604 research outputs found

    A 'Value Ecology' approach to the performing arts

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    In recent years, ecological thinking has been applied to a range of social, cultural and aesthetic systems, including performing arts as a living system of policy makers, producers, organisations, artists and audiences. Ecological thinking is systems-based thinking which allows us to see the performing arts as a complex and protean ecosystem; to explain how elements in this system act and interact; and to evaluate its effects on Australia’s social fabric over time. According to Gallasch, ecological thinking is “what we desperately need for the arts.” It enables us to “defeat the fragmentary and utilitarian view of the arts that dominates, to make connections, to establish overviews of the arts that can be shared and debated” (Gallasch NP). John Baylis took up these issues in "Mapping Queensland Theatre" (2009), an Arts Queensland-funded survey designed to map practices in Brisbane and in Queensland more broadly, and to provide a platform to support future policy-making. In this paper, we propose a new approach to mapping Brisbane’s and Queensland’s theatre that extends Baylis’ ‘value chain’ into a ‘value ecology’ that provides a more textured picture of players, patterns, relationships and activity levels in local performing arts

    Kitajska filozofija in univerzalne vrednote v sodobni Kitajski

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    Consistent with its growing economic, political and military might, China wants due recognition by and engagement with the global community of nations. This aspiration is complicated by the fact that Chinese political leaders and intellectuals continue to struggle with how “Chinese values” fit with “universal values”, and whether there is a single global modernity or whether there are multiple modernities and multiple—perhaps competing—universal values. In this paper I examine how some prominent Chinese philosophers are engaging with these issues, despite the fact that in 2013 the topic of “universal values” was prohibited as a discussion topic in universities on the mainland.Kitajska si v skladu s svojo naraơčajočo gospodarsko, politično in vojaĆĄko močjo ĆŸeli ustreznega priznanja in sodelovanja z globalno skupnostjo narodov. Zaplete pri tem prizadevanju povzroča dejstvo, da se kitajski politični voditelji in intelektualci ĆĄe vedno spopadajo z vpraĆĄanjem, kako se »kitajske vrednote« ujemajo z »univerzalnimi vrednotami« in ali obstaja enotna svetovna modernost, ali pa je nemara več modernosti in več – morda v medsebojnem tekmovanju – univerzalnih vrednot. V tem članku proučujem, kako se nekateri vidni kitajski filozofi soočajo s temi vpraĆĄanji, čeprav je bila leta 2013 na univerzah na celini tema »univerzalnih vrednot« kot razpravna tema prepovedana

