41 research outputs found

    A Precision Model Independent Determination of |Vub| from B -> pi e nu

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    A precision method for determining |Vub| using the full range in q^2 of B-> pi \ell nu data is presented. At large q^2 the form factor is taken from unquenched lattice QCD, at q^2=0 we impose a model independent constraint obtained from B-> pi pi using the soft-collinear effective theory, and the shape is constrained using QCD dispersion relations. We find |Vub| =(3.54\pm 0.17\pm 0.44) x 10^{-3}. With 5% experimental error and 12% theory error, this is competitive with inclusive methods. Theory error is dominated by the input points, with negligible uncertainty from the dispersion relations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Constraint equations for heavy-to-light currents in SCET

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    A complete basis for the next-to-next-to leading order heavy-to-light currents in the soft-collinear effective theory is constructed. Reparameterization invariance is imposed by deriving constraint equations. Their solutions give the set of allowed Dirac structures as well as relations between the Wilson coefficients of operators that appear at different orders in the power expansion. The completeness of reparameterization invariance constraints derived on a projected surface is investigated. We also discuss the universality of the ultrasoft Wilson line with boundary conditions.Comment: 35 page

    Mission Event Planning & Error-Recovery for CubeSat Applications

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    NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS) is a student-built double CubeSat with a scheduled launch in 2015. The project is multidisciplinary where students from all specialities can apply both for thesis assignments and volunteer work. The satellite will be in a low earth orbit (LEO) where radiation creates a challenging environment for electronics and on-board systems. To counter the effects of space radiation, a thorough and detailed mission event plan, as well as battery estimation and methods for removing lasting faults have been evaluated and implemented.Two watchdog solutions have been suggested, a global watchdog with triple modular redundancy (TMR) on the backplane and a solution with a local watchdog on each master module. Both solutions have the capability to remove single event latchups (SEL) by temporarily removing power to the affected module. Based on results and analysis, the solution with two local watchdogs are the preferred solution due to the increased complexity of the TMR solution. Furthermore, the voter necessary in a TMR implementation is a single point of failure which if malfunctioning, will leave the satellite unresponsive. Guidelines for choosing a new watchdog system's parameters are given. This includes the watchdog's time-out period, power-on-reset (POR) delay and a threshold voltage for the voltage supervisory function.Mission event plans are proposed for initial power-up, in-orbit power monitoring, payload verification and satellite self-tests. A flowchart defining a software watchdog responsible for maintaining an operational satellite is also presented.An adjustable beacon rate enables power conservation by defining three different transmission rates; low, normal and full rate. For the full rate, the power consumption is estimated to 2200 mW, 233.33 % higher than in low rate and 100 % higher than normal rate. A battery management framework has been proposed in order to avoid a low battery condition

    Model-independent approaches to QCD and B decays

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-182).We investigate theoretical expectations for B-meson decay rates in the Standard Model. Strong-interaction effects described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD) make this a challenging endeavor. Exact solutions to QCD are not known, but an arsenal of approximation techniques have been developed. We apply effective field theory methods, in particular the sophisticated machinery of the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET), to B decays with energetic hadrons in the final state. SCET separates perturbative interactions at the scales mb and ... from hadronic physics at AQCD by expanding in ratios of these scales. After a review of SCET, we construct a complete reparametrization-invariant basis for heavy-to-light currents in SCET at next-to-next-to-leading order in the power-counting expansion. Next we classify AQCD/mb corrections to non-leptonic B - M1 M2 decays, where M1,2 are charmless mesons (flavor singlets excluded). The leading contributions to annihilation amplitudes as well as the leading "chirally enhanced" contributions are calculated and depend on twist-2 two-parton and twist-3 three-parton distributions. We demonstrate that non-perturbative strong phases in annihilation are suppressed. Using simple models, we find that the three-parton and two-parton terms have comparable magnitude, both consistent with the expected size of power corrections. Finally, we present a method for determining Vub from B --> [pi] data that is competitive with inclusive methods. At large q2, the form factor is taken from unquenched lattice QCD. At q2 = 0, we impose a model-independent constraint obtained from B --> [pi][pi] using SCET, and the form factor shape is constrained using QCD dispersion relations. Theory error is dominated by the input points, with negligible uncertainty from the dispersion relations.by Christian Arnesen.Ph.D

