12 research outputs found
Phase transition in spin systems with various types of fluctuations
- Author
- Abraham D.A., Gallavotti, G. and M
- Akutsu N., Akutsu, Y. and Yamamoto
- Bak P. and Bohr, T.
- Baxter R.J.
- Berezinskii V.L.
- Chui S.T. and Weeks, J.D.
- Haldane F.D.M.
- Jacobs A.E., Ninuni, T. and Shiba,
- Jones J.L. and Young, A.P.
- José
- Kac M. and Ward, J.C.
- Kadanoff L.P., Gotze, W., Hamblen,
- Kato Y. and Kawashima, N.
- Kawamura H.
- Konishi Y., Tokoro, H., Nishino, M
- Miyashita S. and Vincent, E.
- Miyashita S., Konishi, Y., Nishino
- Miyashita S., Nishino, M., Konishi
- Miyashita S., Rikvold, P.A., Mori,
- Nishino M., Boukheddaden, K., Koni
- Nojiri H., Tokunaga, Y. and Motoka
- Ozeki Y. and Ito, N.
- Selke W. and Fisher, M.E.
- Swendsen R.
- Swendsen R.
- Syozi I.
- Tanaka S. and Miyashita, S.
- Tanaka S. and Miyashita, S.
- Todoroki N., Ueno, Y. and Miyashit
- Vilain J.
- Vincent E.
- Wajnflasz J. and Pick, R.
- Wannier G.M.
- Wilson K.G.
- Wilson K.G.
- Wilson K.G.
- Wilson K.G. and Kogut, J.
- Yamamoto K., Todo, S. and Miyashit
- Zhu X., Tavazza, F., Landau, D.P.
- Publication venue
- The Japan Academy
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
Various types ordering processes in systems with large fluctuation are overviewed. Generally, the so-called order–disorder phase transition takes place in competition between the interaction causing the system be ordered and the entropy causing a random disturbance. Nature of the phase transition strongly depends on the type of fluctuation which is determined by the structure of the order parameter of the system. As to the critical property of phase transitions, the concept “universality of the critical phenomena” is well established. However, we still find variety of features of ordering processes. In this article, we study effects of various mechanisms which bring large fluctuation in the system, e.g., continuous symmetry of the spin in low dimensions, contradictions among interactions (frustration), randomness of the lattice, quantum fluctuations, and a long range interaction in off-lattice systems
Differential roles of epigenetic changes and Foxp3 expression in regulatory T cell-specific transcriptional regulation
- Author
- A. Blumenthal
- A. Bonetti
- A. Califano
- A. D. Diehl
- A. G. Beckhouse
- A. Gibson
- A. Hasegawa
- A. J. Knox
- A. Joshi
- A. Kaiho
- A. Kubosaki
- A. Lennartsson
- A. M. Burroughs
- A. Mackay-sim
- A. Mathelier
- A. Meynert
- A. Pain
- A. R. R. Forrest
- A. R. R. Forrest
- A. S. B. Edge
- A. S. Kasianov
- A. Sajantila
- A. Saka
- A. Sandelin
- A. Saxena
- A. Schwegmann
- A. T. Kwon
- A. V. Favorov
- A. Vandenbon
- Ashraf
- Audic
- B. Bodega
- B. Deplancke
- B. Kaczkowski
- B. Lenhard
- B. Lilje
- B. Marchand
- B. R. Jankovic
- Bajic
- Bennett
- C. A. Davis
- C. A. Semple
- C. A. Wells
- C. Furlanello
- C. J. Mungall
- C. Kai
- C. L. Mummery
- C. O. Daub
- C. Plessy
- C. Schmidl
- C. Schneider
- C. Simon
- C. V. Cannistraci
- D. A. d. L. Morais
- D. A. Hume
- D. A. Ovchinnikov
- D. Albanese
- D. Carbajo
- D. Goldowitz
- D. M. Standley
- D. Sugiyama
- D. Vijayan
- Defossez
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- E. J. Wood
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- E. Valen
- E. van Nimwegen
- E. Wolvetang
- F. Brombacher
- F. Drablos
- F. Hori
- F. Nakahara
- Feng
- Fontenot
- Fu
- G. G. Schulze-Tanzil
- G. J. Faulkner
- G. Jurman
- G. M. Altschuler
- G. Sheng
- Gavin
- Guttman
- H. C. Clevers
- H. Date
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- Heinz
- I. Alam
- I. E. Vorontsov
- I. Hoof
- I. V. Kulakovskiy
- J. A. Blake
- J. A. C. Archer
- J. A. Ramilowski
- J. Briggs
- J. C. Mar
- J. F. J. Laros
- J. G. D. Prendergast
- J. Gough
- J. Harshbarger
- J. K. Baillie
- J. Kawai
- J. Kere
- J. S. Kempfle
- J. Severin
- J. Takai
- J. W. Shin
- J.-i. Furusawa
- Jirtle
- K. Ekwall
- K. Iida
- K. J. Hitchens
- K. Kaida
- K. Kajiyama
- K. Li
- K. M. Summers
- K. Moro
- K. Nakazato
- Khattri
- Kim
- L. Fairbairn
- L. Huminiecki
- L. Lipovich
- L. M. Khachigian
- L. M. van den Berg
- L. N. Winteringham
- Langmead
- Li
- Lin
- M. B. Rye
- M. Babina
- M. C. Farach-Carson
- M. C. Frith
- M. Chierici
- M. Detmar
- M. E. Fisher
- M. Edinger
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- M. Itoh
- M. Itoh
- M. J. L. de Hoon
- M. Jorgensen
- M. Kanamori-Katayama
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- M. Murata
- M. Ohshima
- M. Okada-Hatakeyama
- M. Patrikakis
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- M. Rehli
- M. Roncador
- M. S. Taylor
- M. Sakai
- M. Suzuki
- M. Tagami
- M. Thompson
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- M. Vitezic
- M. Yamamoto
- M. Yoneda
- Musri
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- N. Ohkura
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- Naito
- O. J. L. Rackham
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- Ouyang
- P. A. C. 't Hoen
- P. Arner
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- P. Carninci
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- Polansky
- Prokhortchouk
- R. Andersson
- R. Fujita
- R. Guler
- R. K. Swoboda
- R. Passier
- R. Verardo
- R.-i. Manabe
- RIKEN Genome Exploration Research Group and Genome
- Rudra
- S. Baker
- S. E. Zabierowski
- S. Fukuda
- S. Guhl
- S. Gustincich
- S. J. H. Sui
- S. Katayama
- S. Kato
- S. Kawaguchi
- S. Kojima
- S. Koyasu
- S. Krampitz
- S. Nagao-Sato
- S. Nagao-Sato
- S. Noma
- S. Ogishima
- S. P. Klinken
- S. Piazza
- S. Pradhan-Bhatt
- S. Roy
- S. Sakaguchi
- S. Sakaguchi
- S. Savvi
- S. Schmeier
- S. Watanabe
- S. Yoshida
- S. Zucchelli
- Sakaguchi
- Samstein
- T. B. Geijtenbeek
- T. C. Freeman
- T. Dohi
- T. F. Meehan
- T. Gingeras
- T. Hashimoto
- T. Ikawa
- T. J. Ha
- T. J. Kenna
- T. Kasukawa
- T. Kawashima
- T. Kitamura
- T. Lassmann
- T. Lassmann
- T. Nakamura
- T. Nozaki
- T. Ravasi
- T. Sengstag
- T. Sugiyama
- T. Toyoda
- Thurman
- U. Schaefer
- V. B. Bajic
- V. Haberle
- V. J. Makeev
- V. Orlando
- W. Hide
- W. Lee
- W. W. Wasserman
- Waterland
- Weber
- Willingham
- X. Zhao
- Y. A. Medvedeva
- Y. Chen
- Y. Ciani
- Y. Hasegawa
- Y. Hayashizaki
- Y. Hayashizaki
- Y. I. Kawamura
- Y. Ishizu
- Y. Mizuno
- Y. Nakachi
- Y. Nakamura
- Y. Okazaki
- Y. Shimoni
- Y. Yamaguchi
- Y. Yonekura
- Z. Tatum
- Zheng
- Publication venue
- 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Naturally occurring regulatory T (Treg) cells, which specifically express the transcription factor forkhead box P3 (Foxp3), are engaged in the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and homeostasis. By transcriptional start site cluster analysis, we assessed here how genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation or Foxp3 binding sites were associated with Treg-specific gene expression. We found that Treg-specific DNA hypomethylated regions were closely associated with Treg up-regulated transcriptional start site clusters, whereas Foxp3 binding regions had no significant correlation with either up- or down-regulated clusters in nonactivated Treg cells. However, in activated Treg cells, Foxp3 binding regions showed a strong correlation with down-regulated clusters. In accordance with these findings, the above two features of activation-dependent gene regulation in Treg cells tend to occur at different locations in the genome. The results collectively indicate that Treg-specific DNA hypomethylation is instrumental in gene up-regulation in steady state Treg cells, whereas Foxp3 down-regulates the expression of its target genes in activated Treg cells. Thus, the two events seem to play distinct but complementary roles in Treg-specific gene expression
withdrawn 2017 hrs ehra ecas aphrs solaece expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation
- Author
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- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
Characteristics of a Dissipating Cloud Cluster over the East China Sea: A TRMM-Aircraft Simultaneous Observation
- Author
- Awaka J., T. Iguchi, and K. Okamot
- Brown R.A. and L. Zeng
- Cressman G.W
- Houze R.A
- Iguchi T., T. Kozu, R. Meneghini,
- Inoue T.
