5 research outputs found
Mapeamento da fragilidade ambiental da microbacia do Alto Rio Grande - Nova Friburgo-RJ
A bacia hidrográfica do alto rio Grande (292,4 km²) se encontra na cabeceira do Rio Grande,
afluente da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Dois Rios, que é contribuinte na margem direita da bacia
hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul. Localiza-se na vertente a sotavento da serra do Mar, logo
após o interflúvio, sendo importante para o abastecimento dos aqüíferos e manutenção dos
recursos hídricos, pelo fato de a região se caracterizar como grande produtora agrícola. A
análise de fragilidade ambiental é uma proposta metodológica de análise empírica da
fragilidade de ambientes naturais e antropizados, como forma de subsídio para elaboração de
planejamento ambiental. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a fragilidade ambiental da bacia do Alto
do Rio Grande, no município de Nova Friburgo. Para isto foram avaliadas as condições naturais
da região (declividade, solo, litologia e pluviosidade) assim como as características de uso e
cobertura do solo, e gerados dois produtos: o mapa de fragilidade potencial, oriundo das
características naturais da região, e o mapa de fragilidade emergente, que coadunou o mapa de
fragilidade potencial com os tipos de uso e cobertura do solo. Foram detectadas a
predominância de grau de fragilidade potencial em baixa (23%), alta (23,1%) e média (37,5%),
com menores valores para a muito baixa (7,5%) e muito alta (8,7%). A predominância do grau
de fragilidade emergente se manteve baixa (21,1%), alta (25%) e média (46,7%), e se viu
diminuir os valores de muito alta (3,1%) e muito baixa (4%). Os resultados encontrados foram
condizentes com a realidade encontrada em campo e a aplicação da metodologia de análise de
fragilidade ambiental se demostrou poderosa ferramenta para o planejamento ambiental.
Porém, foi constatada a necessidade de base cartográfica, mapas e dados temáticos mais
detalhados para que a aplicação desta metodologia seja aprimoradaThe upper Rio Grande basin (292.4 km²) is located at the headwaters of Rio Grande, a tributary
of the Dois Rios river basin, which is a contributor to the right bank of the Paraíba do Sul River
basin. It is located on the leeward slope of the Serra do Mar, just after the interflow, being
important for the aquifer supply and maintenance of water resources, since the region is
characterized as a large agricultural producer. The analysis of environmental fragility is a
methodological proposal of empirical analysis of the fragility of natural and anthropized
environments, as a form of subsidizing the environmental planning process. This study aimed
to evaluate the environmental fragility of the Alto do Rio Grande basin in the municipality of
Nova Friburgo. The natural aspects of the region (slope, soil, lithology and rainfall) were
evaluated as well as land cover and use characteristics, and two products were generated: the
map of potential fragility, originating from the natural characteristics of the region, and the
map of emerging fragility, which related the map of potential fragility with the land cover and
use types. The prevalence of potential fragility was low (23%), high (23.1%) and medium
(37.5%), with lower values for very low (7.5%) and very high (8.7%). The predominance of
the emergent fragility degree remained low (21.1%), high (25%) and medium (46.7%), and the
values of very high (3.1%) and very low (4 %) also low. The results were consistent with the
reality found in the field and the application of the environmental fragility analysis
methodology proved to be a powerful tool for environmental planning. However, it was
verified the need for more detailed cartographic base, maps and thematic data in order to better
apply this methodolog
Technical contributions to territorial planning and the use of ecosystemic services in a hydrographic basin with a water deficit in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
The catchment basin of the Dois Rios River (R2R) (3159 km2) unites the climatic and environmental effects typical of areas located on the leeward side of mountain chains. It has a deficient water balance, with sparse and very specific wet areas. This study identifies delimitation areas, and characterizes and groups those basins and floodplains which show the greatest capacity for producing ecosystemic services related to maintaining the continuity of water resources in the R2R basin. Locations with higher pluviometric indices (1500 to 2800 mm/year) were selected and grouped into micro basins with the highest potential for capturing rainfall due to their being on the leeward side of the mountains in the region (with their slopes oriented to permit them to capture humidity and concave plane curvature). The 42 basins formed 4 groups, from which the 17 micro basins with the highest probability of providing ecosystemic services were chosen, belonging to Groups III and IV. Within these groups, the 498 floodplains with the highest potential for offering ecosystemic services (Group D) present the greatest capacity for water retention and sustainable effects (high average circularity index, higher altitudes and low occupation rates). The correct use of 0.0006% of the basin can guarantee the direct flow of the drainage for the entire basin. This strategy only requires renaturation measures, discipline with regard to the land uses and strict observance of the processes which generate ecosystemic services in the floodplains of these basins, resulting in relevant socio-environmental benefits for all socioeconomic segments within the R2R basin