24,662 research outputs found

    Effect of network topology on the ordering dynamics of voter models

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    We introduce and study the reverse voter model, a dynamics for spin variables similar to the well-known voter dynamics. The difference is in the way neighbors influence each other: once a node is selected and one among its neighbors chosen, the neighbor is made equal to the selected node, while in the usual voter dynamics the update goes in the opposite direction. The reverse voter dynamics is studied analytically, showing that on networks with degree distribution decaying as k^{-nu}, the time to reach consensus is linear in the system size N for all nu>2. The consensus time for link-update voter dynamics is computed as well. We verify the results numerically on a class of uncorrelated scale-free graphs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the 8th Granada Seminar - Computational and Statistical Physic

    The Criminalization of Treating End of Life Patients with Risky Pain Medication and the Role of the Extreme Emergency Situation

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    This Note examines the legality of physicians treating patients near the end of life with risky pain medication, specifically during an extreme emergency situation. The issues discussed include whether such treatment should be criminalized and, if criminalized, what standard should be used to determine culpability. This Note proposes that physicians should not be shielded from the criminal justice system, but that the standard of double effect intent should be expressly adopted in the adjudication of such cases
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