3,310 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transformations between Frame Systems and RDB Systems

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    For decades, researchers in knowledge representation (KR) have argued for and against various choices in KR formalisms, such as Rules, Frames, Semantic nets, and Formal logic. In this paper, we present a set of transformations that can be used to move knowledge across two fundamentally different KR formalisms: Frame-based systems and Relational database systems (RDBs). We also describe partial implementations of these transformations for a specific pair of such systems: Protégé and the Postgres RDB system

    Energy Prices, Inflation, and Recession, 1974-1975

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    The energy price shock depressed real output by two percent in 1974 and by five percent in 1975, according to our results. Prices rose by four percent in 1974 and by another two percent in 1975. These conclusions are derived from an aggregate model of the U.S. economy with an explicit role of energy in production. The distinction between expected and unexpected shocks is an important part of the model. We also examine monetary and fiscal policies that might have offset the energy shock.

    PQL: A Declarative Query Language over Dynamic Biological Schemata

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    We introduce the PQL query language (PQL) used in the GeneSeek genetic data integration project. PQL incorporates many features of query languages for semi-structured data. To this we add the ability to express metadata constraints like intended semantics and database curation approach. These constraints guide the dynamic generation of potential query plans. This allows a single query to remain relevant even in the presence of source and mediated schemas that are continually evolving, as is often the case in data integration

    Microscopic theory of indistinguishable single-photon emission from a quantum dot coupled to a cavity: The role of non-Markovian phonon-induced decoherence

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    We study the fundamental limit on single-photon indistinguishability imposed by decoherence due to phonon interactions in semiconductor quantum dot-cavity QED systems. Employing an exact diagonalization approach we find large differences compared to standard methods. An important finding is that short-time non-Markovian effects limit the maximal attainable indistinguishability. The results are explained using a polariton picture that yields valuable insight into the phonon-induced dephasing dynamics.Comment: published version, comments are very welcom

    Long term biological effects of ionizing radiation on the eye development in gamma-irradiated Atlantic salmon embryos