- Kawamura R. and S. Nakai
- Laing A.G. and J.M. Fritsch
- Meneghini R., T. Iguchi, T. Kozu,
- Oki R. and A. Sumi
- Roux F
- TRMM Precipitation Radar Team
- Yoshizaki M., H. Seko, T. Kato, Y.
- Publication venue
- 'Meteorological Society of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Three-Dimensional Structure of a Mesoscale Convective System in a Baiu-Frontal Depression Generated in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Author
- Akiyama T
- Akiyama T
- Akiyama T
- Cotton W.R. and R.A. Anthes
- Doviak R.J. and D.S. Zrnic
- Foote G.B. and P.S. du Toit
- Moteki Q., H. Uyeda, T. Maesaka, T
- Ninomiya K
- Ninomiya K. and K. Yamazaki
- Publication venue
- 'Meteorological Society of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Five‐year cumulative incidence of overweight and obesity, and longitudinal change in body mass index in Japanese workers: The Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study
- Author
- A. Fukunaga
- A. Hori
- A. Nanri
- A. Nishihara
- A. Ogasawara
- A. Tomizawa
- A. Uehara
- Ai Hori
- Akihiko Uehara
- Akiko Nishihara
- C. Kinugawa
- C. Nishiura
- C. Shimizu
- H. Hu
- H. Okazaki
- Hiroko Okazaki
- Ho LM
- Huanhuan Hu
- I. Kabe
- I. Kashino
- Ikuko Kashino
- Isamu Kabe
- K. Fukai
- K. Fukasawa
- K. Kitahara
- K. Kurotani
- K. Kuwahara
- K. Odagami
- K. Tomita
- K. Yamamoto
- Keisuke Kuwahara
- Kentaro Tomita
- M. Eguchi
- M. Endo
- M. Hasegawa
- M. Kawashima
- M. Konishi
- M. Masuda
- M. Ohtsu
- M. Shimizu
- M. Shirozu
- M. Yamamoto
- Maki Konishi
- Makiko Shimizu
- Makoto Yamamoto
- Masafumi Eguchi
- Ministry of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan
- Miyuki Hasegawa
- N. Gonmori
- N. Kato
- N. Kunugita
- N. Sakamoto
- N. Sasaki
- Naoki Kunugita
- Naoko Sasaki
- R. Kuroda
- S. Akter
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- S. Yamamoto
- Satsue Nagahama
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- Shamima Akter
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- Taizo Murakami
- Takayuki Ogasawara
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- Tohru Nakagawa
- Toru Honda
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- Y. Inoue
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- Y. Osaki
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- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
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Literature alerts
- Author
- A liposomal system for contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of molecular targets. MULDER W.
- A novel electrode surface fabricated by directly attaching gold nanospheres and nanorods onto indium tin oxide substrate with a seed mediated growth process. ZHANG
- A novel injectable approach for cartilage formation in vivo using PLG microspheres. MERCIER N.
- A novel liposomal bupivacaine formulation to produce ultralong-acting analgesia. GRANT G.
- A novel method to synthesize polystyrene nanospheres immobilized with silver nanoparti-cks by using compressed CO2. ZHANG J. L., Liu, Z. M., HAN, B. X., Liu, D. X., CHEN, J•, HE, J., and JIANG
- A pegylated liposomal platform
- Accumulation of boron compounds to tumor with polyethylene-glycol binding liposome by using neutron capture autoradiography. YANAGIE H., OGURA, K., TAKAGI, K., MARUYAMA, K., MATSUMOTO, T., SAKURAI, Y., SKVARC, J., ILLIC, R., KUHNE, G., HISA, T., YOSHIZAKI, I., KONO, K., FURUYA, Y., SUGIYAMA, H., KOBAYASHI, H., ONO, K., NAKAGAWA, K., and ERIGUCHI
- Active oxygen chemistry within the liposomal bilayer part III
- Active oxygen chemistry within the' liposomal bilayer part IV
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- Aggregated low-density lipoprotein uptake induces membrane tissue factor procoagulant activity and microparticle release in human vascular smooth muscle cells. LLORENTE-CORTES V., OTERO-VINAS, M., CAMINO-LOPEZ, S., LLAMPAYAS, 0., and BADIMON
- Antitumor effect of MCC-465 pegylated liposomal doxorubicin tagged with newly developed monoclonal antibody GAH, in colorectal cancer xenografts. HAMAGUCHI, T., MATSUMURA, Y., NAKANISHI, Y., MURO, K., YAMADA, Y., SHIMADA, Y., SHIRAO, K., NIKI, H., HOSOKAWA, S., TAGAWA, T., and KAKIzoE
- Application off experimental design to the formulation of glucose oxidase encapsulation by liposomes. RODRIGUEZ-NOGALES
- Architecture of shell-crosslinked polymer nanoparticles via a living radical mechanism and modification to hollow nanocapsules. Ismzu K., PARK, J., TANIMURA, K., UCHIDA, S., and TAMURA
- Association of sugar-based carboranes with cationic liposomes
- Automatic CT-SPECT registration of livers treated with radioactive microspheres.
- Binding of cationic liposomes to apoptotic cells. BOSE S., TUUNAINEN, K., PARRY, M., MEDINA, 0. P., MANCINI, G., and KINNUNEN
- Biodegradable ibuprofen-loaded PLGA microspheres for intraarticular administration-effect of Labrafil addition on release in vitro. FERNANDEZ-CARBALLIDO A., HERRERO-VANRELL, R., MOLINA-MARTINEZ, I. T., and PASTORIZA
- Biodistribution of pH-responsive liposomes for MRI and a novel approach to improve the pH-responsiveness. LOKLING K.
- Cardiac- safety profile of prolonged
- Cellular microparticles
- Characterization and biological evaluation of a microparticle adjuvant formulation for plasmid DNA vaccines.
- Characterization of liposomal tacrolimus in lung surfactant-like phospholipids and evalua-tion of its irnrnunosuppressive activity. CANADAS 0., GUERRERO, R., GARCIA-CANERO, R., ORELLANA, G., MENENDEZ, M., and CASALS
- Chemical method of breaking the cell-loaded sodium alginate/chitosan microcapsules.
- Colour mixing LEDs with short microsphere doped acrylic rods. DELLER C., SMTTH, G., and FRANKLIN
- Comparative study on sustained release of human growth hormone from semicrystalline poly
- Complexation of anionic polyelectrolytes with cationic liposomes
- Composition and surface charge of DNA-loaded microparticles determine maturation and cytokine secretion in human dendritic cells.
