38 research outputs found

    Quantitative trait analysis of the development of pulmonary tolerance to inhaled zinc oxide in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals may develop tolerance to the induction of adverse pulmonary effects following repeated exposures to inhaled toxicants. Previously, we demonstrated that genetic background plays an important role in the development of pulmonary tolerance to inhaled zinc oxide (ZnO) in inbred mouse strains, as assessed by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), macrophages, and total protein in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) phenotypes. The BALB/cByJ (CBy) and DBA/2J (D2) strains were identified as tolerant and non-tolerant, respectively. The present study was designed to identify candidate genes that control the development of pulmonary tolerance to inhaled ZnO. METHODS: Genome-wide linkage analyses were performed on a CByD2F2 mouse cohort phenotyped for BAL protein, PMNs, and macrophages following 5 consecutive days of exposure to 1.0 mg/m(3 )inhaled ZnO for 3 hours/day. A haplotype analysis was carried out to determine the contribution of each quantitative trait locus (QTL) and QTL combination to the overall BAL protein phenotype. Candidate genes were identified within each QTL interval using the positional candidate gene approach. RESULTS: A significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 1, as well as suggestive QTLs on chromosomes 4 and 5, for the BAL protein phenotype, was established. Suggestive QTLs for the BAL PMN and macrophage phenotypes were also identified on chromosomes 1 and 5, respectively. Analysis of specific haplotypes supports the combined effect of three QTLs in the overall protein phenotype. Toll-like receptor 5 (Tlr5) was identified as an interesting candidate gene within the significant QTL for BAL protein on chromosome 1. Wild-derived Tlr5-mutant MOLF/Ei mice were tolerant to BAL protein following repeated ZnO exposure. CONCLUSION: Genetic background is an important influence in the acquisition of pulmonary tolerance to BAL protein, PMNs, and macrophages following ZnO exposure. Promising candidate genes exist within the identified QTL intervals that would be good targets for additional studies, including Tlr5. The implications of tolerance to health risks in humans are numerous, and this study furthers the understanding of gene-environment interactions that are likely to be important factors from person-to-person in regulating the development of pulmonary tolerance to inhaled toxicants

    Fluxes of water, sediments, and biogeochemical compounds in salt marshes

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    Tidal oscillations systematically flood salt marshes, transporting water, sediments, organic matter, and biogeochemical elements such as silica. Here we present a review of recent studies on these fluxes and their effects on both ecosystem functioning and morphological evolution of salt marshes. We reexamine a simplified model for the computation of water fluxes in salt marshes that captures the asymmetry in discharge between flood and ebb. We discuss the role of storm conditions on sediment fluxes both in tidal channels and on the marsh platform. We present recent methods and field instruments for the measurement of fluxes of organic matter. These methods will provide long-term data sets with fine temporal resolution that will help scientists to close the carbon budget in salt marshes. Finally, the main processes controlling fluxes of biogenic and dissolved silica in salt marshes are explained, with particular emphasis on the uptake by marsh macrophytes and diatoms

    Ефект вичерпної аеробного, анаеробної і резистентної навантаження на серотонін, бета-ендорфін і BDNF у студентів

