562 research outputs found

    Perception of pain as a result of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the intensity, location and duration of patients' discomfort following insertion of orthodontic appliances, and to examine for interactions between patient age, gender, appliance type and the perception of pain. After insertion of orthodontic appliances, 170 patients received eight questionnaires, one they completed and returned after 4 h, then one daily for 7 days. The respondents' ages ranged from 8-53 years (median age 13 years 7 months); 45 per cent were male and 55 per cent female. Of the patients, 65 per cent reported pain after 4 h and 95 per cent after 24 h. After 7 days, 25 per cent of the patients still reported discomfort. Patients' pain intensity scores were significantly higher for the anterior than for the posterior teeth. On day 1, 16 per cent took analgesics and 18 per cent reported being awakened the first night. Comparing a 2 × 4 appliance, a full appliance in one arch and in both arches, no statistical differences were found for reported pain frequency, general intensity of pain, pain at the teeth, discomfort when biting and chewing and analgesic consumption. The perception of general pain intensity, analgesic consumption, pain when eating and the influence of discomfort on daily life were all significantly greater in girls than in boys. Patients younger than 13 years reported pain significantly less frequently than the older patients. The highest frequency of pain was found in the group of 13-16 year olds. The pain intensity did not differ among the age group

    Enhanced Retention In The Passive-Avoidance Task By 5-HT1A Receptor Blockade Is Not Associated With Increased Activity Of The Central Nucleus Of The Amygdala

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    The effect of blockade of S-HT1A receptors was investigated on (1) retention in a mildly aversive passive-avoidance task, and (2) spontaneous single-unit activity of central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) neurons, a brain site implicated in modulation of retention. Systemic administration of the selective S-HT1A antagonist NAN-190 immediately after training markedly-and dose-dependently-facilitated retention in the passive-avoidance task; enhanced retention was time-dependent and was not attributable to variations in wattages of shock received by animals. Systemic administration of NAN-190 had mixed effects on spontaneous single-unit activity of CeA neurons recorded extracellularly in vivo; microiontophoretic application of S-HT, in contrast, consistently and potently suppressed CeA activity. The present findings-that S-HT1A receptor blockade by NAN-190 (1) enhances retention in the passive-avoidance task, and (2) does not consistently increase spontaneous neuronal activity of the CeA-provide evidence that a serotonergic system tonically inhibits modulation of retention in the passive-avoidance task through activation of the S-HT1A receptor subtype at brain sites located outside the CeA

    Impact-related microspherules in Late Pleistocene Alaskan and Yukon “muck” deposits signify recurrent episodes of catastrophic emplacement

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    Large quantities of impact-related microspherules have been found in fine-grained sediments retained within seven out of nine, radiocarbon-dated, Late Pleistocene mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and bison (Bison priscus) skull fragments. The well-preserved fossils were recovered from frozen “muck” deposits (organic-rich silt) exposed within the Fairbanks and Klondike mining districts of Alaska, USA, and the Yukon Territory, Canada. In addition, elevated platinum abundances were found in sediment analysed from three out of four fossil skulls. In view of this new evidence, the mucks and their well-preserved but highly disrupted and damaged vertebrate and botanical remains are reinterpreted in part as blast deposits that resulted from several episodes of airbursts and ground/ice impacts within the northern hemisphere during Late Pleistocene time (~46–11 ka B.P.). Such a scenario might be explained by encounters with cometary debris in Earth-crossing orbits (Taurid Complex) that was generated by fragmentation of a large short-period comet within the inner Solar System

    Contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O emissions from urine patches

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    Urine deposition by grazing livestock causes an immediate increase in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, but the responsible mechanisms are not well understood. A nitrogen-15 (15N) labelling study was conducted in an organic grass-clover sward to examine the initial effect of urine on the rates and N2O loss ratio of nitrification (i.e. moles of N2O-N produced per moles of nitrate produced) and denitrification (i.e. moles of N2O produced per moles of N2O + N2 produced). The effect of artificial urine (52.9 g N m-2) and ammonium solution (52.9 g N m-2) was examined in separate experiments at 45 and 35% water-filled pore space (WFPS), respectively, and in each experiment a water control was included. The N2O loss derived from nitrification or denitrification was determined in the field immediately after application of 15N-labelled solutions. During the next 24 h, gross nitrification rates were measured in the field, whereas the denitrification rates were measured in soil cores in the laboratory. Compared with the water control, urine application increased the N2O emission from 3.9 to 42.3 ÎŒg N2O-N m-2 h-1, whereas application of ammonium increased the emission from 0.9 to 6.1 ÎŒg N2O-N m-2 h-1. In the urine-affected soil, nitrification and denitrification contributed equally to the N2O emission, and the increased N2O loss resulted from a combination of higher rates and higher N2O loss ratios of the processes. In the present study, an enhanced nitrification rate seemed to be the most important factor explaining the high initial N2O emission from urine patches deposited on well-aerated soils

    Micellar drug nanocarriers and biomembranes: how do they interact?