- Controlled release of tebuconazole from a polymer matrix microparticle
- Core-template-free strategy for preparing hollow nanospheres. Hu Y., JIANG, X. Q., DING, Y., CHEN, Q., and YANG
- Design of pH-sensitive microspheres for the colonic delivery of the immunosuppressive drug tacrolirnus.
- Detection of DNA hybridization on a liposome surface using ultrasound velocimetry and turbidirnetry methods. HIANIK T., RYBAR, P., ANDREEV, S. Y., ORETSKAYA, T. S., and VADGAMA
- Development of biodegradable poly
- Dextran carbamates—materials for microencapsulation.
- Double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical field trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of topically applied 1% diclofenac liposomal cream for the relief of lameness in horses. LYNN R. C., HEPLER, D. I., KELCH, W. J., BERTONE, J. J., SMITH, B. L., and VATISTAS
- Dual coated erodible microcapsules for modified release of diclofenac sodium. 1311 u, S. S., SAISIVAM, S., RAJAN, N. S. M. G., and MISHRA
- Effect of poly
- Effect of the inclusion of PEG on the solid-state properties and drug release from polylactic acid films and rnicrocapsules. JONNALAGADDA S., and ROBINSON
- Effects of 2.45 GHz microwave fields on liposomes entrapping glycoenzyme ascorbate oxidase
- Effects of poly
- Effects of T4 endonuclease liposomes and RNA fragments on UV-induced DNA damage. KE M. S., CAMOUSE, M. M., OSHTORY, S., MCCORMICK, T., MATSUI, M., MAMMONE, T., MARENUS, K., MAES, D., COOPER, K., STEVENS, S., and BARON
- Efficient intracellular delivery of rifampicin to alveolar macrophages using rifampicin-loaded PLGA microspheres
- Encapsulation of brewers yeast in chitosan coated carrageenan microspheres by emulsifica-tion/thermal gelation.
- Energy-damping behaviors of poly
- Enhanced heparan sulfate proteoglycan-mediated uptake of cell-penetrating peptide-modified liposomes. MARTY C.
- Ethosomes and liposomes as topical vehicles for azelaic acid
- F-19 Magnetic resonance imaging of perfluorooctanoic acid encapsulated in liposome for biodistribution measurement. KIMURA A., NARAZAKI, M., KANAZAWA, Y., and FUJIWARA
- Factors affecting responsivity of unilamellar liposomes to 20 kHz ultrasound. LIN H. Y., and THOMAS
- Fluorescence study on rat epithelial cells and liposomes exposed to aromatic nitroxides. GABBIANELLI R., FALCIONI, G., LUPIDI, G., GRECI, L., and DAMIANI
- Giant liposome microreactors for controlled production of calcium phosphate crystals. MICHEL M., WINTERHALTER, M., DARBOIS, L., HEMMERLE, J., VOEGEL, J. C., SCHAAF, P., and BALL
- Hypoglycemic efficacy of chitosan-coated insulin liposomes after oral administration in mice. Wu Z.
- IgG responses to intranasal immunization with cholera-toxin-immobilized polymeric nano-spheres in mice. KANEKO T., SHIMOMAI, S., MIYAZAKI, M., BABA, M., and AKASHI
- Improving mechanical stability and density distribution of hepatocyte microcapsules by fibrin clot and gold nano-particles. SUN T., CHAN, M. L. H., QUEK, C. H., and Yu
- In vivo administration of liposomal vincristine sensitizes drug-resistant human solid tumors. LEONETTI C., SCARSELLA, M., SEMPLE, S. C., MOLINAR, A., D'ANGELO, C., STOPPACCIARO, A., BIROCCIO, A., and ZUPI
- In vivo gene transfection via intravitreal injection of cationic liposome/plasmid DNA complexes in rabbits.
- In vivo uptake of an experimental microencapsulated diphtheria vaccine following sub-cutaneous immunisation. PEYRE M., FLECK, R., HOCKLEY, D., GANDER, B., and SESARDIC
- In-vivo biocompatibility studies of polyelectrolyte microcapsules. AKANGIRE G., SHARMA, M., BROWN, Q., COLLINSWORTH, A., MCSHANE, M. J., and MILLS
- Incorporation of hydrophobic porphyrins into liposomes
- Incorporation of isoniazid into liposomes with different lipid composition. SOROKOUMOVA G.
- Interaction of electrically neutral and cationic forms of imipramine with liposome and erythrocyte membranes. AHYAYAUCH H., GONI, F. M., and BENNOUNA
- Interactions of complementary PEGylated liposomes and characterization of the resulting aggregates. PANTOS A., TSIOURVAS, D., SIDERATOU, Z., and PALEOS
- Kinetic behaviour of the adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of salicylic acid in aqueous TiO2 microsphere suspension. LI X. Z., Liu, H., CHENG, L. F., and TONG
- Liposomal formulations from phospholipids of Greek almond oil. Properties and biological activity.
- Liposome-based microcapillary immunosensor for detection of Escherichia coli 0157
- Liposome-mediated extracellular superoxide dismutase gene delivery protects against acute liver injury in mice. Wu J., Liu, L., YEN, R. D., CATANA, A., NANTZ, M. H., and ZERN
- Locoregional effects of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
- Low toxicity and anticancer activity of a novel liposomal cisplatin
- Manipulation of microparticles using new modes of traveling-wave-dielectrophoretic forces
- Mass-loss rate for MF resin rnicrospheres. PAVLU J., VELYHAN, A., RICHTEROVA, I., NEMECEK, Z., SAFRANKOVA, J., CERMAK, L, and ZILAVY
- Microparticle detachment from surfaces exposed to turbulent air flow
- Mobility and in situ aggregation of charged microparticles at oil-water interfaces. TARIMALA S., RANABOTHU, S. R., VERNETTI, J. P., and DAI, L. L. Langmuir, 2004, 20, 5171-5173. Naltrexone-loaded rnicrospheres. AKALA, E., TAYLOR, R., and WIRIYACOONKASEM
- Nano-fabrication on the surface of azobenzene-containing copolymers by means of optical near field around microspheres. WATANABE, 0., IKAWA, T., NARITA, M., and TSUCHIMORI
- Nanostructured biosensors produced by nanosphere lithography. CORTALEZZI M.
- Nebulization of liposome encapsulated antitubercular drugs in guinea pigs. PANDEY R., SHARMA, S., and KHULLER
- Net charge of a conducting microsphere embedded in a thermal plasma. KANAPATHIPILLAI M., MULSER, P., HOFFMANN, D. H. H., SCHLEGEL, T., MARON, Y., and SAUERBREY
- Novel biocompatible anionic polymeric microspheres for the delivery of the HIV-1 Tat protein for vaccine application. CAPUTO A., BROCCA-COFANO, E., CASTALDELLO, A., DE MICHELE, R., ALTAVILLA, G., MARCHISIO, M., GAVIOLI, R., ROLEN, U., CHIARANTINI, L., CERASI, A., DOMINICI, S., MAGNANI, M., CAFARO, A., SPARNACCI, K., LADS, M., TONDELLI, L., and ENSOLI
- Novel microcapsule fabricated by LbL nano self-assembly. LIANG Z.
- Numerical simulation of single microparticle trajectory in an electrodynamic balance. FENG Z.
- Optical observation of microcapsule destruction in an acoustic standing wave. KOYAMA D., KIYAN, W., and WATANABE, Y. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1—Regular Papers
- Optimal strategy searching for a component composition of synthetic sodium silicates used in the production of microspheres. MEDVEDEV E.
