VGTU Journals (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Vilnius Tech)
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    11437 research outputs found

    Advantages and disadvantages of the remote teamwork

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    Remote teamwork has become common during the pandemic and continues even after it is over. In Lithuania alone, during the pandemic, around 40% of employees worked or still work remotely, while in the US this number reaches 50%. The purpose of this article is to compare the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of remote teamwork presented by scientists with the opinion of experts. Several main factors were selected after literature analysis and were given to the experts to evaluate them in a survey which was created using Likert scale. Experts were selected from one financial company and they lead teams of 7–10 people and have been working remotely for the past two years. The obtained results were evaluated using Kendall’s concordance coefficient and factor analysis methods. These methods helped evaluate the compatibility of the experts’ opinions and factors were divided into advantages and disadvantages based on the experts’ evaluations. The theoretical and practical assessment of the advantages of remote teamwork showed that the opinions of scientists and experts differ. This research can help remote teams and their managers to find what they can improve. Article in Lithuanian. Nuotolinio komandinio darbo privalumai ir trūkumai Santrauka Nuotolinis komandinis darbas pandemijos metu tapo įprastu reiškiniu, kuris tęsiasi ir pandemijai pasibaigus. Vien Lietuvoje pandemijos metu apie 40 % darbuotojų dirbo arba vis dar dirba nuotoliniu būdu, o JAV šis rodiklis siekia mažiausiai 50 %. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra palyginti teorijoje mokslininkų pateikiamus nuotolinio komandinio darbo privalumus ir trūkumus su ekspertų nuomone. Atlikus literatūros analizę buvo pasirinkti keli pagrindiniai veiksniai ir duoti ekspertams įvertinti Likerto skalėje apklausos metu. Buvo pasirinkti ekspertai iš vienos finansinės įmonės, jie vadovauja 7–10 žmonių komandoms ir pastaruosius dvejus metus dirbo tik nuotoliniu būdu. Gauti rezultatai buvo vertinami Kendall konkordancijos koeficientu ir faktorinės analizės metodais. Šie metodai padėjo įvertinti ekspertų nuomonės suderinamumą ir remiantis jų vertinimais suskirstyti veiksnius į privalumus ir trūkumus. Teorinis ir praktinis nuotolinio komandinio darbo privalumų ir trūkumų vertinimas parodė, jog mokslininkų ir ekspertų nuomonės išsiskiria – pateiktus teiginius mokslininkai ir ekspertai skirtingai priskiria nuotolinio komandinio darbo privalumams ir trūkumams. Šis tyrimas naudingas nuotoliniu būdu dirbančioms komandoms ir jų vadovams, siekiant sužinoti, ką būtų galima pagerinti. Reikšminiai žodžiai: nuotolinis darbas, komandinis darbas, nuotolinis komandinis darbas, darbo ir gyvenimo balansas, darbo efektyvumas, pasitenkinimas darbu, bendravimas komandoje

    Evaluation of the impact of financial technologies on the financial efficiency of commercial banks

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    The topic of financial technologies (Fintech), which has attracted enormous interest in the last decade, has become one of the most promising niches that allow participants providing services in the payment market to improve the efficiency of financial activity systems. Financial industry players such as commercial banks have begun to pay special attention to the development of this new niche. In order to maintain or occupy higher market positions, they must take into account the potential of financial technologies and their possible exploitation by integrating new solutions into already functioning banking systems. This article aims to reveal the influence of financial technologies on the financial efficiency of commercial banks. After highlighting the importance of financial technologies for commercial banks in the theoretical part of the study, the analytical part examines the financial indicators of Lithuanian commercial banks (SEB, Swedbank, Šiaulių bankas, and Citadelė) in the period 2017–2021. Correlation and regression analysis will be used to determine the impact of financial technologies on the financial efficiency of commercial banks. The results of this study determines how financial technology impacts the financial performance of commercial banks. Article in Lithuanian. Finansinių technologijų įtakos komercinių bankų finansiniam efektyvumui vertinimas Santrauka Per paskutinį dešimtmetį milžiniško susidomėjimo sulaukusi finansinių technologijų (Fintech) tema tapo viena perspektyviausių sričių, leidžiančių mokėjimų rinkoje paslaugas teikiantiems dalyviams pagerinti finansinės veiklos sistemų efektyvumą. Tokie finansinės industrijos dalyviai, kaip komerciniai bankai, pradėjo skirti ypatingą dėmesį šios naujos nišos galimybių plėtrai. Siekdami išlaikyti ar užimti aukštesnes rinkos pozicijas, jie privalo atsižvelgti į finansinių technologijų potencialą ir galimą jų panaudojimą integruojant naujus sprendimus į jau funkcionuojančias bankines sistemas. Teorinėje tyrimo dalyje išryškinama finansinių technologijų svarba komerciniams bankams, analitinėje dalyje nagrinėjami Lietuvos komercinių bankų (SEB, Swedbank, Šiaulių bankas ir Citadelė) finansiniai rodikliai 2017–2021 m. laikotarpiu. Finansinių technologijų poveikiui komercinių bankų finansiniam efektyvumui nustatyti bus pasitelkiamos koreliacinė ir regresinė analizės. Šio tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kaip finansinės technologijos veikia komercinių bankų finansinį efektyvumą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: finansinės technologijos, komerciniai bankai, finansinio efektyvumo vertinimas, finansinių technologijų įtaka

