2,708 research outputs found

    State/federal interaction of LANDSAT system and related technical assistance

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    The history of state involvement in LANDSAT systems planning and related efforts is described. Currently 16 states have visual LANDSAT capabilities and 10 others are planning on developing such capabilities. The federal government's future plans for the LANDSAT system, the impacts of recent budget decisions on the systems, and the FY 82 budget process are examined

    Social Medicalization (ll): Biomedical Limitations and Proposals for Basic Care in the Clinics

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    Objectives: To analyze how doctors and health officials contributed to the construction of technical-philosophical guidelines that generated high levels of medicalization at the micro-social level in the basic health services in Brazil

    Politics as Entertainment, Fair Use, and the Campaign Industrial Complex

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    In the spirit of Comic-Con and Star Trek conventions, political junkies now have Politicon, a nexus where they can socialize, debate, share obscure knowledge, and hope to catch a glimpse of a famous political figure or two. Politicon seems to arrived at just the right time, in a decade when the overlap between politics and entertainment has never been more evident. Businessman-turned-reality-TV-star Donald Trump is once again dominating the airwaves in his new pursuit as a presidential candidate. Republicans and Democrats alike have turned the debates of both their own parties, and of their competitors’ into social events with debate drinking games. Though the entertainment value of political media is only now coming to the forefront of social consciousness, the phenomenon itself is nothing new. According to Washington Post opinion writer Charles Lane, “politics has always been about entertainment,” from “the debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas,” to “civil rights, women’s suffrage [and] winning the cold war,” events and movements supposedly predicated—though not necessarily justified—by their entertainment value. This post was originally published on the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal website on February 9, 2016. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above

    O mal-estar da boca: Entre o desejo e a repressão

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Este estudo faz uma revisão narrativa sobre as principais categorias dos conceitos de bucalidade e oralidade, com o objetivo de sintetizar, organizar e debater as interfaces com relação ao que a literatura científica trata sobre os temas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na literatura procurando selecionar os conceitos mais importantes sobre bucalidade, e oralidade. O termo bucalidade apresentado por Botazzo atribui à boca uma conotação subjetiva capaz de ampliar o seu conceito além daquele já conhecido pela Odontologia. Já a oralidade parte de teorias psicanalíticas que consideram a boca como um centro de prazer e explica sua importância para constituição psíquica do indivíduo. São observadas possibilidades de interlocuções entre as duas disciplinas, sendo a oralidade um dos campos teóricos, entre outros, que pode nos ajudar a entender melhor a bucalidade, a subjetividade da boca e a suas consequências psíquicas para os indivíduos. Dessa forma, esses conceitos, se incluídos na prática odontológica, podem melhorar a visão dos profissionais sobre o mal-estar bucal dos pacientes e, diante disso, alterar suas ações clínicas para a construção de uma Odontologia menos traumática e mais acolhedora.This study is a narrative review of the main categories of concepts buccality and orality in order to synthesize, organize and discuss the interfaces with respect to the scientific literature that deals with the themes. A survey was conducted in the literature seeking to select the most important concepts about buccality, and orality. The term buccality presented by Botazzo gives the mouth a subjective connotation able to broaden its concept beyond that already known for Dentistry. Have orality part of psychoanalytic theories that consider the mouth as a pleasure center and explains its importance for psychological constitution of the individual. Possibilities of dialogues between the two disciplines are observed, being one of orality theoretical fields, among others, that can help us better understand the buccality, the subjectivity of the mouth and its psychic consequences for individuals. Thus, these concepts are included in dental practice, can improve vision professionals about oral discomfort of patients and, before that, change their clinics to building a more welcoming and less traumatic Dentistry shares

    O papel do Estado Brasileiro no desenvolvimento do capitalismo mundial e Latino-Americano: breves apontamentos de debates contemporâneos

