22 research outputs found

    Narava praznine in budistična etika

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    Buddhist ethics can be compelling by the sheer force of its principal doctrines. It focuses on the nature of the elusive but dynamic nonself (anatman) doctrine and brings together such concepts as the middle way (madhyama-pratipad), relational origination (pratitya-samutpada) and the nature of emptiness (sunyata). But more basic to the understanding of these concepts is the need to practice the well known Eightfold Noble Path that finally caps in meditative discipline (samadhi) that breaks open into the perception of things under the aegis of emptiness. The result is a rare vision, an insight (prajna) and compassion (karuna) for all living and nonliving creatures. The dynamic nonself is important in that it exhibits the contemporary significance of the content of a doctrine expounded by the historical Buddha. Without this doctrine, it would not be possible to develop Buddhist ethics. It compels us to perceive our contacts, association and actions in a group or social setting in a broader, deeper and flexible ways. The nature of emptiness allows this perception. More specifically, the awareness of others in mutually binding and dynamic ways give rise to a unique form of moral sense. It binds people together in ways that are gainful and harmonious, thus perpetuating and sustaining a healthy and productive society.Budistična etika nas lahko pritegne že s samo prepričljivostjo svojih poglavitnih naukov. Osredotoča se na naravo težko opredeljive, toda dinamične doktrine Ne-Jaza (anātman) in povezuje med sabo pojme srednje poti (mādhyama-pratipad), soodvisnega nastanka (pratītya-samutpāda) in narave praznine (œūnyatā). Toda še bolj bistveno za razumevanje teh pojmov je izvajanje dobro znane Osmerne plemenite poti, ki se končno prevesi v meditativno disciplino (samādhi), ki se izteče v percepcijo stvari pod egido praznine. Rezultat tega je izjemna vizija, uvid (prāj?a) in sočutje (karunā) za vsa živa in neživa bitja. Dinamični ne-jaz je pomemben zaradi tega, ker razodeva sodobni pomen vsebine nauka, ki ga je razlagal zgodovinski Buddha. Brez tega nauka ne bi bilo mogoče razviti budistične etike. Prisili nas, da svoje stike, povezave in aktivnosti v skupini ali v družbenem okviru zaznamo širše, globlje in bolj fleksibilno. Narava praznine dopušča to zaznavo. Natančneje, doživljanje drugih na vzajemno obvezujoče in dinamične načine, poraja neko izredno obliko moralnega čuta. Ljudi plodno in harmonično povezuje in na ta način ohranja in vzdržuje zdravo in ustvarjalno družbo

    2017 HRS/EHRA/ECAS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation: executive summary.

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    2017 HRS/EHRA/ECAS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation: executive summary.

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    withdrawn 2017 hrs ehra ecas aphrs solaece expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation

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