    Functional neuroanatomy of tachykinins in brainstem autonomic regulation

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    Little is known about the role that tachykinins, such as substance P and its receptor, the neurokinin-1 receptor, play in the generation of sympathetic nerve activity and the integration within the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) of many vital autonomic reflexes such as the baroreflex, chemoreflex, somato-sympathetic reflex, and the regulation of cerebral blood flow. The studies described in this thesis investigate these autonomic functions and the role of tachykinins through physiological (response to hypercapnoea, chapter 3), anatomical (neurokinin-1 receptor immunohistochemistry, chapter 4) and microinjection (neurokinin-1 receptor activation and blockade, chapters 5 and 6) experiments. In the first series of experiments (chapter 3) the effects of chemoreceptor activation with hyperoxic hypercapnoea (5%, 10% or 15% CO2 in O2) on splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity and sympathetic reflexes such as the baroreflex and somato-sympathetic reflex were examined in anaesthetized rats. Hypercapnoea resulted in sympatho-excitation in all groups and a small increase in arterial blood pressure in the 10 % CO2 group. Phrenic nerve amplitude and phrenic frequency were also increased, with the frequency adapting back to baseline during the CO2 exposure. Hypercapnoea selectively attenuated (5% CO2) or abolished (10% and 15% CO2) the somato-sympathetic reflex while leaving the baroreflex unaffected. This selective inhibition of the somato-sympathetic reflex while leaving the baroreflex unaffected was also seen following neurokinin-1 receptor activation in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) (see below). Microinjection of substance P analogues into the RVLM results in a pressor response, however the anatomical basis for this response is unknown. In the second series of experiments (chapter 4), the distribution of the neurokinin-1 receptor in the RVLM was investigated in relation to catecholaminergic (putative sympatho-excitatory “C1”) and bulbospinal neurons. The neurokinin-1 receptor was demonstrated on a small percentage (5.3%) of C1 neurons, and a small percentage (4.7%) of RVLM C1 neurons also receive close appositions from neurokinin-1 receptor immunoreactive terminals. This provides a mechanism for the pressor response seen with RVLM microinjection of substance P analogues. Neurokinin-1 receptor immunoreactivity was also seen a region overlapping the preBötzinger complex (the putative respiratory rhythm generation region), however at this level a large percentage of these neurons are bulbospinal, contradicting previous work suggesting that the neurokinin-1 receptor is an exclusive anatomical marker for the propriobulbar rhythm generating neurons of the preBötzinger complex. The third series of experiments (chapter 5) investigated the effects of neurokinin-1 receptor activation and blockade in the RVLM on splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity, arterial blood pressure, and autonomic reflexes such as the baroreflex, somato-sympathetic reflex, and sympathetic chemoreflex. Activation of RVLM neurokinin-1 receptors resulted in sympatho-excitation, a pressor response, and abolition of phrenic nerve activity, all of which were blocked by RVLM pre-treatment with a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist. As seen with hypercapnoea, RVLM neurokinin-1 receptor activation significantly attenuated the somato-sympathetic reflex but did not affect the sympathetic baroreflex. Further, blockade of RVLM neurokinin-1 receptors significantly attenuated the sympathetic chemoreflex, suggesting a role for RVLM substance P release in this pathway. The fourth series of experiments (chapter 6) investigated the role of neurokinin-1 receptors in the RVLM, caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM), and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and tail blood flow (TBF). Activation of RVLM neurokinin-1 receptors increased rCBF associated with a decrease in cerebral vascular resistance (CVR). Activation of CVLM neurokinin-1 receptors decreased rCBF, however no change in CVR was seen. In the NTS, activation of neurokinin-1 receptors resulted in a biphasic response in both arterial blood pressure and rCBF, but no significant change in CVR. These findings suggest that in the RVLM substance P and the neurokinin-1 receptor play a role in the regulation of cerebral blood flow, and that changes in rCBF evoked in the CVLM and NTS are most likely secondary to changes in arterial blood pressure. Substance P and neurokinin-1 receptors in the RVLM, CVLM and NTS do not appear to play a role in the brainstem regulation of tail blood flow. In the final chapter (chapter 7), a model is proposed for the role of tachykinins in the brainstem integration of the sympathetic baroreflex, sympathetic chemoreflex, cerebral vascular tone, and the sympatho-excitation seen following hypercapnoea. A further model for the somato-sympathetic reflex is proposed, providing a mechanism for the selective inhibition of this reflex seen with hypercapnoea (chapter 3) and RVLM neurokinin-1 receptor activation (chapter 5). In summary, the ventral medulla is essential for the generation of basal sympathetic tone and the integration of many vital autonomic reflexes such as the baroreflex, chemoreflex, somato-sympathetic reflex, and the regulation of cerebral blood flow. The tachykinin substance P, and its receptor, the neurokinin-1 receptor, have a role to play in many of these vital autonomic functions. This role is predominantly neuromodulatory

    Xu Gan's concept of the name and actuality relationship and its philosophical and social background

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    I first began research on the late Eastern Han (25-220 AD) philosopher Xu Gan (170-217) in 1983. The initial result of this work was an annotated translation of his Zhong lun Discourse That Hits the Mark. Zhong lun is a collection of essays that are predominantly concerned with philosophical questions. As a whole, the text can be best described as an enquiry into the causes of political and social breakdown and the presentation of various ethical and political remedies. Much of Xu Gan’ s argumentation appeals to the authority of traditional Confucian ethics; indeed the work is classified under ru jia in all bibliographical lists of the standard histories, except for that of Song shi, where it is listed among miscellaneous writers. Even though in some of the twenty-two pian that comprise Zhong lun a range of influences may be discerned that derive from non-Confucian sources, for a Han dynasty {206 BC-220 AD) writing it is remarkably free of the overt eclecticism that characterizes many writings of that period..