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    Anais do IV Encontro de Iniciação Científica da Unila - “UNILA 5 anos: Integração em Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura na Tríplice Fronteira” - 05 e 06 de novembro de 2015 – Sessão Relações InternacionaisEntre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 houve uma grande ascensão da vertente crítica - marxista da teoria da dependência na América Latina, onde a problematização dos processos de reprodução do subdesenvolvimento na periferia do capitalismo mundial eram estudados atentamente. Através de um complexo estudo do desenrolar da reprodução do capital em âmbito global surgem teóricos como Ruy Mauro Marini e Immanuel Wallerstein que problematizam conceitos como subimperialismo e semiperiferia. Estes autores tratam então de conformar categorias analíticas que visam a explicar o funcionamento do capitalismo mundial. Problematizar-se-á nesta apresentação os conceitos de subimperialismo de Ruy Mauro Marini e de semiperiferia de Immanuel Wallerstein, como também, o conceito de capital-imperialista de Virginia Fontes, e a leitura realizada por Tatiana Berringer à respeito da categorização destes autores já mencionados. Ao trazer os pensamentos de Fontes e Berringer enquadramos a atualidade dessas problematizações, visto que estas autoras trazem para a atualidade debates consolidados nos anos 1960, 1970 e 1980, colocando-nos questionamentos sobre a vigência ou não das categorias antes mencionadas. Todos esses conceitos serão aplicados para pensar a dinâmica da economia brasileira na América Latina, assim estas categorias: subimperialismo, semiperiferia e capital-imperialismo serão averiguadas junto a dados empíricos que apresentam a transnacionalização das multinacionais brasileiras, o investimento direto estrangeiro (IDE) e a porcentagem do produto interno bruto (PIB) correspondente a dívida pública brasileira. Dados que ao mesmo tempo ilustram o relativo crescimento dos capitais brasileiros, como também apontam a estreita dependência do capital nacional ao capital estrangeiro. Espera-se com isso poder-se examinar o papel brasileiro dentro da América Latina, correlacionando os dados encontrados com as teorias apresentadas pelos autores antes mencionados, tentando designar o papel do Brasil no atual processo de desenvolvimento do capital mundial e latino-americano. Assim agradeço à Universidade Federal Da Integração Latino-Americana, pela oportunidade de pesquisa e pela bolsa concedida.Bolsista do Projeto de Iniciação Científica “Relaciones Económicas Internacionales en el MERCOSUR: transnacionalización del capital, Estado y clase dominante (1991-2014)”. Estudante do quarto período de Relações Internacionais e Integração da Universidade Federal de Integração Latino Americana

    The Truth in Biomedicine, Adverse Reactions and Collateral Effects: An Introductory Reflection

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    Objectives: To reflect on the conceptual construction of uses of biomedicine truth in clinical activity and its relation to the ethical role of physicians

    Revisiting the Role of Mass and Heat Transfer in Gas–Solid Catalytic Reactions

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    The tremendous progress in the computing power of modern computers has in the last 20 years favored the use of numerical methods for solving complex problems in the field of chemical kinetics and of reactor simulations considering also the effect of mass and heat transfer. Many classical textbooks dealing with the topic have, therefore, become quite obsolete. The present work is a review of the role that heat and mass transfer have in the kinetic studies of gas–solid catalytic reactions. The scope was to collect in a relatively short document the necessary knowledge for a correct simulation of gas–solid catalytic reactors. The first part of the review deals with the most reliable approach to the description of the heat and mass transfer outside and inside a single catalytic particle. Some different examples of calculations allow for an easier understanding of the described methods. The second part of the review is related to the heat and mass transfer in packed bed reactors, considering the macroscopic gradients that derive from the solution of mass and energy balances on the whole reactor. Moreover, in this second part, some examples of calculations, applied to chemical reactions of industrial interest, are reported for a better understanding of the systems studie

    Evaluation of silicone based products used in the past as today for the consolidation of Venetian monumental stone surfaces

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    The commercial consolidating siloxane compounds EAS 40, Rhodorsil Consolidante RC90 and RC80, and the silicone water repellent agents Rhodorsil H224 and Hydrophase were carefully applied to stone specimens and tested to ascertain their chemical nature and their stability under oxidative stress and degradative environments. The resins were applied to laboratory samples (Carrara marble and Vicenza white limestone specimens) and subjected to controlled natural weathering and artificial ageing. The film morphology and the penetration depth was observed and measured by SEM-EDS determinations, while the stability of the resins was monitored by FTIR, SEM-EDX, colorimetric measurements and sponge tests. The results were compared with those obtained from a spread sampling of Venetian surfaces treated in the second half of the XX c. with Sogesil XR893 and X54-802, silicone resins which are no longer on the market. The overall results prompted a number of considerations on the effects of the resins applied to stone materials and offered the authors the opportunity to make a practical contribution to current practices in the consolidation of stone materials