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    Organisms are at their most sensitive to ionizing radiation during the embryonic life stage, and the eye is one of the most sensitive tissues. High proliferation-rate, cell-differentiation and embryonic development depend on intact DNA and other biomolecules. In the present study, eyes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were studied at the stage of transition between alevin and fry, after a three-month recovery period from exposure to γ-radiation at dose-rates of 1, 10, and 20 mGy/h during the entire embryonic development. Long-term effects on development of eyes were assessed through histological methods, and molecular responses were investigated through immunofluorescence. In addition, effect of ionizing radiation on development of cataract was investigated by use of molecular marker responses. Whole eyes from non-irradiated salmon parr were also dissected and analyzed for documentation of potential effects associated with formalin fixation and its implications for histochemical analysis of eye-globes. Histological analysis of heads from Salmon fry using 3.5 μm thick hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained sections revealed no significant differences in tissue structure between exposed individuals and the control group, regardless of dose-rate. Extended storage on formalin did not have a negative effect on the outcome of HE-staining, and the tissue showed no apparent artefacts after dissection and dehydration. Prolonged fixation of salmon alevin did not impact the reactivity with immunofluorescent labels. Molecular effects were investigated by staining 3.5 μm paraffin sections with primary antibodies and a rhodamine red fluorescent secondary antibody. Autophagy in the eye was investigated by labeling with microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3), but the marker revealed no significant effect from radiation. Apoptosis and cell-proliferaion were investigated by labeling with Caspase-3, Ki-67 and Anti-Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) antibodies respectively, but none of the markers gave detectable levels, most likely due to incompatibility between the antibodies used and Salmo salar as a species. Fibrosis was investigated using α-Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA), and despite no visible fibrotic tissue in the eye, elevated levels of the enzyme was found as a response to doses above 10 mGy/h. Oxidative DNA damage was investigated by labeling with 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (OGG1), Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) and anti-DNA polymerase-β for detection of base excision repair (BER) activity. No persistent damage to nuclear DNA was found 3 months after exposure, although detection of cytoplasmic 8OHdG and APE1 suggests damage to mRNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) independent of dose. Slightly elevated levels of DNA-pol β in the nuclei could be seen in irradiated fish in a dose-dependent manner. Although clinical cataract was not directly assessed, mechanisms associated with developing cataracts were identified. Detection of markers for fibrotic tissue and oxidative damage in the lens and lens-epithelial cells (LECs) increased in a dose dependent manner after exposure to γ-radiation and may suggest a future development of cataracts.Organismer er på sitt mest sårbare for ioniserende stråling i det embryonale livsstadiet, og øyet er et av de mest sensitive organene. Høy celleproliferasjon, celledifferensiering og embryonal utvikling er avhengig av intakt DNA og andre biomolekyler. I det nåværende studiet ble øyer fra atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) studert ved overgangen fra plommesekkyngel til yngel, etter en tre måneders restitueringsperiode fra eksponering med γ-stråling ved doseratene 1, 10 og 20 mGy/h under den embryonale utviklingen. Langtidseffekter på utvikling av øyet ble vurdert gjennom histologiske metoder, og molekylære responser ble undersøkt gjennom immunfluorescens. I tillegg ble effekter knyttet til ioniserende stråling og utvikling av katarakt undersøkt ved bruk av molekylære markører. Hele øyne fra ikke-bestrålte lakse-parr ble også dissekert og undersøkt for dokumentasjon av mulige effekter forbundet med formalin-fiksering og implikasjonene for histokjemisk analyse av øye-globen. Histologisk undersøkelse av hoder fra lakseyngel ved bruk av 3,5 μm tykke haematoxylin-eosine (HE) fargede snitt avslørte ingen signifikante forskjeller i vevsstrukturer mellom eksponerte individer og kontrollgruppen, uavhengig av doserate. Lang lagring på formalin hadde ingen negativ effekt på utfallet av HE-fargningen, og vevet viste ingen åpenbare artefakter etter disseksjon og dehydrering. Forlenget fiksering av lakseyngel hadde heller ingen effekt på reaktiviteten til immunfluoriserende markører. Molekylære effekter ble undersøkt ved å farge 3,5 μm tykke parafinsnitt med primære antistoffer og et rhodamin-rødt fluoriserende sekundært antistoff. Autofagi i øyet ble undersøkt ved merking med mikrotubuli-assosiert protein lettkjede 3 (LC3), men markøren viste ingen signifikant effekt fra stråling. Apoptose og celleproliferasjon ble undersøkt med henholdsvis caspase-3, Ki-67 og antiprolifererende nukleært antigen (PCNA), men ingen av markørene viste sporbare nivåer, mest sannsynlig et resultat av manglende kompatibilitet mellom antistoff og Salmo salar som art. Fibrose ble undersøkt med α-glatt muskel aktin (α-SMA), og økte nivåer av enzymet ble funnet som et resultat av stråling til tross for at fibrose ikke ble observert. Oksidativ DNA-skade ble undersøkt ved å merke prøvene med henholdsvis 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosie (8OHdG), 8-oxoguanin-DNA glykosylase (OGG1), Apurinisk/apyrimidinsk endonuklease 1 (APE1) og anti-DNA-polymerase β (DNA-pol β) for deteksjon av base-eksisjons-reparasjon (BER) aktivitet. Ingen persistent skade i nukleært DNA ble funnet 3 måneder etter eksponering, men deteksjon av cytoplasmisk 8OHdG og APE1 indikerer skade på mRNA og mitokondrielt DNA (mtDNA) uavhengig av stråledose. Noe forhøyde nivåer av DNA-pol β i cellekjernen kunne observeres i et dose-avhengig forhold i eksponert fisk. Selv om klinisk katarakt ikke ble vurdert direkte, ble mekanismer forbundet med utvikling av katarakt identifisert. Deteksjon av markører for fibrose og oksidativ skade i linsen og linses epitelceller (LECs) økte på en doseavhengig måte etter eksponering med γ-stråling, og kan indikere en fremtidig utvikling av katarakt.M-K

    Digital Literacy

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    Digital literacy is a significant component of youth, information and access. Here, the author examines three core issues surrounding youth digital literacy: issues of access, knowledge, and ethical use, and argues that by being aware of youths’ needs, particularly those in under-served populations, librarians can make informed decisions about their sometimes conflicting roles as both advocates for and protectors of youth

    A Strategic Social Media Marketing Plan to Launch a New Tabletop Role-playing Game

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    The boardgame industry is thriving through independent (“indie”) publishers crowdfunding on platforms such as Kickstarter. However, the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) fanbase is resistant to digital media. Indie publishers are then in a dilemma. They lack money to gather supporters through traditional media and cannot crowdfund the money without supporters. Free social media platforms are natural solutions, if indie creators can circumnavigate fans’ reluctance to engage digital media. Therefore, a strategic social media plan is required to market new TTRPGs successfully. By compiling research on industry and audience, this thesis proposes key observations for indie TTRPG publishers and an example plan based on Hoodwink Game’s Starset: The Great Dimming Kickstarter launch

    Do differing levels of physical activity influence markers of appetite?

