693 research outputs found

    Ground states of a frustrated quantum spin chain with long-range interactions

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    The ground state of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain with both frustration and long-range interactions is studied using Lanczos exact diagonalization. The evolution of the well known dimerization transition of the system with short-range frustrated interactions (the J1-J2 chain) is investigated in the presence of additional unfrustrated interactions decaying with distance as 1/r^a. It is shown that the continuous (infinite-order) dimerization transition develops into a first-order transition between a long-range ordered antiferromagnetic state and a state with coexisting dimerization and critical spin correlations at wave-number k=\pi/2. The relevance of the model to real systems is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, final published versio

    Energy and multipartite entanglement in multidimensional and frustrated spin models

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    We investigate the relation between the entanglement properties of a quantum state and its energy for macroscopic spin models. To this aim, we develop a general method to compute energy bounds for states without certain forms of multipartite entanglement. Violation of these bounds implies the presence of these types of multipartite entanglement. As examples, we investigate the Heisenberg model in different dimensions, the Ising model and the XX model in the presence of a magnetic field. Finally, by studying the Heisenberg model on a triangular lattice, we demonstrate that our techniques can be applied also to frustrated systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, v2: small change

    Electro-disintegration following beta-decay

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    I show that the disintegration of weakly-bound nuclei and the ionization of weakly-bound atomic electrons due to their interaction with leptons from beta decay is a negligible effect.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, to be published in the Physical Review

    Hardcore dimer aspects of the SU(2) Singlet wavefunction

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    We demonstrate that any SU(2) singlet wavefunction can be characterized by a set of Valence Bond occupation numbers, testing dimer presence/vacancy on pairs of sites. This genuine quantum property of singlet states (i) shows that SU(2) singlets share some of the intuitive features of hardcore quantum dimers, (ii) gives rigorous basis for interesting albeit apparently ill-defined quantities introduced recently in the context of Quantum Magnetism or Quantum Information to measure respectively spin correlations and bipartite entanglement and, (iii) suggests a scheme to define consistently a wide family of quantities analogous to high order spin correlation. This result is demonstrated in the framework of a general functional mapping between the Hilbert space generated by an arbitrary number of spins and a set of algebraic functions found to be an efficient analytical tool for the description of quantum spins or qubits systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Temper variations in ancient ceramics – technological or cultural origin?

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    Ground state projection of quantum spin systems in the valence bond basis

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    A Monte Carlo method for quantum spin systems is formulated in the basis of valence bond (singlet pair) states. The non-orthogonality of this basis allows for an efficient importance-sampled projection of the ground state out of an arbitrary state. The method provides access to resonating valence-bond physics, enables a direct improved estimator for the singlet-triplet gap, and extends the class of models that can be studied without negative-sign problems. As a demonstration, the valence bond distribution in the ground state of the 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet is calculated. Generalizations of the method to fermion systems are also discussed.Comment: 4+ pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Southern Route or Northern Sea Route--Whether seaworthiness impacts a ship-owners decision on what route to travel

