157 research outputs found

    We’re All Infected: Legal Personhood, Bare Life and The Walking Dead

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    This article argues that greater theoretical attention should be paid to the figure of the zombie in the fields of law, cultural studies and philosophy. Using The Walking Dead as a point of critical departure concepts of legal personhood are interrogated in relation to permanent vegetative states, bare life and the notion of the third person. Ultimately, the paper recommends a rejection of personhood; instead favouring a legal and philosophical engagement with humanity and embodiment. Personhood, it is suggested, creates a barrier in law allowing individuals in certain contexts (and in certain embodied states) to be rendered non-persons and thus outside the scope of legal rights. An approach that rejects personhood in favour of embodiment would allow individuals to enjoy their rights without being subject to such discrimination. It is also suggested that the concept of the human, itself complicated by the figure of the zombie, allows for legal engagement with a greater number of putative rights claimants including admixed embryos, cyborgs and the zombie

    The twilight of the Liberal Social Contract? On the Reception of Rawlsian Political Liberalism

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    This chapter discusses the Rawlsian project of public reason, or public justification-based 'political' liberalism, and its reception. After a brief philosophical rather than philological reconstruction of the project, the chapter revolves around a distinction between idealist and realist responses to it. Focusing on political liberalism’s critical reception illuminates an overarching question: was Rawls’s revival of a contractualist approach to liberal legitimacy a fruitful move for liberalism and/or the social contract tradition? The last section contains a largely negative answer to that question. Nonetheless the chapter's conclusion shows that the research programme of political liberalism provided and continues to provide illuminating insights into the limitations of liberal contractualism, especially under conditions of persistent and radical diversity. The programme is, however, less receptive to challenges to do with the relative decline of the power of modern states


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    A brief explanation and overview of constitutivism

    Woman-Centered Design through Humanity, Activism, and Inclusion

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    Women account for over half of the global population, however, continue to be subject to systematic and systemic disadvantage, particularly in terms of access to health and education. At every intersection, where systemic inequality accounts for greater loss of life or limitations on full and healthy living, women are more greatly impacted by those inequalities. The design of technologies is no different, the very definition of technology is historically cast in terms of male activities, and advancements in the field are critical to improve women's quality of life. This article views HCI, a relatively new field, as well positioned to act critically in the ways that technology serve, refigure, and redefine women's bodies. Indeed, the female body remains a contested topic, a restriction to the development of women's health. On one hand, the field of women's health has attended to the medicalization of the body and therefore is to be understood through medical language and knowledge. On the other hand, the framing of issues associated with women's health and people's experiences of and within such system(s) remain problematic for many. This is visible today in, e.g., socio-cultural practices in disparate geographies or medical devices within a clinic or the home. Moreover, the biological body is part of a great unmentionable, i.e., the perils of essentialism. We contend that it is necessary, pragmatically and ethically, for HCI to turn its attention toward a woman-centered design approach. While previous research has argued for the dangers of gender-demarcated design work, we advance that designing for and with women should not be regarded as ghettoizing, but instead as critical to improving women's experiences in bodily transactions, choices, rights, and access to and in health and care. In this article, we consider how and why designing with and for woman matters. We use our design-led research as a way to speak to and illustrate alternatives to designing for and with women within HCI.QC 20200930</p

    On-line analysis and in situ pH monitoring of mixed acid fermentation by Escherichia coli using combined FTIR and Raman techniques

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    We introduce an experimental setup allowing continuous monitoring of bacterial fermentation processes by simultaneous optical density (OD) measurements, long-path FTIR headspace monitoring of CO2, acetaldehyde and ethanol, and liquid Raman spectroscopy of acetate, formate, and phosphate anions, without sampling. We discuss which spectral features are best suited for detection, and how to obtain partial pressures and concentrations by integrations and least squares fitting of spectral features. Noise equivalent detection limits are about 2.6 mM for acetate and 3.6 mM for formate at 5 min integration time, improving to 0.75 mM for acetate and 1.0 mM for formate at 1 h integration. The analytical range extends to at least 1 M with a standard deviation of percentage error of about 8%. The measurement of the anions of the phosphate buffer allows the spectroscopic, in situ determination of the pH of the bacterial suspension via a modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation in the 6–8 pH range with an accuracy better than 0.1. The 4 m White cell FTIR measurements provide noise equivalent detection limits of 0.21 μbar for acetaldehyde and 0.26 μbar for ethanol in the gas phase, corresponding to 3.2 μM acetaldehyde and 22 μM ethanol in solution, using Henry’s law. The analytical dynamic range exceeds 1 mbar ethanol corresponding to 85 mM in solution. As an application example, the mixed acid fermentation of Escherichia coli is studied. The production of CO2, ethanol, acetaldehyde, acids such as formate and acetate, and the changes in pH are discussed in the context of the mixed acid fermentation pathways. Formate decomposition into CO2 and H2 is found to be governed by a zeroth-order kinetic rate law, showing that adding exogenous formate to a bioreactor with E. coli is expected to have no beneficial effect on the rate of formate decomposition and biohydrogen production

    Philosophy of action

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    The philosophical study of human action begins with Plato and Aristotle. Their influence in late antiquity and the Middle Ages yielded sophisticated theories of action and motivation, notably in the works of Augustine and Aquinas.1 But the ideas that were dominant in 1945 have their roots in the early modern period, when advances in physics and mathematics reshaped philosophy

    Bacterial Toxins as Pathogen Weapons Against Phagocytes

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    Bacterial toxins are virulence factors that manipulate host cell functions and take over the control of vital processes of living organisms to favor microbial infection. Some toxins directly target innate immune cells, thereby annihilating a major branch of the host immune response. In this review we will focus on bacterial toxins that act from the extracellular milieu and hinder the function of macrophages and neutrophils. In particular, we will concentrate on toxins from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that manipulate cell signaling or induce cell death by either imposing direct damage to the host cells cytoplasmic membrane or enzymatically modifying key eukaryotic targets. Outcomes regarding pathogen dissemination, host damage and disease progression will be discussed.This work was supported by FEDER funds through Programa Operational Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (project PTDC/BIA-MIC/3463/2012 FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028364; to AV). Research in the groups of Molecular Microbiology and Fish Immunology and Vaccinology is supported by national funds through FCT Fundacao para Ciencia e a Tecnologia/MEC - Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia and co-funded by FEDER within the partnership agreement: PT2020 related with the research unit number 4293. The Group of Molecular Microbiology also receives support from a Research Grant 2014 by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) (to SS) and the PT2020 research project Infect-ERA/0001/2013 PROANTILIS. AdV received the FCT fellowship SFRH/BPD/95777/2013 by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia/MEC - Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia and co-funded by QREN and POPH (Programa Operational Potential Humano). SS is supported by FCT-Investigator program

    Reconstructing Metaphorical Meaning

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