5 research outputs found

    Acervos cerâmicos em Uberlândia (MG): uma proposta curatorial

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    The present research had as my starting point my personal interest in the practice of ceramic processes, developed by me in the Ceramic discipline of the Course of Visual Arts of the Federal University of Uberlândia, under the guidance of the researcher and artist Regina Rodrigues. This practice was followed by a three-semester internship at the University Museum of Art (MUnA), also at the Federal University of Uberlândia, where I was able to get acquainted with the routine of setting up exhibitions and curatorial issues around them. Accumulation of experiences (Ceramics practice and MUnA) that result here in a specific curatorial project, from a direct survey of ceramic pieces preserved in public collections of the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais.UFU - Universidade Federal de UberlândiaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A presente pesquisa teve como ponto de partida meu interesse pessoal pela prática dos processos cerâmicos, desenvolvidos por mim no Ateliê de Cerâmica do Curso de Artes Visuais da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, sob orientação sobretudo da pesquisadora e artista Regina Rodrigues. Prática que se somou a realização de um estágio de três semestres, no Museu Universitário de Arte (MUnA), também da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, espaço no qual pude conhecer a rotina da montagem de exposições e das questões curatoriais em torno das mesmas. Acúmulo de experiências (Ateliê de Cerâmica e MUnA) que resultam aqui em um projeto curatorial específico, a partir de um levantamento direto de peças em cerâmica conservadas em acervos públicos da cidade de Uberlândia, em Minas Gerais

    The Russian detour : real transition in a virtual economy?

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    Illustrates the creation of a market economy by showing that no easy procedures automatically lead to that goal; the Russian forest sector is used as a model for all Russian industries. The major obstacle for the forest sector is the existing institutional framework consisting of both formal & informal rules. In Russia, the institutional system adversely affects the new & more market-oriented institutions. Indeed, multiple problems undermine the Russian forest industry. Laws are often ignored, property rights are ill defined, the market does not always determine value, & authorities often fail to prosecute violations of laws. Through a comparative study of the Russian & Swedish forest industries the authors reveal that Russian firms lack funding & bank support, they are more burdened by taxes, & trading is marred by contract violations. Further complicating the issue is Russia's overlapping jurisdictions; the forest sector is regulated by three levels of rules. Consequently, the problems must be solved at three different levelsValiderad; 2001; 20070207 (keni

    One stop mycology

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