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    En stor del av vĂ€rldens sjötransporter gĂ„r mellan Asien och Europa. Idag Ă€r den södra rutten genom Suez-kanalen populĂ€rast, men efter att isen i Arktis börjat smĂ€lta har den norra rutten öppnats upp som en möjlig utmanare till den södra rutten och skeppsĂ€gare stĂ€lls nu inför ett val. Sjötransport Ă€r en riskfylld verksamhet och bĂ„de den södra och den norra rutten innehĂ„ller omrĂ„den med ökad risk. PĂ„ den södra rutten bestĂ„r den ökade risken av risk för piratattacker. PĂ„ den norra rutten bestĂ„r den ökade risken av is och hĂ„rda vĂ€derförhĂ„llanden. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka om rĂ€ttsliga förhĂ„llanden kan inverka pĂ„ vilken rutt en skeppsĂ€gare vĂ€ljer. De valda aspekterna Ă€r förutsebarhet i domstolars bedömning om ett skepp Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt under ett kontrakt att frakta gods styrt av Hague och Hague-Visby reglerna samt under ett sjöförsĂ€kringskontrakt styrt av den engelska sjöförsĂ€kringslagen. I tvister under bĂ„da kontrakten Ă€r frĂ„gan om sjövĂ€rdighet av stor ekonomisk betydelse eftersom den Ă€r avgörande för ansvar för lasten och för att försĂ€kringsersĂ€ttning betalas ut. SkeppsĂ€garen Ă€r under Hague och Hague-Visby reglerna skyldig att ha utövat due diligence för att tillse att skeppet Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt samt under den engelska sjörösĂ€kringslagen att han inte har kunskap om att skeppet inte Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt. Standarden för vad som Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt skepp, och för vad som krĂ€vs för att anses ha utövat due diligence för att tillse att skeppet Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt sĂ€tts utifrĂ„n vad en erfaren och aktsam skeppsĂ€gare i den aktuella situationen skulle bedöma som ett sjövĂ€rdigt skepp och vad han hade gjort för att tillse att det var sjövĂ€rdigt. Det Ă€r en objektiv standard som sĂ€tts utifrĂ„n kunskap i sjötransportbranschen utifrĂ„n information i bland annat IMO-instrument. Jurister hĂ€vdar att IMO-instrument har inverkan pĂ„ bedömningen av ett skepps sjövĂ€rdighet i en kontraktsrĂ€ttslig tvist, i vart fall om den aktuella regeln har till syfte att försĂ€kra att skeppet nĂ„r sin destination. Domare verkar dock inte anvĂ€nda IMO-instrument i sĂ€rskilt stor utstrĂ€ckning. Det beror frĂ€mst pĂ„ att informationen de innehĂ„ller inte har nĂ„gon direkt relevans för olyckan. Informationen i IMO-instrument Ă€r ofta för generell och innehĂ„ller inte vad som behövs för att avgöra vad som orsakade olyckan. Ett certifikat behöver inte innebĂ€ra att besĂ€ttningen har den kompetens och erfarenhet certifikatet anger eller att fartyget Ă€r i det skick certifikatet anger. IMO har publicerat riskspecifika rekommendationer bĂ„de i förhĂ„llande till risken för piratattack och att fĂ€rdas i omrĂ„den med hĂ„rt vĂ€der och is. De tvĂ„ rekommendationerna har jĂ€mförts utifrĂ„n dess lĂ€mplighet att anvĂ€ndas som objektiva standarder i domstolars avgörande av ett skepps sjövĂ€rdighet och följaktligen om en skeppsĂ€gare kan vara sĂ€krare pĂ„ att tillhandahĂ„lla ett sjövĂ€rdigt skepp pĂ„ en av rutterna. Om en skeppsĂ€gare kan förutse att fartyget bedöms sjövĂ€rdigt vid val av en rutt, sĂ„ att han inte blir ansvarig för skadat eller förlorat gods och erhĂ„ller försĂ€kringsersĂ€ttning vid skada pĂ„ eller förlust av fartyget, Ă€r det ett incitament att vĂ€lja den rutten. IMO;s rekommendationer i förhĂ„llande till den norra rutten Ă€r mer omfattande och mer detaljerade men saknar ett helhetsperspektiv. Certifikat utges för att bevisa att rekommendationer Ă€r uppfyllda. Den norra rutten Ă€r lĂ€mpligast i ett försĂ€kringsmĂ„l eftersom skeppsĂ€garen med hjĂ€lp av certifikaten kan bevisa att han trodde att fartyget var sjövĂ€rdigt. Rekommendationerna för den södra rutten Ă€r mer generella men Ă€r baserade pĂ„ vad som har fungerat tidigare och har ett helhetsperspektiv. Om rekommendationerna för den södra rutten Ă€r följda torde skeppsĂ€garen anses ha uppfyllt due diligence för sjövĂ€rdighet. Eftersom skeppsĂ€garen bĂ€r bevisbördan i ett mĂ„l under Hague och Hague-Visby reglerna och due-diligence Ă€r en objektiv standard i motsats till under ett försĂ€kringsmĂ„l dĂ€r försĂ€kringsgivaren bĂ€r bevisbördan och mĂ„ste visa att skeppsĂ€garen har kĂ€nnedom om att skeppet inte Ă€r sjövĂ€rdigt Ă€r det viktigast att vĂ€lja den rutt dĂ€r due diligence lĂ€ttast kan bevisas. Om förutsebarhet i den rĂ€ttsliga bedömningen av sjövĂ€rdighet Ă€r avgörande bör den södra rutten vĂ€ljas. Alltför stor tillit bör dock inte denna aspekten tillmĂ€tas eftersom sjövĂ€rdighet Ă€r ett vagt begrepp som aldrig Ă€r riktigt förutsebart.There are two main shipping routes between Europe and Asia, among those the Southern Route