470 research outputs found

    La tricherie au CÉGEP : causes et solutions possibles

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    Abstract : Academic dishonesty is not new and is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a problematic that every academic institution must deal with and higher education is, unfortunately, not immune to cheating. Studies pertaining to cheating have been done in various universities, but none have been done on CEGEP students and none have tried to establish a link between in-class examination cheating and types of assessment. The following quantitative research studied the link between students’ stress levels and types of assessment while addressing in-class academic dishonesty. Students’ ethics regarding cheating was addressed as well as their personal experiences with cheating during in-class examinations. An online anonymous survey was used in order to gather data. This research has helped understand that JAC students are under a lot of stress and are no different than other higher education students since they too, also cheat in large numbers. Nonetheless, students have an ethical opinion regarding academic dishonesty. They recognise it is wrong and they are capable of labelling cheating behaviour according to its gravity. Despite all of this, we have discovered that when students help each other cheat during written in-class exams, it is not judged as severely. Yet, students who admitted cheating do not overlook cheating as much as those who do not cheat. Honest students tend to view cheating behaviour as a much more serious issue. This research has also highlighted the fact that only a few students believe assessments used in their courses are effective at evaluating their level of understanding of course concepts. Students have been extremely open pertaining to their behaviour. They have explained why they cheat and how they do it. This research has also confirmed that technology plays a smaller role in academic dishonesty than previously assumed. This contradicted what was said in the literature. Undoubtedly, results obtained through our survey indicate that the types of exam given influences students’ incentive to cheat. In fact, 81 percent of students admitted cheating because of a loss of memory. Since memorization is not the primary tool required to complete an openbook exam, students tend to cheat less during this type of examination as they have access to their course material. Open-book exams (primarily) as well as cheat-sheet exams (secondly) generate the lowest incentive to cheat amongst students as well as the lowest stress level. Finally, we were surprised to learn that most students prepare for an open-book exam. We initially thought the opposite. The aim of this research was to find solutions to decrease students’ incentive to cheat. Our research results show that open-book assessments are a good solution to decrease academic dishonesty and stress levels during in-class examinations.La tricherie Ă  l’école n’est pas un phĂ©nomĂšne nouveau ni spĂ©cifique Ă  un pays. Elle est internationale. Il s’agit d’un problĂšme qui touche toutes les institutions scolaires y compris celles des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures qui ne sont pas immunisĂ©es contre la tricherie. Plusieurs Ă©tudes au niveau universitaire ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur ce phĂ©nomĂšne mais aucune n’a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans des CEGEP et aucune n’a tentĂ© d’établir un lien entre la tricherie et le type d’examen donnĂ© aux Ă©lĂšves. La prĂ©sente recherche quantitative a Ă©tudiĂ© le lien entre le niveau de stress des Ă©tudiants et la tricherie durant des examens Ă©crits en classe. ParallĂšlement, notre Ă©tude s’est Ă©galement concentrĂ©e sur l’éthique des Ă©tudiants concernant la tricherie ainsi que leurs expĂ©riences personnelles de triche. Un questionnaire Ă©lectronique anonyme (Survey