University of Valencia

Repositori d'Objectes Digitals per a l'Ensenyament la Recerca i la Cultura
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    60976 research outputs found

    Singular Time-Dependent Photoconductivity Response of MAPbI3 Samples Deposited by Vacuum Processing on Different Substrates

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    Organo-inorganic halide perovskites continue to generate enormous interest for their potential use in various optoelectronic devices. Among the different fabrication methods, vacuum thermal deposition allows uniform films over large areas, providing good material quality without using organic solvents. However, the influence of the substrate on the properties of the material deposited by vacuum processing is a point that deserves further investigation. Herein, time-dependent photoconductivity measurements are used to investigate the dynamics of charge carriers under illumination in planar films of CH3NH3PbI3. The samples are deposited by thermal sublimation on different substrates: PbI2, TaTm, C60, and glass. Experimentally, it is shown that the substrate has a profound effect on perovskite behavior and that photoconductivity is sensitive enough to probe these behaviors. Furthermore, a model based on Shockley-Read-Hall statistics is proposed, explaining the different photoconductivity responses by changing only the relative values of the different capture coefficients and the position of the Fermi level. It is argued that the substrate changes the stoichiometry of the evaporated material, affecting the transient photoconductivity response

    Factores de riesgo y modelo predictivo de recidiva precoz tras la resección hepática de metástasis de cáncer colorrectal

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    Introducción La recaída precoz de la enfermedad neoplásica tras la resección de metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal está asociada a un peor pronóstico: menor supervivencia global y menor proporción de rescates quirúrgicos comparados con las recaídas tardías. Objetivos Determinar los factores de riesgo de recidiva precoz tras la resección quirúrgica de metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal y desarrollar un modelo predictivo con machine learning que permita conocer la probabilidad de recaída precoz de las metástasis tras la cirugía, usando variables clínicas que conocemos preoperatoriamente. Material y métodos Se estudiaron los pacientes intervenidos de metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal en la Unidad de Cirugía hepatobiliopancreática y Trasplante hepático del Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe de Valencia, en el periodo de tiempo entre 2005 y 2018. Se incluyeron pacientes con recaída hepática, resecciones R1, resección combinada con ablación intraoperatoria y pacientes con enfermedad metastásica extrahepática. Se excluyeron pacientes con resecciones incompletas, las muertes posoperatorias y pacientes con menos de un año de seguimiento tras la cirugía. Se realizó un análisis univariante, y bivariante para establecer los factores de riesgo relacionados con la recidiva precoz. Se desarrolló un modelo predictivo con machine learning utilizando variables clínicas. Se comparó la capacidad predictiva con la regresión logística. Resultados Un total de 615 pacientes fueron estudiados. El porcentaje de recaída precoz (a los 12 meses de la cirugía hepática) fue del 38,2 % con una mediana de seguimiento de 33 meses (RIC 18-63 meses). Se identificaron 31 variables clínicas preoperatorias relacionadas con la recidiva precoz de manera significativa. Para la creación del modelo predictivo se dividieron los pacientes en grupo entrenamiento (80 %)y grupo test (20 %). Utilizando al análisis de componentes principales se establecieron cuatro grupos de pacientes con similares características clínicas y se creó un modelo predictivo diferente para cada uno de ellos, utilizando los algoritmos random forest, support vector machine y näive Bayes. El modelo predictivo final consta de 38 variables, tiene un AUC de 0,78 (IC 95 %: 0,75-0,81) y una exactitud del 73 %. Se creó un formulario web para la aplicación clínica, en el que tras introducir los valores de cada variable se obtiene la probabilidad de recaída, expresada en porcentaje, al año de la cirugía. Comparado con la regresión logística, el modelo creado tiene mayor capacidad de generalización. Conclusiones El modelo desarrollado con inteligencia artificial permite identificar los pacientes de alto riesgo de recidiva precoz tras la resección hepática de metástasis de cáncer colorrectal con una buena capacidad predictiva. Comparado con la regresión logística, el modelo creado tiene mejor capacidad de generalización