through the Suez Canal is by far the most popular route. Due to a decrease in Arctic sea ice, the Northern Sea Route have opened up and is expected to become a viable alternative and a possible competitor to the Southern Route. The purpose of this essay is to contribute by advising ship-owners on what route they should use from a legal perspective. Both routes have their specific risk, the Southern Route by piracy and the Northern Route by harsh weather conditions, ice and floating icebergs. Both hazards are such that no matter how much precaution is taken, casualties will occur and legal issues on who will be liable for damage and loss will arise and referred to dispute resolution. This thesis is limited to whether certainty in providing a vessel that the court will deem seaworthy differs between the two routes and whether it is a relevant aspect to take into account. Seaworthiness derives from the law merchant, it is an implied obligation in contracts of affreightment by common law, an implied warranty in insurance policies and explicitly inserted in most contracts. This thesis will be limited to Hull Insurance regulated in s 39(5) Marine Insurance Act 1906 United Kingdome (‘MIA’) and Bills of Lading (‘BOL’) mandatory regulated by the Hague and the Hague-Visby Rules. Under a Hull Insurance the insurer will be exempted from liability to indemnify the assured for loss if the loss is attributable to unseaworthiness to which the assured is privy. Under the Hague and the Hague-Visby Rules the ship-owner is obliged to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy before and at the beginning of the voyage. If cargo is damaged or lost the ship-owner will be liable to the cargo-owner unless he can show that he had exercised due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and the damage or loss was caused by an act for which the ship-owner is exempted from liability. The applicable test to determine if a vessel is seaworthy and if due diligence has been exercised to make the ship seaworthy is whether a prudent ship-owner knowing in the particular ship-owners place would deem the vessel seaworthy and have done what a prudent ship-owner would have done to ensure itÂŽs seaworthiness. The tests are objective measured against standards and knowledge in the shipping industry as a whole. Privy to seaworthiness is a subjective test, based on the ship-owners actual, or blind-eye-knowledge. Courts donÂŽt consider objective standards that are not causative to the casualty or are not adequate because the ship-owner should have known that the ship needed better standards for the intended adventure or certain factors contained risks for defect and needed better surveillance. If there are objective standards that fit the intended voyage and adventure they are taken into account and if the ship-owner can show he complies with all standards due diligence is exercised to seaworthiness. Objective standards can show the ship-owner is not privy to seaworthiness. The International Maritime Organization (‘IMO’) guidelines are accepted as objective standards, and IMO has issued hazard-specific guidelines both in respect of piracy, harsh weather conditions and ice, the Best Management Practices for Protection against Somali based Piracy (‘BMP’) and the Guidelines for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (‘Polar guidelines’). These guidelines are different in respect of form, scope and content. By comparing the guidelines in the light of factors courts take into account in assessing seaworthiness, it has been concluded that they serve differently in seaworthiness assessments under the two contracts. The Polar guidelines are more detailed and comprehensive and certificates are issued to prove compliance in respect of the crew and the vessel and are better for the ship-owner in an insurance claim. The BMP are based on real accidents, the information is practical and more suitable as objective factors for a seaworthiness claim. If a ship-owner complies with these, he will most likely have been deemed to have exercised due diligence to seaworthiness. The insurer bears the burden of proving privy to unseaworthiness whereas the ship-owner bears the burden of proving he has exercised due diligence to seaworthiness. The claim under the BOL is therefore more difficult to succeed and the advice is for the ship-owner to travel the Southern Route. However, seaworthiness is a very broad term and relates to every aspect of the adventure; although seaworthy in relation to the specific hazard it may be unseaworthy for a general aspect. Because it is so uncertain and impossible to pre-empt what the court will decide, ship-owners should not place too great reliance on this aspect in deciding whether to travel the Southern Route or the Northern Sea Route

    Placental pathology regarding inflammation and a new classification of stillbirth

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    Background: The incidence of stillbirth has remained almost constant during the last 2-3 decades despite obvious improvements in obstetric care. To achieve a reduction of stillbirth, better understanding of the etiology is imperative. Relevant test protocols and audit work is reported to reduce the number of unexplained cases. Classification of death can help the audit group identifying relevant etiology and causes of fetal death. Since 1954 more than 35 classification systems for perinatal death have been published but there is still no international consensus. Few studies have investigated how causes of stillbirth differ over gestational ages, with varying and conflicting results. Infection is known as an important cause of stillbirth, particularly before gestational week (gw) 28. Various infections are thought to cause different forms of inflammation/infection in placenta. Bacterial infection is supposed to give a maternal inflammatory response in the placenta; histological chorioamnionitis (CAM) followed by a histological fetal response (FIR) including vasculitis (inflammation in vessels in the placenta and/or umbilical cord) and funisitis (inflammation in the Wharton's jelly), whereas a viral infection is supposed to cause chronic villitis. Histological CAM has shown to be clearly associated to stillbirth. Method: In paper I “the Stockholm classification of stillbirth” is presented and validated regarding inter observer variability. In paper II, a cohort of all 1089 singleton pregnancies in Stockholm during a 12 year period was compared regarding primary and primary + associated cause of death, according to the classification. The cases were divided in early preterm (gw 22+0 to 28+6) and moderately preterm (gw 29+0 to 36+6) plus, term (gw 37+0 to 40+6) and post-term (gw ≄ 41+0). Two case-control studies including singleton placentas from 126 term stillborn cases and 273 live born controls (paper III) as well as 112 early preterm (gw 22+0 to 32+6) stillborn cases and 166 gestational week matched references (paper IV) were compared with focus on CAM, FIR and chronic villitis. Results: We have developed a classification, exclusive for stillbirth, consisting of 17 groups of causes of death and allowing for one primary and several associated causes if needed. Most causes are graded in probability levels (definite, probable, or possible). The validated overall agreement regarding primary cause of death was substantial. When using the classification in the 12 year cohort of stillbirth, almost 90% of cases were ascribed a cause of death. Placental abruption and preeclampsia/hypertension were both more common as cause of death among preterm stillbirths compared to the term/post-term stillbirths, who showed a higher proportion of umbilical cord complications and infection. Infection was more common in post-terms compared to term stillbirths, and in extremely preterm compared to moderately premature stillbirths. In paper III we found CAM (especially severe), chronic villitis, villous immaturity, fetus who was small for gestational age (SGA) and maternal overweight, but not vasculitis or funisitis, to be independently associated with an elevated risk for stillbirth at term. In paper IV we found SGA and “CAM without FIR”, but not “CAM with FIR,” to be independently associated with a higher risk for stillbirth at early preterm gestation. Conclusion: The Stockholm classification of stillbirth, primarily meant to be used by audit groups, has showed a low percentage of unclassifiable cases and a low inter observer variability. Knowledge about how causes of stillbirth are distributed over gestational ages could be clinically important and useful in developing strategies for prevention. Results in the case-control studies indicate that the presence of CAM, especially severe, is a risk factor for fetal death in term pregnancies whereas FIR is not. In early preterm pregnancies the presence of CAM is not a risk factor for fetal death if FIR exists, but it is a threat to the fetus if FIR does not occur. Further research is needed to clarify if the development of FIR is actually protecting the fetus from death, a finding that of course could be of great importance for the understanding of the mechanisms of stillbirth

    Orbital-controlled magnetic transition between gapful and gapless phases in the Haldane system with t2g-orbital degeneracy

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    In order to clarify a key role of orbital degree of freedom in the spin S=1 Haldane system, we investigate ground-state properties of the t2g-orbital degenerate Hubbard model on the linear chain by using numerical techniques. Increasing the Hund's rule coupling in multi-orbital systems, in general, there occurs a transition from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic phase. We find that the antiferromagnetic phase is described as the Haldane system with spin gap, while in the ferromagnetic phase, there exists the gapless excitation with respect to orbital degree of freedom. Possible relevance of the present results to actual systems is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Neel order in the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg Model

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    The existence of Neel order in the S=1/2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice at T=0 is shown using inequalities set up by Kennedy, Lieb and Shastry in combination with high precision Quantum Monte Carlo data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