    The Measurement of Threats to Patient Safety in Australian General Practice

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    The importance of better understanding error and safety in the community setting is widely accepted, with recent calls to promote efforts and improve resources in this area of research (Jacobson, Elwyn et al. 2003). The measurement of patient safety events in primary care is a relatively under-researched area and it is well recognized that there are large gaps in the research describing patient safety in ambulatory settings (Hammons, Piland et al. 2003). Attitudes towards embracing safety event measurement have improved in recent years, however there remains a substantial amount of work to be done before common standards can be recommended, despite recent calls in the scientific literature for national and international systems (Runciman, Williamson et al. 2006). This thesis describes the Threats to Australian Patient Safety (TAPS) study, which aimed to create a secure anonymous web-based error reporting system suited to the Australian general practice setting, and then describe and quantify the errors reported by a representative random sample of Australian general practitioners. The study was made possible with the support of funding from a National Health and Medical Research Council project grant, and also gained support from NSW Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging in the form of granting qualified privilege and providing essential Medicare data under legal instrument. The study methodology involved the development of a database management system which created an electronic method for managing and analysing a wide variety of vii features related to large numbers of anonymously reported errors from Australian general practice. A representative random sample of 84 general practitioners (GPs) from New South Wales (NSW) participated in the study, with over 400 errors reported in a 12 month period. The key messages arising from the TAPS study were: ‱ GPs embraced anonymous patient safety event reporting using a secure website, with the majority of study participants making reports ‱ New findings from this study on the incidence of reported error in general practice were published in the scientific literature, which will help guide the design of future error reporting systems ‱ A new taxonomy to describe reported error from GPs was developed as part of this study and published in the scientific literature, with the view of allowing future self-coding of reported patient safety events by GPs The TAPS study presented the first calculations known worldwide of the incidence of reported error in a general practice setting using a representative random sample of general practitioners. It was found that if an anonymous, secure, web-based reporting system was provided, approximately 2 errors were reported by general practitioners per 1000 patients seen per year (Makeham, Kidd et al. 2006). In addition, the study created a simple descriptive general practice based error taxonomy, entitled the TAPS taxonomy (see Appendix 10) (Makeham, Stromer et al. 2007), and was the first study to test the reproducibility of the application of such a viii tool using a group of general practitioners. The TAPS taxonomy developed as part of this study was found to have a good level of inter-coder agreement. With respect to the underlying causes of errors, the TAPS study found that the majority of reported patient safety events were errors related to the processes of health care (70%), rather than errors related to the knowledge and skills of health professionals (30%). Most errors reported in the TAPS study had the direct involvement of a patient (93% of error reports). Overall the reporting general practitioners were very familiar with these patients, who were on average 52 years old, and more often female (56%). Around one quarter of the errors reported was associated with patients being harmed. Reports containing events related to processes of health care were associated less with harm than those containing events related to the knowledge and skills of health professionals. The patients in errors associated with patient harm reported in the TAPS study were on average older than patients in reports where no harm was known to have occurred (58 years versus 50 years respectively). There was no statistically significant difference found between these groups with respect to gender or ethnicity, including people from Non-English speaking backgrounds or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) peoples, although the association with the latter group approached statistical significance. ix Cases of patient death were reported in 8 of 415 errors reported in the TAPS study (2%), and more often involved events relating to the knowledge and skills of health professionals than events relating to the processes of health care compared to reports not involving a known patient death. In support of suggestions in the scientific literature about the importance of anonymity as a feature of an error reporting system, a feedback interview found that an anonymous reporting system was a factor which made participants more likely to report error events, with two thirds of participants agreeing that anonymity made them more likely to participate in reporting. The majority of participants found the reporting process easy to undertake, and took approximately 6 minutes to send a report. The study provided a self directed learning educational activity for participating general practitioners that was approved for 30 group 1 Quality Assurance and Continuing Education points by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). An important practical outcome of the TAPS study was that it highlighted a systematic error relating to immunisation failures with meningococcal vaccines which was reported to relevant organisations including NSW Health, the RACGP and the manufacturer involved, which was addressed with educational materials for GPs being distributed and communication in Australian Family Physician. x There are further analyses that could be undertaken using the TAPS data to improve our understanding of the errors reported, such as further statistical analyses using techniques such as building a model with multiple regression to determine significant factors that contribute to different error types. This work was beyond the scope of the TAPS study aims, but is part of further research recommendations. In addition, future studies should address aspects of patient safety and reported error that it would not be possible to capture from the perspective of the reporting GP. Rather than one taxonomy which describes the reported errors from the GP’s perspective in the way that the TAPS taxonomy does, it may be useful to develop a series of interlinked taxonomies that are directed to the needs of differing constituencies, such as the organisation providing health funds or the health insurer, the health regulators and legislators, and the patients or their significant others. The assessment of potential and actual harms sustained by patients involved in reported errors is a further area of patient safety research that is difficult to comprehensively assess, and existing reporting systems in the literature, whilst addressing this from the reporter’s perspective, require further work to improve the accuracy by which harm is measured and correlated with other data sets such as those managed by health insurers, and the experiences of people who are the subject of the reports. The TAPS study presents a number of new findings about the nature of error and threats to patient safety that arise in the Australian health care environment, reported by a representative sample of general practitioners, and it is hoped that these will be xi useful to all stakeholders in the health care setting, from clinicians, through to policy makers, and most importantly the patients who are the subject of the potentially preventable harms and near misses that are highlighted in this thesi

