272 research outputs found
2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease
The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review was conducted as the document was compiled through December 2008. Repeated literature searches were performed by the guideline development staff and writing committee members as new issues were considered. New clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals and articles through December 2011 were also reviewed and incorporated when relevant. Furthermore, because of the extended development time period for this guideline, peer review comments indicated that the sections focused on imaging technologies required additional updating, which occurred during 2011. Therefore, the evidence review for the imaging sections includes published literature through December 2011
Individual genre: how recommendations narrow the scene for music discovery practices
There are a growing number of platform business models that offer digital infrastructures that
connect various stakeholders, where data, and therefore user engagement, plays a pivotal role
in sustaining and evolving the platform network. Recommendations sort out any information
deemed irrelevant to the individual platform user, and thereby guide users through any
information overflow. To date, few studies have investigated the interrelation between
recommendations and user practices. In addition, there seems to be an underlying assumption
in previous research that the intense rate of recommendations, i.e. how sensitive
recommendations are and how fast they are updated, is exclusively positive. To address these
gaps, this paper focuses on how recommendations shape music streaming discovery practices
by placing user practices as the central unit of analysis, with a new lens on the agency of
recommendations. Drawing on 15 semi-structured interviews and app walk-alongs with Spotify
users, the paper shows how recommendations, in interplay with four different practice elements,
narrow music streaming discovery to music that is adapted and restricted to what the user is
predicted to like based on previous interactions, giving rise to the phenomenon that we term
individual genre. The paper nuances our understanding of how recommendations influence user
practices by shifting focus from user perceptions to a focus on practice, by taking into account
a long-term perspective on user experience, and by problematizing previous assumptions
regarding recommendation-based consumption. This ultimately offers an alternative view of
how to create additional user value.MSc in Marketing and Consumptio
Fashioning the Art Gallery : Illusion, Commodity and Death in Martin Margiela at Lafayette Anticipations; A Digital Study of Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices
A study of the shift within the practice of Martin Margiela's creative practice based on his solo exhibition at Lafayette Anticipations from Oct. 20 to Jan. 2 2022 in Paris, France. Known as a 'designer's designer', Margiela made a conscious decision to step away from the so-called 'world of fashion' in 2009 to then, in the context of the Lafayette Anticipations exhibition, being presented as an artist in 2021. Margiela's loyal following was apprehensively optimistic while the art critics were worried about a lack of innovation. This study opposes the idea that there is a dichotomy between art and fashion, and instead bridges the gap through a interdisciplinary and performative perspective. The thesis formulates a hypothesis in which the creative practice of Margiela is seen as one, with the exhibition becoming fashion extended spatially. The aim is to introduce an alternative way of looking at- and interpreting interdisciplinary practices. By using reviews, floorplans, social media posts, interviews and the previous ouevre of Margiela as material, a fair analysis can be made without a physical visit to the exhibition. Digital research corresponds with the development of an increased number of digital experiences of art in the twenty-first century, accelerated by the Covid19 pandemic. An 'exhibition walk-through' is being constructed and becomes a vital part of the material of the study. Fashion is, within the context of the thesis, defined through the theories of Walter Benjamin as a set of processes where capitalist society seeks to commodify the human body. Margiela's body of work from 1989 to 2021 approaches fashion as a defence against death in different ways, through a practice similar to those Nicolas Bourriaud describes in Postproduction from 2001. By appropriating, using and reprogramming existing cultural objects, the practice of Postproduction presents an alternative to the constant longing for novelty which drives fashion (and capitalism) towards eternal growth.Den här studien undersöker ett skifte inom Martin Margielas kreativa praktik, baserat på utställningen vid Lafayette Anticipations från 20 oktober 2021 till 2 januari 2022 i Paris. Känd som en modeskapares modeskapare, tog Margiela ett medvetet steg bort från den så kallade modevärlden 2009 för att i samband med utställningen 2021 presenteras som en konstnär. Hans lojala publik var försiktigt positiva – om något förvirrade – medan konstkritiker oroade sig för bristen på innovation. Denna studie motsätter sig dikotomin mellan konst och mode, för att istället inta ett interdisciplinärt och performativt perspektiv. Den formulerar en hypotes vilken ser Margielas kreativa praktik som ett enhetligt konstnärskap, där utställningen förklaras