    Shelf for serving lines development and launching to the market

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    In today’s market, there is a very intense competition, as well as the unpredictability of customer desires and market trends that change at a rapid speed, resulting in a shorter product life cycle. The purpose of this article is to examine the industry of commercial kitchens and the main aspects could be the key of successfully launching shelf for serving lines to the market. The empirical research background for this study is defined by the performed survey-questionnaire. The results of the survey of enterprises that specialize in manufacturing professional kitchen equipment, as well as the results of the survey of customers who are interested in such products, are presented in this article. The aim of both surveys was to determine which success aspects the company should rely on, and which are the most important for successful product development and market launch. Based on the result of the research and the information which was gathered, a model for the successful development and launch of a shelf for serving lines was developed and proposed. It is a hybrid type model which is based on the principles of Stage-Gate model, Decision process model which was suggested by Kotler and Keller and Agile set of values and principles. It has 7 stages and, stages have 6 gates where the project is assessed every time. This model is a recombinational tool of launching the product to the market which could help to identify the problematic issues within the ongoing process in the company. Article in English. Ekspozicinės lentynos kūrimas ir išleidimas į rinką Santrauka Šiuolaikinėje rinkoje vyrauja labai intensyvi konkurencija: nuolat besikeičiančios rinkos tendencijos ir nepastovūs, nenuspėjami klientų norai trumpina produkto gyvavimo ciklą. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra išnagrinėti profesionalių virtuvių įrangos gamintojų rinką bei nustatyti pagrindinius aspektus, kurie galėtų būti raktas į sėkmingą ekspozinės lentynos išleidimą į rinką. Šio empirinio tyrimo pagrindą sudaro apklausos klientams ir įmonėms, kurios specializuojasi šioje pramonės srityje. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiami įmonių, kurios specializuojasi profesionalios virtuvės įrangos gamyboje, apklausos rezultatai, taip pat tokiais gaminiais besidominčių klientų apklausos rezultatai. Abiejų apklausų tikslas buvo nustatyti, kokiais sėkmės aspektais įmonė turėtų pasikliauti, siekdama sėkmingo produkto kūrimo ir išleidimo į rinką. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais ir surinkta informacija, buvo sukurtas ir pristatytas modelis, kurį taikant galima tikėtis sėkmingo ekspozcinės lentynos kūrimo ir išleidimo į rinką. Tai hibridinio tipo modelis, kuris yra sudarytas iš 7 etapų, kurių kiekvienas taip pat turi fazę, kurioje kiekvieną kartą yra vertinamas projektas. Šis modelis yra rekomendacinio pobūdžio, kaip išleisti naujai sukurtą produktą į rinką, arba gali padėti identifikuoti probleminius klausimus vykstančiame procese. Reikšminiai žodžiai: produktas, kūrimas, išleidimas, profesionali virtuvinė įranga, komercinė virtuvė, ekspozicinė lentyna, faktoriai, aspektai, rinka

    Could “digital gold” resist global supply chain pressure?