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    Предпосылки и цель исследования: спортивные упражнения играют важную роль во многих гормональных факторах, связанных с успехом человека. Таким образом, краткосрочные эффекты трех анаэробных, аэробных и резистентных упражнений (BDNF) и гормонов, связанных с успехом, таких как серотонин и бета-эндорфин, изучались у молодых людей в этом исследовании. Материалы и методы. Тридцать два студента (от 19 до 25 лет), которые не имели регулярной физической активности, были случайным образом разделены на четыре группы, после того, как испытуемые съели одинаковый завтрак, кровь была взята до и после различных коротких аэробные упражнения (Исчерпывающие упражнения с 70% максимальной частоты сердечных сокращений) и анаэробные (Исчерпывающие упражнения с максимальной интенсивностью) и упражнения с исчерпывающим сопротивлением (с 8 станциями). Контрольная группа не занималась какой-либо деятельностью. Для определения их значений использовались специальные наборы и метод ELISA. Данные анализировали с использованием метода ANOVA и ANCOVA на значительном уровне 5%. Результаты. Бета-эндорфины показали значительное увеличение резистентности в аэробных тренировках по сравнению с контрольной группой. Однако серотонин и BDNF имели значительное внутригрупповое изменение в аэробной группе. Выводы: Кажется, что аэробные упражнения - лучшая практика для увеличения некоторых гормонов, связанных с успехом.Background and Study Aim: Sport exercises play a major role in many hormonal factors which related to happiness in human. Therefore, the short-term effects of three anaerobic, aerobic and resistance exercises on (BDNF) and hormones related to happiness such as serotonin and beta-endorphin has been studied in young men in this research. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two students (19 to 25 years old) who did not have regular physical activity were randomly divided into four groups, after the subjects were eaten the same breakfast, the blood of them were taken before and after the various short aerobic exercises (Exhaustive exercise with 70% of maximum heart rate) and anaerobic (Exhaustive exercise with maximum intensity) and exhaustive resistance exercise (with 8 stations). Control group did not practice any activity. Specific kits and ELISA method have been used to determine their values. Data were analyzed using ANOVAand ANCOVA method at a significant level of 5%. Results: Beta-endorphins showed a significant increase in resistance and aerobic training sessions compared to control group. However, serotonin and BDNF had a significant intra-group change in the aerobic group. Conclusion: It seems that aerobic exercises are the best practice for increasing some of the hormones associated with happiness.Передумови та мета дослідження: спортивні вправи відіграють важливу роль у багатьох гормональних факторах, пов'язаних з успіхом людини. Таким чином, короткострокові ефекти трьох анаеробних, аеробних і резистентних вправ (BDNF) і гормонів, пов'язаних з успіхом, таких як серотонін і бета-ендорфін, вивчалися у молодих людей в цьому дослідженні. Матеріали та методи. Тридцять два студента (від 19 до 25 років), які не мали регулярної фізичної активності, були випадковим чином розділені на чотири групи, після того, як випробовувані з'їли однаковий сніданок, кров була взята до і після різних коротких аеробні вправи (Вичерпні вправи з 70 % максимальної частоти серцевих скорочень) і анаеробні (Вичерпні вправи з максимальною інтенсивністю) і вправи з вичерпним опором (з 8 станціями). Контрольна група не займалася будь-якою діяльністю. Для визначення їх значень використовувалися спеціальні набори і метод ELISA. Дані аналізували з використанням методу ANOVA і ANCOVA на значному рівні 5%. Результати. Бета-ендорфіни показали значне збільшення резистентності в аеробних тренуваннях в порівнянні з контрольною групою. Однак серотонін і BDNF мали значні внутрищньогрупові зміни в аеробній групі. Висновки: Здається, що аеробні вправи - краща практика для збільшення деяких гормонів, пов'язаних з успіхом

    Thigh-length compression stockings and DVT after stroke

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    Controversy exists as to whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy improves survival in patients with invasive bladder cancer, despite randomised controlled trials of more than 3000 patients. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effect of such treatment on survival in patients with this disease

    Grading of degenerative disk disease and functional impairment: imaging versus patho-anatomical findings

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    Degenerative instability affecting the functional spinal unit is discussed as a cause of symptoms. The value of imaging signs for assessing the resulting functional impairment is still unclear. To determine the relationship between slight degrees of degeneration and function, we performed a biomechanical study with 18 multisegmental (L2-S2) human lumbar cadaveric specimens. The multidirectional spinal deformation was measured during the continuous application of pure moments of flexion/extension, bilateral bending and rotation in a spine tester. The three flexibility parameters neutral zone, range of motion and neutral zone ratio were evaluated. Different grading systems were used: (1) antero-posterior and lateral radiographs (degenerative disk disease) (2) oblique radiographs (facet joint degeneration) (3) macroscopic and (4) microscopic evaluation. The most reliable correlation was between the grading of microscopic findings and the flexibility parameters; the imaging evaluation was not as informative