- Optimizing the novel formulation of liposome-polycation-DNA complexes
- Parallel-plate ion trap useful for optical studies of microparticles. TONA M., and KIMURA
- Pectin microspheres for oral colon delivery
- Pegulated liposomal doxorubicin and cisplatin given concurrently with conventional radio-therapy
- Penetration profile of microspheres in follicular targeting of terminal hair follicles. TOLL R., JAcosi, U., RICHTER, H., LADEMANN, J., SCHAEFER, H., and BLUME-PEYTAVI
- pH-sensitive microsphere delivery increases oral bioavailability of calcitonin. LAMPRECHT A., YAMAMOTO, H., TAKEUCHI, H., and KAWASHIMA
- Phase I trial of escalating doses of topotecan in combination with a fixed dose of pegylated liposomal doxorabicin in women with. mullerian malignancies.
- Phase II study of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
- PLA and PLGA microspheres of beta-galactosidase
- Poly methacrylic acid-alginate semi-IPN microparticles for oral delivery of insulin
- Poly-beta amino ester-containing microparticles enhance the activity of nonviral genetic vaccines. LITTLE S.
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- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Tolerance of Normal Tissues to Ion Beam Therapy
- Author
- A Al-Mamgani
- A Courdi
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- C Mayo
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- H. Tatsuzaki
- H. Tsujii
- HH Pai
- I Schlampp
- International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements. Report 78
- J Debus
- J Debus
- J Kirkpatrick
- J. Kim
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- JE Munzenrider
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- JL Habrand
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- JR Castro
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- T Miyamoto
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- TE Merchant
- WH St Clair
- WU Shipley
- Y Demizu
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- YR Lawrence
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana
- Author
- Ardiles Diaz Wilson
- Armstrong J
- Asamizu E
- Bahret A
- Baker J
- Balke K
- Bancroft I
- Becker M
- Bell M
- Belter E
- Bent E
- Bents O
- Berneiser S
- Bevan M
- Bothe G
- Cold Spring Harbor and Washington University Sequencing Consortium the
- Cordes M
- Cordum H
- Courtney L
- Courtney W
- Dante M
- de la Bastide M
- Dedhia N
- Dirkse W
- Du H
- Düsterhöft A
- Edwards J
- Entian K-D
- European Union Arabidopsis Genome Sequencing Consortium the
- Feldpausch M
- Fryman J
- Gielen Jan
- Gnoj L
- Grymonprez B
- Haakensen B
- Habermann K
- Hartley N
- Hauf J
- Hempel S
- Hosouchi T
- Huang E
- Johnson D
- Johnson S
- Kaneko T
- Kato T
- Kawashima K
- Kazusa DNA Research Institute the
- Kimura T
- King L
- Kirchoff K
- Kohara M
- Kolesov G
- Kotani H
- Lamar E
- Lamberth S
- Langham S-A
- Lankhorst RK
- Latreille P
- Lemcke K
- Leonard S
- Marra M
- Martienssen R
- Matsumoto M
- Matsuno A
- Mayer K
- McCombie WR
- McCullagh B
- Mewes HW
- Meyer R
- Miller B
- Miyajima N
- Mooijman P
- Mulvaney E
- Muraki A
- Murphy G
- Murray J
- Nakamura Y
- Nakayama S
- Nakazaki N
- Naruo K
- Nelson J
- O'Shaughnessy A
- Okumura S
- Ozersky P
- Parnell L
- Pepin K
- Peters S
- Pohl T
- Preston R
- Ramsperger U
- Riley A
- Robben J
- Rodriguez M
- Rohlfing T
- Rose M
- Rudd S
- Sasamoto S
- Sato S
- Schoof H
- Schueller C
- See LH
- Sekhon M
- Shah R
- Shinpo S
- Spiegel L
- Spieth J
- Stiekema W
- Stoneking T
- Strowmatt C
- Tabata S
- Takeuchi C
- Terryn Nancy
- Toth K
- van Staveren M
- Vil D
- Villarroel-Mandiola Raimundo
- Volckaert Guido
- Wada T
- Wagner-McPherson C
- Wambutt R
- Watanabe A
- Wedler E
- Wedler H
- Weitzenegger T
- Wilson RK
- Wollam A
- Yamada M
- Yasuda M
- Yoakum M
- Zaccaria P
- Zimmermann W
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has been sequenced by an international collaboration, The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. Here we report the complete sequence of chromosome 5. This chromosome is 26 megabases long; it is the second largest Arabidopsis chromosome and represents 21% of the sequenced regions of the genome. The sequence of chromosomes 2 and 4 have been reported previously(1,2) and that of chromosomes 1 and 3, together with an analysis of the complete genome sequence, are reported in this issue(3-5). Analysis of the sequence of chromosome 5 yields further insights into centromere structure and the sequence determinants of heterochromatin condensation. The 5,874 genes encoded on chromosome 5 reveal several new functions in plants, and the patterns of gene organization provide insights into the mechanisms and extent of genome evolution in plants
Listing of Protein Spectra
- Author
- . Sugimura and E. Yakushiji J
- . Yeshoda S. C. Dhar., and M. Santappa, Ital
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- H Kumagai
- H Kumagai
- H Kumagai
- H Kusakabe
- H Matsubara
- H Meyer
- H Misono
- H Mitsuda
- H Mitsuda
- H Morise
- H Nakagawa
- H Nakagawa
- H Nakazawa
- H Nishihara
- H Noel
- H Oftebro
- H Ogawa
- H Ohama
- H Ohama
- H Rein
- H Rein
- H Rupp
- H Rupp
- H Sahm
- H Sandermann
- H Sato
- H Sawai
- H Schleyer
- H Schneider-Bernlohr
- H Schwam
- H Sekine
- H Shichi
- H Shimada
- H Shimada
- H Shimada
- H Shinar
- H Shoun
- H Siddique
- H Sies
- H Sommer
- H Sternberg
- H Sugihara
- H Tamaoki