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    Background: An epidemic of overweight and obesity has become a leading public health concern worldwide. In developed countries, people live in an obesogenic environment, which encourages minimal physical activity and the overconsumption of food. With more than two-thirds of Americans being overweight or obese, a rise in healthcare costs and a suggested decline in lifespan is occurring. Non-invasive lifestyle interventions are being developed to achieve weight loss and decrease the associated health risks. Anti-obesity strategies involve increasing physical activity and/or reducing energy intake, resulting in a negative energy imbalance. The increase in physical activity impacts the malleable part of energy expenditure. Some studies suggest that increasing physical activity is not an effective means for weight loss as it increases appetite and energy intake. However, other studies report a causal relationship between physical activity and appetite regulation, which may be a solution to decreasing the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Purpose: The primary objective of this study was to determine if changes in physical activity alter appetite measured by energy intake at an ad lib meal and appetite questionnaires. The hypothesis is that an increase in physical activity will increase subjective appetite ratings and therefore energy intake at an ad lib meal. Methods: Twelve males (31 ÃÂñ3 years) with a BMI between 25.0 and 35.0 kg/m2 took part in a randomized control study. The participants completed three treatment conditions: control, decreased activity (sedentary), and increased activity (active). Subjective appetite ratings were measured using visual analogue scales (VAS) and energy intake was calculated at the end of a test meal during the measurement session after each two week period. Energy expenditure was measured using activity monitors and compliance to prescribed exercise regimens. Additional questionnaires were used to measure eating restraint, disinhibition, food cravings, stress, sleep quality, and mood states. Results: Ad lib energy intake did not differ between control (313.2ÃÂñ128.1 kcals) and active (358.1ÃÂñ201.1 kcals) treatments (p=0.62), or sedentary (434.0ÃÂñ225.2 kcals) and active (358.1ÃÂñ201.1 kcals) treatments (p=0.12). There was a statistical significant difference in energy intake at the ad lib meal between control and sedentary treatments (p= 0.02). There was a statistically significant interaction between the subjective appetite rating of hunger at time point 180 (before ad lib meal) and energy intake between treatments, but no significant interaction in satisfaction, fullness, or perceived food consumption ratings. There was no significant difference in energy expenditure or steps between control and sedentary treatments (p= 0.27 and 0.70, respectively). There was a significant increase in steps per day in active treatment versus control and sedentary treatments (p\u3c0.001 for both). Other questionnaires reporting food cravings, eating restraint and disinhibition, sleep, mood, and stress were measured and showed no statistically significant changes between the treatments (p\u3e0.05). Conclusion: These data indicate that under laboratory conditions, there was no statistically significant change in energy intake between active and control treatments, and active and sedentary treatments. There was however an unexplained significant difference in energy intake in between control and sedentary treatments, regardless of no change in steps or energy expenditure between the two treatments. These findings did not support our hypothesis that appetite is upregulated by an increase in physical activity

    Geographic Variances of Osteoporosis: What Interventions Can be Implemented to Raise Awareness and Reduce the Risk of Fractures in Latin America?

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    Osteoporosis is a major public health problem worldwide. Its complications are those related to fragility fractures, which cause considerable morbidity, mortality, and resource utilization. The socioeconomic burden is relatively well understood in the United States, but less studied in developing regions of the world. This paper will compare the epidemiology and socioeconomic burden of osteoporosis between the United States and Latin America. It will also review the current prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment methods, with an emphasis on raising awareness, improving management, and prioritizing osteoporosis as a public health problem. Information was gathered through a PubMed literature review and an interview with a provider from San Jose, Costa Rica. It is estimated that nearly 200 million elderly people suffer from osteoporosis worldwide. Geographical variances do exist; in general countries farther from the equator are at a greater risk. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) conducted a regionalized study that demonstrated the geographical variances, with the purpose to raise awareness, improve education, and incorporate more osteoporosis training in developing countries. The Latin American Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (LAVOS) determined that only 1 out of 4 women over the age of 50 in Argentina had normal bone mineral density, demonstrating that osteoporosis is actually more common than previously thought in Latin America. Despite recent efforts to highlight its burden, osteoporosis is not considered a health priority in Latin America. There is a need to improve prevention strategies, clinical assessment, and raise awareness in order to lessen the considerable human and economic impact of the disease