166 research outputs found

    Connecting Contemporary Trauma Care to Florence Nightingale\u27s Visionary Work

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    The impact of Florence Nightingale\u27s visionary work continues to influence the delivery of nursing care in the contemporary emergency department (ED). Her foundational work in the Crimean War resulted in data-based recommendations for using the environment to promote healing and wellness among sick and wounded British soldiers. She advocated for attention to environmental details, including ventilation, air, warmth, drainage, cleanliness, natural light, and low noise levels. These important environmental concepts play a significant role in the nursing management of trauma patients in today\u27s ED. This article features an application of Nightingale\u27s environmental concepts to a trauma patient case exemplar and demonstrates the enduring impact of her work for trauma patients who receive care in the ED

    Putting sharks on the map: A global standard for improving shark area-based conservation

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    Area-based conservation is essential to safeguard declining biodiversity. Several approaches have been developed for identifying networks of globally important areas based on the delineation of sites or seascapes of importance for various elements of biodiversity (e.g., birds, marine mammals). Sharks, rays, and chimaeras are facing a biodiversity crisis with an estimated 37% of species threatened with extinction driven by overfishing. Yet spatial planning tools often fail to consider the habitat needs critical for their survival. The Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) approach is proposed as a response to the dire global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. A set of four globally standardized scientific criteria, with seven sub-criteria, was developed based on input collated during four shark, biodiversity, and policy expert workshops conducted in 2022. The ISRA Criteria provide a framework to identify discrete, three-dimensional portions of habitat important for one or more shark, ray, or chimaera species, that have the potential to be delineated and managed for conservation. The ISRA Criteria can be applied to all environments where sharks occur (marine, estuarine, and freshwater) and consider the diversity of species, their complex behaviors and ecology, and biological needs. The identification of ISRAs will guide the development, design, and application of area-based conservation initiatives for sharks, rays, and chimaeras, and contribute to their recovery

    The UK needs a sustainable strategy for COVID-19

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    The UK is well into the second wave of COVID-19, with 60 051 lives lost to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection to date, according to provisional data from the&nbsp;Office for National Statistics. Official UK Government&nbsp;data&nbsp;show that cases have been rising exponentially since late August, 2020, with increases across all regions in England in recent weeks. &nbsp;As of Nov 4, 2020, the UK had 25 177 confirmed daily cases. These are almost certainly underestimates as between Oct 17 and Oct 23, 2020, England alone had 52 000 estimated daily cases. &nbsp;Estimates of the effective reproduction number in England vary between 1·1 and 1·6.</p

    A microbiota signature associated with experimental food allergy promotes allergic sensitization and anaphylaxis

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    Background: Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. Methods: Food allergy–prone mice with a gain-of-function mutation in the IL-4 receptor α chain (Il4raF709) and wild-type (WT) control animals were subjected to oral sensitization with chicken egg ovalbumin (OVA). Enforced tolerance was achieved by using allergen-specific regulatory T (Treg) cells. Community structure analysis of gut microbiota was performed by using a high-density 16S rDNA oligonucleotide microarrays (PhyloChip) and massively parallel pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons. Results: OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice exhibited a specific microbiota signature characterized by coordinate changes in the abundance of taxa of several bacterial families, including the Lachnospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Rikenellaceae, and Porphyromonadaceae. This signature was not shared by similarly sensitized WT mice, which did not exhibit an OVA-induced allergic response. Treatment of OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice with OVA-specific Treg cells led to a distinct tolerance-associated signature coincident with the suppression of the allergic response. The microbiota of allergen-sensitized Il4raF709 mice differentially promoted OVA-specific IgE responses and anaphylaxis when reconstituted in WT germ-free mice. Conclusion: Mice with food allergy exhibit a specific gut microbiota signature capable of transmitting disease susceptibility and subject to reprogramming by enforced tolerance. Disease-associated microbiota may thus play a pathogenic role in food allergy