- H Tamaoki
- H Tamir
- H Tanaka
- H Tanaka
- H Tomioka
- H Tomita
- H Tsai
- H Ushiro
- H Ushiro
- H Watanabe
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- H Weiss
- H Werbin
- H Yamada
- H Yamada
- H Yamada
- H Yamada
- H Yamamoto
- H Yamazaki
- H Yamazaki
- H Yoshida
- H-P Wang
- HA Itano
- HA Itano
- HC Grillo
- HD Ellerton
- HD Grumer
- HE Blum
- HE Knoell
- HF Gilbert
- HF Holden
- HG Enoch
- HG Enoch
- HG Higgins
- HG Jordi
- HG Jordi
- HH Velde
- HJ Breustedt
- HJ Cohen
- HJ Forman
- HJ Hartmann
- HJ Lach
- HK Prins
- HL Brochman
- HL Brockman
- HL Brockman
- HL Crespi
- HL Crespi
- HN Eisen
- HP Misra
- HP Misra
- HP Misra
- HR Drew
- HT Gaud
- HV Tan
- HW Dougherty
- HW Jarrett
- HWJ Broek
- HY Neujahr
- HY Neujahr
- HY Neujahr
- HYK Chuang
- I
- I Agalidis
- I Agalidis
- I Agalidis
- I Altosaar
- I Aviram
- I Aviram
- I Aviram
- I Aviram
- I Carlberg
- I Carlberg
- I Ii
- I Ishiguro
- I Iuchi
- I Kusakabe
- I Mabuchi
- I Morishima
- I Moura
- I Moura
- I Ohkawa
- I Probst
- I Probst
- I Probst
- I Sjoholm
- I Staprans
- I Suhara
- I Tyuma
- IA Vaintraub
- IC Kim
- IC Kim
- ICY Kuo
- IF Dumitru
- IF Nostrand
- IF Paskevich
- II Stepuro
- IL Gatfield
- IL Sin
- IM Claesson
- IM Claesson
- IM Rosenthal
- IN Gogotov
- IN Gogotov
- IN Gogotov
- IN Gogotov
- IN Gogotov
- IN Kim
- IN Rosenberg
- IP Baskova
- IW Sizer
- IW Sizer
- IW Sizer
- IY Yang
- IZ Ades
- J
- J Ambler
- J Babul
- J Babul
- J Berghauser
- J Bolard
- J Boudrant
- J Capdevila
- J Capdevila
- J Cardenas
- J Cardenas
- J Colby
- J Deinum
- J Deinum
- J Diopoh
- J Espada
- J Feldner
- J Frot-Coutaz
- J Galivan
- J Gauldie
- J Grabowski
- J Gysi
- J Gysi
- J Haiech
- J Hashimoto
- J Heller
- J Heller
- J Heller
- J Heller
- J Heller
- J Henkin
- J Horowitz
- J Horowitz
- J Horowitz
- J Horowitz
- J Horowitz
- J Imose
- J Jung
- J Keilin
- J Kendrick-Jones
- J Keyhani
- J Kraus
- J Kruse
- J Kurth
- J Langner
- J Lasch
- J Legall
- J Levin
- J Lumsden
- J Mendicino
- J Miyake
- J Nagasaki
- J Nagy
- J Oka
- J Olsen
- J Osada
- J Otto
- J Ozols
- J Parello
- J Parello
- J Peisach
- J Peisach
- J Peisach
- J Peters
- J Peters
- J Piatigorsky
- J Poensgen
- J Pommier
- J Ramseyer
- J Rawlins
- J Ricard
- J Riet
- J Roberts
- J Rouviere-Yaniv
- J Sawada
- J Schlessinger
- J Schlessinger
- J Shimizu
- J Siedel
- J Singh
- J Sjoquist
- J Springall
- J Steckzko
- J Ullrich
- J Webb
- JA Berzofsky
- JA Cox
- JA Duine
- JA Duley
- JA Fee
- JA Fee
- JA Kulkoski
- JA Lyon
- JA Morris
- JA Peterson
- JA Peterson
- JA Peterson
- JA Shiozawa
- JA Volpe
- JA Williams
- JB Birks
- JB Birks
- JB Bjarnason
- JB Fox
- JB Hays
- JB Kusel
- JB Swaney
- JB Wittenberg
- JB Wittenberg
- JBA Ross
- JBR Dunn
- JC Cox
- JC Gray
- JC Gray
- JC Hierholzer
- JC Matthews
- JC Meunier
- JC Saari
- JC Saari
- JC Schabort
- JC Sutherland
- JD Dignam
- JD Dignam
- JD Fenske
- JD Lambeth
- JD Lambeth
- JD Mahoney
- JDG Smit
- JE Coleman
- JE Cone
- JE Cone
- JE Erman
- JE Harrison
- JE Mole
- JF Davey
- JF Head
- JF Head
- JF Pechere
- JF Pechere
- JF Riordan
- JG Cory
- JG Demaille
- JG Hofler
- JG Huisman
- JG Joshi
- JG Parkes
- JH Brock
- JH Dawson
- JH Dawson
- JH Hill
- JH Porkes
- JI Cosset
- JI Kuriaski
- JI Mukai
- JI Pedersen
- JI Salach
- JJ Baker
- JJ Burke
- JJ Huang
- JJ Hutton
- JJ Jendrisak
- JJ Keirns
- JJ Plantnar
- JJ Wolken
- JJG Moura
- JJMC Degroot
- JK Liu
- JL Fox
- JL Johnson
- JL Johnson
- JL Johnson
- JL Johnson
- JL Phillips
- JL Sardinas
- JL Vermilion
- JL Vermilion
- JM Akagi
- JM Anderson
- JM Anderson
- JM Andreu
- JM Bouquegneau
- JM Christensen
- JM Fernandez-Sousz
- JM Frere
- JM Jallon
- JM Mccord
- JM Mccord
- JM Regenstein
- JM Vanderkooi
- JM Vega
- JM Vega
- JM Vermilion
- JM Zgliczynski
- JN Siedow
- JO Lambeth
- JP Capony
- JP Eerd
- JP Eerd
- JP Eerd
- JP Gosling
- JP Henry
- JP Labbe
- JP Privat
- JP Tassin
- JR Gysi
- JR Lillehaug
- JR Lillehaug
- JR Loofbourow
- JR Quinn
- JR Rosenbusch
- JR Shaeffer
- JR Spies
- JS Chen
- JS Easterby
- JS Erickson
- JS Erickson
- JS French
- JS Leigh
- JS McKinley-McKee
- JS Murphy
- JS Olson
- JS Olson
- JS Taylor
- JS Thompson
- JT Johansen
- JT Johansen
- JT Sparrow
- JV Bannister
- JW Bloom
- JW Chu
- JW Naskalski
- JW Tweedie
- JY Chang
- K Abe
- K Abe
- K Adachi
- K Adachi
- K Adachi
- K Adachi
- K Adachi
- K Alef
- K Alston
- K Asada
- K Asada
- K Asada
- K Betke
- K Dus
- K Dus
- K Dus
- K Fujii
- K Fujii
- K Fukushima
- K Fukushima
- K Furukawa
- K Garbett
- K Garbett
- K Garbett
- K Garbett
- K Gersonde
- K Gray
- K Grizzuti
- K Hayashi
- K Hon-Nami
- K Hon-Nami
- K Hon-Nami
- K Hon-Nami
- K Horiike
- K Horikoshi
- K Horikoshi
- K Ichihara
- K Ikehara
- K Ikehara
- K Imai
- K Inouye
- K Inouye
- K Inouye
- K Irie
- K Itaya
- K Itaya
- K Iwai
- K Izaki
- K Kawamura
- K Kimura
- K Kimura
- K Kita
- K Kito
- K Kito
- K Kobayashi
- K Koerner
- K Kondo
- K Kuroda
- K Kusai
- K Lerch
- K Lerch
- K Maruyama
- K Maruyama
- K Matinkus
- K Matsuda
- K Matsushita
- K Mihara
- K Mihashi
- K Mihashi
- K Miyata
- K Mizuta
- K Morihara
- K Mukai
- K Murawski
- K Murawski
- K Nagami
- K Nagami
- K Nagami
- K Nashima
- K Nashima
- K Nishita
- K Oda
- K Oda
- K Ogasahara
- K Ogata
- K Ohashi
- K Ohgi
- K Ohgi
- K Onoue
- K Paget
- K Prema
- K Puget
- K Puget
- K Ramakrishinan-Bhaskar
- K Ruckpaul
- K Sauber
- K Sauer
- K Schneider
- K Shiga
- K Shimazaki
- K Shimazaki
- K Sihotang
- K Srinivasan
