1,093 research outputs found

    Investigations into the structure and function of the exocrine pancreas of lampreys. [Translation from: Morph.Jb. 110 245-269, 1967.]

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    As representatives of the most primitive of recent vertebrate groups, lampreys show fundamental differences in different features of organisation to the species of the remaining classes of vertebrates. The topical distinction between exocrine and endocrine pancreas is also considered among the morphological peculiarities of Petromyzontida. This study aims to contribute to a further explanation of this phenomenon. 50 brook lampreys were histologically examined

    Variations of Steroid Hormone Metabolites in Serum and Urine in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome after Nafarelin Stimulation: Evidence for an Altered Corticoid Excretion.

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    To evaluate the clinical relevance of testing pituitary-ovarian responses in patients suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with the GnRH agonist nafarelin, a 1.2-mg dose of nafarelin was given intranasally to 19 women with PCOS and 15 healthy premenopausal women. The subsequent analysis of steroids in both serum and urine during the test was carried out at several time points for up to 24 h. Serum levels of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone were elevated at all time points of the test in PCOS patients vs. controls [at baseline, 3.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.1 nmol/L (P < 0.001); at 24 h, 9.9 +/- 0.9 vs. 4.9 +/- 0.3 nmol/L (P < 0.001)]. Basal levels of androstenedione were higher in the patient group, but there was no significant change during the test in either group. Serum testosterone levels were also found to differ in PCOS patients compared with the control values at baseline (2.2 +/- 0.2 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.1 nmol/L; P < 0.05) and after nafarelin treatment (at 24 h, 3.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.2 nmol/L; P < 0.05). Serum estradiol levels rose significantly in both groups during the test; the posttest levels were significantly higher in PCOS than in controls. The PCOS patients displayed a significant increase in androgen and gestagen metabolites as well as in glucocorticoid metabolites excreted in the urine during the 24 h. In the control subjects, except for 17 alpha-hydroxypregnanolone, which rose significantly, none of the urinary steroids investigated showed relevant changes during the nafarelin test. The posttest excretion of allo-tetrahydrocortisol (1.4 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 mumol/g creatinine; P < 0.001) and the increase in 17 alpha-hydroxypregnanolone excretion (1.4 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 mumol/g creatinine; P < 0.001) were distinctly higher in PCOS patients than in the controls; the diagnostic sensitivity of the combination of both parameters was 89% at a 93% specificity. Thus, measurements of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels in serum and of urinary allo-tetrahydrocortisol and 17 alpha-hydroxypregnanolone after nafarelin treatment make this stimulation test a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying PCOS patients. The significant changes in the excretion of urinary androgen and gestagen metabolites, unmasked by GnRH agonist stimulation, suggest a functional alteration of the pituitary-ovarian axis. The reason for the increased excretion of glucocorticoid metabolites after nafarelin stimulation remains to be clarified

    Can your house keep you out of a nursing home?

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    We examine the impact of the accessibility of an older individual's house on her use of nursing home care. We link administrative data on the accessibility of all houses in the Netherlands to data on long-term care use of all older persons from 2011 to 2014. We find that older people living in more accessible houses are less likely to use nursing home care. The effects increase with age and are largest for individuals aged 90 or older. The effects are stronger for people with physical limitations than for persons with cognitive problems. We also provide suggestive evidence that older people living in more accessible houses substitute nursing home care by home care

    Der Weg vom Heterogenen Immunoassay zum Immunosensor: Prinzipien und Applikationen im Bereich der Klinischen Chemie

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    Immunosensoren sind ligandenaffinitäts-messende Sensoren, bei denen immunochemische Reaktionen über eine Transducerschaltung aufgezeichnet werden. Das fundamentale Merkmal aller Immunosensoren ist hierbei die Spezifität von Antikörpern zu geeigneten Analyten unter Ausbildung eines stabilen Immunkomplexes. Dies ist auch die Basis der Immunoassay-Methodologie. Im Vergleich beider Methoden ermöglicht die Transducer-Tech-nologie eine markierungsfreie Detektion und zugleich eine Quantifizierung des gebildeten Immunkomplexes. In den letzten Jahren wurden Immunoassays auch verstärkt zur Spurenanalyse von toxischen Substanzen in der pharmazeutischen und der Nahrungsmittelindustrie sowie in der Umweltanalytik eingesetzt. Entsprechende Mess-ungen können hierbei jedoch nur diskontinuierlich erfolgen. Um eine kontinuierliche Analytik zu ermöglichen, er-scheint der Einsatz von Immunosensoren besonders vielversprechend. Auch im Bereich der klinischen Diagnostik gibt es viele Anwendungsgebiete, für die ein kontinuierliches „Monitoring“ von verschiedenen Analyten von großem Nutzen wäre. Deshalb sollten gerade Labormediziner die Vorteile des Einsatzes von Immunosensoren in der klinische Diagnostik und Laboratoriumsmedizin bedenken. Dieser Vortrag wendet sich somit vor allem an Klinische Chemiker, Biochemiker, Physiker und Ingenieure mit Schwerpunkt Immunoassayentwicklung und Biosensortechnologie. Ziel des Vortrags ist es, die Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Immunoassay und Immunosensoren zusammenfassend darzulegen und auf das enorme Potential,wie auch auf das konkurrenzstarke Umfeld der Immunosensortechnologie in der klinischen Diagnostik hinzuweisen