    The Measurement of Threats to Patient Safety in Australian General Practice

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    The importance of better understanding error and safety in the community setting is widely accepted, with recent calls to promote efforts and improve resources in this area of research (Jacobson, Elwyn et al. 2003). The measurement of patient safety events in primary care is a relatively under-researched area and it is well recognized that there are large gaps in the research describing patient safety in ambulatory settings (Hammons, Piland et al. 2003). Attitudes towards embracing safety event measurement have improved in recent years, however there remains a substantial amount of work to be done before common standards can be recommended, despite recent calls in the scientific literature for national and international systems (Runciman, Williamson et al. 2006). This thesis describes the Threats to Australian Patient Safety (TAPS) study, which aimed to create a secure anonymous web-based error reporting system suited to the Australian general practice setting, and then describe and quantify the errors reported by a representative random sample of Australian general practitioners. The study was made possible with the support of funding from a National Health and Medical Research Council project grant, and also gained support from NSW Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging in the form of granting qualified privilege and providing essential Medicare data under legal instrument. The study methodology involved the development of a database management system which created an electronic method for managing and analysing a wide variety of vii features related to large numbers of anonymously reported errors from Australian general practice. A representative random sample of 84 general practitioners (GPs) from New South Wales (NSW) participated in the study, with over 400 errors reported in a 12 month period. The key messages arising from the TAPS study were: ‱ GPs embraced anonymous patient safety event reporting using a secure website, with the majority of study participants making reports ‱ New findings from this study on the incidence of reported error in general practice were published in the scientific literature, which will help guide the design of future error reporting systems ‱ A new taxonomy to describe reported error from GPs was developed as part of this study and published in the scientific literature, with the view of allowing future self-coding of reported patient safety events by GPs The TAPS study presented the first calculations known worldwide of the incidence of reported error in a general practice setting using a representative random sample of general practitioners. It was found that if an anonymous, secure, web-based reporting system was provided, approximately 2 errors were reported by general practitioners per 1000 patients seen per year (Makeham, Kidd et al. 2006). In addition, the study created a simple descriptive general practice based error taxonomy, entitled the TAPS taxonomy (see Appendix 10) (Makeham, Stromer et al. 2007), and was the first study to test the reproducibility of the application of such a viii tool using a group of general practitioners. The TAPS taxonomy developed as part of this study was found to have a good level of inter-coder agreement. With respect to the underlying causes of errors, the TAPS study found that the majority of reported patient safety events were errors related to the processes of health care (70%), rather than errors related to the knowledge and skills of health professionals (30%). Most errors reported in the TAPS study had the direct involvement of a patient (93% of error reports). Overall the reporting general practitioners were very familiar with these patients, who were on average 52 years old, and more often female (56%). Around one quarter of the errors reported was associated with patients being harmed. Reports containing events related to processes of health care were associated less with harm than those containing events related to the knowledge and skills of health professionals. The patients in errors associated with patient harm reported in the TAPS study were on average older than patients in reports where no harm was known to have occurred (58 years versus 50 years respectively). There was no statistically significant difference found between these groups with respect to gender or ethnicity, including people from Non-English speaking backgrounds or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) peoples, although the association with the latter group approached statistical significance. ix Cases of patient death were reported in 8 of 415 errors reported in the TAPS study (2%), and more often involved events relating to the knowledge and skills of health professionals than events relating to the processes of health care compared to reports not involving a known patient death. In support of suggestions in the scientific literature about the importance of anonymity as a feature of an error reporting system, a feedback interview found that an anonymous reporting system was a factor which made participants more likely to report error events, with two thirds of participants agreeing that anonymity made them more likely to participate in reporting. The majority of participants found the reporting process easy to undertake, and took approximately 6 minutes to send a report. The study provided a self directed learning educational activity for participating general practitioners that was approved for 30 group 1 Quality Assurance and Continuing Education points by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). An important practical outcome of the TAPS study was that it highlighted a systematic error relating to immunisation failures with meningococcal vaccines which was reported to relevant organisations including NSW Health, the RACGP and the manufacturer involved, which was addressed with educational materials for GPs being distributed and communication in Australian Family Physician. x There are further analyses that could be undertaken using the TAPS data to improve our understanding of the errors reported, such as further statistical analyses using techniques such as building a model with multiple regression to determine significant factors that contribute to different error types. This work was beyond the scope of the TAPS study aims, but is part of further research recommendations. In addition, future studies should address aspects of patient safety and reported error that it would not be possible to capture from the perspective of the reporting GP. Rather than one taxonomy which describes the reported errors from the GP’s perspective in the way that the TAPS taxonomy does, it may be useful to develop a series of interlinked taxonomies that are directed to the needs of differing constituencies, such as the organisation providing health funds or the health insurer, the health regulators and legislators, and the patients or their significant others. The assessment of potential and actual harms sustained by patients involved in reported errors is a further area of patient safety research that is difficult to comprehensively assess, and existing reporting systems in the literature, whilst addressing this from the reporter’s perspective, require further work to improve the accuracy by which harm is measured and correlated with other data sets such as those managed by health insurers, and the experiences of people who are the subject of the reports. The TAPS study presents a number of new findings about the nature of error and threats to patient safety that arise in the Australian health care environment, reported by a representative sample of general practitioners, and it is hoped that these will be xi useful to all stakeholders in the health care setting, from clinicians, through to policy makers, and most importantly the patients who are the subject of the potentially preventable harms and near misses that are highlighted in this thesi