- K Suhara
- K Suhara
- K Suhara
- K Takahashi
- K Takahashi
- K Takeshige
- K Tanaka
- K Tsushima
- K Uchida
- K Uehara
- K Uyeda
- K Uyemura
- K Visuri
- K Visuri
- K Wada
- K Wang
- K Wishikura
- K Yagi
- K Yagi
- K Yagi
- K Yamaguchi
- K Yamanaka
- K Yonaha
- K Yonaha
- K Yoshida
- K Yoshikawa
- K. R. Thulborn E. Minasian, and S. J. Leach, Biochim
- KA Evelyn
- KA Markossian
- KA Markosyan
- KA Piez
- KD Kulbe
- KD Schnackerz
- KD Wilkinson
- KE Falk
- KE Falk
- KE Hill
- KH Suss
- KH Winterhalter
- KI Arai
- KJ Dilley
- KJ Dilley
- KJ Dorrington
- KJ Fehske
- KJ Oh
- KJ Oh
- KJ Schwartz
- KJH Buren
- KJH Buren
- KK Ho
- KK Reddi
- KK Tung
- KL Wun
- KM Beem
- KM Ivanetich
- KM Ivanetich
- KN Kuan
- KN Yokota
- KP Kashi
- KP Koller
- KR Naqui
- KR Rao
- KS Cheah
- KT Fry
- KT Shanmugam
- L Amante
- L Avigliano
- L Avigliano
- L Avigliano
- L Berrens
- L Berrens
- L Berrens
- L Berrens
- L Berrens
- L Bossi
- L Calabrese
- L Calabrese
- L Cleveland
- L Cueni
- L Drobnica
- L Eisenstein
- L Giri
- L Hager
- L Hagler
- L Hochli
- L Kampa
- L Kerscher
- L Kerscher
- L Kilpatrick
- L Kohler
- L Konieczny
- L Levenbook
- L Moens
- L Moens
- L Morpurgo
- L Morpurgo
- L Morpurgo
- L Murpurgo
- L Nandi
- L Pecci
- L Prager
- L Rill
- L Schirch
- L Schirch
- L Spatz
- L Tallandini
- L Thelender
- L Visser
- L Wahlgren-Brannstrom
- L Yu
- LA Blumenfeld
- LA Blumenfeld
- LA Day
- LA Moroz
- LA Syrtsova
- LB Hersh
- LB Sjoberg
- LC Dickinson
- LC Dickinson
- LC Dickinson
- LC Dickinson
- LC Dickinson
- LD Burtnick
- LD Burtnick
- LD Kohn
- LD Kwiatkowski
- LE Gundersen
- LE Middleditch
- LER Berghem
- LF Matyash
- LF Troxler
- LFH Lin
- LG Howell
- LG Ljungdahl
- LH Pratt
- LH Pratt
- LHJ Kempen
- LJ Defilippi
- LJ Defilippi
- LJ Defillippi
- LJ Eldik
- LJ Greene
- LJ Greene
- LJ Grota
- LJ Messenger
- LJM Spaapen
- LK Skloysheva
- LK Skolysheva
- LL Efremova
- LL Poulsen
- LM Hamlin
- LM Siegel
- LM Siegel
- LM Siegel
- LM Siegel
- LP Chao
- LP Solomonson
- LS Desai
- LS Gennis
- LS Kaminsky
- LS Kaminsky
- LS Kaminsky
- LS Kaminsky
- LS Lobareva
- LS Park
- LV Benitez
- LW Harrison
- LW Hedgecock
- LY Yukelson
- M
- M
- M Bal
- M Bar-Joseph
- M Bar-Joseph
- M Benecky
- M Beppu
- M Bruhmuller
- M Brunori
- M Brunori
- M Bruschi
- M Camier
- M Campos-Cavieres
- M Canella
- M Carnier
- M Cohen-Solal
- M Cortijo
- M Cusanovichi
- M Desmazeaud
- M Dubourdieu
- M Elwell
- M Erecinska
- M Erecinska
- M Erecinska
- M Erecinska
- M Fanica-Gaigner
- M Flashner
- M Folin
- M Folin
- M Franek
- M Franek
- M Fujioka
- M Fujiwara
- M Fukuyama
- M Funatsu
- M Funatsu
- M Futai
- M Futai
- M Gerber
- M Gervais
- M Gorecki
- M Gorecki
- M Griffin
- M Hemler
- M Hiramatsu
- M Husain
- M Iizuka
- M Ikeda
- M Ikeda-Saito
- M Iwatsubo
- M Johnson
- M Johnston
- M Johnston
- M Kadama
- M Kanda
- M Kanda
- M Kanda
- M Katagiri
- M Katagiri
- M Katz
- M Kawai
- M Kiese
- M Kikuchi
- M Komiya
- M Kuboyama
- M Kunitz
- M Kuroda
- M Loeffler
- M London
- M Maeshima
- M Makino
- M Martinez-Carrion
- M Masada
- M Matsuo
- M Mevarich
- M Mevel-Ninio
- M Milhausen
- M Monsigny
- M Moriguchi
- M Moriguchi
- M Moriguchi
- M Murayama
- M Naoi
- M Nieto
- M Nieto
- M Nishikimi
- M Nordberg
- M Nordberg
- M Ohga
- M Ohta
- M Ohtsuru
- M Okada
- M Okamoto
- M Okamoto
- M Ono-Kamimoto
- M Palcic
- M Poe
- M Pras
- M Pras
- M Pras
- M Richardson
- M Ronnberg
- M Ronnenberg
- M Roza
- M Santimone
- M Sato
- M Shikita
- M Shin
- M Shin
- M Shin
- M Sono
- M Sono
- M Sono
- M Sono
- M Spina
- M Stockburger
- M Takanami
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Tamura
- M Taniguchi
- M Tokushige
- M Tsuda
- M Wade
- M Waks
- M Walker
- M Watanabe
- M Wilchek
- M Wilchek
- M Wilchek
- M Yamaguch
- M Yamasaki
- M Yazawa
- M Yazawa
- M Yoshikawa
- M-T Huang
- MA Krysteva
- MA Lafferty
- MA Quasin
- MA Simonyah
- MA Sprites
- MA Valenzuela
- MB Baird
- MB Katan
- MC Berman
- MC Berman
- MC Findlay
- MC Schaum
- MD Fiechtner
- ME John
- ME John
- ME Nelbach
- MF Jeanjean
- MF Perutz
- MF Perutz
- MF Perutz
- MF Perutz
- MF Perutz
- MG Brattain
- MG Guerro
- MG Kamalyan
- MG Yates
- MH Lee
- MH Siegelman
- MH Siegelman
- MI Dolin
- MIS Flashner
- MJ Boland
- MJ Coon
- MJ Coon
- MJ Cormier
- MJ Frenkel
- MJ Keat
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Murphy
- MJ Pieri
- MJ Swanson
- MJ Whiting
- MJ Wimmer
- ML Applebury
- ML Claisse
- ML Elwell
- ML Greaser
- ML Krista
- ML Speranza
- MM David
- MM David
- MM Maltempo
- MM May
- MM Ventura
- MM Weber
- MN Kazarinoff
- MP Deutscher
- MP Fitzgerald
- MPC Ip
- MR Sairam
- MR Schlabach
- MR Waterman
- MR Waterman
- MS Cohn
- MS Cohn
- MS Jorns
- MS Jorns
- MS Jorns
- MS Jorns
- MS Path
- MSS Gayathri-Devi
- MT Costa
- MT Graziani
- MT Graziani
- MT Huang
- MT Huang
- MT Lamy
- MT Wilson
- MY Kamel
- MY Okamura
- MYR Wang
- MZ Atassi
- N Ando
- N Burridge
- N Dencher
- N Elifolk
- N Ellfolk
- N Ellfolk
- N Esaki
- N Genov
- N Kato
- N Katoh
- N Katoh
- N Katunuma
- N Kawashima
- N Kobayashi
- N Minamiura
- N Minamura
- N Minimiura
- N Monnier
- N Nelson
- N Nelson
- N Oshino
- N Ramachandran
- N Seki
- N Tamaki
- N Yoshida
- N. A. Nicola E. Minasian, C. A. Appleby, and S. J
- NA Donoghue
- NA Grigoryan
- NA Kravchenko
- NA Kravchenko
- NA Rao
- NA Stombaugh
- NA Stombaugh
- NB Livanova
- NC Price
- NC Price
- ND Lac
- NE Engstrom
- NG Rudie
- NJ Greenfield
- NJ Larsen
- NK Matheson