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    SARI Daerah penelitian Siluk terletak di daerah Kabupaten Pinrang, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dengan koordinat WGS 84 garis Bujur Timur: 119° 29’ 05.11” dan Lintang Selatan: 03° 20’ 54” selatan katulistiwa. Geologi di daerah Siluk didominasi oleh batuan vulkanik Neogen ( M - L Miocene, Bergman 1996), batuan lapisan sedimen laut yang kadang kadang beroverprint dengan sedimen vulkanik dan vulkanik breksi. Batuan sedimen tersebut tersingkap di sepanjang jalan utama khususnya di sebelah selatan daerah penelitian Siluk. Tebal lapisan sedimen antara 1 hingga 10 m dengan orientasi strike umumnya 300 - 340° / 50° SE. Lalu di bagian tengah dan barat laut dengan singkapan batuan intrusi, yaitu diorite - microdiorite di Buttu Bando dan Buttu Sitodo. Interpretasi struktur di daerah Siluk adalah struktur dengan orientasi strike NW / SE dan N/S, umumnya paralel dengan struktur utama Walanae Fault yang membujur di sebelah timur. Dikoleksi 9 conto rockchip untuk dianalisa geokimia dengan metoda fire assay untuk unsur Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn di laboratorium Intertek Jakarta. Lalu koleksi 26 conto rockchip untuk dianalisa komposisi mineral dan alterasi dengan metoda PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analysis), yang dianalisa di kantor MMG Oxindo Jakarta. Sebanyak 5 conto rockchip untuk dianalisa dengan Sayatan tipis (thin sections) di laboratorium Petrografi UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, dan 4 conto rockchip untuk dianalisa XRD di laboratorium UGM Yogyakarta. Hasil analisa fire assay tidak signifikan, kadar unsur Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn berada di bawah detection limit. Analisa PIMA menunjukkan adanya mineral clay seperti montmorillonite, kaolinite, dan dominasi illite, halloysite, kalsit. Hasil analisa sayatan tipis (thin sections) mengindikasikan keberadaan urat kuarsa / urat kalsit di Ratte Tallang, dan batuan beku yang teralterasi kuat di Salu Asan, Salu Kanan dan Buttu Bando. Hasil analisa XRD menunjukkan keberadaan mineral primer plagioclase (>50%) di singkapan intrusi Buttu Bando, mineral clay seperti illite, halloysite, smectite dan dominan mineral kuarsa di zona Batusia dan Salu Asan. Keberadaan mineral pirit merupakan produk mineral diagenetic pada proses sedimentasi dan juga pirit ini terjadi sehubungan dengan aktivitas sesar / struktur. Diinterpretasikan juga bahwa intrusi di Buttu Bando merupakan pusat intrusi dan kemungkinan mempunyai hubungan dengan intrusi di Buttu Sitodo sebagai satu batholith / stock body. Alterasi didominasi oleh argilik dengan hadirnya mineral silica-claypyrite, illite dan halloysite. Diantaranya, diinterpretasikan sebagai akibat proses pelapukan batuan beku / vulkanik (hydrolysis process) atau proses hidrotermal. Alterasi propilitik diindikasikan dengan hadirnya mineral klorit dan calcitecarbonate veins. Sistem mineralisasi adalah kemungkinan kombinasi dari low sulfidation quartz-carbonate veining, dan lebih sulphidic pada veining lebih dalam yang berhubungan dengan sistem porfiri intrusi diorite-microdiorite di Buttu Bando dan Buttu Sitodo. Intrusi tersebut tidak membawa mineralisasi. ABSTRACT The Siluk area is located in Kabupaten Pinrang, South Sulawesi Province, with centre coordinates ( WGS 84) Longitude: 119° 29’ 05.11” E and Latitude: 03° 20’ 54” S. Geology in the Siluk area is mainly dominated by Neogene volcanic - volcaniclastic ( M-L Miocene, Bergman 1996). Locally, well-bedded marine sediments are observed. This is interbedded with volcaniclastic and volcanic breccia. The marine sediments exposure along recent road-cuts at southern study area. Thicknesses vary between 1 to 10m with strike and dip orientation generally 300 - 340° / 50° SE. About the centre and to the northwest of the study area there are intrusive outcrops at Buttu Bando and Buttu Sitodo. Interpreted structures in the area are NW / SE and N/S running relatively parallel to the main Walane fault on the East. In total 9 rock samples were collected for fire assay method and submitted to Intertek laboratory in Jakarta to be analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn elements. For PIMA ( Portable infrared Mineral analysis) method, 26 rockchip samples collected and analyzed for mineral composition and alteration at MMG Oxindo Jakarta. Five rockchip samples for thin sections analysis method were submitted to the Petrography laboratory division of UPN ”Veteran” Yogyakarta. Four rockchip samples for XRD analysis method were also sent to Petrography laboratory of UGM, Yogyakarta. Results: no significant result were returned from these fire assays. PIMA results indicated clay minerals such as montmorillonite, calcite, kaolinite and dominantly illite and halloysite. Thin sections indicated the presence of quartz / calcite veining at Ratte Tallang, and strongly altered / weathered intrusive rocks at Salu Asan, Salu Kanan and Buttu Bando. The XRD analysis showned a primary mineral such as plagioclase (>50%) at Buttu Bando intrusive outcrop, and dominantly quartz, clay minerals such as illite, halloysite, smectite over Batusia and Salu Asan areas. Pyrite occurs as a diagenetic mineral in the sediments, and also occurs related to fault structures. It is therefore concluded that Buttu Bando is an intrusive centre and probably has a connection to the Buttu Sitodo intrusive interpreted as a batholith / stock body. The alteration is predominantly argillic as indicated by the presence of silica-clay-pyrite, illite, halloysite minerals. Some of this is interpreted due to the supergene weathering process of the intrusive / volcanic (hydrolysis process) or hydrothermal process. Propylitic alteration is indicated by the presence of chlorite minerals, calcite-carbonate veins. Mineralization is possibly a combination of low sulfidation quartzcarbonate veining and more sulphidic deeper veins related to a porphyry system with diorite - microdiorite instrusives at Buttu Bando and Buttu Sitodo. This is a weakly mineralized instrusives


