13 research outputs found

    Asociación de obesidad con la Enfermedad Renal Crónica de pacientes atendidos en la Clínica de la Costa. 2005-2014

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    Introduction: Obesity is a risk factor for the development and the progression of the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). In Latin America there are few studies where the stages of CKD and the degrees of obesity are related.Objective:The objective of the study is to evaluate the association of obesity with the chronic renal disease in patients seen in the extern consult of the department of Nephrology at the Clinic of the Coast in Barran-quilla, Colombia.Materials and Methods: A descriptive case series study was conducted. The sample consisted of 300 pa-tients collected in NefroRed©. Measurements of central tendency Y and X2were conducted to establish the association between degrees of obesity with CKD stages. Statistical analyseswere performed in R-CRAN. When the test was realized an association between degrees of obesity and the different stages of CKD was found [x2: 48.62; p-value <0.01].Conclusion: No statistical evidence of association was found between waist circumference and the stages of CKD [x2: 8.82; p-value ? 0.05]. There is an association between levels of obesity and the different stages of CKD. No relationship between waist circumference and the stages of CKD was found.Introducción: La obesidad es un factor de riesgo de desarrollo y progresión de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). En Latinoamérica existen pocos estudios donde se relacionen los estadios de ERC y grados de obesidad.Objetivo: El objetivo de estudio es evaluar la asociación de obesidad con la enfermedad renal crónica de pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa del departamento de Nefrología en la Clínica de la Costa en Barranquilla, Colombia.Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo tipo serie de casos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 300 pacientes acopiados en NefroRed©. Se realizaron medidas de tendencia central y un ?² para establecer la asociación entre los grados de obesidad con los estadios de la ERC. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron en R-CRAN. Al realizar la prueba, se encontró una asociación entre los grados de obesidad y los diferentes estadios de la ERC [?²: 48,62; p-valor < 0,01].Conclusión: No se encontró evidencia estadística de asociación entre el Perímetro Abdominal y los estadios de ERC [?²: 8,82; p-valor ? 0,05]. Existe asociación entre los grados de obesidad y los diferentes estadios de la ERC. No se encontró la relación entre perímetro abdominal y los estadios de ERC

    Impacto financiero y ambiental de la energía geotérmica en operaciones de crudo y gas en la cuenca de los Llanos Orientales

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    El mundo de hoy cada día exige que los temas de transición energética y descarbonización sean parte de las estrategias de negocio de las empresas. Los actores del mercado están demandando que las compañías se aseguren de estar construyendo un negocio resiliente a los riesgos que trae los cambios climáticos. Volverse neutral en término de emisiones, ya dejó de ser un tema cliché para convertirse en parte de la cultura de las empresas petroleras y en el sector energético. Como parte de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible del país a 2030 se encuentra la reducción del 20% de las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero, reduciendo 11.2 Millones de toneladas de CO2. Es por ello por lo que proyectos basados en geotermia cobran gran importancia, no solo porque se trata de una energía renovable, limpia, estable, y con menos emisiones de CO2, casi la décima parte con respecto a las demás. El presente proyecto busca dimensionar el impacto financiero y ambiental de la implementación de un proyecto de autogeneración eléctrica basado en energía geotérmica asociada al agua de producción de un campo de petróleo, bajo tres escenarios de temperatura del agua asociada. Con esta evaluación se pretende validar los beneficios y la conveniencia de esta solución con respecto al esquema actual de suministro a través de la compra de energía a la red Nacional.Today's world demands that energy transition and decarbonization issues be part of companies' business strategies. Market players are demanding that companies build a business that is resilient to the risks that climate change brings. Becoming neutral in terms of emissions has ceased to be a cliché to become part of the culture of companies in the energy sector. As part of the country's sustainable development objectives for 2030, there is a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reducing 11.2 million tons of CO2. That is why projects based on geothermal energy take great importance, since it is a renewable, clean, stable energy, and with less CO2 emissions (almost a tenth compared to the others). This project seeks to measure the financial and environmental impact of the implementation of an electrical self-generation project based on geothermal energy associated with the production water of an oil field, under three associated water temperature scenarios. This evaluation is intended to validate the benefits and convenience of this solution, compare with the current energy supply scheme through the purchase of energy from the National network.Magíster en Ingeniería de PetróleosMaestrí

    Antimicrobial Use in Aquaculture Re-examined: Its Relevance to Antimicrobial Resistance and to Animal and Human Health

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    The worldwide growth of aquaculture has been accompanied by a rapid increase in therapeutic and prophylactic usage of antimicrobials including those important in human therapeutics. Approximately 80% of antimicrobials used in aquaculture enter the environment with their activity intact where they select for bacteria whose resistance arises from mutations or more importantly, from mobile genetic elements containing multiple resistance determinants transmissible to other bacteria. Such selection alters biodiversity in aquatic environments and the normal flora of fish and shellfish. The commonality of the mobilome (the total of all mobile genetic elements in a genome) between aquatic and terrestrial bacteria together with the presence of residual antimicrobials, biofilms, and high concentrations of bacteriophages where the aquatic environment may also be contaminated with pathogens of human and animal origin can stimulate exchange of genetic information between aquatic and terrestrial bacteria. Several recently found genetic elements and resistance determinants for quinolones, tetracyclines, and beta-lactamases are shared between aquatic bacteria, fish pathogens, and human pathogens, and appear to have originated in aquatic bacteria. Excessive use of antimicrobials in aquaculture can thus potentially negatively impact animal and human health as well as the aquatic environment and should be better assessed and regulated

    Antimicrobial use in aquaculture re-examined: its relevance to antimicrobial resistance and to animal and human health

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    Phylum XIV. Bacteroidetes phyl. nov.

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    Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) in Childhood and Adolescence: Recent Advances

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