- NM Kredich
- NMC Kaye
- NMC Kaye
- NN Ugarova
- NO Solum
- NS Cohen
- NT Felberg
- NT Felberg
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Adachi
- O Avramovic-Zikic
- O Berglund
- O Brenner-Holzach
- O Grimmer
- O Hayaishi
- O Hayaishi
- O Hirayama
- O Kellermann
- O Lockridge
- O Nakagawa
- O Prakash
- O Walinder
- O. Hayaishi Y. Ishimura, H. Fujisawa, and M. Nozaki, in International Symposium on Oxidases and Related Redox Systems
- OH Callaghan
- OHW Kao
- OHW Kao
- OR Zabrowsky
- P Beaune
- P Bentley
- P Bunning
- P Cheeseman
- P Cohen
- P Delepelaire
- P Dimroth
- P Dimroth
- P Douzou
- P Fessas
- P Heller
- P Heller
- P Heller
- P Kwanyuen
- P Lu
- P Mandel
- P Marcotte
- P Modrich
- P Modrich
- P Nuhn
- P Nuhn
- P Rabin
- P Roos
- P Schonheit
- P Schurmann
- P Schurmann
- P Setlow
- P Strittmatter
- P Strittmatter
- P Wang
- PA Bullock
- PA Lowe
- PA Scherer
- PA Torjesen
- PA Trudinger
- PC Brandon
- PC Engel
- PC Sternweis
- PD Morse
- PE Warwick
- PF Cook
- PF Hollenberg
- PF Hollenberg
- PF Zagalsky
- PG Passon
- PG Richman
- PG Richman
- PG Richman
- PG Vance
- PH Fishman
- PH Gitlitz
- PH Haffner
- PI Ohlsson
- PI Ohlsson
- PJ Aparicio
- PJ Bechtel
- PJ Fraker
- PJ Herring
- PJ Newman
- PJ Ringens
- PJ Stephens
- PJ Stephens
- PJ Stephens
- PJ Stephens
- PJ Stephens
- PK Brown
- PK Pal
- PL San-Biagio
- PL Whitney
- PL Whitney
- PM Anderson
- PM Gallop
- PM Lad
- PM Wood
- PO Whanger
- PP Goryaev
- PR Borumst
- PR Carey
- PR Lemke
- PS Gerald
- PS Gerald
- PS Gerald
- PS Marfey
- PS Song
- PW Johnson
- PW Johnson
- PW Johnson
- PW Lau
- PW Ludden
- PW Schiller
- R Aasa
- R Aisen
- R Alazard
- R Asakura
- R Bader
- R Banerjee
- R Banerjee
- R Bauer
- R Berni
- R Bertrand
- R Boelens
- R Branden
- R Branden
- R Cammack
- R Cammack
- R Cammack
- R Carraway
- R Cassoly
- R Chiang
- R Chollet
- R Dabrowska
- R Einarsson
- R Felicioli
- R Gast
- R Gondko
- R Grasbeck
- R Hansson
- R Heyningen
- R Holmquist
- R Ikeda
- R Koelsch
- R Koelsch
- R Lifshitz
- R Linde
- R Lontie
- R Maccoll
- R Makino
- R Makino
- R Makino
- R Makino
- R Makino
- R Margalit
- R Masaki
- R Masaki
- R Maurer
- R Mosback
- R Oshino
- R Patel
- R Paulsen
- R Powls
- R Premakumar
- R Prinz
- R Prinz
- R Raghunathan
- R Rando
- R Rocchi
- R Roman
- R Sato
- R Scandurra
- R Schneeman
- R Smith
- R Soininen
- R Soininen
- R Sperling
- R Sperling
- R Thauer
- R Venard
- R Wallin
- R Weyer
- R Weyer
- R Witters
- R Zee Van
- RA Anderson
- RA Anderson
- RA Anderson
- RA Anwar
- RA Capaldi
- RA Harvey
- RA Henselman
- RA John
- RA John
- RA John
- RA John
- RA John
- RA John
- RA Mathews
- RA Prough
- RA Weisiger
- RA Weisiger
- RAF Reithmeier
- RB Dunlap
- RB Homer
- RB Homer
- RB Johnson
- RB Mikkelsen
- RB Rucker
- RB Silverman
- RB Wickner
- RD Camerini-Otero
- RD Dimarchi
- RD Filippova
- RE Benesch
- RE Ebel
- RE Lynch
- RE Lynch
- RE Miller
- RE Stephens
- RF Bozarth
- RF Venn
- RG Mathews
- RG Matthews
- RG Matthews
- RG Matthews
- RH Allen
- RH Allen
- RH Allen
- RH Allen
- RH Erickson
- RH Erickson
- RH White-Stevens
- RH White-Stevens
- RJ Carrico
- RJ Carrico
- RJ Rascati
- RJ Sa
- RK Airas
- RK Blumark
- RK Clayton
- RK Clayton
- RK Dresser
- RL Burger
- RL Burger
- RL Burger
- RL Burger
- RL Garlick
- RL Hall
- RL Jackson
- RL Jolley
- RL Juliano
- RL Robson
- RM Epand
- RM Howell
- RM Howell
- RM Nalbadyan
- RM Philpot
- RM Smillie
- RM Smillie
- RM Snapka
- RM Winslow
- RN Bramlett
- RN Glebov
- RN Mullinger
- RN Patel
- RN Patel
- RN Patel
- RN Patel
- RN Patel
- Ronisch and E. Kleihauer
- RP Foster
- RP Klett
- RP Kumar
- RR Eady
- RR Fall
- RR Rando
- RR Rando
- RS Bernstein
- RS Boethling
- RS Criddle
- RS Mulvey
- RT Eakin
- RT Francschi
- RT Mayer
- RT Ruettinger
- RW Carrel
- RW Evans
- RW Hendler
- RW Henkens
- RW Kuhn
- RW Mcgaughey
- RW Romberg
- RW Williams
- S Aktipis
- S Aliau
- S Arakawa
- S Bannai
- S Blumberg
- S Bohm
- S Bringer
- S Chesne
- S Elsayed
- S Elsayed
- S Emi
- S Emi
- S Estrada-Parra
- S Fujimoto
- S Funayma
- S Ghisla
- S Ghisla
- S Ghisla
- S Ghisla
- S Gutteridge
- S Horie
- S Ida
- S Ida
- S Ida
- S Ida
- S Ida
- S Ikuta
- S Ishii
- S Ito
- S Ito
- S Iwashita
- S Kanematsu
- S Kanematsu
- S Kanematsu
- S Kimura
- S Kimura
- S Kimura
- S Kimura
- S Kominami
- S Konosu
- S Lerman
- S Lowey
- S Markfund
- S Marklund
- S Marklund
- S Matsukawa
- S Matsukawa
- S Matuda
- S Murao
- S Nakamura
- S Nakashima
- S Natori
- S Nees
- S Nees
- S Nees
- S Niculescu
- S Nonomura
- S Odani
- S Ogata
- S Paleus
- S Pollack
- S Ravindranath
- S Reinman
- S Ridsdale
- S Sato
- S Sato
- S Sato
- S Sato
- S Seki
- S Seki-Chiba
- S Shirai
- S Shulman
- S Siegel
- S Sorof
- S Strickland
- S Taka
- S Takahashi
- S Takaichi
- S Takakwa
- S Takemori
- S Takemori
- S Takemori
- S Takohara
- S Tanase
- S Toyama
- S Ueda
- S Ueno
- S Watanabe
- S Werner
- S Yamagata
- S Yamamoto
- S Yamamoto
- S Yoshida
- S Yoshida
- S Yoshikawa
- S Yoshikawa
- S. L. Gaff in and S. Watanabe J
- S. L. Gaff in and S. Watanabe J
- S. S. L
- SA Asher
- SA Ghabrial
- SA Ghabrial
- SA Goscin
- SA Kidwai
- SA Morell
- SA Shukolyukov
- SC Carlson
- SC Froehner
- SC Fujita
- SC Kennedy
- SC Kushwaha
- SC Tam
- SE Crutcher
- SE Lux
- SE Ostroy
- SE Ostroy
- SE Severin
- SG Bhat
- SG George
- SG Sharoyan
- SG Sligar
- SH Allen
- SH Allen
- SH Phan
- SHC Ip
- SI Bezboradova
- SJ Ferguson
- SJ Ferguson
- SJ Ferguson
- SJ Ferguson
