Konseptual (Conseptual Approach), dimana bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier yang diperoleh penulis akan di analisis menggunakan penafsiran Gramatikal dan Penafsiran Sistematis. Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode diatas, penulis mendapatkan jawaban bahwa 2 (dua) alat bukti dapat dikatakan cukup ketika 2 (dua) alat bukti yang sah tersebut, dapat memilki nilai pembuktian yang mengacu bahwa alat bukti di dapatkan dari suatu proses yang sah, bersifat saling melengkapi, memiliki kesesuaian untuk menduga sesesorang telah memenuhi unsur-unsur tindak pidana korupsi. Selanjutnya, penjelasan pasal-pasal di dalam KUHAP dan peraturan Perundang-undangan lain terkait 2 (dua) alat bukti yang cukup sebagai dasar penetapan tersangka sebenarnya sudah cukup jelas. Namun dalam upaya penetapan tersangka yang dilakukan oleh KPK sebagai aparat penegak hukum dalam penanganan tindak pidana Korupsi, terdapat kekurang cermatan KPK dalam menentukan aspek aspek pembuktian terkait alat bukti tersebut, sehingga alat bukti tersebut, dianggap tidak memiliki nilai pembuktian sebagai alat bukti yang sah oleh Hakim di dalam sidang Praperadila

    RelaçÔes de gĂȘnero entre docentes dos Programas de PĂłs-Graduação da Universidade TecnolĂłgica Federal do ParanĂĄ (UTFPR) e da Universidade TecnolĂłgica de CompiĂšgne (UTC-França): um estudo comparativo das carreiras de homens e mulheres

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    Currently, western universities are where research is mostly carried out. If western history shows some women getting into those temples of knowledge, today, they account for a considerable number of faculty members/researchers. A revision of literature revealed that women and men do not have the same job opportunities when it comes to the career as a faculty member/researcher. Therefore, a comparative analysis of gender relations in the graduate programs at the Federal University of Technology of the State of ParanĂĄ (UTFPR) and the University of Technology of CompiĂšgne - France (UTC) was seen as relevant. The aim of the research was twofold: to find out whether women from these universities of technology faced discriminatory practices or, instead, a greater acceptance and to investigate the existence of the famous “glass ceiling” that limits women`s job promotion. The research was qualitative with content analysis and was characterized as comparative. The data collection was conducted with a semi-structured interview with 16 faculty members/researchers from the UTFPR and 17 faculty members/researchers from the UTC. The findings and conclusion of this research are that the career as a faculty member/researcher calls for a great sacrifice and it is more socially adapted to men than women for two main reasons: first, a bigger investment on the part of women than men concerning reproductive work, and second, the existence of mechanisms of discrimination practices in the professional university career that hinder women`s professional advancement.CapesAtualmente, as universidades ocidentais sĂŁo lugares onde se efetiva grande parte da pesquisa cientĂ­fica. Se a HistĂłria ocidental aponta algumas mulheres adentrando esses templos do conhecimento, hoje, elas representam parte considerĂĄvel dos/as professores/as pesquisadores/as. ApĂłs a revisĂŁo da literatura, comprovou-se que homens e mulheres nĂŁo tĂȘm as mesmas oportunidades de trabalho na carreira de professor/a pesquisador/a. Achou-se, entĂŁo, pertinente, analisar comparativamente as relaçÔes de gĂȘnero nos cursos de pĂłs-graduação da Universidade TecnolĂłgica Federal do ParanĂĄ (UTFPR) e da Universidade TecnolĂłgica de CompiĂšgne – França (UTC), no intuito de descobrir se as mulheres dessas duas universidades tecnolĂłgicas encontram prĂĄticas discriminatĂłrias, ou, ao contrĂĄrio, um acolhimento favorĂĄvel e, se existe o famoso ‘teto de vidro’ que limita as promoçÔes das mulheres. A pesquisa foi qualitativa, com princĂ­pios de anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo e pode ser caracterizada como comparativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada com entrevista semiestruturada nas duas universidades. Foram objeto deste estudo 16 professores/as pesquisadores/as da UTFPR e 17 professores/as pesquisadores/as da UTC. Conclui-se que a profissĂŁo de professor/a pesquisador/a demanda na sua essĂȘncia, um investimento atĂ© o limite do sacrifĂ­cio por quem escolheu exercitĂĄ-la e Ă© muito mais adaptada Ă  socialização do homem que da mulher, devido a duas razĂ”es principais: o maior investimento das mulheres no trabalho reprodutivo em relação aos homens e porque existem, na carreira universitĂĄria, mecanismos de discriminaçÔes que limitam a progressĂŁo das mulheres