Monkey) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© afin d’amasser les donnĂ©es. Notre Ă©tude a confirmĂ© que les Ă©tudiants de JAC sont trĂšs stressĂ©s et ne sont pas diffĂ©rents du reste des Ă©tudiants aux Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures car, eux aussi, trichent. MalgrĂ© cela, il n’en demeure pas moins qu’ils possĂšdent une certaine opinion Ă©thique concernant la tricherie. Ils reconnaissent que tricher est immoral, injuste et ils sont capables d’étiqueter ce comportement selon sa gravitĂ©. En revanche, nous avons dĂ©couvert que, lorsqu’il s’agit d’entraide au moment d’examens, ils jugent ce comportement de façon moins sĂ©vĂšre que lorsqu’un Ă©tudiant triche en solitaire, sans l’aide d’un autre. Dans la mĂȘme ligne d’idĂ©e, les Ă©tudiants qui admettent tricher sont plus tolĂ©rants voire indiffĂ©rents face Ă  ce comportement que ceux qui ne trichent pas. Les Ă©tudiants honnĂȘtes jugent la tricherie de façon beaucoup plus sĂ©vĂšre. Notre recherche a Ă©galement soulignĂ© le fait que les Ă©tudiants trouvent que les mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es afin d’évaluer leurs connaissances et comprĂ©hension du matĂ©riel enseignĂ© sont inefficaces. Nous avons Ă©tĂ© surpris de l’ouverture et de l’honnĂȘtetĂ© des Ă©tudiants concernant leurs comportements dĂ©viants. Ils nous ont expliquĂ© pourquoi ils trichaient et comment ils le faisaient. Par exemple, ils trichent afin d’amĂ©liorer leurs notes mais Ă©galement selon le type d’examen donnĂ© en classe. De plus, lorsqu’ils n’ont que la mĂ©morisation comme outil lors d’un examen ou lorsqu’ils sont incapables de se rappeler de faits et donnĂ©es, ils ont tendance Ă  tricher plus frĂ©quemment. En outre, 49 pour cent des Ă©tudiants ont admis partager le scĂ©nario d’un examen pratique et considĂ©rer cela comme une tricherie nĂ©gligeable. Notre recherche a Ă©galement confirmĂ© que la technologie joue un rĂŽle plutĂŽt secondaire lorsque les Ă©tudiants trichent. Nous pensions le contraire et ce fait contredit Ă©galement ce qui a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ© par d’autres recherches. ConsĂ©quemment, les rĂ©sultats obtenus par notre recherche dĂ©montrent que le type d’examen utilisĂ© influence les comportements dĂ©viants des Ă©tudiants. Ainsi, 81 pour cent des Ă©tudiants ont admis tricher lorsqu’ils sont incapables de se rappeler la matiĂšre couverte dans l’examen. Puisque la mĂ©morisation n’est pas nĂ©cessaire afin de complĂ©ter un examen Ă  livre ouvert, les Ă©tudiants ont tendance Ă  moins tricher lorsqu’ils passent ce type d’examen puisqu’ils ont accĂšs Ă  leurs livres et notes de cours. De plus, les examens Ă  livre ouvert ainsi que les examens oĂč un aide-mĂ©moire est permis, sont les types d’examens qui gĂ©nĂšrent le plus bas taux de tricherie ainsi que le plus bas taux de stress. Finalement, nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© surpris d’apprendre que, contrairement Ă  ce que nous croyions au dĂ©part, la grande majoritĂ© des Ă©tudiants Ă©tudient pour un examen Ă  livre ouvert. Le but de notre recherche Ă©tait de trouver des solutions afin de diminuer la tendance des Ă©tudiant Ă  tricher. En rĂ©pondant Ă  notre questionnaire en ligne, les Ă©tudiants ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs francs et nous ont aidĂ© Ă  mieux comprendre les raisons qui les poussent Ă  tricher. Ils nous ont Ă©galement Ă©clairĂ© quant Ă  de nouvelles idĂ©es et techniques que l’on pourrait utiliser afin de rĂ©duire la tricherie lors d’examens Ă©crits et abaisser leur niveau de stress. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus par notre recherche sont on ne peut plus clairs : les examens Ă  livre ouvert sont une trĂšs bonne façon de rĂ©duire l’incitation Ă  la tricherie. C’est pourquoi nous croyons que la premiĂšre solution pour freiner les tricheurs serait de faire passer Ă  nos Ă©tudiants des examens Ă  livre ouvert avec pour consĂ©quences positives une rĂ©duction importante du stress et un encouragement Ă  ne pas tricher