    Le renouveau du guoxue

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    AprĂšs quelques remarques introductives sur la marchandisation rĂ©cente du guoxue, je retracerai dans un premier temps l’émergence du guoxue dans la pĂ©riode contemporaine, puis dĂ©taillerai deux thĂšmes : la transformation historique et contemporaine du guoxue en une discipline acadĂ©mique ; et les origines de son caractĂšre ethno-Ă©pistĂ©mologique prononcĂ©. L’objectif de cette analyse est de mettre en relief certaines des aspirations placĂ©es dans le guoxue par ses protagonistes contemporains, et de rĂ©vĂ©ler les paradoxes nĂ©s de ces aspirations

    The Revival of Guoxue

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    After some opening remarks on the recent commodification of guoxue, I first trace the rise of guoxue in the contemporary period, and then I examine two topics in more detail: guoxue’s historical and contemporary transformation into an academic discipline; and the immediate origins of guoxue’s pronounced ethnoepistemological character. Through this examination my aim is to bring into greater relief some of the aspirations invested in guoxue by its contemporary protagonists, and also to highlight some of the conundrums associated with those aspirations

    Qualitative evaluation of a diabetes electronic decision support tool: views of users

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    BACKGROUND: Quality care of type 2 diabetes is complex and requires systematic use of clinical data to monitor care processes and outcomes. An electronic decision support (EDS) tool for the management of type 2 diabetes in primary care was developed by the Australian Pharmaceutical Alliance. The aim of this qualitative study was to evaluate the uptake and use of the EDS tool as well as to describe the impact of the EDS tool on the primary care consultation for diabetes from the perspectives of general practitioners and practice nurses. METHODS: This was a qualitative study of telephone interviews. General Practitioners and Practice Nurses from four Divisions of General Practice who had used the EDS tool for a minimum of six weeks were invited to participate. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the interview transcripts were coded and thematically analysed using NVivo 8 software. RESULTS: In total 15 General Practitioners and 2 Practice Nurses completed the interviews. The most commonly used feature of the EDS tool was the summary side bar; its major function was to provide an overview of clinical information and a prompt or reminder to diabetes care. It also assisted communication and served an educational role as a visual aide in the consultation. Some participants thought the tool resulted in longer consultations. There were a range of barriers to use related to the design and functionality of the tool and to the primary care context. CONCLUSIONS: The EDS tool shows promise as a way of summarising information about patients’ diabetes state, reminder of required diabetes care and an aide to patient education

    Lessons from the TAPS study - Message handling and appointment systems

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    The Threats to Australian Patient Safety (TAPS) Study collected 648 anonymous reports about threats to patient safety from a representative random sample of Australian general practitioners. These contained any events the GPs felt should not have happened, and would not want to happen again, regardless of who was at fault or the outcome of the event. This series of articles presents clinical lessons resulting from the TAPS study.2 page(s