    Endoperiodontal lesions: diagnosis first, then treatment and not always tooth extraction: a cross-sectional survey in Spain and a proposal of a clinical treatment protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Endoperiodontal lesion (EPL) is defined as a pathological communication between pulpal and periodontal tissues. Currently, accurate diagnosis and treatment of this pathology are challenging. This study aims to identify the different endoperiodontal therapies to propose a clinical protocol to simplify and unify the criteria for EPL treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study through an electronic survey. This study matches STROBE guidelines. The anonymous questionnaire contained open-ended and close-ended questions and was distributed to dentistry professors of the UPV/EHU and different professionals from Spanish associations and scientific societies. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. RESULTS: A total of 128 responses were obtained, of which 120 were active professionals or had not been so for less than 5 years. The majority of professionals were women (65.6%) and from the Basque Country (63.9%). A total of 86.6% reported having complementary studies to a degree or a bachelor's degree. The treatments performed by these professionals were similar to those reported in the literature, which started with root canal treatment when there was an endodontic origin (91.5%), and with basic periodontal treatment when periodontal (51.3%). CONCLUSIONS: Considering the current scientific evidence and the clinical practice of professionals in the treatment of EPL, we designed a clinical protocol. This protocol needs validation in larger populations and with longer follow-ups. Key words:Clinical protocol, Dental pulp diseases, Periodontal diseases, Review, Surveys and questionnaires

    Effect of SO2 and steam on CO2 capture performance of biomass-templated calcium aluminate pellets

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    Four types of synthetic sorbents were developed for high-temperature post-combustion calcium looping CO2 capture using Longcal limestone. Pellets were prepared with: lime and cement (LC); lime and flour (LF); lime, cement and flour (LCF); and lime, cement and flour, doped with seawater (LCFSW). Flour was used as a templating material. All samples underwent 20 cycles in a TGA under two different calcination conditions. Moreover, the prepared sorbents were tested for 10 carbonation/calcination cycles in a 68-mm-internal-diameter bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) under three environments: with no sulphur and no steam; in the presence of sulfur; and with steam. When compared to limestone, all the synthetic sorbents exhibited enhanced CO2 capture performance in both a TGA and BFB, with the exception of the sample doped with seawater. In the BFB tests, the addition of cement binder during the pelletisation process resulted in the increase of CO2 capture capacity from 0.08 gCO2/gsorbent (LF) to 0.15 gCO2/gsorbent (LCF) by the 10th cycle. The CO2 uptake in the presence of SO2 dramatically declined by the 10th cycle; for example, from 0.22 gCO2/gsorbent to 0.05 gCO2/gsorbent in the case of the untemplated material (LC). However, as expected all samples showed improved performance in the presence of steam and the decay of reactivity during the cycles was less pronounced. Nevertheless, in the BFB environment, the templated pellets showed poorer CO2 capture performance. This is presumably because of material loss due to attrition under the FB conditions. Namely, by contrast, the templated materials performed better than untemplated materials under TGA conditions. This indicates that reduction in attrition is critical in the case of employment of templated materials in realistic systems with FB reactors

    Programa de apoyo social para la reincorporación post Covid-19 de atletas de iniciación deportiva

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    The research proposes a social support program for the reincorporation to sports practice post-COVID-19. For the sample selection, a convenience strategy was used, accessing 12 Rhythmic Gymnastics athletes from the Cienfuegos Sports Initiation School. To obtain the information, the qualitative questionnaire of social perception of COVID-19. The main results reveal a negative significance of the pandemic as an epidemiological phenomenon, from the reference point of its definition and consequences, the confrontation and protection measures, as well as the psychological discomforts experienced. Needs, fears and discomforts are expressed mainly around sports activity and study activity. The expressed demands for social support are based on actions of emotional, instrumental and informational social support. The program is structurally organized into three projects: mental health services, psychosocial accompaniment in the sports context and social support to the family. Main strategies are home social support, social support tele-groups, training, narrative method, group device and psychological counseling. It contains the planning of the evaluation and monitoring of the implementation and results

    How can agrifood businesses improve their performance? The role of digital transformation