som rumsligt mode. Syftet är att introducera ett alternativt sätt att tolka interdisciplinära praktiker. Genom att använda recensioner, planlösningar, inlägg på sociala medier, telefonintervju och Margielas tidigare verk som material i studien, kan en adekvat analys formuleras utan att författaren besökt utställningen fysiskt. Digital forskning ligger i linje med utvecklingen av allt fler digitala upplevelser av konst under tvåtusentalet, accelererat i samband med Covid19 pandemin. En ‘exhibition walk-through’ konstrueras och blir den grund analysen står på. Mode är, inom ramen för studien, definierat enligt Walter Benjamins teorier om en rad processer där kapitalismen kommodifierar den mänskliga kroppen. Margielas katalog av verk från 1989 till 2021 närmar sig mode som ett försvar mot döden på olika sätt, genom en praktik liknande de konstnärer Nicolas Bourriaud beskriver i Postproduction från 2001. Genom att appropriera, återanvända och programmera om existerande kulturella objekt, föreslår ‘postproduktion’ alternativ till den eviga strävan mot det nya, trendcykeln som driver mode (och kapitalismen) mot evig tillväxt
Homoerotic Sensibility : The Construction of Homosexual Identity Throughout the History of Art
The question of homoerotic sensibility is, in the purpose of this thesis, a matter of visual language connected to the portrayal of male bodies. By identifying this sensibility throughout the western art canon the essay seeks to understand its origins, development and function in relation to expressions of power. With the introduction of theorists such as Alois Riegl, Laura Mulvey, Abigail Solomon-Godeau and Raewyn Connell, the aim is to deconstruct homosexual masculinity. Adapting formal analysis and parts of visual semiotics, the focus lies on the visual expression of power through the homoerotic gaze, and asks what consequences it has in forming homosexual identity. Greek antiquity is home not only to the ideals that foster western art history, but is also where we find early examples of same-sex affection being portrayed in the arts. Hence classical antiquity is so important for the homoerotic: whenever the classical language of style is popular throughout history, we are sure to find homoerotic sensibility. For reasons mentioned, the main periods analyzed are the Italian Renaissance, the French Neoclassicism and then, naturally the late 20th century onwards as this is the period of gay liberation and modern homosexual identity. By identifying classical acceptance of homosexual relations only in the form of a clear social hierarchy, we soon discover how homosexuality has appropriated the idea of binary difference within its masculinity throughout history. Accepting relationships only between erastes and eromenos, or man and ephebe, homosexuality is forced to exist only on the terms of difference of power. With classical ideals, these tendencies are recurring in the visual representation of male homosexuality, and becomes a big part of the liberation and forming of a modern identity in the late twentieth century. As a result of objectification of the male body, in combination with idealized and sexualized power, modern gay culture has in many ways embraced a destructive culture shaped by misogynist ideas of hegemonic culture, where sexual violence exists, but is not spoken of
Technologinių parametrų įtakos virintinės jungties savybėms tyrimai, suvirinant AISI 304 plieną / Research of the technological parameters influence on the weld properties of welded steel AISI 304
The article analyzes the influence of technological parameters on the properties of welded joints by welding AISI 304 steel. In order to get the results was carried out computer modeling with the finite element modeling program ANSYS, welded samples performed visual inspection, hardness testing to make a seam. Results of the study are presented in tabular and graphic representation, the conclusions.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama technologinių parametrų įtaka virintinės jungties savybėms, suvirinant AISI 304 plieną. Siekiant gauti rezultatus, darbai buvo atlikti skaitmeninio modeliavimo baigtinių elementų metodu, taikant programą ANSYS, suvirinti bandiniai, atlikta apžiūrimoji kontrolė, padaryti siūlės kiečio bandymai. Tyrimo rezultatai pateikiami lentelėse ir pavaizduoti grafiškai, pateikiamos išvados.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: AISI 304, nerūdijantysis plienas, suvirinimas, deformacija, siūlės kiečio bandymas, skaitmeninis modeliavimas
Aukštojo laipsnio polinomo analizė
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij
Influence of covering components of welding electrodes on chemical composition and mechanical properties of fused metal
The influence of composition of welding electrodes covering chemical composition and mechanical characteristics of a fused metal is investigated in the article. Welding electrodes with the different content of components, included in covering of welding electrodes, were made to perform test and research. The content of a covering changed at the expense of the basic component - chalkstone. The analysis of a chemical composition of a fused metal and mechanical characteristics of a weld metal has allowed to establish the influence of different components, included in covering of welding electrodes, on the quality of a weld metal and welding electrodes. Keywords: welding electrodes, chemical composition, mechanical properties of fused metals
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