    Sex Differences in Non-Verbal and Verbal Abilities in Childhood and Adolescence

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    Twin research has shown that females with male co-twins perform better than females with female co-twins on mental rotation. This beneficial effect of having a male sibling on spatial ability could be due to in-uterine transmission of testosterone from males to females (the Twin Testosterone Transfer hypothesis, TTT). The present study explored sex differences and the TTT in non-verbal and verbal abilities in a large sample of twins assessed longitudinally at 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age. Females scored significantly higher than males on both verbal and non-verbal abilities at ages 2, 3 and 4. Males scored significantly higher than females on verbal ability at ages 10 and 12. The effect sizes of all differences were very small. No sex differences in non-verbal or verbal abilities were found at 7, 9, 14 and 16 years of age. No support for the TTT was found at any age. The findings indicate that the twin testosterone transfer effect occurs only for specific cognitive abilities, such as mental rotation

    Comparing proton momentum distributions in A=2A=2 and 3 nuclei via 2^2H 3^3H and 3^3He (e,ep)(e, e'p) measurements

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    We report the first measurement of the (e,ep)(e,e'p) reaction cross-section ratios for Helium-3 (3^3He), Tritium (3^3H), and Deuterium (dd). The measurement covered a missing momentum range of 40pmiss55040 \le p_{miss} \le 550 MeV/c/c, at large momentum transfer (Q21.9\langle Q^2 \rangle \approx 1.9 (GeV/c/c)2^2) and xB>1x_B>1, which minimized contributions from non quasi-elastic (QE) reaction mechanisms. The data is compared with plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) calculations using realistic spectral functions and momentum distributions. The measured and PWIA-calculated cross-section ratios for 3^3He/d/d and 3^3H/d/d extend to just above the typical nucleon Fermi-momentum (kF250k_F \approx 250 MeV/c/c) and differ from each other by 20%\sim 20\%, while for 3^3He/3^3H they agree within the measurement accuracy of about 3\%. At momenta above kFk_F, the measured 3^3He/3^3H ratios differ from the calculation by 20%50%20\% - 50\%. Final state interaction (FSI) calculations using the generalized Eikonal Approximation indicate that FSI should change the 3^3He/3^3H cross-section ratio for this measurement by less than 5\%. If these calculations are correct, then the differences at large missing momenta between the 3^3He/3^3H experimental and calculated ratios could be due to the underlying NNNN interaction, and thus could provide new constraints on the previously loosely-constrained short-distance parts of the NNNN interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (4 panels

    Personality and gender differences in global perspective

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Personality and gender differences in global perspective, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12265. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science Men's and women's personalities appear to differ in several respects. Social role theories of development assume gender differences result primarily from perceived gender roles, gender socialization and sociostructural power differentials. As a consequence, social role theorists expect gender differences in personality to be smaller in cultures with more gender egalitarianism. Several large cross-cultural studies have generated sufficient data for evaluating these global personality predictions. Empirically, evidence suggests gender differences in most aspects of personality—Big Five traits, Dark Triad traits, self-esteem, subjective well-being, depression and values—are conspicuously larger in cultures with more egalitarian gender roles, gender socialization and sociopolitical gender equity. Similar patterns are evident when examining objectively measured attributes such as tested cognitive abilities and physical traits such as height and blood pressure. Social role theory appears inadequate for explaining some of the observed cultural variations in men's and women's personalities. Evolutionary theories regarding ecologically-evoked gender differences are described that may prove more useful in explaining global variation in human personality

    American Gut: an Open Platform for Citizen Science Microbiome Research

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    McDonald D, Hyde E, Debelius JW, et al. American Gut: an Open Platform for Citizen Science Microbiome Research. mSystems. 2018;3(3):e00031-18

    Understanding Gender Inequality in Poverty and Social Exclusion through a Psychological Lens:Scarcities, Stereotypes and Suggestions

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    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead