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    8969 research outputs found

    Análisis del uso del contrato de fiducia inmobiliaria como herramienta de acceso a el programa de vivienda de interés social y prioritario en el área metropolotina del departamento del Atlántico

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    El presente trabajo analizara de manera detallada el esquema fiduciario del departamento del Atlántico.Este modelo se ha aplicado en el sector vivienda con el ánimo de lograr equidad en el acceso a estas para los hogares mediante apoyos financieros complementarios para la adquisición de vivienda nueva. Esta investigacion pretende ampliar el conocimiento sobre la fiducia mercantil e inmobiliaria, porque, aunque es un método actualmente muy usado por nuestros gobernadores para el desarrollo de nuestra sociedad beneficiando a millones de personas, es importante conocer no solo las ventajas que ofrece este tipo de negocio sino también las desventajas que conlleva al fideicomitente. La investigación es de carácter cualitativo y se apoyará en fuentes bibliográficas y/o trabajos de investigación previos. Es importante establecer la eficacia y eficiencia del contrato fiduciario en el desarrollo inmobiliario del área metropolitana del Atlántico, es una herramienta valiosa para el acceso y financiamiento en programas de vivienda de interés social y prioritario.Por ello, abordaremos de una manera muy amplia no solo el negocio fiduciario en el programa de interés social y prioritario sino, su descripción, tipos de fiducia, historia fiduciaria, conceptos necesarios, su esquema etc., para entender de la manera menos compleja posible y fortalecer el conocimiento no solo de los fideicomitentes sino de cualquier persona que quiera acceder a este tipo de programas y/o negocio fiduciario.This paper will analyze in detail the fiduciary scheme of the department of Atlántico. This model has been applied in the housing sector with the aim of achieving equity in access to housing for households through complementary financial support for the acquisition of new housing. This research aims to expand the knowledge about commercial and real estate trust, because, although it is a method currently widely used by our governors for the development of our society benefiting millions of people, it is important to know not only the advantages offered by this type of business but also the disadvantages that it entails for the settlor. The research is qualitative in nature and will be based on bibliographic sources and/or previous research work.It is important to establish the effectiveness and efficiency of the trust agreement in the real estate development of the Atlantic metropolitan area, it is a valuable tool for access to and financing in housing programs of social interest and priority. For this reason, we will address in a very broad way not only the fiduciary business in the program of social and priority interest but also its description, types of fiduciary, fiduciary history, necessary concepts, its outline, understand in the least complex way possible and strengthen the knowledge not only of the settlors but of anyone who wants to access this type of programs and/or fiduciary business.Lista de tablas 6 -- Introducción 7 -- Planteamiento del problema 8 -- Pregunta de investigación 14 -- Objetivos 15 -- Objetivo General 15 -- Objetivos Específicos 15 – Justificación 16 -- Delimitación 18 -- Delimitación Espacial 18 -- Delimitación Temporal 18 -- Delimitación Científica 18 -- Paradigma de Investigación 18 -- Metodología 19 -- Corte de Investigación 19 -- Línea de investigación 20 -- Sublínea 20 -- Marco teórico 21 -- Fiducia 21 -- Fiducia Mercantil 21 -- Encargo Fiduciario 22 -- Fiducia Pública 22 -- Patrimonio Autónomo 23 -- Tipos de negocios fiduciarios 24 -- Fiducia de Inversión 24 -- Fiducia de Administración 24 -- Fiducia Inmobiliaria 25 -- Fiducia en Garantía 26 -- Fiducia con recursos del sistema general de seguridad social y otros relacionados 27 -- Actores en el contrato fiduciario 27 -- Programa de vivienda de interés social y prioritario 29 -- Marco histórico 33 -- Etimología y antecedentes históricos 33 -- Fiducia Romana 33 -- Fiducia Anglosajona 36 -- Fiducia Germana 38 -- Fiducia Latinoamérica 39 -- La fiducia en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano 41 -- Programa de vivienda de interés social y prioritario 42 -- Decreto 2190 de 2009 subsidios vivienda de interés social y prioritario 43 -- La fiducia en el área metropolitana del departamento del atlántico 44 -- Ley 1537 2012 46 -- Decreto 428 de 2015 49 -- Esquema fiduciario de acceso a el programa de vivienda de interés social y prioritario 52 -- Esquema Fiduciario Colombiano 52 -- Esquema Fiduciario en el Área Metropolitano 55 -- Datos de su uso en el Área Metropolitana 57 -- La fiducia en el programa vivienda para la gente en el departamento del Atlántico 61 -- Rol de los constructores 64 -- Funcionamiento del contrato 64 -- Administración y pagos 65 -- Funcionamiento del fideicomiso dentro del contrato 67 -- Comité fiduciario 67 -- Comité técnico 67 -- Comité Financiero 68 -- Identificación de las partes del contrato 68 -- Análisis de la fiducia inmobiliaria como herramienta de acceso a el programa de vivienda de interés social y prioritario 69 -- Aspectos convenientes 69 -- Aspectos positivos 69 -- Aspectos de riesgo 70 -- Aspectos frágiles 70 -- Recomendaciones 74 -- Conclusión 76 -- Referencias 79 --Abogado(a)Pregrad

    A framework for best organisational practices, from implementation to certification in quality management systems

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    Due to the high competitiveness companies face in occupying positions as world business leaders, they must develop strategies to improve their processes while implementing certification in quality management systems under the ISO 9001 standard. This paper is based on a systematic analysis of the requirements of the standard ISO 9001 and recognised methodologies worldwide in process improvements, such as lean manufacturing, business process reengineering, Lean Six Sigma, and business process management. In which a framework of best organisational practices was designed. Here it was possible to identify some activities of the certification processes that could be improved using this framework when implementing a management system, so that it can be used as a control concept to increase the probability of obtaining processes that promote quality from the implementation of the QMS

    Maintenance process analysis in a port cargo company through discrete event simulation

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    Cargo transfer is a key procedure in port businesses; nevertheless, the electromechanical equipment employed for maintenance should adhere to a set of standards to ensure its proper operation all the time, which may raise production costs. Because of this, every improvement that enables minimizing production losses and expenses over the short, medium, and long time is a decisive choice that companies should consider becoming sustainable. Under this policy, the maintenance process has assumed a significant role as an integral part of the manufacturing process and not only as a dependency of the company. In this study, proposals for improving a port company's maintenance procedure will be analyzed using the discrete event simulation technique. The findings at the task execution stage reveal delays or queues that have a direct impact on the overall time necessary to accomplish maintenance. The reason that the equipment in the locations is not available on time could be due to a lack of supplies or replacement parts required to finish the repair. This has a negative impact on the scheduled maintenance times. Additionally, the simulation results show that incorporating one person into the process improves reaction times. However, the final recommendation is that a future role or workload study should be carried out instead of hiring other employees and, if possible, redistributing workloads among the people who are part of the company

    Analysis of self-efficacy and attitude-mediated inclusivity in higher education: a case study on the Colombian North Coast

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    Inclusivity is a fundamental principle of education worldwide as it fosters the general well-being of students, educators, and other parties in the education sector. Moreover, inclusive education is a multidimensional phenomenon that many factors can influence. Thus, understanding the underlying interactions between those factors fostering inclusivity may help to inform decisions taken by the involved parties, such as education-related policymakers. This study examines the relationship between self-efficacy and the attitudes of higher education teachers toward inclusive education. We applied two psychometric survey-like instruments: the SelfEfficacy Scale for Inclusive Teaching Practices and the University and Disability Issues Scale. The study cohort comprised 68 higher education professors from universities in Barranquilla on the Colombian North Coast. We found that professors exhibiting favorable attitudes to adjusting the curricula, as well as higher sensitization and relationships with students in situations of disability, are prone to perceive higher self-efficacy and less extra burden arising from the tasks associated with inclusive education

    Medidas afirmativas en pensiones: pasos hacia la equidad de género

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    Las medidas afirmativas en pensiones buscan abordar las desigualdades de género en Colombia. Reducir las semanas de cotización para las mujeres es un paso significativo hacia la equidad y la justicia. Sin embargo, se deben considerar las preocupaciones sobre la sostenibilidad financiera y la resistencia a cambios estructurales. Estas medidas son cruciales para un sistema de pensiones más inclusivo y equitativo en Colombi

    Propuestas para disminuir la accidentalidad y el impacto económico asociado a las condiciones inseguras en máquinas blíster

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    En el presente proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer alternativas para disminuir la accidentalidad y el impacto económico asociado a las condiciones inseguras en máquinas blíster en empresa del sector farmacéutico, para lo cual se identificaron las principales condiciones inseguras y las causas de los accidentes de trabajo aplicando el modelo de causalidad de perdidas, reconocimiento de los costos ocultos que generan los accidentes de trabajo debido a las condiciones inseguras de los equipos de producción mediante el método de estimación de costos generados por los accidentes de trabajo para medir el impacto económico del problema con el propósito de establecer planes de intervención en los equipos de producción mediante un análisis técnico con el propósito asegurar la eficacia en el momento de que sean intervenidos. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que las máquinas de mayor impacto en la accidentalidad y severidad fueron la “BLISTER THL 100” y la “BLISTER II”, y que los “costos no asegurados” de 5 accidentes de trabajo entre los 58 accidentes ocurridos entre los Años 2018 a 2022, generaron aproximadamente una pérdida de 513,047,000 Pesos.In this research project, the objective was to propose intervention alternatives to reduce the accident rate and the economic impact associated with unsafe conditions in companies in the Pharmaceutical Sector, for which the main unsafe conditions and the causes of work accidents were identified. applying the causality model of losses, recognition of the hidden costs generated by accidents at work due to unsafe conditions of the production equipment through the method of estimation of costs generated by work accidents to measure the economic impact of the problem with the purpose of establishing intervention plans in the production teams through a technical analysis in order to ensure effectiveness at the time they are intervened. The results obtained show that the machines with the greatest impact on accidents and severity were the " BLISTER THL 100 " and the " BLISTER II ", and that the "Hidden costs" of 5 work accidents among the 58 accidents that occurred between the Years From 2018 to 2022, they generated approximately a loss of 513,047,000 pesos.Lista de Tablas y Figuras 8 -- Introducción 10 -- Planteamiento del problema 11 -- Gran Pregunta General 14 -- Preguntas Especificas 14 -- Objetivos 16 -- General 16 Específicos 16 – Justificación 17 -- Alcance 21-- Marcos de Referencias 22 -- Estado del Arte 22 -- Marco Teórico 29 -- Marco Normativo o Legal 33 -- Metodología. 37 -- Desarrollo 39 -- Identificación de condiciones inseguras generadoras de accidentes. 39 -- Reconocimiento de los costos no asegurados. 67 -- Plan de intervención en máquina blíster 72 -- Resultados y Conclusiones 82 -- Referencias 89 --Magíster en Gerencia en Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoMaestrí

    Junk food consumer profile and behavior: a case study on the colombian population

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    People's consumption patterns, alimentary security, and alimentary sovereignty are becoming increasingly relevant as the epidemics of different diseases exhibit comorbidity with overweightness and other junk food-fostered medical conditions. Thus, governments and health-monitoring organizations have proposed and promoted strategies to mitigate the future health consequences of low-nutritional value food intake. In this research, we propose a model-based methodology to assess the effects of discouraging junk food intake (via price rising) on the customers' consumption patterns, separating the population by socioeconomic level and analyzing their price elasticity curves. A simulation model in ARENA® recreates the junk food buying patterns after price rises for a user-defined restaurant/stall setting. Further, non-linear regression models fit the price elasticity curves (discriminated by socioeconomic level). The main contribution of this work is to discriminate the elasticity curves by income level and provide a non-linear approach to fit them. The outcomes indicate that the higher the customers’ income, the less susceptible they are to price changes, i.e., the less elastic the yielded curve is. Finally, future research could focus on assessing the effects of reducing prices on customers' buying behavior and discussing the health-related consequences of the observed outcomes

    Estrategias para gestionar el crecimiento de la infraestructura de recarga para vehículos eléctricos en Colombia

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    Colombia se encuentra atravesando grandes retos en tema de movilidad, investigaciones previas han identificado la falta infraestructura de estaciones de recarga como una de las principales limitantes en la transición del parque automotor, es por esto, que el presente proyecto pretende realizar un análisis a la temática de la infraestructura de recarga, asociada a las dificultades que afronta la introducción de los vehículos eléctricos en Colombia. Mediante un análisis al impacto económico, político, técnico y tecnológico que pueda tener el país, se busca identificar las variables críticas continuando con la tendencia en torno a la movilidad sostenible y crear oportunidades de gestión del conocimiento, basados en estudios de éxito, factibilidad energética, ambiental y económica. El objetivo principal del presente proyecto de investigación es analizar estrategias ya implementadas en otros países, y que aplicados en Colombia, permitan gestionar las variables que intervienen en la falta de infraestructura de estaciones de recarga, para ello, en el desarrollo de las actividades se aplicará inicialmente investigación bibliográfica se identificaran las variables, luego, mediante la metodología MICMAC junto con la metodología de selección de variables Backward se realizará la clasificación de las variables encontradas. Por último, se realizará un análisis donde se analizarán algunas estrategias para la gestión de las variables críticas asociadas con el desarrollo de la infraestructura de carga de vehículos eléctricos en el país.Colombia is going through great challenges in terms of mobility. Previous research has identified the lack of charging station infrastructure as one of the main limitations in the transition of the vehicle fleet. This is why this project aims to carry out an analysis of the issue. of the charging infrastructure, associated with the difficulties faced by the introduction of electric vehicles in Colombia. Through an analysis of the economic, political, technical and technological impact that the country may have, the aim is to identify critical variables continuing the trend around sustainable mobility and create opportunities for knowledge management, based on successful studies, energy feasibility, environmental and economic. The main objective of this research project is to analyze strategies already implemented in other countries, and that applied in Colombia, allow managing the variables that intervene in the lack of infrastructure of charging stations, for this, in the development of the activities will be applied . Initially, bibliographic research will identify the variables, then, using the MICMAC methodology together with the Backward variable selection methodology, the classification of the variables found will be carried out. Finally, an analysis will be carried out where some strategies for the management of critical variables associated with the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the country will be analyzed.Lista de Tablas y Figuras 10 -- Introducción 12 -- Capítulo I 15 -- Antecedentes 15 -- Planteamiento del problema 21 -- Justificación 25 -- Objetivos 28 -- Objetivo general 28 -- Objetivos específicos 28 -- Metodología de la investigación 29 -- Contribución esperada de la investigación 31 -- Capítulo II 34 -- Marco Conceptual 34 -- Marco Teórico 36 -- Marco Legal 45 -- Capítulo III 49 -- Descripción del objeto de estudio 49 -- Identificación de variables incidentes 50 -- Desafíos económicos 51 -- Costo total de propiedad 51 -- Mecanismo de financiamiento 51 -- Despliegue de infraestructura de carga 52 -- Recarga pública de vehículos eléctricos 53 -- Carga en el lugar de trabajo 54 -- Percepciones sociales y del consumidor 55 -- Seguridad y resiliencia 55 -- Limitaciones de rango reales vs percibidas 55 -- Escepticismo social 56 -- Diversidad de modelos 56 -- Costos de electricidad vs costos de gasolina 56 -- Imagen Verde de los vehículos eléctricos. 57 -- Conocimiento de los incentivos 57 -- Marco normativo y regulatorio 59 -- Políticas fiscales 59 -- Políticas más estrictas de economía de combustible. 60 -- Adquisición de flotas a gran escala. 61 -- Incentivos EV bien pensados. 61 -- Señalización normalizada para puntos de recarga. 61 -- Subsidios para residencias de unidades múltiples. 62 -- Mejorar las estructuras tarifarias de la electricidad. 62 -- Incentivos relacionados con el uso. 62 -- Aplicación del impuesto al carbono. 63 -- Presencia en línea del gobierno federal. 63 --Modelos Comerciales Innovadores 65 -- Modelos de negocios 65 -- Clasificación e Identificación de variables claves 67 -- Estrategias para la gestión de las variables identificadas 94 -- Aplicación del impuesto al carbono 94 -- Dinamarca 95 -- Finlandia 95 -- Francia 96 -- Noruega 97 -- Suecia 97 -- Colombia 98 -- Mecanismo de financiamiento 101 -- Alemania 102 -- Japón 103 -- Reino unido 103 -- Brasil 104 -- Chile 104 -- Argentina 105 -- Colombia 105 --Costos de electricidad vs costos de gasolina 108 -- China 109 -- Suecia 111 -- Países bajos 112 -- Alemania 114 -- Colombia 114 -- Modelos de negocio 116 -- Holanda 116 -- Francia 118 -- Alemania 120 -- Estados Unidos 122 --Colombia 123 -- Conclusión De Los Resultados Presentados 125 -- Impuesto al carbono 125 -- Mecanismos de Financiamiento Climático 126 -- Costos de electricidad Vs Costos de la gasolina 127 -- Modelos de Negocio 128 --Capítulo IV 129 -- Conclusiones 129 -- Recomendaciones 136 -- Referencias 138 -- Anexos 143 --Magíster en Eficiencia Energética y Energía RenovableMaestrí