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    Exploring the safe-haven characteristics of bitcoin from novel perspectives is crucial to diversify the investment and reap the benefits. This investigation employs bootstrap full-and sub-sample techniques to probe time-varying interrelation between global supply chain pressure (GSCP) and bitcoin price (BP), and further answer if “digital gold” could resist the strains of global supply chain. The empirical outcomes suggest that GSCP positively and negatively affects BP. The positive influence points out that high GSCP might boost the international bitcoin market, driving BP to rise, which indicates that “digital gold” could resist the pressures of global supply chain. But the negative effect of GSCP on BP could not support the above view, mainly affected by the weak purchasing power and more valuable assets, which is not consistent with the assumption of the inter-temporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM). In turn, GSCP is adversely affected by BP, highlighting that the international bitcoin market may be viewed as a stress reliever for the global supply chain. Against a backdrop of the deteriorative Russia-Ukraine war and the intensifying global supply chain crisis, the above conclusions could bring significative lessons to the public, enterprises and related economies. First published online 17 April 202

    Valuation of reverse mortgages in the Spanish market for foreign residents

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    The continuous growth in life expectancy, besides to the difficult economic and financial situation of the public pension system in Spain, makes reverse mortgages an attractive solution for providing additional income to retirees. However, despite being almost 20 years old, the Spanish market remains immature. Consequently, providers face significant risks, due to factors such as interest rates, housing prices, and longevity. Numerous tourists visit Spain, and many retire there, obtaining legal residence. Therefore, lenders could be interested in marketing reverse mortgages to foreign residents. Nevertheless, the longevity risk faced by these lenders may differ depending on the nationality of the borrower, and profits and losses could vary. Consequently, we propose a methodology for comparing the pricing of reverse mortgages in Spain by considering differences in longevity risk. Specifically, we calculate the amount offered by three types of reverse mortgages to customers of different nationalities, genders, and ages with contracts made in Spain. Our conclusions are pertinent to Spanish lenders since the results indicate that, in general, a Spanish lender would assume a slightly larger risk when lending reverse mortgages to borrowers of the selected nationalities, regardless of other considerations, such as legal issues, which are not addressed in this article. First published online 31 October 202

    What hinders Internet of Things (IoT) adoption in the Chinese construction industry: a mixed-method

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    Although the Internet of Things (IoT) has aroused much interest as a potential approach for improving various construction activities, the extent of its adoption remains limited. The multiple barriers that prevent the wider adoption of IoT in the construction industry need detailed investigation. However, limited research has attempted to understand the barriers to IoT adoption. Therefore, this study aims to identify the critical barriers to IoT adoption in the construction industry and explore the prioritization and hierarchical structure of the barriers factors. Data were collected from relevant literature and feedback from Chinese industry experts, sixteen barriers against IoT adoption were identified and categorized based on the TOE framework assessed in the construction industry. An integrated interpretation structure model and decision-making and trial evaluation laboratory (ISM-DEMATEL) approach is adopted to analyze the interdependence between identified constructs and their intensities. In addition, the identified constructs are also clustered into a suitable group using MICMAC analysis. Results show that inadequate infrastructure, lack of governance, and top management support are the fundamental barrier against IoT adoption. By revealing the mutual relationships and interlinking of barriers, this study will help researchers and practitioners in the construction industry to focus on strategic efforts to overcome these obstacles to effective IoT implementation. This research revealed the barriers to IoT implementation in the Chinese construction industry. Also, it provides methodological tool references for exploring the impact factor of other similar innovative technology applied in this industry

    Key performance indicators for start-ups in furniture industry

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    It is not uncommon to see start-ups suddenly fail. Often, startups try to follow the example of other, successful companies, but they don’t always succeed, so this article looks at KPIs for startups in the furniture industry. The furniture industry in the Baltic States is reviewed and their development at different stages of the company’s growth is analyzed. The product factors and interrelationships of a successful furniture company have been identified. The article presents the results of the surveyed companies engaged in the development of products for the furniture industry. The reasons and the main factors influencing the success of the company are given. Based on the results of the study, a model for the development of KPIs for start-ups in the furniture industry is presented and conclusions and suggestions are presented. The model consisted of 10 different spheres (success factors, fail factors, inbound logistics, outbound logistics, marketing & sales, procurement, operation, service, HRM, technology development, sustainability) for 5 different companies size (1–9 employees, 10–49 employees, 50–99 employees, 100–249 employees and 250 and more employees). In the model were overwide main KPIs blocks and suggested considerate of companies size. Article in English. Baldų pramonės startuolių pagrindiniai sėkmės rodikliai Santrauka Neretai pastebima, kad naujos įmonės staiga žlunga. Dažnai startuoliai bando sekti kitų, sėkmingų įmonių pavyzdžiu, tačiau ne visada pavyksta, todėl šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiami baldų pramonės startuolių KPI. Apžvelgiama baldų pramonė Baltijos šalyse ir analizuojama jų raida skirtinguose įmonės augimo etapuose. Nustatyti sėkmingos baldų įmonės gaminių veiksniai ir tarpusavio ryšiai. Straipsnyje pateikiami apklaustų įmonių, užsiimančių gaminių baldų pramonei kūrimu, rezultatai. Pateikiamos priežastys ir pagrindiniai veiksniai, darantys įtaką įmonės sėkmei. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, pateikiamas baldų pramonės startuolių KPI kūrimo modelis ir pateikiamos išvados bei pasiūlymai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: KPI, baldų pramonė, startuolis, gamyba, sėkmės rodikliai

    Assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation purpose using irrigation water quality index (IWQI)

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    Groundwater represents an important natural resource for sustaining life. This study was conducted to evaluate groundwater in the Doukkala region in Morocco, using the Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) and uses Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) in GIS was to show the spatial distribution of water quality parameters. It collected 97 of samples from groundwater and were estimated the sodium concentration (Na%), and sodium absorption rate (SAR), Also, Residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Kelly index (KI), magnesium content (MR), salinity potential (PS), and permeability index (PI). According to the distribution map of the Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) for the study area, about 22.7% of samples fall into the severe restriction (SR) category, which can be used to irrigate plants with high salinity tolerance, 34.02 of samples fall under the high restriction (HR) category, 23.7% of samples fall into the moderate restrictions (MR) category, 17.52% of samples fall under the low restriction (LR) category, and 2.06% of samples fall under the no restriction (NR) category. The results of (IWQI) indicated that the groundwater quality in the study area is mostly suitable for irrigation purposes

    Impact of government support policies on regional economic resilience under the COVID-19 outbreak

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    Using the policy package pilot implemented in Hubei Province, China, in April 2020 as a natural experiment, we use the synthetic control (SC) and synthetic difference in differences (SDID) methods to estimate the impact of the Chinese government’s support policy on the economic resilience and to analyze the mechanisms by which it impacts. This study finds that the policy package has contributed to the growth of economic resilience in the pilot provinces, with the policy package increasing the average economic resilience of the pilot provinces by 0.062 compared to their potential resilience. The validity and robustness of the above conclusions are objectively confirmed by multidimensional quantitative outcomes such as placebo tests, ranking tests, and replacements in calculating resilience. The mechanism analysis shows that the investment in real estate development, the stimulus for consumption, and the core industry development are virtual channels for the policy package to promote economic resilience growth in the pilot provinces. Moreover, traditional investment in transportation fixed assets plays a minor role. This paper quantitatively corroborates the academic idea that government governance capacity affects regional economic resilience (RER), and research can provide empirical support for regional economic recovery and policy support under a major crisis

    Communicate to engage: storytelling, content creation, and promoting the idea of sustainability and intercultural dialogue in travel videoblogs

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    In the area of digital media narratives, an important communication role is played by influencers who, thanks to original media messages, become creative gatekeepers of specific ideas. Travel videoblogs are often underestimated as pure entertainment, whereas they can be seen as important tools for public discourse creators. The research uses methods of compositional and content analysis, supplemented with narratology and netnography. In the space of popular travel videoblogs, the main ideas promoted include the ideas of sustainable development and intercultural dialogue. Bloggers create and stimulate the existence of online communities, express specific ideas, concepts and worldviews that partly come from the area of scientific discourse, particularly anthropological, cultural and ethical ones. The research highlights the serious public role played by the digital nomads as influencers and new kind of friendly authority and presents case study of successful communication strategies, narrative skills and technical competences of authors. The online travel narratives can be seen as marketing of ideas and thus used as practical tool of communication for institutions, non-governmental organizations and other actors of communication. The paper analyses new material (new genres of communication, new channels, new strategies) and topic of high importance in the context of intercultural conflicts and ecological problems. One of the most influential Polish travel vlogs, Globstory by Kaja Kraska (initiated in August, 2014), serves here as a case study. It was chosen because its content is typical for this genre and because of creative and engaging practices of the vlogger who successfully influences the public and its understanding of specific ideas and problems


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    VGTU Journals (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Vilnius Tech) is based in Lithuania
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