153 research outputs found

    Stationary and Recurrent Properties of Atrial Fibrillation Conduction Patterns in Goat

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    Introduction. Electrical mapping of the atria is used to assess the substrate of atrial fibrillation (AF). Targeted ablation of the AF substrate assumes spatiotemporal stationarity. In this study we analyzed long AF recordings of AF using high-density contact mapping.Methods. In 12 goats with stable AF 10 successive 60s files were recorded, within a single AF episode. AF cycle length, fractionation index (FI), lateral dissociation, conduction velocity, breakthroughs and preferentiality of conduction (Prefi were assessed to construct AF-property maps. The Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) between AF-property maps of consecutive recordings was calculated. Recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis were used to identify recurrent patterns.Results Spatiotemporal stationarity for the 6 properties were high, PCC ranged from 0.66 +/- 0.11 for Pref to 0.98 +/- 0.01 for FI. The PCC is not affected by the time delay between files. Yet, highly dynamic patterns were found. Recurrence plots revealed few (1.6 +/- 0.7) recurrent patterns in individual animals.Conclusions AF properties were stationary in stable AF. This cannot be attributed to stable recurrent conduction patterns. during This suggests that spatial properties of the atrium determine AF properties

    The European Network for Translational Research in Atrial Fibrillation (EUTRAF): objectives and initial results.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia in the general population. As an age-related arrhythmia AF is becoming a huge socio-economic burden for European healthcare systems. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the pathophysiology of AF, therapeutic strategies for AF have not changed substantially and the major challenges in the management of AF are still unmet. This lack of progress may be related to the multifactorial pathogenesis of atrial remodelling and AF that hampers the identification of causative pathophysiological alterations in individual patients. Also, again new mechanisms have been identified and the relative contribution of these mechanisms still has to be established. In November 2010, the European Union launched the large collaborative project EUTRAF (European Network of Translational Research in Atrial Fibrillation) to address these challenges. The main aims of EUTRAF are to study the main mechanisms of initiation and perpetuation of AF, to identify the molecular alterations underlying atrial remodelling, to develop markers allowing to monitor this processes, and suggest strategies to treat AF based on insights in newly defined disease mechanisms. This article reports on the objectives, the structure, and initial results of this network

    JavaCyte, a novel open-source tool for automated quantification of key hallmarks of cardiac structural remodeling

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    Many cardiac pathologies involve changes in tissue structure. Conventional analysis of structural features is extremely time-consuming and subject to observer bias. The possibility to determine spatial interrelations between these features is often not fully exploited. We developed a staining protocol and an ImageJ-based tool (JavaCyte) for automated histological analysis of cardiac structure, including quantification of cardiomyocyte size, overall and endomysial fibrosis, spatial patterns of endomysial fibrosis, fibroblast density, capillary density and capillary size. This automated analysis was compared to manual quantification in several well-characterized goat models of atrial fibrillation (AF). In addition, we tested inter-observer variability in atrial biopsies from the CATCH-ME consortium atrial tissue bank, with patients stratified by their cardiovascular risk profile for structural remodeling. We were able to reproduce previous manually derived histological findings in goat models for AF and AV block (AVB) using JavaCyte. Furthermore, strong correlation was found between manual and automated observations for myocyte count (r = 0.94, p < 0.001), myocyte diameter (r = 0.97, p < 0.001), endomysial fibrosis (r = 0.98, p < 0.001) and capillary count (r = 0.95, p < 0.001) in human biopsies. No significant variation between observers was observed (ICC = 0.89, p < 0.001). We developed and validated an open-source tool for high-throughput, automated histological analysis of cardiac tissue properties. JavaCyte was as accurate as manual measurements, with less inter-observer variability and faster throughput

    Coagulation Factor Xa Induces Proinflammatory Responses in Cardiac Fibroblasts via Activation of Protease-Activated Receptor-1

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    Coagulation factor (F) Xa induces proinflammatory responses through activation of protease-activated receptors (PARs). However, the effect of FXa on cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) and the contribution of PARs in FXa-induced cellular signalling in CF has not been fully characterised. To answer these questions, human and rat CFs were incubated with FXa (or TRAP-14, PAR-1 agonist). Gene expression of pro-fibrotic and proinflammatory markers was determined by qRT-PCR after 4 and 24 h. Gene silencing of F2R (PAR-1) and F2RL1 (PAR-2) was achieved using siRNA. MCP-1 protein levels were measured by ELISA of FXa-conditioned media at 24 h. Cell proliferation was assessed after 24 h of incubation with FXa ± SCH79797 (PAR-1 antagonist). In rat CFs, FXa induced upregulation of Ccl2 (MCP-1; >30-fold at 4 h in atrial and ventricular CF) and Il6 (IL-6; ±7-fold at 4 h in ventricular CF). Increased MCP-1 protein levels were detected in FXa-conditioned media at 24 h. In human CF, FXa upregulated the gene expression of CCL2 (>3-fold) and IL6 (>4-fold) at 4 h. Silencing of F2R (PAR-1 gene), but not F2RL1 (PAR-2 gene), downregulated this effect. Selective activation of PAR-1 by TRAP-14 increased CCL2 and IL6 gene expression; this was prevented by F2R (PAR-1 gene) knockdown. Moreover, SCH79797 decreased FXa-induced proliferation after 24 h. In conclusion, our study shows that FXa induces overexpression of proinflammatory genes in human CFs via PAR-1, which was found to be the most abundant PARs isoform in this cell type

    Animal Models of Dyssynchrony

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    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an important therapy for patients with heart failure and conduction pathology, but the benefits are heterogeneous between patients and approximately a third of patients do not show signs of clinical or echocardiographic response. This calls for a better understanding of the underlying conduction disease and resynchronization. In this review, we discuss to what extent established and novel animal models can help to better understand the pathophysiology of dyssynchrony and the benefits of CRT

    Sensitization of the histamine H1 receptor by increased ligand affinity.

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    Histamine regulates a variety of physiological processes including inflammation, gastric acid secretion, and neurotransmission. The cellular response to histamine is subject to dynamic control, and exaggerated histamine reactivity in response to cysteinyl leukotrienes and other stimuli is important in a variety of different pathological conditions. The molecular mechanisms controlling histamine responsiveness are still unresolved. In investigating histamine responses in embryonic stem (ES5) and F9 embryonic carcinoma cells, we encountered a novel mechanism controlling the cellular reaction to histamine. Unstimulated cells displayed neither

    withdrawn 2017 hrs ehra ecas aphrs solaece expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation

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    Changes in left atrial deformation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Evaluation by vector velocity imaging

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    Atrial anatomy influences onset and termination of atrial fibrillation: A computer model study

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    Vulnerability to atrial fibrillation (AF) is increased in acutelydilated atria and is related to stretch-activated channels (SACs). To investigatethe role of atrial anatomy in AF, we apply a computer model ofhuman atrial electromechanics that includes SACs and contraction of thesarcomeres. Trabecular bundle structures are modeled by varying atrialwall thickness in a triangular mesh representing the human atria. Vulnerabilityto AF is investigated by application of overall stretch, whilestimulating near the pulmonary veins. Due to contraction of some areas,stretch increases in other areas, leading to a variation in effectiverefractory period (ERP). Onset and perpetuation of AF in our model isexplained by an increased dispersion in ERP, conduction slowing, andlocal conduction block. Atrial contraction attributes to the terminationof AF through mechanoelectric feedback. We conclude that onset andtermination of AF episodes under stretch are related to atrial structureand mechanoelectric feedback
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