    COVID-19 mortality and exposure to airborne PM2.5: a lag time correlation

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    COVID-19 has escalated into one of the most serious crises in the 21st Century. Given the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and its high mortality rate, here we investigate the impact and relationship of airborne PM2.5 to COVID-19 mortality. Previous studies have indicated that PM2.5 has a positive relationship with the spread of COVID-19. To gain insights into the delayed effect of PM2.5 concentration (μgm−3) on mortality, we focused on the role of PM2.5 in Wuhan City in China and COVID-19 during the period December 27, 2019 to April 7, 2020. We also considered the possible impact of various meteorological factors such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, atmospheric pressure and precipitation on pollutant levels. The results from the Pearson's correlation coefficient analyses reveal that the population exposed to higher levels of PM2.5 pollution are susceptible to COVID-19 mortality with a lag time of >18 days. By establishing a generalized additive model, the delayed effect of PM2.5 on the death toll of COVID-19 was verified. A negative correction was identified between temperature and number of COVID-19 deaths, whereas atmospheric pressure exhibits a positive correlation with deaths, both with a significant lag effect. The results from our study suggest that these epidemiological relationships may contribute to the understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide insights for public health strategies

    Pharmaceuticals as emerging pollutants: case naproxen an overview

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including naproxen (NP), diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc., are widely used for fever and pain relief. NP is one of the most widely consumed drugs in the world, because it is available over the counter in many countries. Many studies have proven that NP is not eliminated in conventional water treatment processes and its biodegradation in the environment is also difficult compared to other drugs. Along these lines, we are aware that both the original compound and its metabolites can be found in different destinations in the environment. To assess the environmental exposure and the risks associated with NP, it is important to understand better the environment where they finally reach, the behavior of its original compounds, its metabolites, and its transformation products. In this sense, the purpose of this review is to summarize the current state of knowledge about the introduction and behavior of NP in the environments they reach and highlight research needs and gaps. Likewise, we present the sources, environmental destinations, toxicology, environmental effects, and quantification methodologies


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