456 research outputs found

    One of the Finest Sources of Recruits: The Canadian Cadet Movement During the Second World War

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    This article examines the history of the Sea, Army, and Air Cadet programs during the Second World War. The movement expanded rapidly during the war, with the assistance of the Canadian forces, which became more directly involved with the equipping, training, and administration of their respective cadet branches. Cadet training became increasingly sophisticated in an effort to provide cadets with the rudiments of modern military training in order to speed their transition into the armed forces when they reached enlistment age. The movement’s leaders viewed their primary role as providing pre-trained recruits to meet the needs of the military, and the military, for the most part, viewed former cadets as excellent recruit material

    One of the Finest Sources of Recruits: The Canadian Cadet Movement During the Second World War

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    This article examines the history of the Sea, Army, and Air Cadet programs during the Second World War. The movement expanded rapidly during the war, with the assistance of the Canadian forces, which became more directly involved with the equipping, training, and administration of their respective cadet branches. Cadet training became increasingly sophisticated in an effort to provide cadets with the rudiments of modern military training in order to speed their transition into the armed forces when they reached enlistment age. The movement’s leaders viewed their primary role as providing pre-trained recruits to meet the needs of the military, and the military, for the most part, viewed former cadets as excellent recruit material

    Sir Walter Scott's templar construct : a study of contemporary influences on historical perceptions : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History at Massey University, Extramural, New Zealand

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    Sir Walter Scott was a writer of historical fiction, but how accurate are his portrayals? The novels Ivanhoe and Talisman both feature Templars as the antagonists. Scott’s works display he had a fundamental knowledge of the Order and their fall. However, the novels are fiction, and the accuracy of some of the author’s depictions are questionable. As a result, the novels are more representative of events and thinking of the early nineteenth century than any other period. The main theme in both novels is the importance of unity and illustrating the destructive nature of any division. The protagonists unify under the banner of King Richard and the Templars pursue a course of independence. Scott’s works also helped to formulate notions of Scottish identity, Freemasonry (and their alleged forbearers the Templars) and Victorian behaviours. However, Scott’s image is only one of a long history of Templars featuring in literature over the centuries. Like Scott, the previous renditions of the Templars are more illustrations of the contemporary than historical accounts. One matter for unease in the early 1800s was religion and Catholic Emancipation. Scott was not a tolerant man when it came to the extremism of Christians, especially Catholics. The Templars are the ultimate fanatics during the Crusades, and Scott’s portrayal is rather scathing. His condemnation extends to Catholicism in general and is present in his characterisation of other men of religion in the novels. However, Scott was a writer of fictions set in history, and their sole purpose was the entertainment of the reader

    Involvement of free radicals in muscle damage due to exercise

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    The studies described in this thesis have examined the possibility that free radical species are generated during acute exercise in man and that these are involved in the damage to muscle which occurs in some subjects. [Continues.

    Young people need youth clubs. A needs analysis in a London borough

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    In this article, Naomi Thompson and David Woodger outline the findings and implications of a needs analysis relating to young people, conducted with 426 stakeholders (young people, parents and professionals) in a London borough in 2018. The findings support a case for open access youth work and some targeted support, with ‘crime and safety’ and ‘mental health and wellbeing’ identified as the most pressing needs young people are facing. Despite mental health being identified as a prevalent need, respondents did not overwhelmingly identify individual counselling as a key form of service needed. Youth clubs were identified as the most needed service, followed by targeted support around crime. This suggests that universal youth work and other group activity is seen as the most appropriate response to young people’s needs

    “I hope the river floods”: online hate speech towards Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

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    Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities experience hate and discrimination in a range of public and private arenas. Online spaces are a relatively new outlet for hate against GRT groups, that fuels offline responses. This article outlines UK cases of online hate speech reported to Report Racism GRT, a third-party reporting site for incidents perpetrated against GRT communities, from its inception in October 2016 to February 2018. Our analysis found that online hate is primarily manifested through abuse on social media and often incited by the wider media. A key trigger for online hate is the arrival of new camps and a shortage of legitimate sites fuels tensions. We consider the need to ease tensions over site provision; for a more serious response to online hate speech; and to ensure that policy-makers and practitioners are aware of how they may be affected by problematic and racist assumptions about GRT communities

    A summary of the BARREL campaigns: Technique for studying electron precipitation.

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    BARREL observed electron precipitation over wide range of energy and timescalesPrecipitating electron distribution is determined using spectroscopy for 19 January 2013 eventBARREL timing data has accuracy within sampling interval of 0.05 s