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    Purpose - The aim of this paper is to analyse the moderating effect of digital transformation (DT) on the relationship between innovation capacity and the performance of agrifood businesses. Design/methodology/approach - Based on a structured questionnaire, data on 98 agrifood small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Spain were collected. The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling to test the proposed model and study the moderating effect of DT on the relationship between the innovation capacity and performance of agrifood businesses. Findings - The study finds support for the hypotheses and shows the existence of a direct positive relationship between the DT and performance of agrifood businesses. Developing new practices focussed on customer service and performing actions such as improving sales, promoting a new product or service and including a post-sales service influence the capacity of a business to undertake DT. Research limitations/implications - Future studies should include other factors in the analysis. For example, the impact of knowledge transfer and research and development (R&D) on agrifood businesses' performance should be studied. Education and training, as well as having a diverse network, can help develop and boost businesses' capacity to use and apply the required innovation. Networks play an important role in learning how to apply DT. Originality/value - This quantitative study is the first to examine the moderating effect of DT in the Spanish agrifood sector on the relationship between innovation capacity and performance. The study examines the role of the DT of companies and explores the competitiveness and efficiency tools that digitalisation offers. Innovation capacity is crucial for the application of these tools

    Las sustancias químicas invisibles que podrían afectar a la pubertad

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    Las sustancias químicas invisibles que podrían afectar a la puberta

    Dissociation between physical capacity and daily physical activity in COPD patients. A population-based approach

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    Badkground: Physical capacity (PC) and daily physical activity (PA) are two crucial factors in the clinical course of COPD, although they do not always maintain a close relationship. The objectives were to evaluate the frequency of PC-PA dissociation in patients with COPD and subjects without airflow limitation (AL) and to identify its risk factors. Methods: A sample of 319 COPD patients and 399 subjects without AL was consecutively obtained from a population-based sample of 9092 subjects evaluated in the EPISCAN II study. Baseline evaluation included clinical questionnaires, lung function testing, blood analysis and low-dose computed tomography (CT) scan with evaluation of lung density and airway wall thickness. A distance walked in 6 min > 70% predicted was considered an indicator of normal PC, while a Yale Physical Activity Survey summary index score <51 was used to identify with sedentary lifestyle. Results: 166 COPD patients (52.0%) reported a sedentary lifestyle with evidence of preserved PC, while this phenomenon was present in 188 (47.1%) subjects without AL. In the COPD group, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, depression and elevated hematocrit and blood eosinophil count were identified as independent risk factors for PC-PA dissociation. In turn, in the subjects without AL, the risk factors for PC-PA dissociation were low fat-free mass, obesity and anxiety, as well as reduced levels of HDL-cholesterol and the absence of osteoporosis. Conclusions: Almost half of COPD patients and subjects without airflow limitation with preserved PC maintain a sedentary lifestyle, with different risk factors for sedentarism between both groups

    Reseña de Francisco Moreno Fernández (2015). La maravillosa historia del español. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes/Espasa Libros

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    Reseña de Francisco Moreno Fernández (2015). La maravillosa historia del español. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes/Espasa Libros

    Anterior scleral profile in Keratoconus

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    Purpose: Considering that peripheral corneal thinning occurs in keratoconus (KC), the 14 anterior scleral thickness (AST) profile was measured to compare thickness variations in healthy 15 and KC eyes across several meridians. Methods: This cross-sectional case-control study comprised 16 111 eyes of 111 patients, 61 KC eyes and 50 age- and axial length-matched healthy eyes. The AST 17 was explored at three scleral eccentricities (1, 2 and 3 mm from the scleral spur) across four scleral 18 zones (nasal, temporal, superior and inferior) using swept-source optical coherence tomography. 19 The AST variations among eccentricity, scleral regions within and between groups were investi- 20 gated. Results: AST significantly varied with scleral eccentricity in healthy eyes over temporal 21 (p=0.009) whereas in KC eyes over the nasal (p=0.001), temporal (p=0.029) and inferior (p=0.006) 22 meridians. The thinnest point in both groups was 2 mm posterior to scleral spur (p0.05). The inferior-superior 26 thickness asymmetry was different at 2mm between groups (p=0.009), specifically with subclinical 27 KC (p=0.03). There is a trend where the asymmetry increases not significantly with KC degree 28 (p>0.05). Conclusions: KC eyes presented significant thickness variations among eccentricity over 29 the paracentral sclera. Although AST profiles not differed between groups, the inferior-superior 30 asymmetry difference demonstrated scleral changes over the vertical meridian in KC that need fur- 31 ther investigations. 32 Keywords: Anterior scleral thic


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