- SJ Tzartos
- SK Patnaik
- SK Wolfe
- SL Bonting
- SL Gaffin
- SL Hsu
- SM Dudkin
- SM Freier
- SM Herbert
- SOC Tottmar
- SR Parr
- SS Kind
- SS Mardanyan
- SS Mardanyan
- SS Melik-Sarkisyan
- SS Melik-Sarkisyan
- SS Tate
- SS Tate
- SS Yang
- ST Olson
- ST Olson
- SV Paranjpe
- SV Shlyapnikov
- SW Ma
- SW May
- SZ Hirschman
- T
- T Aizono
- T Ando
- T Ando
- T Asakura
- T Asakura
- T Asakura
- T Asakura
- T Asakura
- T Asakura
- T Beeler
- T Brittain
- T Brittain
- T Fukui
- T Goldkorn
- T Gomyo
- T Hase
- T Hase
- T Hasegawa
- T Hayakawa
- T Hirabayashi
- T Ichikawa
- T Ichikawa
- T Ichikawa
- T Ichikawa
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Iizuka
- T Imagawa
- T Imamura
- T Imoto
- T Inderbitzen
- T Isobe
- T Iwasaki
- T Iyanagi
- T Iyanagi
- T Iyanagi
- T Kamei
- T Kato
- T Kido
- T Kido
- T Kido
- T Kido
- T Kimura
- T Koide
- T Kume
- T Ljones
- T Mar
- T Matsubara
- T Matsui
- T Matsui
- T Matsui
- T Matsumoto
- T Matsumoto
- T Matsumoto
- T Matsuzawa
- T Miki
- T Miyahara
- T Murachi
- T Murakami
- T Muramatsu
- T Muro
- T Nagaoka
- T Nagasawa
- T Nakadai
- T Nakai
- T Nakamura
- T Nakamura
- T Nakanichi
- T Nakanishi
- T Nakayasu
- T Nihira
- T Nishino
- T Nozawa
- T Nozawa
- T Odajima
- T Odajima
- T Odajima
- T Odajima
- T Ogawa
- T Ohe
- T Ohyama
- T Ohyashiki
- T Ozawa
- T Pederson
- T Saatov
- T Saiki
- T Sakai
- T Sakai
- T Sakai
- T Sakai
- T Sakamoto
- T Sasaki
- T Sasazuki
- T Sasazuki
- T Satoh
- T Satyanarayana
- T Satyanarayana
- T Shimizu
- T Shimizu
- T Shimizu
- T Shimizu
- T Shimizu
- T Silsand
- T Spector
- T Spector
- T Spector
- T Stelmaszynska
- T Stuchbury
- T Sugiyama
- T Sugiyama
- T Suzuki
- T Suzuki
- T Suzuki
- T Suzuki
- T Suzuki
- T Suzuki
- T Tachiki
- T Tachiki
- T Tachiki
- T Takahashi
- T Tanaka
- T Taniguchi
- T Taniguchi
- T Taniguchi
- T Taniguchi
- T Ueda
- T Ueda
- T Uozumi
- T Uozumi
- T Uwajima
- T Vant-Riet
- T Walsh
- T Wieland
- T Yagi
- T Yamamoto
- T Yamanaka
- T Yamanaka
- T Yamanaka
- T Yamanaka
- T Yamanaka
- T Yonetani
- T Yonetani
- T Yonetani
- T Yonetani
- T Yonetani
- T Yoshida
- T Yoshida
- T Yoshida
- T Yoshinaga
- T Yubisui
- T Yuzuriha
- TA Abalikhina
- TA Hoeven Der
- TA Hoeven Der
- TA Oshino
- TB Eronina
- TC Strekas
- TE Hardingham
- TE King
- TE King
- TE Meyer
- TG Ebrey
- TH Cromartie
- TH Cromartie
- TH Cromatrie
- TH Fife
- TH Finlay
- TH Grove
- TH Ji
- TL Glass
- TL Trosper
- TN Akopyan
- TN Bruzhinina
- TS Chang
- TS Srivasta
- TT Lee
- TW Bresters
- TW Brewster
- TW Kwon
- TW Kwon
- TW Seale
- TW Szezepkowski
- TY Shih
- TY Yang
- U Branzoli
- U Branzoli
- U Fischer
- U Fischer
- U Menge
- U Shimada
- U Weser
- U Weser
- U Weser
- U Weser
- U Weser
- U Weser
- U Weser
- UE Handschin
- V Gonzales-Prevatt
- V Harisdangkul
- V Krasnobajeu
- V Larraga
- V Massey
- V Massey
- V Redkar
- V Scardi
- VA Eterovic
- VA Leonenko
- VA Rasskazov
- VB Yanushauskaite
- VF Kalb
- VG Neef
- VG Tumanyan
- VI Ivanov
- VK Shah
- VM Kochkina
- VP Miroshnichenko
- VP Pigiet
- VP Piriet
- VR Naik
- VS Sharma
- VS Zolotova
- VT Aikazyan
- VT Aikazyan
- VT Aikazyan
- VV Mesyanzhinov
- VV Moslov
- W Ardelt
- W Birchmeier
- W Birchmeier
- W Byers
- W Duntze
- W Junge
- W Kufer
- W Kunzer
- W Leicht
- W Levin
- W Levin
- W Levin
- W Mori
- W Scheler
- W Sebald
- W Strider
- W Tischer
- WA Bulen
- WA Robison
- WB Im
- WB Southerland
- WB Whitman
- WB Whitten
- WC Mccubbin
- WC Merrick
- WD Behnske
- WD Hewson
- WD Hewson
- WD Horrocks
- WF Cleere
- WF Line
- WF Swain
- WFHM Mommaerts
- WG Zumft
- WG Zumft
- WG Zumft
- WH Bannister
- WH Bannister
- WH Bishop
- WH Wu
- WJ Chang
- WJ Grip
- WJ Haas
- WJ Haas
- WJ Ray
- WJ Wallace
- WJ Wallace
- WJ Wallace
- WK Liu
- WL Hughes
- WL Muth
- WM Awad
- WM Moore
- WR Browett
- WR Carper
- WR Fisher
- WR Heineman
- WR Holmquist
- WR Melander
- WR Richards
- WR Richards
- WR Veatch
- WR Waud
- WR Waud
- WS Hancock
- WS Pierpoint
- WS Pierpoint
- WT Butler
- WT Morgan
- WT Morgan
- WT Perrie
- WV Sweeney
- WV Sweeney
- WV Sweeney
- WW Fish
- WW Ward
- WY Huang
- Y
- Y Atsuta
- Y Atsuta
- Y Beaux
- Y Beuzard
- Y Degani
- Y Fukumori
- Y Furusawa
- Y Hatefi
- Y Hayashi
- Y Hayashi
- Y Hayashi
- Y Henry
- Y Henry
- Y Ichikawa
- Y Igarashi
- Y Imai
- Y Imai
- Y Imai
- Y Imai
- Y Imai
- Y Ishida
- Y Itoh
- Y Kanai
- Y Kato
- Y Kurono
- Y Matsushita
- Y Miyake
- Y Morikawa
- Y Morino
- Y Morino
- Y Morino
- Y Morita
- Y Morita
- Y Motokawa
- Y Muto
- Y Nagi
- Y Nakagawa
- Y Nakagawa
- Y Nakamura
- Y Nisimoto
- Y Nisimoto
- Y Ohta
- Y Ohta
- Y Ohta
- Y Ohta
- Y Orii
- Y Orii
- Y Orii
- Y Ota
- Y Peled
- Y Sakagami
- Y Sakaki
- Y Sanada
- Y Sawada
- Y Schechter
- Y Schechter
- Y Seki
- Y Shichida
- Y Shioi
- Y Shioi
- Y Shioi
- Y Stefanovsky
- Y Sugimura
- Y Sugimura
- Y Sugita
- Y Takahara
- Y Tamura
- Y Tanagida
- Y Tani
- Y Tani
- Y Tominaga
- Y Tominatsu
- Y Tominatsu
- Y Watanabe
- Y Yamasai
- Y Yasukochi
- Y Yasukochi
- Y Yoshida
- Y Yoshida
- Y Yoshida
- Y. Miyake T. Abe, and T. Yamano, in International Symposium on Oxidases and Related Redox Systems
- YA Sharonov
- YA Sharonov
- YA Sharonov
- YE Erokhin
- YJ Kang
- YK Turakulov
- YK Turakulov
- YK Yip
- YP Lin
- YP Meyer
- YP Meyer
- YP Meyer
- YP Myer
- YS Choong
- YS Choong
- YV Peive
- YV Peive
- YV Pieve
- YV Shtamm
- YY Vasilev
- YYH Chao
- Z Bradic
- Z Gasyna
- Z Vogel
- Z Zak
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study