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    Penggunaan baja karbon sedang pada berbagai konstruksi termasuk kapal laut dan bangunan dalam air laut banyak ditemui di lapangan. Baja karbon sedang rentan terhadap korosi dalam media korosif air laut. Sifat tahan korosi baja dapat ditingkatkan dengan memberi lapisan nikel elektroplating pada permukaan baja tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi lama elektroplating (0, 5, 10, 15 menit) dan konsentrasi larutan NaCl (0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1,0 %) terhadap kekerasan dan laju korosi baja karbon sedang. Logam dasar (baja karbon sedang) yang dilapisi memiliki komposisi kimia (dalam % berat) 98,7 Fe; 0,313 C; 0,177 Si; 0,425 Mn; 0,011 P; 0,076 S; 0,038 Ni; 0,165 Cr; 0,007 V; 0,005 Al; 0,002 Ti dan 0,006 W.Spesimen yang digunakan berbentuk silinder dengan diameter 12 mm dan tebal 4 mm. Proses nikel elektroplating dilakukan dalam larutan elektrolit yang mengandung nikel dengan variasi lama elektroplating (0, 5, 10, 15 menit) pada tegangan 12 volt, suhu 40 oC dan kuat arus 3 A/dm2. Pengujian kekerasan dilakukan dengan indentasi Vickers pada beban 10 gram dan lama pembebanan 10 detik, sedang pengujian laju korosi dilaksanakan dengan metode polarisasi dengan sel tiga elektroda dalam larutan NaCl dengan konsentrasi larutan: 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 dan 1,0 %.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa logam dasar (baja karbon sedang) mempunyai kekerasan sebesar 205,4 VHN0,01 dan laju korosi sebesar 90,76 mpy. Lapisan nikel meningkatkan kekerasan dan menurunkan laju korosi secara signifikan. Kekerasan meningkat, tetapi laju korosi menurun seiring dengan naiknya lama elektroplating. Laju korosi meningkat jika konsentrasi larutan NaCl naik. Lapisan mempunyai kekerasan tertinggi sebesar 329,6 VHN0,01 dengan laju korosi terendah sebesar 8,08 mpy untuk lama elektroplating 15 menit dan konsentrasi larutan NaCl sebesar 0,2 %. Lama elektroplating yang diperlukan adalah minimum 10 menit agar dihasilkan laju korosi relatif rendah untuk berbagai konsentrasi larutan NaCl.Kata kunci: lapisan nikel elektroplating, kekerasan dan laju koros

    Economics of medically unexplained symptoms: a systematic review of the literature

