599 research outputs found

    The shared learning journey: effective partnerships to deliver health promotion

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    Health promotion is a key role for healthcare professionals. It is based on effective collaboration between the healthcare professional and the public. Healthcare education has the challenge of future-proofing its curricula to meet the challenges laid out in health promotion strategies. However, engaging students in health promotion has traditionally been challenging within the delivery of an academic and largely theoretical module.This paper provides a practice example of an initiative in which partnerships between students, academic staff and community partners are key to the effective delivery of a health promotion module within a pre-registration healthcare programme.The partnerships were developed in two stages and use a social constructivist and assets-based approach to create a shared learning journey. Working in partnership has led to positive student engagement and has been beneficial to all those involved. It has led to positive changes within the module and beyond

    A parallel expert system shell

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    Precisielandbouw: slim combineren van nieuwe technologieën

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    GPS, sensortechnologie, ICT en robotisering zijn allemaal essentiële ingrediënten voor de ontwikkeling van precisielandbouw. Een innovatie die gaat bijdragen aan de welhaast onmogelijke opgave om meer te produceren met minder input en lagere emissies. Dit artikel beschrijft hoe de essentiële technologische puzzelstukjes in elkaar passen en welke bijdrage precisielandbouw kan leveren aan de toekomst van de open teelten

    Chemische onkruidbestrijding op verhardingen : zeven machines getest

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    Met onkruidstrijkers, sensorgestuurde technieken en schijfvernevelaars mag je chemisch onkruid bestrijden op verhardingen. Maar wat is het verbruik, de selectiviteit en effectiviteit van deze technieken? Een onderzoek geeft inzicht

    Weed control in the public area: combining environmental and economic targets

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    Herbicide weed control on pavements has the lowest direct costs to control weeds compared to available non-chemical methods. However, side effects of herbicides on pavements (e.g. run-off to surface water) can be large when used without special precautions. In this paper data are shown on costs and side effects of different weed control methods on pavements under Dutch condition
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