9,901 research outputs found

    Radiation Spectral Synthesis of Relativistic Filamentation

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    Radiation from many astrophysical sources, e.g. gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei, is believed to arise from relativistically shocked collisionless plasmas. Such sources often exhibit highly transient spectra evolving rapidly, compared with source lifetimes. Radiation emitted from these sources is typically associated with non-linear plasma physics, complex field topologies and non-thermal particle distributions. In such circumstances a standard synchrotron paradigm may fail to produce accurate conclusions regarding the underlying physics. Simulating spectral emission and spectral evolution numerically in various relativistic shock scenarios is then the only viable method to determine the detailed physical origin of the emitted spectra. In this Letter we present synthetic radiation spectra representing the early stage development of the filamentation (streaming) instability of an initially unmagnetized plasma, which is relevant for both collisionless shock formation and reconnection dynamics in relativistic astrophysical outflows, as well as for laboratory astrophysics experiments. Results were obtained using a highly efficient "in situ" diagnostics method, based on detailed particle-in-cell modeling of collisionless plasmas. The synthetic spectra obtained here are compared with those predicted by a semi-analytical model for jitter radiation from the filamentation instability, the latter including self-consistent generated field topologies and particle distributions obtained from the simulations reported upon here. Spectra exhibit dependence on the presence - or absence - of an inert plasma constituent, when comparing baryonic plasmas (i.e. containing protons) with pair plasmas. The results also illustrate that considerable care should be taken when using lower-dimensional models to obtain information about the astrophysical phenomena generating observed spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Angular Dependence of Jitter Radiation Spectra from Small-Scale Magnetic Turbulence

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    Jitter radiation is produced by relativistic electrons moving in turbulent small-scale magnetic fields such as those produced by streaming Weibel-type instabilities at collisionless shocks in weakly magnetized media. Here we present a comprehensive study of the dependence of the jitter radiation spectra on the properties of, in general, anisotropic magnetic turbulence. We have obtained that the radiation spectra do reflect, to some extent, properties of the magnetic field spatial distribution, yet the radiation field is anisotropic and sensitive to the viewing direction with respect to the field anisotropy direction. We explore the parameter space of the magnetic field distribution and its effect on the radiation spectrum. Some important results include: the presence of the harder-than-synchrotron segment below the peak frequency at some viewing angles, the presence of the high-frequency power-law tail even for a monoenergetic distribution of electrons, the dependence of the peak frequency on the field correlation length rather than the field strength, the strong correlation of the spectral parameters with the viewing angle. In general, we have found that even relatively minor changes in the magnetic field properties can produce very significant effects upon the jitter radiation spectra. We consider these results to be important for accurate interpretation of prompt gamma-ray burst spectra and possibly other sources.Comment: 75 pages, 29 figures, submitted to Ap

    Magnetic fields and cosmic rays in GRBs. A self-similar collisionless foreshock

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    Cosmic rays accelerated by a shock form a streaming distribution of outgoing particles in the foreshock region. If the ambient fields are negligible compared to the shock and cosmic ray energetics, a stronger magnetic field can be generated in the shock upstream via the streaming (Weibel-type) instability. Here we develop a self-similar model of the foreshock region and calculate its structure, e.g., the magnetic field strength, its coherence scale, etc., as a function of the distance from the shock. Our model indicates that the entire foreshock region of thickness R/(2Γsh2)\sim R/(2\Gamma_{\rm sh}^2), being comparable to the shock radius in the late afterglow phase when Γsh1\Gamma_{\rm sh}\sim1, can be populated with large-scale and rather strong magnetic fields (of sub-gauss strengths with the coherence length of order 1017cm10^{17} {\rm cm}) compared to the typical interstellar medium magnetic fields. The presence of such fields in the foreshock region is important for high efficiency of Fermi acceleration at the shock. Radiation from accelerated electrons in the foreshock fields can constitute a separate emission region radiating in the UV/optical through radio band, depending on time and shock parameters. We also speculate that these fields being eventually transported into the shock downstream can greatly increase radiative efficiency of a gamma-ray burst afterglow shock.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Ap

    Asymmetric diffusion of cosmic rays

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    Cosmic ray propagation is diffusive because of pitch angle scattering by waves. We demonstrate that if the high-amplitude magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with B~/B1\tilde B/\langle B\rangle \sim 1 is present on top of the mean field gradient, the diffusion becomes asymmetric. As an example, we consider the vertical transport of cosmic rays in our Galaxy propagating away from a point-like source. We solve this diffusion problem analytically using a one-dimensional Markov chain analysis. We obtained that the cosmic ray density markedly differs from the standard diffusion prediction and has a sizable effect on their distribution throughout the galaxy. The equation for the continuous limit is also derived, which shows limitations of the convection-diffusion equation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Physics of Plasma

    On NP-Hardness of the Paired de Bruijn Sound Cycle Problem

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    The paired de Bruijn graph is an extension of de Bruijn graph incorporating mate pair information for genome assembly proposed by Mevdedev et al. However, unlike in an ordinary de Bruijn graph, not every path or cycle in a paired de Bruijn graph will spell a string, because there is an additional soundness constraint on the path. In this paper we show that the problem of checking if there is a sound cycle in a paired de Bruijn graph is NP-hard in general case. We also explore some of its special cases, as well as a modified version where the cycle must also pass through every edge.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    Gamma-ray Burst Prompt Emission: Jitter Radiation in Stochastic Magnetic Field Revisited

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    We revisit the radiation mechanism of relativistic electrons in the stochastic magnetic field and apply it to the high-energy emissions of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We confirm that jitter radiation is a possible explanation for GRB prompt emission in the condition of a large electron deflection angle. In the turbulent scenario, the radiative spectral property of GRB prompt emission is decided by the kinetic energy spectrum of turbulence. The intensity of the random and small-scale magnetic field is determined by the viscous scale of the turbulent eddy. The microphysical parameters ϵe\epsilon_e and ϵB\epsilon_B can be obtained. The acceleration and cooling timescales are estimated as well. Due to particle acceleration in magnetized filamentary turbulence, the maximum energy released from the relativistic electrons can reach a value of about 101410^{14} eV. The GeV GRBs are possible sources of high-energy cosmic-ray.Comment: ApJ accepted, commments are welcom

    Metrizable DH-spaces of the first category

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    We show that if a separable space X has a meager open subset containing a copy of the Cantor set 2^\omega, then X has c\frak{c} types of countable dense subsets. We suggest a generalization of the \lambda-set for non-separable spaces. Let X be an h-homogeneous \Lambda-set. Then X is densely homogeneous and (X \setminus A) is homeomorphic to X for every \sigma-discrete A \subset X

    Third Order ODEs Systems and Its Characteristic Connections

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    We compute the characteristic Cartan connection associated with a system of third order ODEs. Our connection is different from Tanaka normal one, but still is uniquely associated with the system of third order ODEs. This allows us to find all fundamental invariants of a system of third order ODEs and, in particular, determine when a system of third order ODEs is trivializable. As application differential invariants of equations on circles in Rn{\mathbb R}^n are computed