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    Objective: To review cost-of-illness studies (COI) and economic evaluations (EE) conducted for medically unexplained symptoms and to analyze their methods and results. Methods: We searched the databases PubMed, PsycINFO and National Health Service Economic Evaluations Database of the University of York. Cost data were inflated to 2006 using country-specific gross domestic product inflators and converted to 2006 USD purchasing power parities. Results: We identified 5 COI and 8 EE, of which 6 were cost-minimization analyses and 2 were cost-effectiveness analyses. All studies used patient level data collected between 1980 and 2004 and were predominantly conducted in the USA (n = 10). COI found annual excess health care costs of somatizing patients between 432 and 5,353 USD in 2006 values. Indirect costs were estimated by only one EE and added up to about 18,000 USD per year. In EE, educational interventions for physicians as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches for patients were evaluated. For both types of interventions, effectiveness was either shown within EE or by previous studies

    What Comes after the Trial? An Observational Study of the Real-World Uptake of an E-Mental Health Intervention by General Practitioners to Reduce Depressive Symptoms in Their Patients

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    Unguided and free e-mental health platforms can offer a viable treatment and self-help option for depression. This study aims to investigate, from a public health perspective, the real-world uptake, benefits, barriers, and implementation support needed by general practitioners (GPs). The study presents data from a spin-off GP survey conducted 2.5 years subsequent to a cluster-randomized trial. A total of N = 68 GPs (intervention group (IG) GPs = 38, control group (CG) GPs = 30) participated in the survey (response rate 62.4%). Data were collected via postal questionnaires. Overall, 66.2% of the GPs were female. The average age was 51.6 years (SD = 9.4), and 48.5% of the GPs indicated that they continued (IG) or started recommending (CG) the e-mental health intervention under real-world conditions beyond the trial. A number of benefits could be identified, such as ease of integration and strengthening patient activation in disease management. Future implementation support should include providing appealing informational materials and including explainer videos. Workshops, conferences, and professional journals were identified as suitable for dissemination. Social media approaches were less appealing. Measures should be taken to make it easier for health care professionals to use an intervention after the trial and to integrate it into everyday practice

    Psychometric Evaluation of the German Version of the Social Functioning in Dementia Scale

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia is one of the most common and most severe disorder in old age. In addition to cognitive decline and functional impairment, changes in social functioning occur in the course of dementia. Currently, there is no valid instrument in German language to assess social functioning in individuals with dementia. OBJECTIVE: We aim to adapt and psychometrically evaluate a German version of the Social Functioning in Dementia Scale (SF-DEM). METHODS: First, a multi-step and team-based translation process based on the TRAPD model was performed. Second, we interviewed dyads of individuals with mild dementia and caregivers to test the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, interrater reliability, construct validity, and acceptance of the German version of the SF-DEM. RESULTS: The internal consistency of the patient-rated (α= 0.72) and the caregiver-rated (α= 0.76) SF-DEM is at an acceptable level. The interrater reliability was excellent for both versions (patients: ICC = 0.98, CI [0.95-0.99]; caregiver: ICC = 0.95, CI [0.89-0.98]) and the test-retest reliability was moderate (patients: ICC = 0.57, CI [0.26-0.77]; caregiver: ICC = 0.58, CI [0.27-0.78]). Caregiver-rated SF-DEM correlated strong with LSNS-6 (rs = 0.60, p < 0.01), QoL-AD (marriage: rs = 0.61, p < 0.01; friends: rs = 0.51, p = 0.01). In addition, the SF-DEM was accepted by the participants. CONCLUSION: The German SF-DEM is a valid, reliable, and acceptable instrument to assess social functioning in individuals with dementia. Further research should address the psychometric properties in individuals with more severe dementia

    Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy Only for the Young? A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Depression Treatment

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    Background: Late-life depression is a major public health concern, driving the development of complementary treatment options. This study investigates the effectiveness and acceptability of internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) in older individuals (60+ years) compared to younger age groups. Materials and Methods: Secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized controlled trial with 647 (18–82 years; mean 43.9) mild to moderately severe depressed primary care patients receiving either iCBT + treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU alone. Severity of depression was measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) at baseline, 6 weeks and 6 months. Intention-to-treat analysis in three age groups (18–39 years, n = 264; 40–59 years, n = 300; 60+ years, n = 83) was performed, using mixed-effects regression models to quantify treatment effect. Results: No age differences in the effectiveness of iCBT were found. Patients in the intervention group consistently showed a greater reduction in depression severity than controls in all three age groups and at both follow-ups. Effect sizes ranged from d = 0.30 (40–59 years, 6 weeks) to d = 1.91 (60+ years, 6 months). Uptake of the intervention was banded around 70% with no differences between age groups (c² = 0.18, p = .915). The mean number of completed modules increased with age (c² = 18.99, p = .040). Discussion: iCBT is equally effective in both younger and older individuals, thus providing a valuable complementary element of routine late-life depression care. Clinical Trial Registration: DRKS-ID: DRKS00005075 https://www.drks.de/drks_web/ navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS0000507
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