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    Pluronic based formulations are among the most successful nanomedicines and block-copolymer micelles including drugs that are undergoing phase I/II studies as anticancer agents. Using coarse-grained models, molecular dynamics simulations of large-scale systems, modeling Pluronic micelles interacting with DPPC lipid bilayers, on the ÎŒs timescale have been performed. Simulations show, in agreement with experiments, the release of Pluronic chains from the micelle to the bilayer. This release changes the size of the micelle. Moreover, the presence of drug molecules inside the core of the micelle has a strong influence on this process. The picture emerging from the simulations is that the micelle stability is a result of an interplay of drug–micelle core and block-copolymer–bilayer interactions. The equilibrium size of the drug vector shows a strong dependency on the hydrophobicity of the drug molecules embedded in the core of the micelle. In particular, the radius of the micelle shows an abrupt increase in a very narrow range of drug molecule hydrophobicity

    Integration and continuity of primary care: polyclinics and alternatives - a patient-centred analysis of how organisation constrains care co-ordination

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    Background An ageing population, the increasing specialisation of clinical services and diverse health-care provider ownership make the co-ordination and continuity of complex care increasingly problematic. The way in which the provision of complex health care is co-ordinated produces – or fails to produce – six forms of continuity of care (cross-sectional, longitudinal, flexible, access, informational and relational). Care co-ordination is accomplished by a combination of activities by patients themselves; provider organisations; care networks co-ordinating the separate provider organisations; and overall health-system governance. This research examines how far organisational integration might promote care co-ordination at the clinical level. Objectives To examine (1) what differences the organisational integration of primary care makes, compared with network governance, to horizontal and vertical co-ordination of care; (2) what difference provider ownership (corporate, partnership, public) makes; (3) how much scope either structure allows for managerial discretion and ‘performance’; (4) differences between networked and hierarchical governance regarding the continuity and integration of primary care; and (5) the implications of the above for managerial practice in primary care. Methods Multiple-methods design combining (1) the assembly of an analytic framework by non-systematic review; (2) a framework analysis of patients’ experiences of the continuities of care; (3) a systematic comparison of organisational case studies made in the same study sites; (4) a cross-country comparison of care co-ordination mechanisms found in our NHS study sites with those in publicly owned and managed Swedish polyclinics; and (5) the analysis and synthesis of data using an ‘inside-out’ analytic strategy. Study sites included professional partnership, corporate and publicly owned and managed primary care providers, and different configurations of organisational integration or separation of community health services, mental health services, social services and acute inpatient care. Results Starting from data about patients’ experiences of the co-ordination or under-co-ordination of care, we identified five care co-ordination mechanisms present in both the integrated organisations and the care networks; four main obstacles to care co-ordination within the integrated organisations, of which two were also present in the care networks; seven main obstacles to care co-ordination that were specific to the care networks; and nine care co-ordination mechanisms present in the integrated organisations. Taking everything into consideration, integrated organisations appeared more favourable to producing continuities of care than did care networks. Network structures demonstrated more flexibility in adding services for small care groups temporarily, but the expansion of integrated organisations had advantages when adding new services on a longer term and a larger scale. Ownership differences affected the range of services to which patients had direct access; primary care doctors’ managerial responsibilities (relevant to care co-ordination because of their impact on general practitioner workload); and the scope for doctors to develop special interests. We found little difference between integrated organisations and care networks in terms of managerial discretion and performance. Conclusions On balance, an integrated organisation seems more likely to favour the development of care co-ordination and, therefore, continuities of care than a system of care networks. At least four different variants of ownership and management of organisationally integrated primary care providers are practicable in NHS-like settings. Future research is therefore required, above all to evaluate comparatively the different techniques for coordinating patient discharge across the triple interface between hospitals, general practices and community health services; and to discover what effects increasing the scale and scope of general practice activities will have on continuity of care

    Utopianism and social change: materialism, conflict and pluralism

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    This article discusses criticisms that utopia and utopianism undermine social change. It outlines two types of utopia, future and current. It argues against claims that utopianism is idealist and steps aside from material and conflictual dimensions of society and so undermines change, proposing that utopias are material and conflictual and contribute to change. Against liberal and pluralist criticisms that utopianism is end-ist and totalitarian and terminates diversity and change it argues that utopianism can encompass liberal and pluralist dimensions and be dynamic rather than static. It is proposed that criticisms create false conflations and dichotomies. Critical perspectives, rather than being rejected, are answered on their own terms. Utopianism, it is argued, is part of change, materially, now and in the future

    The rise of \u27women\u27s poetry\u27 in the 1970s an initial survey into new Australian poetry, the women\u27s movement, and a matrix of revolutions

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    Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact ∌12,800 Years Ago. 2. Lake, Marine, and Terrestrial Sediments

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    Part 1 of this study investigated evidence of biomass burning in global ice records, and here we continue to test the hypothesis that an impact event at the Younger Dryas boundary (YDB) caused an anomalously intense episode of biomass burning at ∌12.8 ka on a multicontinental scale (North and South America, Europe, and Asia). Quantitative analyses of charcoal and soot records from 152 lakes, marine cores, and terrestrial sequences reveal a major peak in biomass burning at the Younger Dryas (YD) onset that appears to be the highest during the latest Quaternary. For the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (K-Pg) impact event, concentrations of soot were previously utilized to estimate the global amount of biomass burned, and similar measurements suggest that wildfires at the YD onset rapidly consumed ∌10 million km2 of Earth’s surface, or ∌9% of Earth’s biomass, considerably more than for the K-Pg impact. Bayesian analyses and age regressions demonstrate that ages for YDB peaks in charcoal and soot across four continents are synchronous with the ages of an abundance peak in platinum in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core and of the YDB impact event (12,835–12,735 cal BP). Thus, existing evidence indicates that the YDB impact event caused an anomalously large episode of biomass burning, resulting in extensive atmospheric soot/dust loading that triggered an “impact winter.” This, in turn, triggered abrupt YD cooling and other climate changes, reinforced by climatic feedback mechanisms, including Arctic sea ice expansion, rerouting of North American continental runoff, and subsequent ocean circulation changes

    Avant-garde and experimental music

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