9 research outputs found

    Morphological characteristics of pollen Betula verrucosa Ehrh. (syn. B. pendula) depending on habitat

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    As a result of carrying out by means of scanning electronic microscopy of the comparative analysis of morphological traits of two samples of pollen Betula verrucosa Ehrh. from different habitats, it is revealed reliable distinctions between length of a polar axis, equatorial diameter and the area of apoporial field. The length of the polar axis of the samples of dry pollen grains from Kiev defined from 16.49 to 22.26 µm and from the samples of dry pollen grains from Ivankov from 16.88 to 22.51 µm. The length of the equatorial diameter from 18.95 to 26.96 µm and from 20.95 to 28.08 µm accordingly

    Стратегії росту видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L. (Dracaenaceae R.A. Salisburry)

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    As a result of studing 10 species of genus Dracaena Vand. ex L., criteria on the basis of which five types of strategy of growth are allocated have been determined.Внаслідок вивчення 10 видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L були визначені критерії, на основі яких виділено п'ять типів стратегій росту

    Модуси морфоструктурної мінливості пагонів видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L. (Dracaenaceae Salisb.)

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    In the article the patterns of development and morpholo gical structure of shoots of 9 Dracaena Vand. ex L. species were analyzed. The moduses of morphostructural adaptation of shoots of species studied were determined.Проаналізовано закономірності розвитку і морфологічну структуру пагонів 9 видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L. Визначені модуси морфоструктурної адаптації пагонів досліджуваних видів

    Будова пагонової системи видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L. (Dracaenaceae R.A. Salisburry)

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    As a result of studying 11 species of genus Dracaena Vand. ex L., four ways of growth of shoot system, which are analysed from the point of view modular construction of a plant body have been allocated.Внаслідок вивчення 11 видів роду Dracaena Vand. ex L. виділено чотири способи наростання пагонової системи, які проаналізовані з погляду модулярної організації тіла рослини

    Провідна система листка драцен (Dracaena Vand. ex L.)

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    The results of comparative analysis of localization and orientation of conductive bundles in the leaf blade of representatives of Dracaena Vand. ex L. genus are reported. On the bases of investigated anatomical peculiarities of leaf blade of species studied was suggested that equifaciality of the leaf is ancestral feature of Dracaena genus.Наведено результати порівняльного аналізу розташування та орієнтації провідних пучків у пластинці листка представників роду Dracaena Vand. ex. L. На основі встановлених анатомічних особливостей листкових пластинок рослин дослідних видів висловлено припущення, що для роду Dracaena еквіфаціальність листка є анцестральною ознакою

    Leaf conductive system of representatives of Dracaena Vand. ex L.

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    The results of comparative analysis of localization and orientation of conductive bundles in the leaf blade of representatives of Dracaena Vand. ex L. genus are reported. On the bases of investigated anatomical peculiarities of leaf blade of species studied was suggested that equifaciality of the leaf is ancestral feature of Dracaena genus

    Solution of Mixed-Integer Optimization Problems in Bioinformatics with Differential Evolution Method

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    The solution of the so-called mixed-integer optimization problem is an important challenge for modern life sciences. A wide range of methods has been developed for its solution, including metaheuristics approaches. Here, a modification is proposed of the differential evolution entirely parallel (DEEP) method introduced recently that was successfully applied to mixed-integer optimization problems. The triangulation recombination rule was implemented and the recombination coefficients were included in the evolution process in order to increase the robustness of the optimization. The deduplication step included in the procedure ensures the uniqueness of individual integer-valued parameters in the solution vectors. The developed algorithms were implemented in the DEEP software package and applied to three bioinformatic problems. The application of the method to the optimization of predictors set in the genomic selection model in wheat resulted in dimensionality reduction such that the phenotype can be predicted with acceptable accuracy using a selected subset of SNP markers. The method was also successfully used to optimize the training set of samples for such a genomic selection model. According to the obtained results, the developed algorithm was capable of constructing a non-linear phenomenological regression model of gene expression in developing a Drosophila eye with almost the same average accuracy but significantly less standard deviation than the linear models obtained earlier

    Morphological characteristics of pollen Betula verrucosa Ehrh. (syn. B. pendula) depending on habitat

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    As a result of carrying out by means of scanning electronic microscopy of the comparative analysis of morphological traits of two samples of pollen Betula verrucosa Ehrh. from different habitats, it is revealed reliable distinctions between length of a polar axis, equatorial diameter and the area of apoporial field. The length of the polar axis of the samples of dry pollen grains from Kiev defined from 16.49 to 22.26 µm and from the samples of dry pollen grains from Ivankov from 16.88 to 22.51 µm. The length of the equatorial diameter from 18.95 to 26.96 µm and from 20.95 to 28.08 µm accordingly


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