    Smoking Guns for On-Shell New Physics at the LHC

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    Using Tevatron bounds we derive upper limits on the LHC Higgs production rate under the assumption that no beyond the Standard Model (BSM) particles are being produced near their mass shell. A violation of these limits would constitute a smoking gun for light BSM particles. Furthermore, we demonstrate how R_T, the ratio of the partially integrated Higgs transverse momentum distribution to the inclusive rate, can also be used as a probe of light BSM particles. This ratio is insensitive to heavy virtual effects and can be well-approximated by its SM value, i.e. it is model independent. The perturbative expansion for R_T has reduced renormalization scale dependence, at the order of 5% at next-to-leading order in QCD, due to a cancellation of Wilson coefficients. A deviation from the SM value implies that light BSM particles are being produced near their mass shell. We discuss a possible loophole to this conclusion, namely the existence of a non-perturbative, CP violating sector that couples to the Higgs. We use a toy model with colored scalars to demonstrate how the model independent prediction for R_T is approached as the mass of the scalar becomes large.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Holdninger til innvandrere og innvandring 2023

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    Holdninger til innvandrere og innvandring har de siste årene gått i retning av å bli stadig mer positive, og resultatene av årets undersøkelse viser at denne trenden fortsetter. For eksempel er det stadig flere som mener at innvandrere flest gjør en nyttig innsats i arbeidslivet og at arbeidsinnvandring for det meste bidrar positivt til norsk økonomi. Samtidig gir stadig færre uttrykk for at innvandrere flest misbruker sosiale velferdsordninger eller at de utgjør en kilde til utrygghet i samfunnet. Det har lenge vært flere som har gitt uttrykk for at innvandrere som bor i Norge bør bestrebe seg på å bli så like nordmenn som mulig. Fra 2021 til 2023 har andelen som sier seg uenig imidlertid blitt større enn dem som sier seg enig. De fleste er også komfortabel med å få en innvandrer som hjemmehjelp, lege, nær kollega eller som svigersønn eller -datter. Lenge var det slik at flere ga uttrykk for at det bør bli vanskeligere heller enn lettere for flyktninger og asylsøkere å få opphold i Norge. Andelen som mener det bør bli lettere har imidlertid økt siden undersøkelsen startet i dagens form (2002), mens andelen som mener det bør bli vanskeligere har gått ned. Siden 2021 har flere gitt uttrykk for at det bør bli lettere enn vanskeligere. De fleste, nær seks av ti, mener at det bør være som det er i dag. Samtidig med at det gis uttrykk for mer positive holdninger, ser vi at det er blitt mer kontakt med innvandrere. De fleste som har kontakt med innvandrere, oppgir at de i hovedsak har positive erfaringer med dette. Av de som sier at de har kontakt med innvandrere, er det mest vanlig å oppgi arbeidsplassen som kontaktarena. Holdninger til innvandrere og innvandring varierer ut fra ulike egenskaper ved respondentene. Mange av hovedmønstrene går igjen over tid. Vi ser en særlig klar sammenheng mellom holdninger og graden av kontakt med innvandrere og utdanningsnivå. De som har høyere utdanning er gjennomgående mer positive enn de som har grunnskole eller videregående skole som høyeste fullførte utdanning. Kvinner er dessuten ofte mer positive enn menn, og unge har mer innvandrervennlige holdninger enn eldre. Vi ser også at studenter og skoleelever er mer positive enn trygdede og pensjonister, mens de som er i inntektsgivende arbeid ofte befinner seg mellom disse to gruppene. Vi ser imidlertid tendenser til annerledes svar på spørsmålene som omhandler innvandrere i arbeidslivet, der menn er mer positive enn kvinner og eldre er mer positive enn de yngre i årets undersøkelse. Det går også et skille mellom «by og land», ved at de som bor i tettbygde strøk ofte har mer innvandrervennlige holdninger, mens de som bor i spredtbygde strøk og mindre tettsteder er mer skeptiske. Dette kan sees i sammenheng med at de som bor i de mest tettbygde strøkene ofte har mer kontakt med innvandrere, og at det er flere med høyere utdanning i disse områdene. Vi finner noen sammenhenger mellom holdninger og hvilke landsdeler respondentene bor i, men også variasjoner, både fra år til år og fra spørsmål til spørsmål. Dette kan skyldes tilfeldigheter, men kan også sees i sammenheng med ulik grad av kontakt med innvandrere og utdanningsnivå. Bruttoutvalget til denne undersøkelsen er trukket for å så langt som mulig gi et statistisk representativt utvalg av målpopulasjonen. I alle utvalgsundersøkelser er det imidlertid frafall, fordi respondenten ikke vil svare på undersøkelsen eller at vi ikke oppnår kontakt med dem. At mange ikke svarer på undersøkelsen, bidrar til skjevheter i nettoutvalget. Dette kompenseres ved å bruke frafallsvekter basert på kjønn, alder og utdanning. Etter vekting er de fleste skjevhetene blitt redusert, slik at nettoutvalget ligner mer på bruttoutvalget. Kapittel 2 gir en nærmere beskrivelse av datagrunnlaget. I kapittel 3 ser vi på noen hendelser og utviklingstrender i samfunnet som kan tenkes å påvirke holdninger til innvandrere og innvandring i årets undersøkelse. Kapittel 4 presenterer hovedresultater fra undersøkelsen, med vekt på de langsiktige endringene som har skjedd i perioden fra 2002 til 2023. I kapittel 5 tar vi for oss endringer fra i fjor, med fokus på de endringene som er statistisk signifikante. I kapittel 6 ser vi nærmere på holdninger etter bakgrunnskjennemerker ved respondentene. Her ser vi både på bivariate og multivariate sammenhenger

    Autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION)

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    This paper presents the main results and latest developments in a 4-year project called autonomous subsea intervention (SEAVENTION). In the project we have developed new methods for autonomous inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) in subsea oil and gas operations with Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs). The results are also relevant for offshore wind, aquaculture and other industries. We discuss the trends and status for UUV-based IMR in the oil and gas industry and provide an overview of the state of the art in intervention with UUVs. We also present a 3-level taxonomy for UUV autonomy: mission-level, task-level and vehicle-level. To achieve robust 6D underwater pose estimation of objects for UUV intervention, we have developed marker-less approaches with input from 2D and 3D cameras, as well as marker-based approaches with associated uncertainty. We have carried out experiments with varying turbidity to evaluate full 6D pose estimates in challenging conditions. We have also devised a sensor autocalibration method for UUV localization. For intervention, we have developed methods for autonomous underwater grasping and a novel vision-based distance estimator. For high-level task planning, we have evaluated two frameworks for automated planning and acting (AI planning). We have implemented AI planning for subsea inspection scenarios which have been analyzed and formulated in collaboration with the industry partners. One of the frameworks, called T-REX demonstrates a reactive behavior to the dynamic and potentially uncertain nature of subsea operations. We have also presented an architecture for comparing and choosing between mission plans when new mission goals are introduced.publishedVersio

    The Global Brain Health Survey: Development of a Multi-Language Survey of Public Views on Brain Health.

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    Background: Brain health is a multi-faceted concept used to describe brain physiology, cognitive function, mental health and well-being. Diseases of the brain account for one third of the global burden of disease and are becoming more prevalent as populations age. Diet, social interaction as well as physical and cognitive activity are lifestyle factors that can potentially influence facets of brain health. Yet, there is limited knowledge about the population's awareness of brain health and willingness to change lifestyle to maintain a healthy brain. This paper introduces the Global Brain Health Survey protocol, designed to assess people's perceptions of brain health and factors influencing brain health. Methods: The Global Brain Health Survey is an anonymous online questionnaire available in 14 languages to anyone above the age of 18 years. Questions focus on (1) willingness and motivation to maintain or improve brain health, (2) interest in learning more about individual brain health using standardized tests, and (3) interest in receiving individualized support to take care of own brain health. The survey questions were developed based on results from a qualitative interview study investigating brain health perceptions among participants in brain research studies. The survey includes 28 questions and takes 15-20 min to complete. Participants provide electronically informed consent prior to participation. The current survey wave was launched on June 4, 2019 and will close on August 31, 2020. We will provide descriptive statistics of samples distributions including analyses of differences as a function of age, gender, education, country of residence, and we will examine associations between items. The European Union funded Lifebrain project leads the survey in collaboration with national brain councils in Norway, Germany, and Belgium, Brain Foundations in the Netherlands and Sweden, the National University of Ostroh Academy and the Women's Brain Project. Discussion: Results from this survey will provide new insights in peoples' views on brain health, in particular, the extent to which the adoption of positive behaviors can be encouraged. The results will contribute to the development of policy recommendations for supporting population brain health, including measures tailored to individual needs, knowledge, motivations and life situations

    2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease

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    The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review was conducted as the document was compiled through December 2008. Repeated literature searches were performed by the guideline development staff and writing committee members as new issues were considered. New clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals and articles through December 2011 were also reviewed and incorporated when relevant. Furthermore, because of the extended development time period for this guideline, peer review comments indicated that the sections focused on imaging technologies required additional updating, which occurred during 2011. Therefore, the evidence review for the imaging sections includes published literature through December 2011