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    Our objective was to investigate the effects of acute fatigue on stability and smoothness of trunk motion during a half marathon. 13 recreational runners were fitted with a GNSS-IMU sensor on their chest. Every 10 minutes of the race, the participant pronounced their perceived fatigue, recorded by a smartphone attached to the arm. We divided the race into 8 equal segments, corresponding to one fatigue score per segment, and considered only level running. Based on mediolateral acceleration and running velocity (v), stability was characterized by spectral entropy, RMS of acceleration (RMSA), and autocorrelation between successive steps and strides; smoothness by jerk cost (JC), spectral arc length (SPARC), and inverse number of peaks (IPV) of v. Both RMSA and JC increased significantly shortly after race onset. RMSA increased significantly at a lower perceived fatigue level, while JC increased at a higher level. Whereas other measures did not change substantially, RMSA and JC showed a clear change with acute fatigue and also differentiated well between the five fastest and five slowest runners. With increasing perceived fatigue, both parameters showed a higher change for ‘slow’ group. This study highlights the loss of stability and smoothness in running due to acute fatigue and the importance of simultaneously measuring perceived fatigue and trunk biomechanics under real-world conditions


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    The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of acute fatigue on the asymmetry, variability, and complexity of the running pattern. We equipped 11 half-marathon participants with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on each foot and a global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-IMU sensor on chest. Every 10 minutes of the race, the participant pronounced their perceived rating-of-fatigue (ROF) on a scale of 1 to 10. We divided the race into 8 equal segments, with one ROF score per segment, and included only the flat running parts. Temporal gait parameters were extracted using validated algorithms, followed by the computation of their asymmetry, and the variability and complexity of the cycle time (CT). Gait asymmetry increased significantly toward the end of the race and at higher perceived fatigue; faster runners showed a greater increase in asymmetry. CT variability increased significantly at the beginning of the race and then remained stable for all participants, but faster runners showed up to 20% less variability. No significant change was observed in CT complexity. This study highlights the increase in asymmetry and variability due to acute fatigue, with differences between fast/slow runners, and the importance of simultaneously measuring perceived fatigue and gait parameters under real-world conditions


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    The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of using a sacrum-worn inertial measurement unit (IMU) for performance evaluation in each swimming phase (wall push-off, glide, stroke preparation, and swimming) of national-level swimmers in front crawl technique. Nineteen swimmers were asked to wear a sacrum IMU and swim four one-way 25-m trials in front crawl, attached to a tethered speedometer and filmed by cameras in the whole lap for validation. Based on the literature, several goal metrics were defined over speedometer data, each one representing the performance of the swimmer either in one phase (maximum velocity of wall push-off phase) or several phases (time of 15 meters for wall push-off, glide, stroke preparation phases). Following a macro-micro approach, the IMU parameters of each swimming phase were used to predict the goal metrics. The selected IMU parameters were in line with the characteristics of movement within each phase and can estimate the corresponding goal metric with an R2 over 0.8 and relative RMSE lower than 10%

    Alternatives to prison for drug offenders in Belgium during the past decade

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    Objective: Imprisonment has a more pronounced criminogenic effect on drug offenders than on other types of offenders. Additionally, little research has been conducted on the practical application of drug-related alternatives to prison. Therefore, this study describes drug-related alternatives to prison in Belgium over a ten years' period since 2005. Methods: The applied drug-related alternatives to prison ('probation', 'conditional release', 'mediation in criminal cases', 'community service' and 'electronic monitoring') were subject to a secondary data analysis of the database of the Houses of Justice. Results: Men, the age group of 16-24 years old and Belgians are most sentenced to alternatives to prison. Nevertheless, 38% of women are guided towards 'probation' while 8% is 'mediated in criminal cases' compared to 30% and 5% of males respectively (p < .001). 26% of non-Belgians are involved in 'conditional release' and 'electronic monitoring' compared to 22% and 16% among Belgians (p < .001) respectively. With regards to age, 21% of the offenders older than 24 years are involved in 'electronic monitoring' compared to 6% among the offenders younger than 25 years (p < .001). Conclusions: The results highlight differences in punishment judgments by age, gender and nationality that continues to be indicative for perceived threat, danger and culpability of the offenders

    Cheating in CEGEP: Causes and Possible Solutions

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    Essai prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© d’éducation en vue de l’obtention du grade de MaĂźtre en enseignement (M.Éd.) MaĂźtrise en enseignement au collĂ©gial.Comprend des rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiques

    In-field assessment of change-of-direction ability with a single wearable sensor.

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    The Agility T-test is a standardized method to measure the change-of-direction (COD) ability of athletes in the field. It is traditionally scored based on the total completion time, which does not provide information on the different CODs. Augmenting the T-test with wearable sensors provides the opportunity to explore new metrics. Towards this, data of 23 professional soccer players were recorded with a trunk-worn GNSS-IMU (Global Navigation Satellite System-Inertial Measurement Unit) device. A method for detecting the four CODs based on the wavelet-denoised antero-posterior acceleration signal was developed and validated using video data (60 Hz). Following this, completion time was estimated using GNSS ground speed and validated with the photocell data. The proposed method yields an error (mean ± standard deviation) of 0 ± 66 ms for the COD detection, - 0.16 ± 0.22 s for completion time, and a relative error for each COD duration and each sequential movement durations of less than 3.5 ± 16% and 7 ± 7%, respectively. The presented algorithm can highlight the asymmetric performance between the phases and CODs in the right and left direction. By providing a more comprehensive analysis in the field, this work can enable coaches to develop more personalized training and rehabilitation programs
