6,713 research outputs found

    Modern Moral Conscience

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    This article challenges the individualism and neutrality of modern moral conscience. It looks to the history of the concept to excavate an older tradition that takes conscience to be social and morally responsive, while arguing that dominant contemporary justifications of conscience in terms of integrity are inadequate without reintroducing these social and moral traits. This prompts a rethinking of the nature and value of conscience: first, by demonstrating that a morally-responsive conscience is neither a contradiction in terms nor a political absurdity; second, by suggesting how a morally-responsive conscience can be informed by the social world without being a mere proxy for social power or moribund tradition

    A revision of the genus Radulina W.R.Buck & B.C.Tan (Sematophyllaceae: Bryopsida)

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    The palaeotropic moss genus Radulina W.R.Buck & B.C.Tan is revised, resulting in the genus being reduced to four species and one variety. The following 14 names become synonyms of the oldest name in the genus, Radulina borbonica (Bél.) W.R.Buck: Hypnum hamatum Dozy & Molk., Sematophyllum subinstratum Besch., Hypnum trachyamphorum Müll.Hal., Sigmatella hamicuspis Müll.Hal. in Paris, nom. nud., Trichosteleum borbonicum var. brachycarpum Renauld & Cardot, Trichosteleum subtile Broth. & Watts, Trichosteleum aequoreum M.Fleisch. ex Dixon, Trichosteleum elegantissimum M.Fleisch., Trichosteleum elegantissima var. scabriseta M.Fleisch., Trichosteleum hamatum var. glabriseta M.Fleisch., Trichosteleum hamatum var. tuberculisetum M.Fleisch., Trichosteleum carolinarum Dixon, Trichosteleum neocaledonicum Thér, Trichosteleum flexuosa-hamatum Dixon. In addition, three of these taxa are lectotypified: Trichosteleum subtile Broth. & Watts, Trichosteleum aequoreum M.Fleisch. ex Dixon and Trichosteleum hamatum var. tuberculisetum M.Fleisch. The following are new combinations: Radulina borbonica var. ferriei (Cardot & Thér. in Thér.) O’Shea (= Radulina hamata var. ferriei (Cardot & Thér. in Thér.) B.C.Tan & Y.Jia), Radulina sematophylloides (Dixon) O’Shea (= Trichosteleum sematophylloides Dixon) and Trichosteleum koghiense (Thér.) O’Shea (= Trichosteleum neocaledonicum var. koghiense Thér.)

    A review of Gammiella Broth. in Africa : with a range extension to the East African islands and southern Africa

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    Gammiella ceylonensis (Broth. in Herzog) W.R.Buck & B.C.Tan is the only species of the genus in Africa. Clastobryella pusilla (Thér.) Wijk & Margad., recorded from Madagascar, the only member of the genus still recorded on the moss checklist for Africa, is a synonym of Gammiella ceylonensis. Clastobryella foliicola P.de la Varde is not a synonym of Gammiella ceylonensis but probably an Ectropothecium, thus removing the only west African record for Gammiella. An extension of range into South Africa is also noted, so Gammiella is now known from east and southern Africa and Madagascar

    Felipponea (Leucodontaceae, Musci) : a new genus for Africa ; to include ‘Leucodon maritimus’ and L. assimilis

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    Felipponea assimilis (Müll.Hal.) O’Shea is the correct name to be used for all African collections of Felipponea, a species found in Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia, southern and eastern Africa and the East African islands. Hypnum maritimum Müll.Hal. and Cladomnion montevidensis Müll.Hal. are new synonyms. Lectotypes are selected for Neckera assimilis Müll.Hal., Cladomnion montevidensis Müll.Hal. and Braunia peristomata Dixon in Sim & Dixon

    A revision of Schoenobryum (Cryphaeaceae, Bryopsida) in Africa

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    The nine species and two varieties of Schoenobryum reported for Africa were investigated, and no characters were found that uniquely identified any of the taxa to be other than the pantropical Schoenobryum concavifolium. The following nine names become new synonyms of S. concavifolium: Cryphaea madagassa, C. subintegra, Acrocryphaea robusta, A. latifolia, A. subrobusta, A. tisserantii, A. latifolia var. microspora, A. plicatula and A. subintegra var. idanreense; a lectotype is selected for Acrocryphaea latifolia var. microspora P.de la Varde

    The mosses of sub-Saharan Africa : 2., endemism and biodiversity

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    Based on a recent moss checklist of sub-Saharan Africa, an analysis is made of moss diversity and endemism in the area. There are over 3000 taxa, 77% of which are endemic. Figures for diversity and endemism for each country are listed, mapped and graphed, and endemism is also considered at the genus level. As the bryophyte flora of Africa is comparatively poorly known, it is important to be prudent when drawing conclusions about biodiversity and endemism

    Bryophytes of Uganda : 3., Phyllodon truncatulus (Müll. Hal.) Buck is replaced in Africa by Phyllodon truncatus (Welw. & Duby) Buck (Hypnaceae, Bryopsida)

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    All specimens in BM labelled Phyllodon truncatus or P. truncatulus have been examined, together with two new Uganda collections, and all African species conform to the type of P. truncatus, and all American species conform to the type of P. truncatulus. Buck’s (1987) assessment of this genus is supported, and it is confirmed that P. truncatulus does not occur in Africa

    Notes on Seychelles mosses : 5., mosses of Frégate Island

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    In May 1997, the first collections of bryophytes were made on Frégate island, Seychelles. A list of collections is provided. Fissidens sciophyllus is recorded for the first time from the Seychelles

    Notes on Seychelles mosses : 3-4., a revision of Papillidiopsis (Broth.) Buck & Tan, Rhaphidostichum Fleisch. and Warburgiella Müll. Hal. ex Broth. (Sematophyllaceae, Bryopsida) in Africa

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    Three genera of the moss family Sematophyllaceae are revised for Africa as part of a project looking at the mosses of Seychelles. Two of the three species of the genus Rhaphidostichum Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae, Bryopsida) prove to belong to different genera (Papillidiopsis (Broth.) Buck & Tan and Acroporium Mitt.). One of the two species of Warburgiella Fleisch. is shown to belong to Trichosteleum All species are described and illustrated. The following two new combinations are made: Papillidiopsis mahensis (Besch.) O’Shea (basionym Rhaphidostegium mahense Besch.) and Acroporium subluxurians (Dix. & Thér.) Tan & O’Shea (basionym Rhaphidostichum subluxurians Dix. & Thér.). Papillidiopsis malayana (Dix.) Tan is made a synonym of P. mahensis, and the basionym of Warburgiella leptorrhyncha is altered to Hypnum leptorrhynchum Müll. Hal., Synopsis 2: 313. 1851

    Notes on Seychelles mosses : 6., a generic revision of Clastobryophilum M. Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae, Bryopsida)

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    The genus Clastobryophilum M. Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae, Bryopsida) is reviewed, and two species are maintained: C. bogoricum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) M.Fleisch. and C. balansaeanum (Besch.) Broth. C. rufo-viride (Besch.) M.Fleisch. of Madagascar and Seychelles, the only African species, becomes a synonym of the Asian C. bogoricum, as does C. asperifolium (Thwaites & Mitt.) B.C.Tan of Sri Lanka. Several collections named as Clastobryophilum, including the type of C. bogoricum var. laevibogoricum (Dixon) Seki in Nog., are excluded from the genus
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